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pen to be made or arise there, at any time during the Terni.

ás a Summer

And alfo that he the faid C. D. his Exe-To Sow Land to cutors, Administrators or Assigns, shall fow Clover, leave fifteen Acres of the Arable Land for Clover so much unsown every Year, during the faid Term, and Fallow. Not to leave fifteen Acres of the said Land suffi- Mow Lands, ciently sown to Clover at the end of the &c. faid Term; and also shall and will leave yearly, and every Year, during the said Term, one half of the faid Arable Land, as Summer-Fallow, unsown; and also that he the faid C. D. his Executors, Admini ftrators and Affigns shall not, nor will how any part of the Down-Ground hereby demised, during the said Term, nor do Nor commit or commit or permit or fuffer to be done waste. or committed, any Wafte, Spoil or Destruction, in or upon the faid Premiffes, or any part thereof.

in Repair, &c.

And also that he the fald C. D. his Exe- Leffee to build cutors, Administrators or Affigns, shall House on the and will within the space of one Year next Premisses, and enfuing the Date hereof, at his and their when built to own proper Cofts and Charges, well and keep the same fufficiently erect, build and fet up a good and substantial House or Houses on the faid demised Premiffes, and the same being fo erected, built and fet up as aforesaid, shall and will from time to time, and at all times during the Term hereby granted, at his and their own proper Costs and Charges, well and fufficiently repair, uphold, maintain and keep, în and with all needful and neceffary Reparations whatsoever, when as and often as need shall be or require, and at






Covenant to

the end of the said Term, the same being so well and sufficiently repaired, upheld, maintained and kept, unto the said A. В. or such Person or Persons to whom the Inheritance of the said Premisses shall belong, shall and will peaceably and quietly leave and yield up.

And the said A. B. for himself, his Exebuild House, cutors and Administrators, doth covenant,

in Confidera-
tion of
of Money.

Sum promife and agree, to and with the said C. D. his Executors, Administrators and Afsigns, that he the said A. B. or his Afsigns, shall and will within the space of one Year next after the Date hereof, in good and Workman-like manner, and according to the best of his Art and Skill, build, erect, set up and finish, one Messuage or Tenement, at and in, &c. of the Dimensions, and to contain the several Particulars following, (viz.) thirty Foot in length, &c. [Here set forth the Particulars.] In Confideration whereof the said C. D. doth for himself, his Executors and Administrators, covenant and promise, to and with the said A. B. his Executors, Adminiftrators and Afsigns, well and truly to pay, or cause to be paid unto the said A. B. his Executors, Administrators or Assigns, the Sum of, &c. in manner following (that is to say) &c.

Leffee to build And alfo that he the said C. D. his Exeсиa House on the tors, Administrators or Affigns, shall and Premisses and will within the space of two Years next enlay out a cer. suing the Date of these Presents, at his tain Sum of Money upon the and their own proper Cofts and Charges, Same.

erect, new build and set up, in and upon


Tome some convenient part of the Premisses hereby demised, one Messuage or Tenement, and convenient Out-houses, to be so erected of the best Timber, Stone or Brick as the Country affords, and employ'd according to the usual manner, and the most substantial way of Building, and in and about the same Building, shall bestow the full Sum of, &c. at the least, and the same Messuage or Tenement so Built, shall and will keep in and with all needful and necessary Reparations during the faid Term.



And also that it shall and may be lawful Lessor to enter to and for the faid A. B. his Heirs or Af and view Resigns, or his or their Workmen, or other parations, and Leffee to repair Persons by their Appointment, at all Times on Notice. during the said Term (or once in every Year) at a convenient time, to enter into and view the said Premisses hereby demised, or any part thereof, whether there be any want of Reparation; and if there shall be any Reparation needful, then the said C. D. doth hereby for himself, his Executors, Administrators and Assigns, covenant and grant to and with the said A. B. his Heirs and Affigns, that he the faid C. D. his Executors, Administrators or Affigns, at his and their own proper Costs and Charges, shall and will, within a quarter of a Year next after every Notice or Warning given to him or them by the said A. B. his Heirs or Afsigns, from time to time well and sufficiently repair and amend all fuch Defaults, and want of Reparations, as there shall happen to be found.


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Covenant to re- And the said C. D. for himself, his Heirs, pair Flood-Hat- Executors and Administrators, doth coveches for water- nant and grant, to and with the faid A. B. ing of Meadows his Heirs, Executors and Administrators,

That he the said C. D. his Heirs, Executors or Administrators, for and during so long time as he the said C. D. shall think fit to keep the faid Hatches, called, &c. for the Watering of the said Meadow called, c he the faid C. D. his Heirs, Executors and Administrators, shall and will from time to time, and at all times, when and as often as need shall require, at his and their own proper Cofts and Charges, well and sufficiently repair, amend, and maintain the Hatches, called, &c. in such manner as the same may be useful as well to and for the watering, overflowing and improving of the said Meadow belonging to the faid A. B. called, c. as of the aforesaid Meadow called, c. belonging to the said C. D.

Leffor to affign And the said 4. B. doth for himself, his Timber for Re. Heirs and Assigns, covenant and grant, to pairs on re- and with the faid C. D. his Executors, Adquest; or on re- ministrators and Afsigns, That he the faid fufal, Leffee to A. B. his Heirs or Affigns, shall and will

take it.

from time to time, and at all times hereafter, during the said Term, within the space of one Month or fooner, if the cafe require, after reasonable request made, and at fit and convenient times and Seafons in the Year, allow, affign and appoint, or cause to be allowed, affigned and appointed unto the said C. D. his Executors, Adminiftrators and Assigns yearly or otherwise, to be cut, felled and taken, in and upon fome part of the demised Premisses, or fome other Lands of the said A. B. when and as often as need shall require, such Timber as shall be wanting to be employ'd in about the necessary Reparations of the faid Messuage or Tenement and Buildings thereof or thereunto belonging, so as the same be spent and employ'd in and upon the faid Premisses, and not elsewhere: And if and in case the said A. B. his Heirs or Affigns shall after request made, delay or refuse to allow such Timber as aforesaid, that then it shall and may be lawful to and for the faid C. D. his Executors, Administrators and Afsigns, to take such Timber from off the faid demised Premisses, or any part thereof, if there to be had and found, and to employ the same to the Ufes aforefaid.

or fo

much in

And further, that he the said A. B. his Leffor to allow Heirs and Assigns, shall and will yearly, Leffee Wood during the said Term, allow the said C. D. for Firing and his Executors, Administrators and Affigns, Plow-Timber, three Hundred Faggots, or the value there- Money. of in other Wood for firing, to be had and taken by the affignment and appointment of the faid A. B. his Heirs or Affigns, or his or their Bailiff, and not otherwise, and to be spent on the said Premisses only, and notelsewhere, and sufficient Plow-Timber, or else in lieu of fuch Plow-Timber, the Sum of, &c. in Money, at the Election of the said A. B. his Heirs and Assigns.

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