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Providing that in caice the Patron present ane person qualified to his understanding, and failzeing of ane, ane uther within the said six Moneths, and the said Superintendent or Commissioner of the Kirk, refusis to receive and admit the person presented be the Patron, as said is: It sall be lesum to the Patron to appeale to the Superintendent, and Ministers of that province quhair the Benefice lyis, and desire the person presented to be admitted, quhilk gif they refuse, to appeale to the General Assemblie of the haill realme, be quhome the cause beand decyded, sall take end, as they decerne and declair.

No. 3.-Act 1578, c. 61.

The ratification of the libertie of the trew Kirk of God and Religion. Our Soveraine Lord, with advise of his three Estaites of this present Parliament, hes ratified and appreved, and be the tenour heireof, ratifies and apprevis all and quhatsumever acts of Parliament, statutes, and constitutions past, and maid of befoir, aggreable to God's word, for maintenance of the liberty of the trew Kirk of God and Religion, now presentlie professed within this Realme, and puritie theirof. And decernis and declaris the samin to have the effect in all poynts, after the forme and tenour theirof.

No. 4.-Act 1581, c. 99.

The ratification of the libertie of the trew Kirk of God and Religion, with confirmation of the Lawes and Actes maid to that effect of befoir.

Our Soveraine Lord, with advise of his three Estaites and haill body of his present Parliament, hes ratified and appreived, and be the tenour heirof ratifies and appreivis, all quhatsumever Actes of Parliament, Statutes, and constitutiones, past and maid of befoir, aggrieable to God his word, for maintenance of the libertie of the trew Kirk of God and Religion, now presently professed within this Realme, and puritie theirof. And speciallie the Act maid in the reigne of the Queene, his dearest mother, in the Parliament halden at Edinburgh, the 19th day of April, the zeir of God 1567. Anent the cassing, annulling, and abrogating by all Lawes, Acts, and constitutiones, Canons Civile and Municipal, with uther constitutions contrair the Religion now professed within this Realme. And in likewise the Actes after following, maid in divers Parliamentes, halden sen his Hienes' Coronation. Namelie, the Actes anent the abolisching of the Paipe and his usurped authoritie. Anent the annulling of the Actes of Parliament, maid against God his word, and maintenance of Idolatrie in any times bypast. The Confession of the Faith professed be the Protestantes of Scotland. Anent the Messe abolisched, and punisching of all that hearis or sayis the same. Anent the trew and haly Kirk, and of them that are declared not to be of the same. Anent the admission of them that sall be presented to Benefices, havand cure of Ministrie. Anent the King's Aith to be given at his coronation. Anent them that suld beare publick Office hereafter. Anent thriddis of Benefices granted in the moneth of December, the zeir of God 1561 zeires, for susteining of the Ministrie, and utheris affairis of the Prince. Anent them

that shall be teachers of the zouth in schools. Anent the jurisdiction of the Kirk. Anent the disposition of Provestries, Prebendries, and Chaplaineries to Bursares, to be founded in Colledges. Anent the filthy vice of Fornication, and punischment of the same. Anent them that committis Incest. Anent lawful Mariage of the awin blude in degries, not forbidden be God his word. Ratification and approbation of the Actes and statutes maid of befoir, anent the freidome and libertie of the trew Kirk of God. Anent the trew and hailie Kirk. That the Adversaries of Christ Evangel sall not enjoy the Patrimonie of the Kirk. Anent the disobedientes, quhilk sall be received to our Soveraine Lord is mercie and pardon. The explanation of the Act maid anent manses and glebes. Anent purchessing of the Paipe's Bulles, or giftes of the Queene, our Soveraine Lordis mother. Approbation of the Act maid anent the disposition of Benefices to the ministers of Christis Evangel. Anent the reparation of Paroche Kirkis. The ratification of the libertie of the trew Kirk of God and Religion. That the Glebes of the Ministers and Readers sall be free of tenydes. Anent the trew and hailie Kirk, and of them that are declared not to be of the same. Anent the jurisdiction of the Kirk, dischargeing of Mercattes, and labouring on the Sabboth dayes, and playing or drinking in time of Sermone. Anent the zouth, and uthers bezond Sey, suspect to have declined from the trewe religion. That householderis have Bibles and Psalme buikes. For punischment of strang and idle beggars, and releife of the pure and impotent. And declaris the saidis Actes, and everie ane of them, and all utheris actes of Parliament, maid in favours of the trew Religion, sen the said Reformation, to have effect in all poyntes, after the forme and tenoir theirof.

No. 5.-Act 1584, c. 129.

Ane Act confirming the Kingis Majesties Royal power over all Estaites, and subjectes within this Realme.

