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Alexander v. Angle, i. 243 a. ii. 307 b. | Amor v. Cuthbert, i. 207. 207 c.

v. Barker, i. 195 e.

[blocks in formation]

v. Lane, i. 102. 265. v. Macauley, ii. 150 d.

ii. 47 t.

v. Mawman, i. 291 m. ii. 209c.
v. Southey, ii. 47 7.

Aleworth v. Roberts, ii. 44 f. 45.
Alford v. Tatnel, ii. 148.

v. Vickery i. 276 b. 276 f. Alington v. Yearker, i. 117. Alivon v. Furnival, i. 340 c.

Allan v. Gomme, i. 300 e. ii. 175 l.
v. Heber, ii. 8 h.

Allanson v. Butler, i. 35.
Alleis v. Probyn, ii. 150 a.
Allen v. Ayre, ii. 377 ƒ.

v. Cameron, i. 320 e.
v. Cannamore, ii. 150 b.
v. Chamming, ii. 5 a.

v. Dundas, i. 275 a. ii. 149.

v. Griffiths, i. 74 b.

v. Miller, ii. 107 a.

v. Nash, ii. 422 d.

v. Robinson, ii. 61 d. 61 f.
v. Shaw, ii. 101 u.

v. Sugrue, ii. 203 h.

v. Vinter, i. 35.

v. Walter, ii. 43 a. 43 b.

q. t. v. Kirton, hundred of, ii. 378.

Allenby v. Proudlock, i. 327 g.
Allens v. Andrews, ii. 72 dd.
Allice v. Gale, ii. 72 r. 72 bb.
Allingham v. Flower, i. 35 b.
Allison v. Haydon, i. 309 a.

378 a.

All Souls' College v. Codrington, i. 278. v. Tamworth, i. 187. Allwood v. Henckell, ii. 103 i.

Allwoway v. Hill, ii. 107 a.

Alner v. George, i. 325.

Alsager v. Close, ii. 47 n. 47 p. v. Currie, ii. 207 b.

v. Spalding, ii. 137 k.

Alsept v. Eyles, i. 35, 35 b. 37.

Alston v. Buscough, i. 228.

v. Mills, i. 300 g.

v. Scales, i. 322 e.
v. Underhill, ii. 2. 61 c.

Amand v. Jersey, ii. 8f.
Amcots v. Amcots, ii. 210 i.
Amery v. Rogers, ii. 203 d.
Amey v. Long, i. 228 b.

Amory v. Broderick, i. 33 c. 286 a.
Anderson v. Anderson, ii. 44 c.

v. Chapman, i. 28.
v. Coxeter, i. 327 d.
v. Fuller, i. 327 f.
v. Hampton, i. 35 c.
v. Hayman, i. 211 b.
v. Martindale, i. 154.
v. Pitcher, ii. 201 a.

v. Royal Exch. Assur. Co.,
ii. 202 g. 203 i.

v. Sanderson, ii. 64 d.
v. Shaw, i. 33 f. ii. 336 b.

v. Thomas, i. 318 a.

v. Thornton, ii. 291 e. 415b.

v. Wallis, ii. 203 i.

Andrew v. Lewkner, hundred of, ii. 377. v. Fearse, ii. 418 a.

Andrew's case, i. 322 a. ii. 72 b. 158 h. Andrews v. Blake, ii. 107 a.

v. Clerke, i. 67 b.

v. Cromwell, ii. 45 m. 101.

v. Delahay, i. 286. ii. 210 b.

v. Harper, ii. 72 z.

v. Marris, i. 28 a.

v. Palmer, ii. 133 g. v. Smith, i. 211 c. Anfield v. Feverhill, i. 131 c. Angell v. Angell, ii. 45 m. Anger v. Wilkins, ii. 171 e. Angerstein v. Bell, ii. 201 h. Annen v. Woodman, ii. 201 b. Ansell v. Evans, i. 327 c.

v. Robson, i. 241.

v. Smith, i. 28.

298. ii. 101 hh.

v. Waterhouse, i. 291 f. Anson v. Jeffreson, ii. 43 b. Anstey v. Marden, i. 211 e. Anstruther v. Chalmer, i. 275. Anthony v. Rees, ii. 11 c. Apothecary's Co. v. Allen, i. 309 a. v. Collins, i. 309 a. v. Greenough, i. 309 a. v. Greenwood, i. 309 a. v. Harrison, ii. 101 7. v. Roby, i. 309 a. - v. Warburton, ib.

