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feet, of all your fins; renounce them all; deteft and abhor them; and be forry for them, from the bottom of your heart; with a full determination, never to return to them any more: but to dedicate the remainder of your time to the love and fervice of your God; and truft, that the blood of the Lamb, fhed for the remiffion of fins, will here effectually be applied to your fouls, for the cleansing them from the guilt of fin.

In the fourth place, our great High-Priest here offers up the facrifice of his own body and blood, by the way of fupplication and prayer, for obtaining all graces and bleffings for us; for his whole Church, and for the whole world; as he died for the whole world. So that here also we muft join our intentions with his; and must with him, and through him, enter into the fanc tuary of God, and there prefent ourfelves before the throne of grace; offering up our most earnest, and hearty prayer, both for ourselves, and for all the world. And firft let us here pray for the whole Church of Chrift, that is, for all the people of God throughout the earth, that they may all worthily glorify the name of God, both in life and death; that the kingdom of his grace, of faith, of hope, and of divine love, may be propagated through all nations, and may take poffeffion of all hearts: and that all the world may do, and love his holy will, like the bleffed in heaven. Let us also pray, and offer up this facrifice, for our chief Bifhop, for our Prelate, and F 2


for all the other Bishops and Paftors of the Church, and the whole Clergy; that God may take them all into his protection, and make them men ac cording to his own heart: that he may blefs all apoftolical Miffionaries, with the fpirit of the Apoftles; and may fanctify all the Religious of both fexes, with the grace of living up to their holy inftitute. Let us pray alfo for our King, (and for the royal family) and for all that are in high fation, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life under their government, in all godlinefs and purity; and in general, for all Chriftian Princes, Magiftrates, and men in power, that they may be bleffed with all thofe lights and graces, which are neceffary for the perfect difcharge of every branch of their duty, and that that they may be true fervants to the King of kings; and faithfully execute his will. Let us alfo pray, that God may unite their hearts in the bands of peace and keep off from all Chriftendom in general, and from these nations in particular, the dreadful fcourges of wars, peftilence, famines, earthquakes, and fuch like calamities, with all the dismal train of evils, which threatens impenitent finners, both for time and eternity. Let us pray alfo for our parents, children, relations, friends and benefactors, and for all thofe, for whom we are particularly bound to pray; or who are under any particular neceffity, affliction, or temptation, or in the agony of death; as alfo for our enemies, that God may change their hearts, and have mercy on them; and that he


may grant to all people his heavenly grace in their respective neceffities. Let us alfo here offer up our prayers, together with this great facrifice of the body and blood of our Redeemer, for the obtaining of God the converfion of all unbelievers; for the bringing back of all ftraying fouls to the fold of Chrift; for the purging the world of all errours and abufes; and the beating down every where the standard of Satan, and abolishing the reign of fin. Let us also pray, in general, for all thofe poor fouls throughout the world, that are in the deplorable ftate of mortal fin, and, in particular, for as many of this congregation as may be fo very unhappy; that God may deliver them all from this worft of evils, and from that unhappy death, judgment and hell, which are ever following them close at their heels, as long as they are poffeffed by this wicked fpirit. Laftly let us offer up this facrifice for the repofe of the fouls of all them, who are gone before us in the profeffion of the true faith; and particularly for all fuch as ftand moft in need of this help and affiftance; or for whom we are more particularly bound to pray, fuch as our parents, friends and benefactors, God's fervants and minifters, and all thofe, to whom we have given any fcandal or offence, and also for all fuch as have belonged to this congregation: that God may grant to them all, and to all that are kept from him by any remnants of fin, a full difcharge and remiffion of all their debts; may release them out of their bonds, and open to them, the gates of eternal light, peace and life; through F 3


the blood of his only Son, here offered up in facrifice for them.

After joining with our High-Prieft, and his whole Church, in offering up this great facrifice, for all thefe intentions; we muft alfo remember, that we have here a Sacrament, as well as a facrifice, and the greatest of all Sacraments, in which Chrift himself is received, who is the fountain of all grace and life to our fouls: Now the Church would be glad, that all they, who affift at this facrifice, were fo well difpofed, as that they might also receive this divine Sacra ment; or, at least, unite themselves here to the fountain of life, by a spiritual communion.


fpiritual communion we recommend to you all: and that you may make it with fruit, take care to prepare yourselves for it with a lively faith in your Saviour, Jesus Christ, who died for us all; and who, by thefe facred myfteries, communicates himself to our fouls, with all the treasures of his divine grace, which he purchased for us by his precious blood. Join with this faith a profound bumility, with a true, fense, and a fincere confeffion of your great unworthiness, and your manifold fins; and a hearty repentance for them all; together with a longing defire of being wafhed from all your ftains in the fountains of your Saviour. After this preparation, run to your Lord in fpirit, with enflamed affections of love; and offer your whole felves to him; begging him to take full poffeffion of your


fouls, for time and for eternity, and never to fuffer any thing in life or death ever more to feparate you from him. Thus fhall you make a fpiritual communion, with great benefit to your fouls and this you may repeat, as often as you please in the day; and that, if you please, every day of your life.

We fhall now proceed to the celebration of this heavenly Sacrifice and Sacrament, to which we beg you to bring all your attention and



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