Forsameikle as sum persones, being lately called befoir the Kings Majestie, and his secreit Councel: to answer upon certaine points to have bene inquired of them, concerning sum treasonable, seditious, and contumelious speaches, uttered by them in Pulpit, Schooles, and utherwaies, to the disdaine and reproch of his Hienes, his Progenitours, and present Councel, contemtuouslie declined the judgement of his Hienes, and his said Councel in that behalfe, to the evil exempil of utheris to do the like, gif timous remeede be not provided. Therefoir our Soveraine Lord, and his three Estaites assembled in this present Parliament, ratifies and apprevis, and perpetually confirmis the royal power, and authoritie over all Estaites, alsweil Spiritual, as Temporal, within this Realme, in the person of the Kingis Majestie, our Soveraine Lord, his aires and successours: And als statutis and ordainis, that his Hienes, his saidis aires and successours, be themselves, and their councelles, ar, and in time to cum sall be judges competent to all persones his Hienes subjectes, of quhatsumever estaite, degree, function, or condition that ever they be of, Spiritual or Temporal, in all matters, quhairin they, or ony of them sall be apprehended, summound, or charged to answer to sik thinges as sall be inquired of

them, be our said Soveraine Lord and his Councel.

And that nane of them, quhilkis sall happen to be apprehended, called, or summound, to the effect foirsaid, presume, or tak upon hand to decline the judgement of his Hienes, his aires and successours, or their Councel in the premisses, under the paine of treason.

No. 6.-Act 1584, c. 131.

Ane Act dischargeing all jurisdictions, and judgements, not approved be Parliament, and all Assemblies, and Conventiones, without our Soveraine Lordis special licence and commandement.

Forsameikle, as in the troublous times, during thir xxiiij zeires, by past, sindrie formes of judgements and jurisdictions, als weil in Spiritual, as Temporal causes, ar entred in the practize and custome, quhairby the Kingis Majesties subjects ar often times convocat and assembled togidder, and paines als weil civile and pecunial, as Ecclesiastical, injoined unto them; processes led and deduced; sentences, and decreetes given, and the same put in execution: Na sik ordour as zet, being allowed of, and approved be his Majestie, and his three Estaites in Parliament, contrare the custome observed in onie uther Christian Kingdome, or weill governed commoun weill; and to the diminishing of the force, and power of his Hienes awin lawes, be the quhilkes his Majesties subjects aucht to be ruled; and speciallie his Hienes and his Estaites, considering that in the saidis assemblies, certaine his subjectes have taken upon them to justifie, and auctorize the fact perpetrat against his Hienes person and Estate at Ruthven, and prosecuted thereafter, quhill his Majestie at Gods pleasure, recovered his liberties, having in their pretented maner, maid actes theirupon, kiepis the same in Register, and as zet seemis to allow the said attemptat, althoucht now publicklie condemned be his Hienes and Estaites as treasonable, nane of the authors theirof, having craved his Hienes pardon theirfoir. For remeid quhairof, in time cumming, swa that according to the lovabil act of his dearest Grandsir, King James the Fourth, of worthie memorie, all his Hienes lieges (being under his obeysance) mon be ruled by his awin lawes, and the commoun lawes of this Realme, and be nane uther lawes: Our Soveraine Lord, and his three Estaites, in this present Parliament, dischargis all judgements, and jurisdictions, Spiritual or Temporal, accustomed to be used and execute, upon ony of his Hienes subjectes, quhilkis ar not approved be his Hienes, and his saidis three Estaites, conveened in Parliament and decernis the same to cease in time cumming, quhill the ordour thereof be first seene, and considered be his Hienes, and his saidis three Estaites conveened in Parliament, and be allowed and ratified be them: Certifieing them, that sall proceed in using, and exercing of the saidis judgements, and jurisdictions, or in obeying of the same, not being allowed, and ratified, as said is: They sall be repute, halden, called, persewed, and punished as usurpers, and contemners of his Hienes authoritie, in exemple of utheris. And als it is statute and ordained, be our said Soveraine Lord, and his three Estaites, that nane of his Hienes subjectes, of whatsumever qualitie, estaite, or function they be of, Spiritual or Temporal, presume or tak

upon hand, to convocate, convene, or assemble themselves togidder, for halding of councelles, conventions, or assemblies, to treat, consult and determinat in ony matter of Estaite, Civile or Ecclesiastical, (except in the ordinar Judgement) without his Majesties special commandement, or expresse licence, had and obtained to that effect, under the paines ordained be the lawes and actes of Parliament, against sik as unlawfully convocatis the Kingis lieges.

No. 7.-Act 1584, c. 132.

The Causes and Maner of deprivation of Ministers.