Appesley v. Ive, ii. 71 d.
Appleton v. Doily, ii. 305 c.
v. Stoughton, i. 312f.
Archbold v. Smith, ii. 101w. 101 z.
Archer's case, ii. 381 a. 382. 383a.
Archer v. Dudley, i. 195 h.

v. English, i. 33 m.

Archer v. Hale, i. 195 k.

v. Marsh, ii. 156 a. v. Owen, i. 327 e. Ard and Smith's case, ii. 42 a. Arden v. Connell, ii. 107 a.

— v. Pullen, ii. 422 b. Arkwright v. Gell, ii. 114 b. 175 f. Arlett v. Ellis, i. 353 b. 353 c. Arlington v. Merricke, i. 117. ii. 414 a. 415. 415 b.

Armet v. Innes, ii. 201 g. 201 h.
Armfield v. Burgin, i. 33 i.
Armitage v. Rigby, ii. 72 a. 72 z.
Armory v. Delamirie, ii. 47g.
Armstrong v. Lewis, i. 309 c.
v. Marshall, i. 327 e.
v. Wholesey, i. 278e.

Arnold v. Arnold, ii. 5 b. 171 c.
v. Jefferson, ii. 47 e.

v. Johnson, i. 195 e.

v. Mayor of Poole, i. 340. ii. 137i.
v. Webb, ii. 127.

Arnsby v. Woodward, i. 287 e.
Arran, Countess, v. Crispe,

117 a.

i. ii. 84 d. Arthur v. Bokenham, i. 277 e. 277 g. 278 e. 278 f. Arundel, Corporation of, v. Bowman, i. 14. 24. Aschcomb v. Elthorn (hundred), ii. 376 a. Ascue and Hollinsworth's case, i. 291 a. — v. Fuljambe, ii. 70. 148.

v. Sanderson, i. 14. 27. 28. Ashbee v. Pidduck, ii. 48 6. Ashby v. Harris, i. 286. v. James, ii. 127 d.

v. White, ii. 101 c.

Ashcroft v. Bourne, i. 263 a.
Ashe v. Doughty, i. 117 b.
Ashley v. Ashley, i. 186, 186 a.
Ashmead v. Ranger, i. 322 d. 323.
Ashmore v. Hardy, ii. 284 b.
v. Rypley, i. 291.

Ashpole's case, ii. 376 e.

[blocks in formation]

Astmal v. Astmal, ii. 44 a.
Aston v. George, ii. 133 f.

v. Whitenall, ii. 235 a. Astry v. Ballard, ii. 259 a. Atherton v. Hole, ii. 47.

-V. Pye, i. 185 b. 185 c. Athill v. Corbet, i. 84. Atkey v. Heard, ii. 47 y. Atkins v. Banwell, ii. 137 e. v. Davis, ii. 423 e.

v. Hill, ii. 137 d.

v. Owen, ii. 47 n.
v. Tredgold, ii. 64 g.
v. Walcot, i. 206.

Atkinson v. Anderson, ii. 300 i. v. Baker, i. 261.

[blocks in formation]

346 a. 346 e.

v. Raleigh, i. 229 a. V. Teasdale, i. 346. v. Warne, i. 28. Atlee v. Backhouse, ii. 137 i. Attersol v. Stevens, ii. 259 d. Attersoll v. Briant, ii. 47 k. Atthill v. Atthill, i. 346ƒ. Attorney General v. Aldersey, i. 219 h. v. Andrew, ii. 70 f. v. Bright, ii. 388 m. v. Buckeridge, i. 235 a. v. Donaldson, i. 347 c. v. Dowding, i. 278 b. v. Downing, i. 278 b. v. Farnham, i. 339 a. v. Gauntlett, i. 346. 353 c.

v. Gill, ii. 388 a.
v. Ruper, ii. 47 e.
v. Rye, mayor of, i.
340 b.

v. Scot, ii. 11 b. 46 b.

v. Sewell, ii. 70 e.
v. Vigor, i. 277f. 278f.
278 h. 319b.

[blocks in formation]

Aubert v. Maze, ii. 137 h.
Aubrey v. Bridgewater, ii. 42 0.
Audley v. Pollard, i. 319 i. 319 k.
Augero v. Keen, ii. 415 b.
Auriol v. Smith, ii. 293 b.
Austen v. Bewley, i. 210 c.
v. Craven, ii. 47 t.

v. Howard, i. 195 h.
Austerbury v. Morgan, i. 58 a.
Austin's case, ii. 159 b.
Austin v. Bennet, ii. 168 a.

v. Culpeper, i. 247 a.
v. Debnam, i. 230 a.
v. Howard, i. 195 h.
v. Pigot, i. 142.

