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Raamatud Books
" THE DESCRIPTIONS. For a tempest.—" Take Eurus, Zephyr, Auster and Boreas, and cast them together in one verse. Add to these of rain, lightning, and of thunder, the loudest you can, quantum sufficit. "
The Works of the Rev. Jonathan Swift, D.D., Dean of St. Patrick's, Dublin - Page 59
by Jonathan Swift - 1801
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The Works of Alexander Pope, Esq. ...: Miscellaneous pieces in verse and prose

Alexander Pope - 1751 - 372 lehte
...Nodus. Incidents— That That is to fay, A Poet Jhould never call upon the Gods for their j4jjiftancey but when he is in great Perplexity. For the DESCRIPTIONS. For a Tempeft. Take Eurus, Zephyr, Aufter, and Boreas, and caft them together in one verfe : add to thefe...
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The works of Alexander Pope. With his last corrections, additions ..., 7. köide

Alexander Pope - 1754 - 346 lehte
...iiindice Nodus Incident. — That is to fay, A Poet Jhauld never call upon the Cods for their Ajjijlance, but when he is in great Perplexity. For the DESCRIPTIONS. For a Tempeli. Take Eurus, Zephyr, Aufter, and Boreas, and caft them together in one verfe : add to thefe...
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The Works of Dr. Jonathan Swift ..

Jonathan Swift, John Hawkesworth - 1760 - 234 lehte
...niji digtms vindice nodus That is to fay, a poet Jbould never call upon the Gods for their qflijiance, but when he is in great perplexity. For the DESCRIPTIONS. For a tempeft. JTake eurus, zephyr, aufter and boreas, and caft them .together in one verfe: add to thefe...
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The Works ...: With the Author's Life and Character, Notes [etc ..., 5. köide

Jonathan Swift - 1761 - 392 lehte
...vindice nodus liKiderit. That is to fay, a poet JhoulcT never call upon the gods far t/icir ajljlitnce, but when he is in great perplexity, For the DESCRIPTIONS. For a tempsft. Take Eurus, Zephyr, Aufler, and Bof'Js, and calt them together in one verle : add to thele,...
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Harrison's British Classicks, 5. köide

1785 - 772 lehte
...worthy at" a god. ROSCOMMONThat is to fay, a poet mould never call upon the gods for their affiftance, but when he is in great perplexity. FOR THE DESCRIPTIONS. For a temped. Take Eurus, Zephyr, Auller, and Boreas, and caft them together in ene verfe. Add to thefe of...
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The Guardian, 1. köide

1797 - 522 lehte
...worthy of a God.' ROSCOMMON. That is to fay, a poet mould never call upon the gods for their afftftance, but when he is in great perplexity.' FOR THE DESCRIPTIONS. ^For a tempeft. — ' Take Eurus, Zephyr, Aufter, and Boreas, and caft them together in one verfe. Add to...
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The Works of Alexander Pope, Esq, 6. köide

Alexander Pope - 1797 - 440 lehte
...vindice Nodus Incident — That is to fay, A Poet jhould never call upon the Gods for their AJJlftance, but when he is in great Perplexity. FOR THE DESCRIPTIONS. • .., For a Tempeft. Take Eurus, Zephyr, Aufter, and Boreas, and caft them together in one verfe : add to thefe...
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Select British Classics, 37. köide

1803 - 440 lehte
...vindice Nodus Incident Never presume to make a God appear, But for a business worthy of a God. ROSCOMMOK. That is to say, a Poet should never " call upon the...Tempest. " Take Eurus, Zephyr* Auster, and Boreas, and castthem together intoone verse: add t« these of rain, lightning, and of thunder (the loudest you...
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The Art of Speaking: Containing, an Essay, in which are Given Rules for ...

James Burgh - 1804 - 308 lehte
...ahvays ready at a call. For the descriptions, as a tempest, for instance. Take Eurus, Zephyrus, lustre, and Boreas, and cast them together in one verse. Add...rain, lightning and thunder, (the loudest you can get) quantum sufficit. Mix your clouds and billows, till they foam ; and thicken your description here...
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The Works of Alexander Pope, Esq: In Verse and Prose, 9. köide

Alexander Pope, William Lisle Bowles - 1806 - 536 lehte
...worthy of a God. ROSCOMMON. That is to fay, a poet fhould never call upon the Gods for their affiilance, but when he is in great perplexity. FOR THE DESCRIPTIONS. For a Tempefh — Take Eurus, Zephyr, Aufter, and Boreas, and caft them together in one verfe. Add to thefe...
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