Our Soveraine Lord, and his three Estaites, assembled in this present Parliament, willing that the word of God sall be preached, and Sacramentes administrat in puritie and sinceritie, and that the rentes, quharon the Ministers aucht to be sustained, sall not be possessed be unworthie persones neglecting to do the deuties, for whilkis they accepted their benefices, being utherwaies polluted with the fraill and enorme crimes, and vices after specefied. It is therefoir statute and ordained be his Hienes, with advice of the saidis three Estaites: That all Persones, Ministers or Readers, or utheris provided to benefices, sen his Hienes Coronation, (not having vote in his Hienes Parliament,) suspected culpable of heresie, papistrie, fals and erroneous doctrine, commoun blasphemie, fornication, commoun drunkennes, non-residence, plurality of benefices having cure, quhairunto they are provided sen the said Coronation, Simonie and dilapidation of the rentes of benefices, contrare the lait Act of Parliament, being lawfully, and ordourly called, tryed, and adjudged culpable, an the vices and causes above-written, or onie of them, be the ordinar Bishope of the diocese, or utheris the Kingis Majesties Commissioners to be constitute in Ecclesiastical causes, sall be deprived alsweil fra their function in the Ministrie; as from their benefices, quhilkis sall be thereby declared to be vacand; to be presented and conferred of new, as gif the persones possessors theirof, were naturally dead: And that it sall be esteemed, and judged non-residence, quhair the person being in the function of the ministry, provided to ane benefice, sen the Kingis Majesties Coronation makis not residence at his manse, gif he ony hes; and failzieing thereof, at sum uther dwelling place within the parochin, bot remains absent theirfra, and from his Kirk, and using of his office, be the space of four Sabboth dayes in the haill zier without lauchful cause and impediment, allowed be his ordinar. And quhair ony person, is admitted to maa benefices, havand cure, sen our Soveraine Lordis Coronation, the acceptation of the last, sall be sufficient cause of deprivation from the remanent, swa that he be provided to twa, or maa benefices havand cure, sen the time of the said Coronation. And neverthelesse this present act sail not extend to ony person, provided to his benefice befoir the said Coronation, neither sall the bruiking of that office, quhairunto he was provided of befoir, induce pluralitie of benefices in this case, bot he sall allanerly tine his richt of the benefice, quhairunto he was provided sen the said Coronation allanerly: And union of Kirks to ane benefice, not to be judged pluralitie, quhill farder ordour be established and provided in

that behalfe: Sike as alswa, the persones being in the function of the ministrie, that sall happen to be lawfullie and ordourly convict befoir our Soveraine Lordis Justice-General, or utheris their Judges competent, of capital crimes, sik as treason, slauchter, mutilation, adulterie, incest, thieft, commoun oppression, usurie against the lawes of this Realme, perjurie, or falsed: They being likewaies lawfullie and ordourlie deprived fra their function in the ministrie, be their ordinar, or the Kingis Commissioners in Ecclesiastical causes. The benefices possessed by the saidis persones to vaik, be reason of the said conviction, and deprivation. And this to have effect and execution, onlie for crimes, vices, faultes, and offenses, that sall happen to be committed after the dait heirof.

No. 8.-Act 1592, c. 116. Ratification of the liberty of the trew Kirk : Of Generall and Synodal assemblie Of Presbyteries: Of Discipline. All Laws of Idolatrie ar abrogate: Of presentation to benefices.


Our Soveraine Lord and Estaites of this present Parliament; following the lovabil and gude exemple of their Predecessours: Hes ratified and appreeved, and be the tenour of this present act, ratifies and apprevis all liberties, priviledges, immunities and freedoms quhatsumever, given and granted be his Hienesse, his Regentes in his name, or onie of his Predecessours, to the trew and halie Kirk, presently established within this Realm; and declared in the first Act of his Hienesse Parliament, the twentie day of October, the zeir of God, ane thousand, five hundreth, three-scoir ninetene zieres and all and whatsumever Acts of Parliament, and statutes maid of before, be his Hienesse, and his Regentes; anent the libertie and freedom of the said Kirk And specially, the first Act of the Parliament, halden at Edinburgh, the twentie foure daie of October, the zeir of God, ane thousand, five hundreth, fourscore ane zieres, with the haill particular Acts there mentioned: Quhilk sall be als sufficient as gif the samin were here expressed. And all uther Acts of Parliament maid sensine, in favour of the trew Kirk; And siklike, ratifies and appreivis, the general Assemblies appointed be the said Kirk: And declares, that it sall be lauchfull to the Kirk and Ministers every zeir at the least, and oftner pro re nata as occasion and necessity sall require, to hald and keepe general Assemblies: Providing that the Kingis Majesty, or his Commissioners with them to be appoynted, be his Hienesse, be present at ilk general Assemblie, before the dissolving thereof, nominate and appoynt time and place, quhen and quhair the nixt General Assemblie sall be halden and in case naither his Majesty, nor his said Commissioners beis present for the time in that Toun, quhair the said general Assemblie beis halden: Then and in that case, it sall be lesum to the said general assemblie, be themselves, to nominate and appoynt time and place, quhair the next general assembly of the Kirk sall be keiped and halden, as they have bene in use to do thir times by past. And als ratifies and apprevis, the Synodicall and Provincial Assemblies, to be halden be the said Kirk and Ministers, twise ilk zeir, as they have bene, and ar presently in use to do, within every Province of this Realme; and ratifies and ap

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