Auworth v. Johnson, i. 323 d.
Avery v. White, i. 66.
Awdeley's case, i. 319k.
Axford v. Perrett, i. 195 l.
Aylett's case, i. 248 a.

Aylett v. Lowe, ii. 210 b. 344.
Ayling v. Whicher, ii. 47 q.
Aylmer v. Hide, i. 1 a.

Ayloffe v. Scrimpshire, ii. 47 ff. 48.

48 b. 103 b.

Aylor v. Chep, i. 183 a.

Aynsley v. Wordsworth, i. 277. Ayre v. Aden, ii. 47 b. 344 a.

v. Craven, ii. 307 b. v. Lenthall, ii. 101 e. Ayres v. Huntingdon, ii. 9 d.


Baber v. Harris, i. 322 b.
Bach v. Meats, ii. 284 b.

v. Owen, i. 33 b.

Bache v. Proctor, i. 65 a. Bachelor v. Ellis, ii. 71 a. 101 g. v. Vyse, ii. 47 bb.

Bacheloure v. Gage, i. 240 a. 241 c. 274.
Backwell v. Bardue, i. 216.

Bacon v. Ashton, i. 290.
v. Dubarry, i. 327.
v. Peck, ii. 68 d. 68 f.
v. Smith, ii. 252. 252 b.

Baddeley v. Shafto, ii. 71 b.
Bade v. Starkey, ii. 212 b. 213.
Badger v. Ford, i. 349 a. 353 c.
v. Lloyd, i. 152.

Bage v. Bromuel, ii. 117 f.
Bagshaw v. Spencer, ii. 11 e. 11 f.
Bailey v.

v. Appleyard, i. 269 a. ii. 175g.
175 h.

[blocks in formation]

Bailey v. Ekins, ii. 8f.

v. Hantler, ii. 2 b. Baillie v. Kell, i. 23 b. 28. Baily v. Taylor, i. 103. Bain v. Cooper, i. 9 a. Bainbridge v. Ashburton, i. 277 g v. Firmstone, ii. 137 i. v. Nelson, ii. 203 i.

Baker v. Bache, ii. 171 a.

v. Bulstrode, ii. 101 e. 101 7.
v. Daniel, ii. 45 f.

v. Dening, i. 280 b.
v. Dewey, i. 325.
v. Edwards, ii. 291 e.
v. Garratt, i. 195 i.
v. Gostling, ii. 418 e.
v. Gough, ii. 209 a.
v. Grenhill, ii. 158 ƒ.
v. Holtzaffell, ii. 422 b.
v. Keen, ii. 137 g.
v. Lade, i. 195 g.

v. Newman, ii. 336 e.

ii. 97. 97 e. 101 dd. 287.

v. Ridgway, ii. 148 b.

Baldwin v. Cole, ii. 47 m. 47 0.

v. Elphinston, i. 132 a. 132 b. v. Morgan, ii. 71 d.

v. Noaks, ii. 168 b. Bale v. Hodgetts, ii. 107 a. Bales v. Wingfield, ii. 47 ff. Ball v. Blackwood, ii. 61 k.

v. Cobus, i. 309 c. 312. v. Cullimore, i. 276 b. - v. Hamlet, i. 288 k. v. Peake, ii. 352. v. Rowe, i. 300 i. v. Russel, ii. 72.

[ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Balls v. Westwood, i. 217 a. ii. 418 b.
Bally v. Wells, i. 288 e. ii. 304, 305.
Balme v. Hutton, ii. 47 cc.
Bamford v. Baron, ii. 47 b.
Bampton v. Paulin, i. 211 e.
Bane's case, i. 210b.
Banfill v. Leigh, i. 9. 9b.
Banker's case, ii. 101 b.
Banks v. Angell, ii. 285 a. 320.
v. Parker, i. 247. ii. 295 e.

[blocks in formation]

Barber v. Barber, ii. 127 f.

v. Dennis, ii. 47 q.

v. Fletcher, ii. 201.

Barr v. Satchwell, ii. 72 y.

Barrack v. Newton, i. 23 a.

Barraclough v. Johnson, ii. 175 m.

v. Fox, i. 210 c. 211 e. ii. 137 e. Barratt v. Collins, ii. 117. 117 b.

v. Giles, ii. 131.

v. Lloyd, ii. 52 c.

v. Pomroy, i. 286 a.

Barclay's case, i. 363 a.

Barclay v. Cousins, ii. 203.

v. Lucas, ii. 414 a.

v. Stirling, ii. 201 k. 203 g. Barcock v. Thompson, ii. 71 d. 72 z. 72 bb. 72 cc. 72 ee.

