| Alexander Pope - 1715 - 76 lehte
...Others on Earth o'er humane Race prefide, Watch all their Ways, and all their Actions guide : Of thefe the Chief the Care of Nations own, And guard with Arms Divine the Britijb fhrone. Our humbler Province is to tend the Fair, No* a lefs pfcafing, tho' lefs glorious Care.... | |
 | Alexander Pope - 1717 - 468 lehte
...Others on earth o'er humane race prefide, Watch all their ways, and all their actions guide ; Of thefe the chief the care of Nations own, And guard with Arms divine the Briti/h Throne. Our humbler province is to tend the fair ; Not a lefs pleafing, tho' lefs glorious... | |
 | 1720 - 302 lehte
...Others on earth o'er humane race prefide, Watch all their ways, and all their actions guides Of thefe the chief the care of nations own, And guard with arms divine the Briti/h throne. Our humbler province is to tend the fair; Not a lefs pleafing, tho' lefs glorious care.... | |
 | Alexander Pope - 1723 - 40 lehte
...this he has given us a plain Demonftration ; for fpeaking of thefe Spirits, he fays in exprefs Terms, The chief the Care of Nations own, And guard with Arms divine the Britifti Throne. And here let it not feem odd, if in this myfterious way of Writing) we find the fame... | |
 | William Ayre, Edmund Curll - 1745 - 392 lehte
...Others on Earth o'er human Race prefide, Watch all their Ways, and all their A&ions guide : Of thefe the Chief the Care of Nations own, And guard with Arms Divine the Britijh Throne, Now, Sir, give me leave toafkyoit one Queftion : Did you ever hear before that the... | |
 | Alexander Pope - 1751 - 236 lehte
...Others on earth o'er human race prefide, Watch all their ways, and all their actions guide : Of thefe the chief the care of Nations own, And guard with Arms divine the Britifh Throne. Our humbler province is to tend the Fair, 91 Not a lefs pleafing, tho' lefs glorious... | |
 | Alexander Pope - 1751 - 240 lehte
...Others on earth o'er human race prefide, Watch all their ways, and all their actions guide : Of thefe the chief the care of Nations own, And guard with Arms divine the Britifh Throne. Our humbler province is to tend the Fair, 91 Not a lefs pleafmg, tho' lefs glorious... | |
 | Alexander Pope - 1752 - 396 lehte
...Others on earth o'er human race prefide, Watch all their ways, and all their actions guide: Of thefe the chief the care of Nations own, And 'guard with Arms divine the Britim Throne. Our humbler province is to «tnd the Fair, 91 Not a lefs pleafing, tho' lefs glorious... | |
 | Jonathan Swift, Alexander Pope, John Arbuthnot - 1753 - 358 lehte
...has given us a plain demonflration ; for fpeaking of thefe fpirits, he fays in exprefs terms, —— The chief the care of nations own. And guard with arms divine the Britifh throne. And here let it not feem odd, if, in this myflerioos way of writing, we find the fame... | |
 | Jonathan Swift, John Hawkesworth - 1754 - 398 lehte
...this he has given us a plain demonftration; for fpeaking.'of thefe fpirits he fays in exprefs terms, The chief .the care of nations own, And guard^ with arms divine, the britifh throne. •. And And here let it not feem odd, if in this myfterious way of writing we find... | |
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