AND FORMS OF PROCEEDING OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS OF CANADA. Adopted by The House, in the First Session of the First OTTAWA: RULES, ORDERS, AND FORMS OF PROCEEDING OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS OF CANADA. I.-REGULATION AND MANAGEMENT OF THE 1. The Time for the Ordinary Meeting of Time of The House is at Three o'clock in the after- Meeting. noon of each sitting day, and if at that hour there be not a Quoruin, Mr. Speaker may take the Chair and adjourn. When The House rises on Friday, it shall stand adjourned, unless otherwise ordered, until the following Monday. 2. If at the hour of Six o'clock, p.m., the Evening Business of the Day be not concluded, Mr. Sittings. Speaker shall leave the Chair until half-past Seven. 3. When the House adjourns, the Mem- Order in bers shall keep their seats until The Speaker adjourn has left the chair. [By ments. Quorum. No Quo rum. Conduct of [By the 48th section of the Imperial Act, 30 Victoria, Chapter 3, "The British North America Act, 1867," it is provided, that the presence of at least Twenty Members of The House, including The Speaker, shall be necessary to constitute a meeting of the said House for the exercise of its powers.] 4. Whenever The Speaker shall adjourn The House for want of a Quorum, the time of the adjournment, and the names of the Members then present, shall be inserted in the Journal. 5. Any Stranger admitted into any part Strangers, of the House or Gallery, who shall misconduct himself, or shall not withdraw when Strangers are directed to withdraw, while The House, or any Committee of the whole House, is sitting, shall be taken into custody by the Sergeant-at-Arms; and no person so taken into custody is to be discharged without the special order of The House. Withdrawal of Strangers. 6. Any member may require The House to be cleared of Strangers; and The Speaker shall immediately give directions to the Sergeant-at-Arms to execute the order, without debate. BlackRod. 7. When the Sergeant-at-Arms shall announce that the Usher of the Black Rod is at the door, The Speaker shall take the Chair whether there be a quorum present or not. the House. 8. The Speaker shall preserve Order and Order in Decorum, and shall decide Questions of Order, subject to an appeal to the House: in explaining a point of Order or practice, he shall state the Rule or authority applicable to the case. 9. The Speaker shall not take part in any Speaker Debate before the House. In case of an not to debate, and equality of Votes, Mr. Speaker gives a Cast- when to ing Voice, and any reasons stated by him are entered in the Journal. (See Imperial Act, 30 Victoria, c. 3, s. 49.) vote. II. RULES OF DEBATE. 10. Every Member desiring to speak is to Members rise in his place, uncovered, and address speaking. himself to Mr. Speaker. 11. When two or more Members rise to Two or moreMem speak, Mr. Speaker calls upon the Member bers rising who first rose in his place; but a motion together. may be made that any Member who has risen "be now heard," or "do now speak." 12. A Member called to Order shall sit Order in down, but may afterwards House, if appealed to, shall case, but without debate. appeal, the decision of the final. explain. The Debate. |