Bardons v. Selby, ii. 295 c.
Barford v. Stuckey, i. 154.
Bargrave v. Atkins, ii. 293 a.
Barham's case, i. 243 a.
Baring v. Christie, ii. 101 ff.
Barjeau v. Walmsley, ii. 137 h.
Barker v. Borne, ii. 7 d.

v. Braham, i. 75.

v. Damer, i. 238. 240, 241 d.
241 e.
v. Greenwood, ii. 11 c. 11 d.
11 e. 11 g.

v. Keat, ii. 97 c.
v. Lade, i. 236. 236 ƒ.
v. Parker, ii. 414 a. 415.
v. Richardson, ii. 175 i.
v. Stubbs, i. 291 l.

v. Warren, ii. 5 d.

Barlow v. Rhodes, i. 323 b. ii. 401 a.
Barnaby v. Sanderson, ii. 101 y.

v. Saunderson, ii. 101 y.

Barnard v. Berger, ii. 61 i.

v. Duthy, i. 28 b. 286 a.
v. Godscall, i. 240 a.
v. Guy, ii. 101 s.
v. King, ii. 133.
v. Moss, i. 318.

Barnardiston v. Chapman, i. 291 m. ii.

Barneficld v. Hutchins, ii. 101 c. Barnes v. Butcher, i. 28.

v. Constantine, ii. 308.

v. Crowe, i. 278 b. 278 c.

v. Gladman, i. 97.

v. Greenwell, i. 33.

v. Headley, i. 295 b. v. Hunt, i. 300 f. 300 g. v. Whiteman, i. 195 e. Barnett v. Craw, ii. 68. Barns v. Eyles, i. 39.

v. Hughes, i. 312 a. Baron v. Berkely, i. 219 b. 219 d. v. Husband, i. 210 b.



Barrell v. Trussell, i. 211 a.
Barret v. Fletcher, i. 103.

- v. Trotman, ii. 11 h.
v. Wilson, i. 327 e.
Barrett v. Barrett, ii. 259.
Barrington v. Turner, i. 84.
Barrow v. Barrow, i. 280 e.
v. Bell, ii. 202 g.
v. Llewellin, i. 132.
v. Poile, ii. 148 a.
Barry v. Arnaud, i. 312 c.
v. Barry, ii. 71 e.

v. Goodman, i. 234 a. v. Robinson, i. 217. Barrymore v. Taylor, i. 67 c. Barsdale v. Drew, ii. 72 d. Bartelot v. Burton, ii. 2 e. Bartholomew v. Dighton, ii. 212 a. 213. Bartlett v. Bartlett, i. 195 h. v. Pentland, ii. 200. Barton v. Aldeworth, ii. 61 f. v. Fitzgerald, i. 60.

v. Glover, i. 58 c.

v. Webb, ii. 411

v. Williams, ii. 47 p.

Barwell v. Adkins, i. 243 e.
Barwicke v. Gybson, i. 235.

Basan v. Arnold, i. 269 b. ii. 207 b.
Baskerville v. Agbridge, hundred of, ii.
375. 375 a.
Baskett v. Barnard, ii. 101 l.
Baspole's case, i. 32 a. 324. 327.
Bass v. Hickford, i. 246.
Basset v. Maynard, ii. 47 f.

v. Mitchell, i. 299 b. 299 c.
v. Salter, i. 35.

Bastard v. Hancock, i. 291 g. ii. 117 c.
Basten v. Butter, ii. 150 b.

v. Carew, i. 263 a.

Batchelor v. Ellis, ii. 71. 101 g.

Batchelour v. Gage, i. 240 a. 241 c. 274. Bateman v. Allen, ii. 180 a.

v. Dunn, ii. 68 a.

v. Phillips, i. 9 d. 211.
v. Pinder, ii. 64 h. 64 k.
v. Woodcock, ii. 5 d.

Bates v. Cooke, ii. 133 b. 133 g.
v. Grabbam, ii. 200 a.
v. Jenkinson, ii. 1 e.
v. Pilling, i. 75.

v. Winstanley, ii. 423 e. Bateson v. Green, i. 353 b.

Batson v. Spearman, i. 33 b. Bath, Earl of, v. Abney, i. 147.

v. Bradford, Earl of, ii. 8 f. 72 gg.

Bathurst's case, i. 217 d.
Batt v. Bradley, i. 300 f.
Batterbee v. Davis, i. 33 e.
Battersby v. Kirk, ii. 121 a.
Battey v. Trevillion, i. 286.
Battley v. Faulkner, ii. 63 e.
Baxter v. Grey, i. 269 b.
v. Hozier, ii. 127.

v. Peach, ii. 6 b. 71 d.

v. Taylor, i. 322 e. ii. 175 m.

