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on until the sunk portions of crust build up from the bottom a sufficiently closeribbed skeleton or frame to allow fresh incrustations to remain, bridging across the now small areas of lava pools or lakes.

"In the honeycombed solid and liquid mass thus formed there must be a continual tendency for the liquid, in consequence of its less specific gravity, to work its way up; whether by masses of solid falling from the roofs of vesicles or tunnels and causing earthquake-shocks, or by the roof breaking quite through when very thin, so as to cause two such hollows to unite or the liquid of any of them to flow out freely over the outer surface of the earth, or by gradual subsidence of the solid owing to the thermodynamic melting which portions of it under intense stress must experience, according to my brother's theory. The results which must follow from this tendency seem sufficiently great and various to account for all that we learn from geological evidence of earthquakes, of upheavals and subsidences of solid, and of eruptions of melted rock."*

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Leaving altogether now the hypothesis of a hollow shell filled with liquid, we must still face the question, how much does the earth, solid throughout, except small cavities or vesicles filled with liquid, yield to the deforming (or tide-generating) influences of sun and moon? This question can only be answered by observation. A single infinitely accurate spirit-level or plummet far enough away from the sea to be not sensibly affected by the attraction of the rising and falling water would enable us to find the answer. Observe by level or plummet the changes of direction of apparent gravity relatively to an object rigidly connected with the earth, and compare these changes with what they would be were the earth perfectly rigid, according to the known masses and distances of sun and moon. The discrepance, if any is found, would show distortion of the earth, and would afford data for determining the dimensions of the elliptic spheroid into which a non-rotating globular mass of the same dimensions and elasticity as the earth would be distorted by centrifugal force if set in rotation, or by tide-generating influences of sun or moon. The effect on the plumb-line of the lunar tide-generating influence is to deflect it towards or from the point of the horizon nearest to the moon, according as the moon is above or below the horizon. The effect is zero when the moon is on the horizon or overhead, and is greatest in either direction when the moon is 45° above or below the horizon. When this greatest value is reached, the plummet is drawn from its mean position through a space equal to of the length of the thread. No ordinary plummet or spirit-level could give any perceptible indication whatever of this effect; and to measure its amount it would be necessary to be able to observe angles as small as of the radian, or about ". Siemens's beautiful hydrostatical multiplying level may probably supply the means for doing this. Otherwise at present no apparatus exists within small compass by which it could be done. A submerged water-pipe of considerable length, say 12 kilometres, with its two ends turned up and open, might answer. Suppose, for example, the tube to lie north and south, and its two ends to open into two small cisterns, one of them, the southern for example, of half a decimetre diameter (to escape disturbance from capillary attraction), and the other of two or three decimetres diameter (so as to throw nearly the whole rise and fall into the smaller cistern). For simplicity, suppose the time of observation to be when the moon's declination is zero. The water in the smaller or southern cistern will rise from its lowest position to its highest position while the moon is rising to maximum altitude, and fall again after the moon crosses the meridian till she sets; and it will rise and fall again through the same range from moonset to moonrise. If the earth were perfectly rigid, and if the locality is in latitude 45°, the rise and fall would be half a millimetre on each side of the mean level, or a little short of half a millimetre if the place is within 10° north or south of latitude 45°. If the air were so absolutely quiescent during the observations as to give no varying differential pressure on the two water-surfaces to the amount of millimetre of water or of mer cury, the observation would be satisfactorily practicable, as it would not be difficult

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*"Secular Cooling of the Earth," Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, 1862 (W. Thomson), and Thomson and Tait's 'Natural Philosophy,' §§ (ee), (ƒƒ).


by aid of a microscope to observe the rise and fall of the water in the smaller cistern to of a millimetre; but no such quiescence of the atmosphere could be expected at any time; and it is probable that the variations of the water-level due to difference of the barometric pressure at the two ends would, in all ordinary weather, quite overpower the small effect of the lunar tide-generating motive. If, however, the two cisterns, instead of being open to the atmosphere, were connected air-tightly by a return-pipe with no water in it, it is probable that the observation might be successfully made: but Siemens's level or some other apparatus on a similarly small scale would probably be preferable to any elaborate method of obtaining the result by aid of very long pipes laid in the ground; and I have only called your attention to such an ideal method as leading up to the natural phenomenon of tides.

