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certificates to

dergo examination.

8. Each candidate shall, at least eight days before the Candidates to examination, transmit an application to be admitted to examin- apply for exam.

ination-order in ation, and the candidates shall be examined in the order of the which they shall dates of their applications ; but those who are holders of a be examined. diploma from any of the incorporated universities of this province, or of any of the normal schools of this province, shall have precedence over the other candidates.

9. The lieutenant-governor in council shall frame a regu- Regulation to be lation dividing the employees of the civil service into several made dividing

employees into classes, fixing the maximum and minimum of the salaries of en

les or classes and fixeach class, and the rules respecting the increase of salaries in ing rules as to proportion to the number of years service in each class, and a

rvice in och gloss and salaries and prothe promotion of employees from one class to another; and he may also fix a corresponding division of the certificates to be granted by the board of examiners.

10. After the passing of this act no person shall be appointed None but holders to any permanent employment in the civil service, unless he be

be appointed in holds a certificate from the board of examiners ; but it shall civil service. not be absolutely necessary that the class of the certificate correspond with the class of the service.

11. Within six months after the passing of this act, all the Employees to employees of the civil service, with the exception of those in already provided with a certificate from the board of examiners of the civil service of the late province of Canada, or who were employed for more than a year in any of the departments of the civil service of the said province, or of the board of education, shall undergo an examination in virtue of this act.

12. Immediately after the passing of this act, the deputy heads Oaths to be of departments and all the employees in the civil service shall taken by

a heads and embefore the clerk of the executive council, take the oath of alle- ployees. giance and the oath contained in schedule A of this act, and the clerk of the executive council shall keep a record of such oaths; and every deputy head or employee, who shall be appointed for the future, shall before entering upon his duties take the same oaths, and the same oaths may be exacted by any head of a department from any employee temporarily employed.

13. Every deputy head of a department or employee who Dismissal for shall fail to take or shall violate the said oaths shall be refusal or viola

°tion of oaths. immediately dismissed.

14. The board of examiners shall be also a council of discip- Board may line for the civil service, and may report to the secretary of make rules for the province rules proposed for the internal government of service.

f discipline of civil the departments, and the secretary of the province shall submit the said rules, if he deems it expedient for the approval of the lieutenant-governor in council, and when they shall have been approved, they shall have the force of law.

15. The lieutenant-governor in council may from time to Additional time fix the amount and nature of the security to be given by security may be Proceedings of 16. When the board of examiners acting as a council of board upon com- discipline shall receive a copy of an order in council, complaint against employees.

required from the deputy heads and employees in the civil service over and deputy heads above that already prescribed by law.

and employees.

manding them to enquire into the conduct of an employee in the civil service, they shall make an enquiry into the conduct of such employee and into all the complaints which shall have been preferred against him, and they shall have power to examine witnesses, and to appoint one or more commissioners to examine such employees or witnesses, and in urgent cases such enquiry may take place on a reference from the member of the executive council presiding over the

department to which such employee belongs. Nothing to pre

17. N

17. Nothing herein contained shall prevent the lieutenantvent lieut:-gov. governor from dismissing any employee when he sees fit so to

from dismis

Designation of 18. The board of examiners and council of discipline shall board. be known and designated by the name of “the civil service


19. A sufficient sum for the contingent expenses of the said Allowance for expenses of the board shall be from time to time allowed by the lieutenantboard.

governor in council, and the chairman of the said board shall

account for the same to the treasurer of the province. Employees in

20. When the employees of a department cannot perform one department the duties entrusted to them with sufficient despatch for the inquirod public service, the deputy head of the department may confer

with any of the deputy heads of the other departments for the purpose of obtaining the temporary services of such number of employees as he may require, and such employees shall

give their services without additional remuneration. Short title.

21. This act shall be known as “The Civil Service Act."


to assist in another,


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" I, A. B., do swear that I will be faithful in the execution of the trust committed to my charge by my appointment as

, and that I will not ask or receive any money, service, value or thing whatever, directly or indirectly, for anything done or to be done in the execution of any of the duties of my said office, other than my salary, or what shall be allowed me by law, or by order of the lieutenant-governor in council.-So help me God."


An act respecting the Treasury Department and the

public revenue, expenditure and accounts.

[Assened to 24th February, 1868.]

TTER MAJESTY, by and with the advice and consent of
II the Legislature of Quebec, enacts as follows :


1. The words " public revenue” or 6 revenue,” or “ public Interpretation of money,” mean all revenue and public moneys, arising from “ public reany source whatever',-whether such revenue and moneys venne'» (dublic belong to the province, or are held by the province or collected money," or held by officers of the province for or on account of or in trust for any other province forming part of the dominion, or for the dominion, or for the imperial government, or for any other party.

2. The words “ revenue officer” mean any person employ- and revenue ed in collecting, managing or accounting for revenue, or in officer.' carrying into effect any laws relating thereto, or in preventing the contravention of any such laws; and, so far as regards accounting for and paying over such revenue, the said words include any person who, either before or since the union, has received or been entrusted with any public money, whether such person was regularly employed for such purpose or not.


revenue fund.

3. All revenue whatever, however arising or received, over Formation of which the legislature of this province has power of appropri- consolidated ation, shall form one consolidated revenue fund, to be appro- reve priated for the public service of the province.

