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valley, to the Assiniboine River, and past Fort Garry into Red River, with a view to the establishment of direct steam communication from the Red River to the foot of the Rocky Mountains, in a line nearly west from Fort Garry." 19th March. 1859.

Rev. Prof. W. Hincks, F. L. S.- On the Canadian species of Lynx." 19th March, 1859.

Prof. H. Croft, D. C. L.-" Some experiments with Ruhmkorff's Induction Coil." 19th March. 1859.

Rev. C. Dade.-"On the Law of Storms," read by Prof. Cherriman, M.A. 26th March, 1859.

Rev. J. McCaul, LL.D.-"New Readings of Old Inscriptions." 26th March 1859.

J. F. Smith Esq.-"Notes on some of the more characteristic Fossils of the Hudson River Group of Western Canada." Read by Prof. E. J. Chapman. 2nd April, 1859.

Prof. D. Wilson, LL,D.-" Notes on the Development of New Varieties among the Intrusive Populations of America." 2nd April, 1859.

John Langton, M.A.-" On the Age of Trees." 9th April, 1859.

C. Smallwood, M.D." On the Meteorological Phenomena of Lower Canada for 1857-8." Read by Prof. Cherriman, M.A. 9th April, 1859.

E. M. Hodder, M.D." On the influence of the Storms during the winter of 1858-9 on the Peninsula, and the probable effects on the Esplanade and Harbor." 16th April, 1859.

S. Fleming, Esq., C. E.-" On the Settlement of Wild Land." 16th April, 1859.

In submitting the Report laid before them by the Editing Committee, the Coun cil would take the opportunity of expressing their deep sense of the zeal and efficiency with which the late general Editor, Dr. Wilson, has discharged the arduous duties connected with the editorial superintendence of the Journal. Under his able management, and with the valuable assistance of the other members of the Editing Committee, the Journal has continued to maintain the high character which it has so long enjoyed, and through its instrumentality the Society is not only becoming more widely and favorably known in this Province, but is also rapidly extending its intercourse with the scientific bodies both of Europe and America. Having continued his editorial superintendence for a period of four years, often at a considerable sacrifice of personal convenience, and to the interruption of other pursuits, Dr. Wilson has now expressed his desire to be released from bis duties, and the Council are glad to have it in their power to congratulate the Institute on having secured the services of so able and efficient a successor as Professor Chapman, who has consented to fill the chair of General Editor.


The Editing Committee beg leave to submit their Annual Report to the Council, on completing the fourth volume of the new series of the Canadian Journal. Bearing in view the objects of the Institute as a society designed to promote the development of a native Canadian Science and Literature, the committee have

continued to aim at the acquisition of such communications as are calculated, along with the critical Reviews and Scientific and Literary Notes, to maintain the special character which the Journal is designed to bear among the periodicals of the Province. Among the contributions to the present volume, special thanks are due to Mr. E. Billings, of the Canadian Geological Survey, for his valuable paper on the Fossil Corals of the Devonian Rocks of Canada West, as well as for the carefully executed illustrations which added so largely to its interest. While, however, the utility of the Canadian Journal is acknowledged, alike as a provincial mediumfor the interchange of communications on exclusively scientific and literary subjects, and also as a means of intercourse with men of science both in Europe and America; the editors have also anxiously desired to bear in view the aims and interests of the members at large. They have accordingly deemed it perfectly compatible with the objects of such a Journal, to introduce occasionally, especially in the departments of criticism and literary notes, subject of a more general and popular interest than can be supposed to attach to strictly scientific contributions. By such means it is hoped that the Journal has accomplished purposes equivalent to the printed proceedings of the older and more exclusive scientific societies of Europe : serving not only to diffuse valuable scientific and literary information, but also to constitute a boud of mutual interest and union among a body of members scattered throughout the Province.

During the past year the Editing Committee have added the following societies and learned foreign bodies to the free list furnished in former reports. From the increasing value of the exchanges which they continue to receive, and the direct intercourse thereby established with the principal scientific societies of Europe and America, they feel justified in regarding this as one of the most important functions of the Institute as a provincial society:

Geological Survey of India, Calcutta.

Royal Dublin Society.

American Geographical and Statistical Society, New York.

American Antiquarian Society, Boston.

Historical Society of Pensylvania.

Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts.

Natural History Society, Montreal.

Literary Society, Quebec.

Hamilton Association, Canada West.

The Committee continue to receive gratifying evidence of the favourable reception of the printed proceedings of the Institute, as shown in reference to them, and still more in the re publication of extracts, and even of whole papers from their pages, in British and Foreign Journals In addition to this, one of the learned societies of Europe: the Royal Society of Northern Antiquaries, of Copenhagen, of which His Majesty, the King of Denmark, is President, in acknowledging the receipt of the Journal during the past year, through their distinguished Secretary, C. C. Rafn communicated the desire of the Society to elect the President of the Canadian Institute, and the Editor of its Journal, on their rank of Honorary Members.