Tides in an open canal or lake of 12 kilometres length would be of just the amount which we have estimated for the cisterns connected by submerged pipe ; but would be enormously more disturbed by wind and variations of atmospheric pressure. A canal or lake of 240 kilometres length in a proper direction and in a suitable locality would give but 10 millimetres rise and fall at each end, an effect which might probably be analyzed out of the much greater disturbance produced by wind and differences of barometric pressure; but no open liquid level short of the ingens æquor, the ocean, will probably be found so well adapted as it for measuring the absolute value of the disturbance produced on terrestrial gravity by the lunar and solar tide-generating motive. But observations of the diurnal and semidiurnal tides in the ocean do not (as they would on smaller and quicker levels) suffice for this purpose, because their amounts differ enormously from the equilibrium-values on account of the smallness of their periods in comparison with the periods of any of the grave enough modes of free vibration of the ocean as a whole. On the other hand, the lunar fortnightly declinational and the lunar monthly elliptic and the solar semiannual and annual elliptic tides have their periods so long that their amounts must certainly be very approximately equal to the equilibrium-values. But there are large annual and semiannual changes of sea-level, probably both differential (on account of wind and differences of barometric pressure and differences of temperature of the water) and absolute, depending on rainfall and the melting away of snow and return evaporation, which altogether swamp the small semiannual and annual tides due to the sun's attraction. Happily, however, for our object there is no meteorological or other disturbing cause which produces periodic changes of sea-level in either the fortnightly declinational or the monthly elliptic period; and the lunar gravitational tides in these periods are therefore to be carefully investigated in order that we may obtain the answer to the interesting question, how much does the earth as an elastic spheroid yield to the tide-generating influence of sun or moon? Hitherto in the British-Association Committee's reductions of Tidal Observations we have not succeeded in obtaining any trustworthy indications of either of these tides. The St.-George's pier landing-stage pontoon, unhappily chosen for the Liverpool tide-gauge, cannot be trusted for such a delicate investigation: the available funds for calculation were expended before the long-period tides for Hilbre Island could be attacked, and three years of Kurrachee gave our only approach to a result. Comparisons of this with an indication of a result of calculations on West Hartlepool tides, conducted with the assistance of a grant from the Royal Society, seem to show possibly no sensible yielding, or perhaps more probably some degree of yielding, of the earth's figure. The absence from all the results of any indication of a 18-6 yearly tide (according to the same law as the other long-period tides) is not easily explained without assuming or admitting a considerable degree of yielding.

Closely connected with the question of the earth's rigidity, and of as great scientific interest and of even greater practical moment, is the question, How nearly accurate is the earth as a timekeeper? and another of, at all events, equal scientific interest, How about the permanence of the earth's axis of rotation?

Peters and Maxwell, about 35 and 25 years ago, separately raised the question, How much does the earth's axis of rotation deviate from being a principal axis of inertia and pointed out that an answer to this question is to be obtained by looking for a variation in latitude of any or every place on the earth's surface in a 1876.


period of 306 days. The model before you illustrates the travelling round of the instantaneous axis relatively to the earth in an approximately circular cone whose axis is the principal axis of inertia, and relatively to space in a cone round a fixed axis. In the model the former of these cones, fixed relatively to the earth, rolls internally on the latter, supposed to be fixed in space. Peters gave a minute investigation of observations at Pulkova in the years 1841-42, which seem to indicate at that time a deviation amounting to about" of the axis of rotation from the principal axis. Maxwell, from Greenwich observations of the years 1851-54, found seeming indications of a very slight deviation, something less than half a second, but differing altogether in phase from that which the deviation indicated by Peters, if real and permanent, would have produced at Maxwell's later time. On my begging Professor Newcomb to take up the subject, he kindly did so at once, and undertook to analyze a series of observations suitable for the purpose which had been made in the United-States Naval Observatory, Washington. A few weeks later I received from him a letter referring me to a paper by Dr. Nysen, of Pulkova Observatory, in which a similar negative conclusion as to constancy of magnitude or direction in the deviation sought for is arrived at from several series of the Pulkova observations between the years 1842 and 1872, and containing the following statement of his conclusions:

The investigation of the ten-month period of latitude from the Washington prime vertical observations from 1862 to 1867 is completed, indicating a coefficient too small to be measured with certainty. The declinations with this instrument are subject to an annual period which made it necessary to discuss those of each month separately. As the series extended through a full five years, each month thus fell on five nearly equidistant points of the period. If x and y represent the coordinates of the axis of instantaneous rotation on June 30, 1864, then the observations of the separate months give the following values of x and y :—


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Accepting these results as real, they would indicate a radius of rotation of the instantaneous axis amounting, at the earth's surface, to 5 feet and a longitude of the point in which this axis intersects the earth's surface near the North Pole, such that on July 11, 1864, it was 180° from Washington, or 103° east of Greenwich. The excess of the coefficient over its probable error is so slight that this result cannot be accepted as any thing more than a consequence of the unavoidable errors of observation."

From the discordant character of these results we must not, however, infer that the deviations indicated by Peters, Maxwell, and Newcomb are unreal. On the contrary, any that fall within the limits of probable error of the observations ought properly to be regarded as real. There is, in fact, a vera causa in the temporary changes of sea-level due to meteorological causes, chiefly winds, and to meltings of ice in the polar regions and return evaporations, which seems amply sufficient to account for irregular deviations of from "to" of the earth's instantaneous axis from the axis of maximum inertia, or, as I ought rather to say, of the axis of maximum inertia from the instantaneous axis.

As for geological upheavals and subsidences, if on a very large scale of area,

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they must produce, on the period and axis of the earth's rotation, effects comparable with those produced by changes of sea-level equal to them in vertical amount. For simplicity, calculating as if the earth were of equal density throughout, I find that an upheaval of all the earth's surface in north latitude and east longitude and south latitude and west longitude with equal depression in the other two quarters, amounting at greatest to ten centimetres, and graduating regularly from the points of maximum elevation to the points of maximum depression in the middles of the four quarters, would shift the earth's axis of maximum moment of inertia through 1" on the north side towards the meridian of 90° W. longitude, and on the south side towards the meridian of 90° E. longitude. If such a change were to take place suddenly, the earth's instantaneous axis would experience a sudden shifting of but " (which we may neglect), and then, relatively to the earth, would commence travelling, in a period of 306 days, round the fresh axis of maximum moment of inertia. The sea would be set into vibration, one ocean up and another down through a few centimetres, like water in a bath set aswing. The period of these vibrations would be from 12 to 24 hours, or at most a day or two; their subsidence would probably be so rapid that after at most a few months they would become insensible. Then a regular 306-days period tide of 11 centimetres from lowest to highest would be to be observed, with gradually diminishing amount from century to century, as through the dissipation of energy produced by this tide the instantaneous axis of the earth is gradually brought into coincidence with the fresh axis of maximum moment of inertia. If we multiply these figures by 3600, we find what would be the result of a similar sudden upheaval and subsidence of the earth to the extent of 360 metres above and below previous levels. It is not impossible that in the very early ages of geological history such an action as this, and the consequent 400-metres tide producing a succession of deluges every 306 days for many years, may have taken place; but it seems more probable that even in the most ancient times of geological history the great worldwide changes, such as the upheavals of the continents and subsidences of the oceanbeds from the general level of their supposed molten origin, took place gradually through the thermodynamic melting of solids and the squeezing out of liquid lava from the interior, to which I have already referred. A slow distortion of the earth as a whole would never produce any great angular separation between the instantaneous axis and axis of maximum moment of inertia for the time being. Considering, then, the great facts of the Himalayas and Andes, and Africa and the depths of the Atlantic, and America and the depths of the Pacific, and Australia, and considering further the ellipticity of the equatorial section of the sea-level estimated by Capt. Clarke at about of the mean ellipticity of meridional sections of the sea-level, we need no brush from the comet's tail (a wholly chimerical cause which can never have been put forward seriously except in ignorance of elementary dynamical principles) to account for a change in the earth's axis; we need no violent convulsion producing a sudden distortion on a great scale, with change of the axis of maximum moment of inertia followed by gigantic deluges; and we may not merely admit, but assert as highly probable, that the axis of maximum inertia and axis of rotation, always very near one another, may have been in ancient times very far from their present geographical position, and may have gradually shifted through 10, 20, 30, 40, or more degrees without at any time any perceptible sudden disturbance of either land or water.

