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Gen. THERIDION, Walck.

Theridion familiare, Cambr. List Brit. and Ir. Spid.,

p. 20.

This pretty little species was rather abundant in July, 1901, in the angles of windows and doorways of out-houses at Bloxworth Rectory, both sexes adult and immature. In some seasons it is

very scarce.

Gen. EURYOPIS, Menge.

Euryopis flavomaculata, C. L. Koch-Cambr. List Brit. and Ir. Spid., p. 23.

An adult male found at Loch Rannoch, Scotland, by Mr. H. Donisthorpe in 1901.

Gen. LASEOLA, Sim.

Laseola inornata, Cambr. List Brit. and Ir. Spid., p. 23. An adult male found by Mr. F. P. Smith at Loughton, Essex, in 1901.

Gen. LINYPHIA, Latr. (ad partem).

Linyphia furtiva, Cambr. List Brit. and Ir. Spid., p. 27. For the first time for some years past I found adult females among heather on Bloxworth Heath, June 19th, 1900.


Leptyphantes Mengii, Kulcz.-Cambr. List Brit. and Ir. Spid.,

p. 20.

An adult male found at Haltwhistle, near Carlisle, by the Rev. J. E. Hull.

Leptyphantes tenebricola, Wid.-Cambr. List Brit. and Ir. Spid.,

p. 29.

An adult of each sex received from Mr. W. Evans, by whom they were found at Penicuick, Scotland, in 1901.


Porrhomma inerrans, Cambr. List Brit. and Ir. Spid., p. 31. Received from Mr. F. P. Smith, by whom it was found at St. Leonard's, Sussex, in May, 1900.

Porrhomma oblongum, Cambr. List Brit. and Ir. Spid.,

P. 31.

Adults of both sexes among grass and other herbage at Bloxworth in June, 1900.

Porrhomma egeria, Sim.-Cambr.

p. 31.

List Brit. and Ir. Spid.,

An adult female received from the Rev. J. E. Hull, by whom it was found in the Isle of Wight.

Gen. HILAIRA, Sim.

Hilaira excisa, Cambr. List Brit. and Ir. Spid., p. 32. Adults of both sexes found near Glamorgan and sent to me by Dr. A. R. Jackson in 1901. Among them was a remarkable bi-sexual form. One of the palpi was that of the male spider, the other that of the female; the form of the caput was that of the male, and the abdomen was of the male form. I have seen a somewhat similar form in an exotic spider, but never before among the many thousands of British spiders I have had

occasion to examine.

Gen. TMETICUS, Menge.

Tmeticus affinis, Bl.-Cambr. List Brit. and Ir. Spid, p. 34.

(Fig. 1.)

An adult female was found in Lingay Fen, Cambridgeshire, by Mr. Nigel Pearce and sent to me by Mr. Cecil Warburton in


Tmeticus arcanus, Cambr. List Brit. and Ir. Spid., p. 34.

An adult male from near Glamorgan found by Dr. A. R. Jackson in 1901.

Tmeticus Hardii, Bl.-Cambr. List Brit. and Ir. Spid, p. 33. An adult male sent to me by Mr. William Evans from Elvanfoot and Leadhills, Scotland, in 1900.

Tmeticus montigena, L. Koch-Cambr. List B. and Ir. Spid., P. 33.

Adult males and an adult female from Lanarkshire in October, 1900, found by Mr. W. Evans.

Gen. MICRONETA, Menge.

Microneta conigera, Cambr. List Brit. and Ir. Spid., p. 35. • Adult males found at Southport, Lancashire, by Mr. C. Warburton in 1900, and females from Dr. A. R. Jackson near Glamorgan in 1901.

Microneta cauta, sp. n.

(Fig. 2. For description see p. 31.)

Adults of both sexes, allied to M. conigera, Cambr., found near Glamorgan in 1901 by Dr. A. R. Jackson.

Microneta sublimis, Cambr. List Brit. and Ir. Spid., p. 36.

Adults of both sexes received from Mr. W. Evans, by whom they were found at Elvan-foot and Lead Hills, Scotland, in 1900. Microneta saxatilis, Bl.-Cambr. List Brit. and Ir. Spid, p. 36. Numerous examples of both sexes received from Dr. A. R. Jackson, found in 1901 near Glamorgan.

