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Recital of being Whereas the said A. B. uporn an Accompt indebted to a now made up between him and the said C. D. Person, on ma- stands justly indebted unto him the said C.D. king aSecurity. in the Sum of 3001. for Balance of the same

Accompt, over and besides all Money by *him received, or to him secured by any other Security already made or given to him.

Indebted by Mortgage.


Whereas the said A. B. stands justly indebted to the said. C. D. in the Sum of 1000 1. Principal Money, secured by one Indenture, bearing Date, &c. and made between the faid A. B. of the one Part; and the said C. D. of the other Part; and payable at the End of fix Months, from the Date thereof, with lawful Interest for the fame.


Indebted by Whereas the said A. B. is and standeth Bond, and up- justly indebted unto the said C. D. in several on an Accompt Sums of Money, amounting in the whole made up. to 2501 partly upon a Bond entered into by the said A. B. to the said C. D. with Con ditions for the Payment of, &c. on, &c. And partly upon an Accompt made up be tween the faid A. B. and C. D. of and for Goods fold, and Money paid and laid out by the faid C. D. for the faid A BOY




Sums in a Schedule.

Whereas the said A. B. is and standeth indebted unto us severally in the several Sums of Money in the Schedule, hereunto annexed, particularly mention'd and fet down, which Money he is not at present able to pay used

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Recital of a Whereas A. Band C. D. by their Bond,..


or Obligation, bearing Date, c. are become bound unto the said T. B. in the penal Sum of 500 l. for the Payment of the



Sum of 250 l. with lawful Interest at certain Days or Times therein mention'd, now past:


Whereas A. B. of, &c. in and by one Bond, Bond, wherein or Obligation, bearing even Date with another joined these Presents, is become bound with the as Surety. faid C. D. as his Surety unto T. L. of, &c. in the penal Sum of, &c. with Conditions there-under written, to be void on Payment to the said T. L. of the Sum of, &c. on, &c. next coming, as by the faid Bond may appear.

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Whereas A. B. of, &c. and C. D. of, &c. Where several in and by one Bond or Obligation, bearing are bound Date, &c. became jointly and severally bound to E. F. of, &c. in the penal Sum of, &c. conditioned for the Payment of, &c. and Interest at a Day long fince past, as by the faid Bond, and Condition thereof, may appear.


Whereas A. B. of, &c. by his Writing Recital of a Obligatory, under his Hand and Seal, bea- Bond to perring Date, &c. which was in the Year of form Coveour Lord, c. became and yet standeth "ents. bound to the said C. D. in the penal Sum of 300 l. with Condition there-under written,איני י for the observing, performing, fulfilling, and keeping by him the said A. B. his Heirs, Executors, Administrators, and Affigns, of all and fingular the Covenants, Condi

tions, Clauses, Articles and Agreements, comprized in one Indenture of Leafe, bearing even Date with the same Obligation; fand in the same Condition mentioned to be made between the faid A. B. of the one


Part, and the said C. D. of the other Part)

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which on the part and behalf of him the faid A. B. his Heirs, Executors, Administrators and Affigns, or any of them, were, or ought to be observed, performed, ful* filled and kept, according to the true intent and meaning of the same Indenture in the said recited Condition mentioned; as in and by the said recited Obligation, and the Condition thereof, more fully and at large it doth and may appear.

Recital of a Whereas the faid A. B. in and by one Bond to apply Bond Money to the or Obligation, bearing Date, &c. beufes in Mar. came bound unto the said C. D. in the penal riage Articles. Sum of 500 l. conditioned for the Payment of 250 l. with usual Interest, unto the said C. D. in and upon, &c. next ensuing the Date thereof; to be applied and disposed to, for and upon such Ends, Intents, Trusts, and Purposes, as were agreed and declared in and by certain Articles of Agreement, "bearing Date, &c. then last past; and made between, &c. as by the said Obligation, and the Condition thereof, may more fully appear.

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Recital of a Whereas A. B. and C. D. both of, &c. Statute-Staple. Merchant-Taylors, in and by one Recognizance, in the Nature of a Statute-Staple, bearing Date, &c. taken and acknowledged before Sir T. P. Knt. Chief Justice of the Court of Common-Pleas at Westminster, are and stand bound unto E. F. Citizen and Merchant-Taylor of London, in the Sum of 1000 1. of, &c.

Recitplof asta. Whereas the said A. B. by one Recognitute-Merchant. zance, or Writing Obligatory, in nature of a Statute-Merchant, bearing Date, Or. taken taken and acknowledged at the Town of Southampton, before C. D. Efq: Mayor of the same Town; and before E. L. Efq; afsigned Clerk for the taking of Recognizances for Debts, within the said Town and Borough of, &c. according to the form of Statutes-Merchant, standeth bound unto the said T. L. in the Sum of, c. payable as by the said Recognizance, or Writing Obliga

tory, may appear.

Whereas the said A. B. in and by one Another of the Same.

Statute-Merchant, bearing Date, &c. and acknowledged before C. D. Esq; Mayor of the City of, &c. and Keeper of the greater part of the Seal of the Statutes-Merchant, within the said City; and E. L. Gent. Clerk there, and Keeper of the leffer part of the Seal of the Statutes-Merchant there appointed, is become bound unto the said T. L. in the Sum of fool. payable on, &c. as in and by the said Statute-Merchant more fully may appear.

Whereas heretofore (that is to say) in Recital of a Hillary-Term, in the 12th Year of the Reign Judgment. of our late Soveraign Lady Queen Anne, &c. the said A. by the Name of A. B. in Her then Majefty's Court of Queen's-Bench, Westminster, did obtain and recover against the faid C. D. one Judgment for 1000 l. Debt, befides Costs of Suit, as by the Records of the said Court may appear.

Whereas the said A. B. deceas'd, in his Recital of feveLife-time (that is to say) in Michaelmas-ral Judgments. Term, in the Year of the Reign, &c. did in Her Majesty's Court of Queen's-Bench at

Westminster, obtain and recover against C. D.


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