1 Will, with a trumpet, 'twixt our tents and Troy, 131 Ajax. O, meaning you :---I'll go learn more of it. [Exeunt. SCENE II. Troy. PRIAM's Palace. Enter PRIAM, HECTOR, Pri. After so many hours, lives, speeches spent, As far as toucheth my particular, yet, There is no lady of more softer bowels, 140 Surety Surety secure; but modest doubt is call'd Since the first sword was drawn about this question, Troi. Fie, fie, my brother! So great as our dread father, in a scale The past-proportion of his infinite? And buckle-in a waist most fathomless, With spans and inches so diminutive As fears and reasons? fie, for godly shamel 160 Hel. No marvel, though you bite so sharp at reasons, You are so empty of them. Should not our father Bear the great sway of his affairs with reasons, Because your speech hath none, that tells him so ? 170 Troi. You are for dreams and slumbers, brother priest, You fur your gloves with reason. Here are your reasons: You know, an enemy intends you harm; You know, a sword employ'd is perilous, Eiij And And reason flies the object of all harm : And fly like chidden Mercury from Jove, 180 Or like a star dis-orb'd? -Nay, if we talk of reason, Let's shut our gates, and sleep: Manhood and honour Should have hare hearts, would they but fat their thoughts With this cramm'd reason: reason and respect Hect. Brother, she is not worth what she doth cost The holding. Troi. What is aught, but as 'tis valu'd? It holds his estimate and dignity 190 As well wherein 'tis precious of itself, As in the prizer: 'tis mad idolatry, To what infectiously itself affects, Troi. I take to-day a wife, and my election Is led on in the conduct of my will; 200 We We turn not back the silks upon the merchant, When we have soil'd them; nor the remainder viands 1 We do not throw in unrespective sieve, 210 Because we now are full. It was thought meet, ness Wrinkles Apollo's, and makes pale the morning. If you'll avouch, 'twas wisdom Paris went (As you must needs, for you all cry'd Go, go), If you'll confess, he brought home noble prize, (As you must needs, for you all clapp'd your hands, 220 And cry'd-Inestimable 1) why do you now The issue of your proper wisdoms rate; And do a deed that fortune never did, Beggar the estimation which you priz'd Richer than sea and land? O theft most base; 230 Cas. Cas. [Within.] Cry, Trojans, ery ! Troi. 'Tis our mad sister, I do know her voice. Cas. [Within.] Cry, Trojans! Hect. It is Cassandra. Enter CASSANDRA, raving. Cas. Cry, Trojans, cry! lend me ter thousand eyes, And I will fill them with prophetic tears. Heft. Peace, sister, peace. 240 Cas. Virgins and boys, mid-age and wrinkled elders, Soft infancy, that nothing canst but cry, Cry, cry, Troy burns, or else let Helen go. [Exit. strains Of divination in our sister work Some touches of remorse? or is your blood So madly hot, that no discourse of reason, Can qualify the same ? Troi. Why, brother Hector, We may not think the justness of each act 250 Such |