4. Such consolidated revenue fund shall be permanently Fund to be charged with all the costs, charges and expenses incident to chargeable with

note its own expenses, the collection, management and receipt thereof; such costs, subject charges and expenses being subject nevertheless to audit, and to legislative review and vote.

5. The legislative assembly shall not adopt or pass any vote, Money votes to resolution, address or bill, for the appropriation of any part be fir

mended by of such consolidated revenue fund, or of any tax or impost, to lieut.-gov. any purpose which has not been first recommended to the said legislative assembly, by message of the lieutenant-governor during the session in which such vote, resolution, address or bill is proposed.

first recom



Appointinents 6. The lieutenant-governor in council may from time to time

determine what revenue officers it is necessary to employ ; and may assign their names of office, and fix their salaries or pay, and appoint the times and manner in which the same shall be paid; but no such officer shall receive a higher salary than is allowed in his case by any act of the legislature then in force ; por shall any such salary be paid unless voted by

the legislature. Bulary to ex 7. The salary or pay allowed to any such officer shall be in clude all other lieu of all emoluments of any kind whatever, except actual unless permit

and anthorized disbursements, shares of seizures, forfeitures tod.

and penalties; and no such officer employed on the staff of any public department, or receiving a salary at or exceeding the rate of one thousand dollars per annum, shail exercise any other employment whatever, with a view to derive profit therefrom, directly or indirectly, or shall hold any other office of profit whatever, unless it be with the express permission of the

lieutenant-governor in conncil. Revenue oflicers 8. No revenue officer shall be compelled to serve in any Cortato services Other public office, or in any municipal or local office, or on

any jury or inquest, or in the militia. Outh to be taken 9. Every revenue officer shall, at his admission to office, by them.

take the following oath, before such person as the lieutenantgovernor may appoint to receive the same, that is to say:

" I, A. B , do swear that I will be faithful in the execution 5 of the trust committed to my charge by my appointment as

, and that I will not ask or receive any money, si service, value or thing whatever, directly or indirectly, for “ anything done or to be done in the execution of any of the * duties of my said office, other than my salary, or what shall “ be allowed me by law, or by order of the lieutenant-governor

* in council.–So help me God.” Province may be 10. The lieutenant governor in council may from time to

que districts: tiine divide the province into revenue districts for the collecand regulations' tion or management of the revenue,-and may assign revenue may be made the concerning que


officers for any such district, and the place or places within vflicers and their the same where their duty shall be performed, -and may business.

make such regulations concerning such officers and the management of the business to them entrusted, as are consistent with the law, and as he deems expedient for the public good; And any general regulation made by the lieutenant governor in council under the provisions of this act, shall apply to each particular case within the intent and meaning of such regulation as fully and effectually as if the same had been made with reference to such particular case, and as if the officers or

persons concerned had been specially named therein. What shall be 2. A copy of any regulation or order of the lieutenantevidence of such governor in council, printed by the queen's printer, or a written regulations. copy thereof attested by the signature of the clerk of the

divided in


provienant-govent-governocer employe of the liver ofti

executive council, shall be evidence of such regulation or order; And any order in writing, signed by the secretary of the province, and purporting to be written by command of the fieutenant-governor, shall be received in evidence as the order of the lieutenant-governor.

11. Every revenue officer employed on any duty or service Officer designate by the orders or with the concurrence of the lieutenant-governor ed by lieut-gov.

deemed to be in council, shall be deemed to be the proper officer for that proper officer. duty or service ; And every thing required by any law to be done by, to, or with any particular officer designated for that purpose in such law, shall when done by, to, or with any person appointed or authorized by the lieutenant-governor in council to act in behalf of such particular officer, be deemed to be done by, to, or with such particular officer :

2. And everything required by law to be done at any parti- Place designated cular place within any such revenue district, shall, when done by lieut.-gov.

deemed to be the at any place within such district, appointed by the lieutenant- prone governor in council, for such purpose, be deemned to be done at the particular place so required by law.

12. Any revenue officer employed for any branch of the Revenue officers revenue, may be employed for any other branch thereof, removeable

from one brancb whenever it is deemed advantageous for the public service so into another. to employ him.

13. The lieutenant-governor in council may from time to Office hours, time appoint the hours of general attendance of the revenue officers at their places of employment,—and may also appoint the times during such hours, or the seasons of the year, at which any particular portions of their duties shall be performed; and a notice of the hours of general attendance so appointed shall be kept constantly posted up in some conspicuous place in such places of employment.

14. The lieutenant-governor in council may direct any Lieut.-gov, may revenue officer to keep any books or accounts, for the purpose order books to of obtaining any statistical information touching the resources or public works of the province, or other matters of public interest and may authorize any necessary expense for such purpose.

15. The lieutenant-governor in council may from time to control of time assign the immediate oversight and control of any revenue revenue officers. officers, or classes of revenue officers, to such of the public departments as may be deemed convenient; and in default of other assignment, such immediate oversight and control shall rest with the treasury department.

16. All revenue shall be paid in to the credit of the treasurer All revenue to through such officers, banks or parties, and in such manner, as paid in to credit

of treasurer. the lieutenant-governor in council may from time to time direct.

17. The lieutenant-governor in council may from time to time and mode time appoint the times and mode in which any revenue officer of accounting for

public moneysshall account for and pay over the public moneys which come duties--and)


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