THE CHALLENGE. A COURT BALLAD. To the Tune of "To all you Ladies now at Land," &c. I. To one fair lady out of court, And two fair ladies in, Who think the Turk* and Popet a sport, And wit and love no sin; Come, these soft lines, with nothing stiff in, To Bellenden, Lepell, and Griffin. With a fa, la, la. II. What passes in the dark third row, III. Then why to courts should I repair, 1 NOTES. 2 The Author. Ulrick, the little Turk. To hear 'em rail at honest Sunderland, With a fa, la, la. IV. Alas! like Schutz I cannot pun, Like Grafton court the Germans ; Like Meadows run to sermons; V. In truth, by what I can discern, With a fa, la, la. VI. At Leicester-Fields, a house full high, Where ribands wave upon the tie, There may you meet us three to three, With a fa, la, la. * Ireland. THE THREE GENTLE SHEPHERDS. Or gentle Philips will I ever sing, With gentle Philips shall the valleys ring. My numbers too for ever will I vary, With gentle Budgell, and with gentle Carey. Or if in ranging of the names I judge ill, With gentle Carey and with gentle Budgell, Oh! may all gentle bards together place ye, Men of good hearts, and men of delicacy. May satire ne'er befool ye, or beknave ye, And from all wits that have a knack, God save ye, MR. POPE'S WELCOME FROM GREECE. A Copy of Verses, written by MR. GAY upon MR. POPE'S having finished his Translation of HOMER'S ILIAD. I. LONG hast thou, friend! been absent from thy soil, I have been witness of thy six years' toil, II. Did I not see thee when thou first sett'st sail And oft lift up thy holy eye and hand, III. Cheer up, my friend, thy dangers now are o'er; 5 10 15 20 |