| John Dryden - 1760 - 488 lehte
...None but the brave, None but the brave deferves the fair. AN O'DE ON ST. CECILI A's DAY. 283 CHORUS. Happy, happy, happy pair ! None but the brave, • None but the brave, -, . None but the brave deferves the fair. , II. Timotheus, plac'd on high Amid the tuneful quirej With flying fingers... | |
| John Dryden - 1760 - 528 lehte
...lovely Thais, by his fide, Sate like a bloomirfg Eaftern bride In flower of youth and beauty's pride. Happy, happy, happy pair ! None but the brave, None but the brave, None but the brave deferves the fair. CHORUS. Happy r, happy, happy pair ! None but the brave, None but the brave,... | |
| 1764 - 202 lehte
...in the repetition of the word bappy, and the fentence None but the brave in the following paflage, * Happy, happy, happy pair! None but the brave, none but the brave, None but the brave deferves the fair. And again, what can be more moving than that of fall'n, He fung Darius great... | |
| John Dryden - 1767 - 384 lehte
...lovely Thais, by his fide, Sate like a blooming Ea'tern bride In flower of youth and beauty's pride. Happy, happy, happy pair ! None but the brave, None but the brave, None but the brave deferves the fair. CHORUS. Happy, happy, huffy fair! None but the brave, None but the brave,... | |
| Oliver Goldsmith - 1767 - 294 lehte
...Thais by his fide, Sate like a blooming eaftern bride, In flower of youth and beauty's pride. Happy Happy, happy, happy pair! None but the brave, None but the brave, None but the brave deferve the fair,' CHORUS. Happy, happy, happy pair ! None but the brave, None but the brave,... | |
| Samuel Johnson - 1779 - 328 lehte
...lovely Thais, by his fide, Sate like a blooming Eaftern bride In flower of youth and beauty's pride. Happy, happy, happy pair ! None but the brave, None but the brave, None but the brave defences the fair. CHORUS. Haypy, bappy, happy pair ! None but the brave, None but the bra<ve,... | |
| Samuel Johnson - 1779 - 616 lehte
...pair ! None but the brave, None but the brave, None but the brave deferves the fair. CH OR US, Haypy, happy, happy pair! None but the brave, None but the brave, None but the brave deferves the fair. II. Timotheus, plac'd on high Amid the tuneful quire, With flying fingers... | |
| 1781 - 510 lehte
...lovely Thai's by his fide, Sat like a blooming Eaftern bride, In flow'r of youth and beauty's pride, Happy, happy, happy pair ! None but the brave, None but the brave, None but the brave deferves the fair. » 'II . ^ Timotheus, plac'd on fughi. Amid the tuneful quire, With flying... | |
| John Dryden - 1771 - 252 lehte
...lovely Thais by his fide, Sate like a blooming eafteiri bride ID flow'r of youth, anj beauty's (iride. Happy, happy, happy pair ! None but the brave None but the brave None but the brave dcferves the fair. CHORUS. Happy, happy, happy jpair! None but (he brave None but the brave,... | |
| William Enfield - 1785 - 462 lehte
...lovely Thais by his fide Sat, like a blooming eaftern bride, in flow'r of youth and beauty's pride. Happy, happy, happy pair; None but the brave, . None but the brave, None but the brave defervcs the fair. Timotheus plac'd on high Amid the tuneful quire, With flying fingers touch'd... | |
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