Lastly, as to variations in the earth's rotational period. You all no doubt know how, in 1853, Adams discovered a correction to be needed in the theoretical calculation with which Laplace followed up his brilliant discovery of the dynamical explanation of an apparent acceleration of the moon's mean motion shown by records of ancient eclipses, and how he found that when his correction was applied the dynamical theory of the moon's motion accounted for only about half of the observed apparent acceleration, and how Delaunay in 1866 verified Adams's result and suggested that the explanation may be a retardation of the earth's rotation by tidal friction. The conclusion is that, since the 19th of March, 721 B.C., a day on which an eclipse of the moon was seen in Babylon, commencing "when one hour after her rising was fully passed," the earth has lost rather more than



of her rotational velocity, or, as a timekeeper, is going slower by 111 seconds per annum now than then. According to this rate of retardation, if uniform, the earth at the end of a century would, as a timekeeper, be found 22 seconds behind a perfect clock, rated and set to agree with her at the beginning of the century. Newcomb's subsequent investigations in the lunar theory have on the whole tended to confirm this result; but they have also brought to light some remarkable apparent irregularities in the moon's motion, which, if real, refuse to be accounted for by the gravitational theory without the influence of some unseen body or bodies passing near enough to the moon to influence her mean motion. This hypothesis Newcomb considers not so probable as that the apparent irregularities of the moon are not real, and are to be accounted for by irregularities in the earth's rotational velocity. If this is the true explanation, it seems that the earth was going slow from 1850 to 1862, so much as to have got behind by seven seconds in these twelve years, and then to have begun going faster again so as to gain eight seconds from 1862 to 1872. So great an irregularity as this would require somewhat greater changes of sea-level, but not many times greater than the British Association Committee's reductions of tidal observations for several places in different parts of the world allow us to admit to have possibly taken place. The assumption of a fluid interior, which Newcomb suggests, and the flow of a large mass of the fluid "from equatorial regions to a position nearer the axis," is not, from what I have said to you, admissible as a probable explanation of the remarkable acceleration of rotational velocity which seems to have taken place about 1862; but happily it is not necessary. A settlement of 14 centimetres in the equatorial regions, with corresponding rise of 28 centimetres at the poles (which is so slight as to be absolutely undiscoverable in astronomical observatories, and which would involve no change of sea-level absolutely disproved by reductions of tidal observations hitherto made), would suffice. Such settlements must occur from time to time; and a settlement of the amount suggested might result from the diminution of centrifugal force due to 150 or 200 centuries' tidal retardation of the earth's rotational speed.


Sur les Mouvements apériodiques des Systèmes de Points Matériels.

A short communication referring to a system of points subject to their mutual action and to that of fixed exterior points.

Sur les Systèmes de Sphères et les Systèmes de Droites.

Cette communication avait pour objet d'exposer une méthode pour transformer les congruences (systèmes doublement infinis) de droites, contenues dans un complexe linéaire donné, de manière qu'à chaque droite de la congruence corresponde un point d'une surface, et vice-versa. La méthode résulte de la combinaison des transformations de l'espace à trois dimensions, exposées par l'auteur dans les 'Annali di Matematica (série 2o, tome 5o), avec la transformation, donnée par MM. Noether et Lie, d'un complexe linéaire en l'espace ordinaire (point-espace). Suivant cette transformation, les plans de l'espace correspondent aux congruences linéaires du complexe donné qui contiennent une droite fixe; et aux autres congruences linéaires du même complexe correspondent les sphères de l'espace ordinaire. La méthode exposée dans la communication donne toutes les transformations d'un complexe linéaire en l'espace ordinaire, telles qu'aux congruences linéaires contenant une droite fixe correspondent des surfaces d'un ordre donné. En particulier, on obtient toutes les congruences (non-linéaires, contenues dans le complexe donné) qui sont susceptibles d'être représentées sur un plan, de manière que chaque droite de la congruence ait pour image un point déterminé du plan et que, vice-versa,

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