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Occafioned by the Death of

Mr. P O PE.

Infcribed to


By J. BROWN, A. M.



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F the End and Efficacy of Satire. The Love of

Rules for the Conduct of Satire. Juftice and Truth
its chief and effential Property, ver. 169. Prudence in
the Application of Wit and Ridicule, whose Province is,
not to explore unknown, but to enforce known Truths,
ver 191. Proper Subjects of Satire are the Manners of
prefent Times, ver. 239. Decency of Expreffion recom-
mended, ver. 255. The different Methods in which Folly
and Vice ought to be chaftifed, ver. 269. The Variety of
Style and Manner which these two Subjects require, ver.
277. The Praife of Virtue may be admitted with Pro-
priety, ver. 315. Caution with regard ti Panegyric,
ver. 329. The Dignity of true Satire, ver. 341.

[blocks in formation]

The Hiftory of Satire. Roman Satirifts, Lucilius,
Horace, Perfius, Juvenal, ver. 357, etc. Causes of
the Decay of Literature, particularly of Satire, ver. 389.
Revival of Satire, ver. 401. Erafmus one of its prin-
cipal Reftorers, ver. 405. Donne, ver. 411. The Ab-
ufe of Satire in England, during the licentious reign of
Charles II. ver. 415. Dryden, ver. 429. The true
Ends of Satire purfued by Boileau in France, ver. 439-
and by Mr. Pope in England, ver. 445.

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