Reports of Cases RELATING TO COMMERCE, MANUFACTURES, &c. &c. DETERMINED IN THE COURTS OF COMMON LAW, AT NISI PRIUS AND IN BANC, IN 1828-1829. WITH PRACTICAL NOTES. BY F. M. DANSON, ESQ., AND J. H. LLOYD, ESQ. OF THE INNER TEMPLE, BARRISTERS AT LAW. VOL. I. LONDON: PRINTED BY A. STRAHAN, LAW-PRINTER TO THE KING'S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY; FOR SAUNDERS AND BENNING, MOTHE PREFACE. THE design of the work now offered to the Mercantile Public, and to the Profession, is to present, in a simple and compendious form, a Series of Decisions at Common Law on questions which, both in number and importance, now occupy the chief place in the business of the Courts. The proposed advantages are these: that Cases scattered indiscriminately through a great number of Reports are here brought under one view; that much of the cumbrous detail of facts, which serve rather to embarrass than assist the judgment, is retrenched; that, unless in cases of novelty or peculiar importance, the arguments at the bar are condensed into what seemed to be their substance and effect; and that, in the Notes and Commentary accompanying the Text, an attempt is made to bring out the legal principle, and explain the application of it to the case under consideration; occasionally, on some interesting subject, to illustrate the progress of opinion by an historical deduction of the cases; and sometimes, with deference, to point out what seemed to be a departure |