The Journal has been conducted, since the establishment of the New Series, under the editorial superintendence of Dr. Wilson, with the aid and co-operation

of the members of the Editing Committee; and with such results as to justify the course adopted, in rendering this series strictly a periodical issue of original papers, embodying the printed proceedings of the Institute. This object having been secured, and the present General Editor having expressed his desire to be relieved of duties he has now fulfilled for four years, the Editing Committee have much pleasure in reporting, that the General Editorship has been undertaken by Professor Chapman; whose frequent contributions to the Journal in past years, as well as his high standing in a department of science so important in its practical bearing on the development of the mineral and other economic resources of the Province, render him peculiarly fitted for the responsible duties thus devolved on him.

An unusually large space has been devoted to the department of reviews during the past year; while at the same time they are fewer in number than in former volumes; the object aimed at having been to transfer mere notices of books to the notes, and to give to the department more of the character of review articles. With a larger body of contributors, this section might be extended with great advantage, and the Journal increased in size, and rendered acceptable to a much wider circle of readers; while the opportunity thereby afforded for the discussion of important questions in science and literature could in no degree detract from the legitimate characteristics of such a periodical. The Committee, however, cannot overlook the fact, that a large portion of the materials hitherto contributed to this department have been the work of two or three members, on whom, accordingly, an amount of labour has been imposed, which, though freely rendered, must be felt to be an undue tax on the voluntary services of so small a number, in a society of some hundred members, including many well qualified to share in such labours.

It was the intention of the Committee to have aimed at giving increased interest to the Journal during the past year, by means of illustrations, but a series of disappointments by the artist engaged on the work, involving much trouble and anxiety to the editor, ended in the abandonment of the scheme for the present. The Committee however, have pleasure in calling attention to the beautiful lithograph of the Quigrich, which as a specimen of art, executed in Toronto, cannot but be regarded as a highly satisfactory proof of progress, when it is borne in remembrance that similar illustrations for a former volume had to be procured from New York.

In conclusion, the Committee have to express their earnest hope that the new General Editor may be able to secure such an amount of varied and hearty co-operation, as, while materially lessening his own labours, shall contribute fresh attractions both to the publications and the meetings of the Institute.

Toronto, 3rd December, 1859.


On referring to the details given in the Treasurer's Report submitted below, it will be seen that the general funds of the Institute are, upon the whole, in a satis factory condition, The Building Fund has been slightly increased by the accumulation of interest, but the Council deem it right to call the attention of the Members to the fact, that the subscription list for that special purpose still remains uncol

lected, and unless some steps are taken during the ensuing year to call in at least a per centage on the amounts subscribed, much of what appears to the credit of the Fund on paper, may be lost altogether.

The Council have hitherto refrained from urging the payment of their subscriptions upon the contributors to the Fund, as in consequence of the pressure of the times, it was not deemed expedient to proceed with the building, and it therefore seemed unreasonable to press for subscriptions which were not immediately required. But as there is every reason to hope that the time is not far distant when returning prosperity and the improved financial condition of the country, will justify the Council in proceeding with the work, it seems to them most desirable that some efforts should in the mean time be made, to place the Fund on a more satisfactory footing. Until the Institute is installed in a permanent house of its own, it can scarcely be expected that any satisfactory progress will be made in carrying out one of the special objects for which the Society was instituted-the formation of a Museum illustrative of the Natural History, the Geological and Mineral products, and the economic and industrial resources of the Province. It is true that many valuable contributions have already been made to our collection, but with our present limited accommodation, and the uncertainty as to future arrangements, it is impossible to render this department of any practical utility or interest either to the members generally or to the public at large. The Council therefore venture to hope that the liberality of the frien !s of the Institute and the exertions of its Members, will enable their successors to place the Building Fund on a more satisfactory footing and that the impediments which have hitherto interposed themselves to the commencement of the building itself, will speedily be removed.


Statement of the Canadian Institute General Account for 1859.

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Examined Vouchers with Cash Book. Balance in hands of Treasurer six hundred and two pounds four shillings and five pence, correct, and securities for one thousand four hundred and twenty five pounds exhibited.

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Before drawing their report to a close, the Council desire briefly to refer to a question which was brought under the notice of the Institute, during its Session of 1858-59, and on which a final report from a Committee of Council was submitted to the Members at their last General Meeting. The subject of this report was the inconvenience which had been found to arise from the present appellation of the Society, the name of Institute having led to its being confounded with other associations of a purely local character: insomuch that when the withdrawal of the grants to Mechanics' and other local Institutes was under discussion in the Legislative Assembly, during their last Session, the Canadian Institute, from its similarity of name, was classed with the others. and had it not been for the timely exertions of some friends of the Association, would probably have been deprived of its annual grant.

As the report alluded to, has been entered upon the minutes of the Society, the Council do not deem it necessary to refer to the subject beyond expressing

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