Bayley v. Ashton, ii. 64 k.

v. Homan, ii. 137 l.
v. Hughes, i. 201.

Baylis v. Hayward, ii. 72 dd.
v. Lawrence, i. 248.
v. Manning, ii. 45 f.

Bayly v. Bunning, i. 219 g.
v. Taylor, i. 103 b.

Baynes v. Brewster, i. 228 b. v. Forrest, ii. 72 y.

Baynham v. Matthews, i. 103 b. 103 c.

Baynon v. Batley, i. 274.

Beach v. Turner, i. 312.

Beaumont v. Dean, ii. 44 e.

Beavan v. Delahay, i..288 a. ii. 284 e. Beavor v. Partridge, ii. 388 o. Beawfage's case, i. 161. ii. 60. 61 f. Beck v. Rebow, ii. 259 a.

v. Sargent, ii. 133 a. 133 g.

v. Welsh, ii. 42 p. Beckford v. Parnecott, i. 278. v. Welby, ii. 61 g.

Beckham v. Drake, i. 291 e.

v. Knight, i. 291 e. ii. 101 e.

Beckwith v. Wood, ii. 377 e.

Bedell's case, ii. 97.

Bedell v. Lull, i. 22. 207 e. ii. 27.

Bedford, Duke of, v. Alcock, ii. 117 c. v. Emmet, ii. 114 ƒ.

Bedford's, Earl of, case, i. 347 d.

Bedford, Mayor of, v. Fox, i. 312 c. Bedingfield's case, i. 260 a. ii. 44 b.

Bedo v. Piper, ii. 194.

Beecher's case, ii. 46 c. 101 x. 191.
Beecher v. Shirley, i. 207.
Beed v. Blandford, i. 269 d.
Beely v. Purry, i. 233 b. 241 f.
Bees v. Williams, i. 236 e.
Beesley v. Dolley, i. 33 k. ii. 291.

Beadsworth v. Torkington, i. 345. 346 g. Begnis v. Armistead, i. 309 c.

Beake v. Kent, i. 334.

Beal v. Simpson, i. 23. 298 a.

v. Web, i. 140 a.

Beale v. Moore, i. 300 b.

v. Nind, ii. 64 a.

-v. Sanders, i. 276 a. 323 d. Bealey v. Shaw, ii. 114 a. 175 c. Bealy v. Greenslade, ii. 64 k. v. Sampson, ii. 61 f. Beamond v. Long, ii. 72 m. Beamont's case, i. 334. Bean v. Stupart, ii. 201.

Beany v. Turner, i. 320 a.

Beard v. Beard, i. 280 a.

v. Wescott, ii. 388 f.

Beardmore v. Rattenbury, ii. 2 a.

Beare v. Beacher, ii. 101 h.

Bearecroft v. Burnham, hundred of, ii.

376 d.

Bearpark v. Hutchinson, i. 261.

Beasley v. Clarke, ii. 175 f.

Beathem v. Terry, ii. 202 b. Beatson v. Haworth, ii. 201 g. Beau v. Bloom, i. 346. ii. 117 e. Beauchamp v. Crofts, i. 131 c. Beauclerck v. Dormer, ii. 388 m. Beaufort, Duke of, v. Welch, i. 33. Beaumont's case, i. 334.

Belasyse v. Hester, i. 285. Belay's case, ii. 387 a.

Belcher v. Sikes, i. 60 a.

44 d.

Belfour v. Weston, ii. 422 a. 422 b.

Belk v. Broadbent, i. 91 a. 300 i.

Bell and others, exparte, ii. 137 h.
Bell v. Ansley, ii. 203.

v. Bolton, i. 329 a. 334.

v. Byrne, i. 121 a.

v. Carstairs, ii. 201.

V. Gillson, ii. 201 c. 201 d.

v. Hodson, ii. 201 k.

v. Jacobs, ii. 101 ii.

v. Potts, ii. 101 gg.
v. Stone, i. 247 d.

v. Taylor, ii. 61 l.

v. Tuckett, ii. 295 c. 319.
v. Twentyman, i. 322 e.

v. Wardell, ii. 5 c.

Bellamy's case, i. 9. 234.

Bellasis v. Burbrick, i. 202 a. 203. ii. 415 a.

v. Ebsworth, ii. 415 a.
v. Hanford, ii. 72 e.

Bellew v. Aylmer, ii. 72 ff. 101 w.
v. Scott, i. 341 a. ii. 101 aa.
Belshaw v. Marshall, ii. 101 i.
Benbridge v. Day, ii. 379 a.

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