Who Gets the Glory?: An Examination of Our Assumptions and MotivationsTate Publishing, 2007 - 230 pages Do you ever wonder why God doesn't let you win the lottery so that He can be glorified by your giving and generosity? Do you wonder why God can be glorified through someone else's amazing accomplishments, but not yours? Do you wonder why you try to seek God's glory in all you do, and yet you fail? The author fell into these traps as he attempted to become the world's greatest fighter pilot. If you've ever wondered if you can be successful in today's rat race and still be a dedicated Christian, then "'Who Gets the Glory?'" is for you! Soar along with author Brent Breidenthal as he explores these kinds of questions by looking at our unrecognized assumptions and expectations in: "'Who gets the Glory?'" |
Introduction | 11 |
Chapter 1 | 15 |
Chapter 2 | 23 |
Chapter 3 | 33 |
Chapter 4 | 45 |
Chapter 5 | 57 |
Chapter 6 | 69 |
Chapter 7 | 121 |
Chapter 8 | 141 |
Chapter 9 | 149 |
Chapter 10 | 167 |
Chapter 11 | 177 |
Chapter 12 | 187 |
Chapter 13 | 213 |
Conclusion | 223 |
Common terms and phrases
Adam and Eve answer assumptions Behold believe Bible called career cessationists Christ Christians church context Corinthians David death denarius desires discipline doctor dream earth Ephesians Esau everything example eyes failures faith Father fear feel fighter flesh focus foolish friends gallstone gifts give glorified God’s God's glory hand happen healed heart heaven Holy Spirit honor husband irresistible grace Israel Jesus keep lives look Lord Luke marriage matter Matthew mean mercy Methu miracles ourselves OV-10 Bronco Pharaoh Pharisees pray prayer predestined pride problem prophets purpose realize relationship Romans salt and light salvation saved scripture seek servant situation Solomon someone speak speak in tongues spend spiritual gifts success talk Teacher teaching tell Thessalonians things thought tongues trust trying understand verses wait walk whoever wife wisdom wise wonder word wrong