Gen. SINTULA, Sim.

Sintula fausta, Cambr. List Brit. and Ir. Spid., p. 37. An adult male found by Dr. A. R. Jackson near Glamorgan in 1901. This is the second record only of the species.

Gen. SUSARION, Cambr.

Susarion neglectum, Cambr. List Brit. and Ir. Spid., p. 38. Adult females were received from near Huddersfield, where they were found and kindly sent to me by Mr. W. Falconer, in September, 1901.


Gongylidium tuberosum, Bl.-Cambr. List Brit. and Ir. Spid., p. 38.

Numerous examples were received from Dr. A. R. Jackson, by whom they were found in 1901 near Glamorgan.

Gongylidium gibbosum, Bl.-Cambr. List Brit. and Ir. Spid., p. 38. Found abundantly in company with G. tuberosum, Bl. Numbers of females were found at the same time and locality, but no reliable difference for the determination of the species could be detected, though it is most probable that both

G. tuberosum and G. gibbosum were represented. The difference between the males of these two species is very striking and both are generally abundant in the same locality, but I have never yet been able to determine satisfactorily two distinct female forms separable by good tangible characters. M. Simon describes the genital aperture of each, and if the characters he gives are constant, then, the female of either one or the other of the two species has not yet come before me; certainly I have not seen the two forms of genital aperture described by M. Simon in his Araneides de France, Vol. V. According to his description I should determine all the females I have yet seen to be those of G. gibbosum.

Gongylidium agreste, Bl.-Cambr. List Brit. and Ir. Spid., p. 38. An adult male on a wall, Bloxworth Rectory, July 20th, 1900.


Gongylidiellum vivum, Cambr. List Brit. and Ir. Spid., p. 39. An adult male received from Mr. F. P. Smith, by whom it was found in June, 1901, at Loughton, in Essex.

Gen. ERIGONE, Sav.

Erigone pascalis, Cambr. List Brit. and Ir. Spid., p. 40.
Male and females received from the Isle of Arran.


Typhocrestus dorsuosus, Cambr. List Brit. and Ir. Spid., p. 41. Adults of both sexes found by Dr. A. R. Jackson at Southport, Lancashire, in 1900.


Diplocephalus latifrons, Cambr. List Brit. and Ir. Spid., p. 42. alpinus, Cambr., 1.cit. non Walckenäera alpina,

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Cambr., P.Z.S., 1872, p. 767.

(Figs. 3 and 4.)

The reception of numerous examples of D. latifions, Camb., from S. Wales, found by Dr. A. R. Jackson, and others from other

English localities, led me to examine them afresh under the microscope and to compare them carefully with the types of this species, as well as with that of an allied species (D. alpinus, Cambr.). The result is that there is no doubt but that examples received from Scotland (see Proc. Dors. F. Club, Vol. XIV., p. 158, 1893, and Vol. XXI., p. 23, 1900), and believed to be D. alpinus, are, on the contrary, D. latifrons. Consequently D. alpinus must be expunged from the British List. The two species are closely allied, but the structure of the palpi (see figs. 3 and 4), with other differences, will serve to separate them without much difficulty. I have never seen the female of D. alpinus, but if the figure of the genital aperture given by M. Simon be correct (Ar. de Fr., Vol. V., p. 762, fig. 659) it will probably not be easy to distinguish that sex of the two species one from the other.


Entelecara flavipes, Bl.-Cambr. List Brit. and Ir. Spid. p. 43. Adults of both sexes beat from underwood, Bloxworth, on June 20th, 1900. This minute spider still continues to be a rarity, though more frequent in its occurrence in some seasons than in others.

Entelecara omissa, Cambr. List Brit. and Ir. Spid., p. 75. (For description see post., p. 33.)

Entelecara Jacksonii, sp. n.

(Fig. 6. See description post., p. 32.)

Adults of both sexes were found in 1901 near Glamorgan by Dr. A. R. Jackson. It is a very distinct species, and it gives me great pleasure to connect it with the finder's name.


Metopobactrus prominulus, Cambr. List. Brit. and Ir. Spid.,

P. 45.

Both sexes (adult) were found by Dr. A. R. Jackson near Glamorgan in 1901. Previously it had only been met with many years ago on Bloxworth Heath, Dorset.

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