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sons, one to be chosen by the said A. B. his Heirs or Afsigns, and the other by the said C. D. his Executors, Administrators and Assigns; and also free Liberty of Fishing, Fowling, Hawking and Hunting in and... upon the said Premisses, and every or anyαι το Part threof.


Except out of this present Demise and Exception of Grant unto the said A. B. his Heirs and Timber; a Afsigns, all Timber and other Trees now way thre the standing, growing or being, or which shall Lands, &c. or may at any time hereafter stand, grow or be in or upon the said Premisses, or any Part thereof, with Liberty to cut down and carry away the same at seasonable Times; and also a Carriage and Driftway, thro' the aforesaid Premisses for the faid A. B. with free Liberty to come upon the said Ground to cut Water-Gutters or Furrows for the more convenient Carriage of, &c. Water there, to any of the Farm or other Grounds aforesaid.


• Except one Acre of Land, Parcel of the Exception of said, &c. and also all Timber-Trees, and Ground and all young Trees fit and proper to be Timber-Treee. raised and preserved for Timber-Trees (together with their Tops and Shrouds) now standing, growing or being, or which shall hereafter stand, grow or be in or upon the said Premisses, or any Part thereof with free Liberty to fell, cut down, take and carry away the same at all seasonable and convenient times, unto the said A. B. his Heirs and Affigns, always excepted and reserved

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Except all that Close and Ground, commonly called or known by the Name of,

Exception of Ground referved for Tilc. Meadow, containing by Eftimation, &c. lage, on Condition to lay it which it shall and may be lawful to and for down and fow the said A. B. his Executors, Administrait with Grafs tors and Affigns, to plough and convert into Tillage for and during the first three Years of the faid Term, and no longer, but Tthen to lay the said Ground down to Pasture, and fow the same with Grass Seed in a Husband-like manner.


Soil of Coppice- The Soil of the same Coppice-Wood, and Wood and Tim- all Timber-Trees therein standing, growber-Standils. ing or being, and usual and accustomed Standils there to be left, as are or have been or ought to be in such like Cafes of felling of Wood left standing, unto the said A. B. his Heirs and Affigns excepted and always referved.

and o

ther Fruit;


Exception of & Excepting out of these Presents (during Room for bag- the Hop Seafon only) the, c. Room ging Hops; of for the keeping the Hops arifing from the Apples and Hop-Yards, &c. aforesaid; and the Ufe of and all Trees, the, &c. Room for Bagging of such Hops as shall grow on the said Hop-Yard, with free ingress, regress and egrefs for the faid A. B. and his Servants, to and from the faid Rooms for the Purposes aforesaid; and also except the one half of the Apples growing on the said Premisses, the fame to be chofen by the said A. B. or his Afsigns, and to be delivered to him or them at &c. aforesaid, by the said C. D. And alfo except all Trees, Woods and Underwoods growing, or to grow on the faid Premisses

Premisses other than as is herein-after mentioned..

Except out of this present Demise and Exception of Grant unto the said A. B. his Heirs and Room, &c. Affigns, all that Room, Parcel of the said Meisuage hereby demised, over the Parlour there, commonly called the Parlour-Chamber, with free ingress, egrefs and regress into, out of and from the same; and also all that one Close of Meadow, commonly called, &c. containing by Estimation, &c. being Parcel of the Lands belonging to the faid Messuage, c.


Excepting and always referving out of Exception (in this present Grant and Release, all that Release of Manor) of a Messuage or Tenement, with the Appurte- Meffuage, & nances lying in, &c. aforesaid, wherein one E. F. now dwelleth; and all the Gardens, Orchards, Lands, Meadows, Pastures, Woods, Underwoods, Commons and Hereditaments to the said Messuage belonging, or in any wise appertaining, or usually occupied and enjoyed therewith, or reputed or esteemed as Part or Parcel thereof, or as belonging thereunto; and all the Rents and Services iffuing, due or payable out of, for or in Respect of the same, or as incident there





Excepting only, and it is hereby agreed, Exception in e that it shall and may be lawful to and for Copartnership, the said C. D. to have, take and receive to

that a Man

Benefit of his

his own proper Ufe all fuch Benefit and shall have the Advantage as shall come, arife or be made, own Work. by reason of any Piece of Workmanship which shall be wholly wrought, begun and




finished by his own Hands, without any Breach of this present Agreement.

Habendums in Deeds, to Ufes in Settlements, &c.

Habendum in the Grant of T the said Office of Steward and Stewan office for ardship, and the holding and keeping of all manner of Courts usually held or kept, or which ought to be held or kept, within the said Manors or Lordships of, &c. and every of them, together with all manner of Fees, Perquisites, Profits, Rewards and Advantages whatsoever to the said Office of Steward or Stewardship, belonging or appertaining, or usually heretofore accuftomed to be paid to and received by the Steward or Stewards thereof, for the time being, unto the said C. D. and his sufficient Deputy or Deputies for and during the Term of the natural Life of the said

O have, hold, exercise and enjoy


In Bargains

C. D.

To have and to hold all and fingular the oud sales of faid Goods, Houshold-fstuff and ImpleGoods, Chattels, ments of Houshold, and every of them by Money, Timber, these Presents, bargained and fold or mentioned or intended to be bargained and fold, unto the said C. D. his Executors, Adminiftrators and Affigns for ever.


To have, Oc. the said Waggon and Plow, and all other the Goods and Chattels whatsoever above by these Presents bargained and fold, unto the said C. D. as his own


proper Goods and Chattels, from henceforth for ever.

To have and to hold the said Timber- Timber.

Trees, Lops, Tops and Shrouds hereby bargained and fold, or meant, mentioned or intended to be hereby bargained and fold, unto the said C. D. his Executors, Administrators and Affigns, to his and their own proper Ufe and Uses for ever.

To have and to hold all and fingular the said Goods, Chattels, Money, Debts and other the Premisses aforesaid, unto the said C. D. his Executors, Administrators and Affigns, to the only proper Ufe and Behoof of him the said C. D. his Executors, Administrators and Afsigns for


To have and to hold all and fingular the faid Premiffes hereby bargained and fold, or mentioned or intended to be hereby bargained and fold, and every Part and Parcel thereof, with the Appurtenances, unto the faid C. D. his Executors, Administrators and Affigns, as his and their own proper Goods and Chattels, and to his and their own proper Ufe and Behoof, from henceforth for ever.

To have and to hold the said Jewels, of Goods on Rings, Plate, Money, Houshold-stuff and Trust. other the Goods and Chattels above mentioned, and every Part thereof, (except as is herein before excepted) unto the faid C. D. his Executors, Administrators and Afsigns for ever, as his own proper Goods and Chattels, upon special Trust and Con

fidence nevertheless, and to the intent and purpose


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