| Joseph Addison - 1713 - 222 lehte
...full Length, and fpin it to the lali , So (hall we gain ftill one Day's Liberty ; And let me perifh, but, in Cato's Judgment, A Day, an Hour of virtuous Liberty, Is worth a whole Eternity in Bondage. Enter Marcus. Mate. Fathers, this Moment as I watch'd the Gates, Lodg'd on my Poft, a Herald... | |
| Caleb D'Anvers - 1731 - 444 lehte
...full Length, and fpin it to the laft. So fhall we gain ftill one Day's Liberty ; . And let me perifh, but, in Cato's Judgment, A Day, an Hour of virtuous Liberty, Is worth a whole Eternity of Bondage. Mr. Osborne may perceive from hence that you have no Occafion to icreen yourfelf, if you fhould be... | |
| 1757 - 518 lehte
...its full length, and fpin it to the laft, So mall we gain flill one day's liberty: And let me perifh; but in Cato's judgment A day, an hour of virtuous liberty Is worth a whole eternity of bondage. WHEN guilt broke through every dark veil of minifterial artifice, exerted to obftruct juftice upon... | |
| 1771 - 508 lehte
...to the punUhment' they deferve, and prove die validity of that expreflion of a Roman Senator, " That a day, an hour of virtuous liberty, is worth a whole eternity of, K bondage." AN ENGLISHMAN". -. Number XXXIL MORNING CHRONICLE,' November 25, 1 769. No. 151. A Letter... | |
| Joseph Addison - 1777 - 354 lehte
...fpin it to the laft, So So fhall we gain ftill one day's liberty ; And let me perifh, but, in Gate's judgment, A day, an hour of virtuous liberty, Is worth a whole eternity in bondage. Enter MARCUS. MA RC US. Fathers, this moment, as I watch'd the gates Lodg'd on my poft,... | |
| James Hartley (Ph. D.) - 1784 - 604 lehte
...the principles of liberty appear in all the elegant ornaments that Addifon's genius could cull — A day, an hour, of virtuous liberty, Is worth a whole eternity of bondage. The fentiment, like an electrical fhock, flies to the very heart of the hearers ; party fubfides, and... | |
| English poets - 1790 - 364 lehte
...full length, and fpin it to the laft. So fhall we gain (till one day's liberty ; And let me perifh, but in Cato's judgment, A day, an hour of virtuous liberty, Is worth a whole eternity in bondage. Enter MARCUS. MARCUS. Fathers, this moment as I watch'd the gates, Lodg'd on my poft, a... | |
| William Shakespeare - 1790 - 614 lehte
...give myfelfe the pleafure offettIng down fome imitations I obfervrd in the Cato of Addifon. Addiftn. A day an hour of virtuous liberty Is worth a whole eternity in bondage. Ad 2. St. I. Tally. Quod fi immortalitas confequeretur prxfentis periculi fugam, tamen... | |
| John Bell - 1791 - 292 lehte
...full length, and spin it to the last, So shall we gain still one day's liberty : And let me perish, but in Cato's judgment, A day, an hour, of virtuous liberty, Is worth a whole eternity in bondage. Enter MARCUS. Marc. Fathers, this moment, as I watch'd the gate, Lodg'd on my post, a herald... | |
| William Shakespeare - 1793 - 724 lehte
...give myfelfe the pleafnre of fetting down fome imitations I obferved in the Cato of Addifon. Addifan. A day, an hour of virtuous liberty Is worth a whole eternity in bondage. AH 2. Sc. i. Tally. Quod fi immortalitas confequeretur przfentis pcriculi fugam, tamen... | |
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