Bode, The Law of: Gaps in the Solar System filled up. By PROFESSOR KELLAND Braidwood, James: A True Hero. By the Author of "JOHN HALIFAX" Buckle's, Mr., Doctrine as to the Scotch and their History. By the EDITOR- Part 1.-Mr. Buckle's General Thesis, and Early Scottish History Part II.-The Weasel-Wars of Scotland, and the Scottish Reformation 309 Cobden, Mr., To, And other Public Men in Search of Work. By the Author of Dying Girl, Song of the Dew to a. By the Hon. RODEN NOEL Education, Supplementary National: Sunday Schools, Mechanics' Institutes, and Indian Budget, The New. By J. M. LUDLOW Indian Cities-Lucknow Indian Civil Service as a Profession. By AN EX-COMPETITION WALLAH Musical Season, The London. By W. POLE, F.R.S. Mus. Bac. Oxon. Romsoe Church: A Legend. By PRINCE FREDERICK OF SCHLESWIG-HOLSTEIN 391 Contributors to this Volume. ANSTED, PROFESSOR. ARNOLD, EDWIN. AUTHOR OF "JOHN HALIFAX." AUTHOR OF "TOM BROWN'S SCHOOL-DAYS." BARNES, REV. W. BLACKIE, PROFESSOR. CALCUTTA, RIGHT REV. THE BISHOP OF. CHERMSIDE, REV. R. S. C. CORYTON, J. DICEY, EDWARD. EBERTY, DR. FELIX. GARNETT, RICHARD. HIGGINS, H. W. HOWMAN, KNIGHTLEY. KELLAND, PROFESSOR. KINGSLEY, HENRY. LUDLOW, JOHN MALCOLM. MASSON, PROFESSOR. MORGAN, JOHN E. NOEL, THE HON. RODEN. OTTÉ, E. C. PATMORE, COVENTRY. POLE, W., F.R.S. ROBINSON, REV. H. G. ROSSETTI, CHRISTINA G. ROWE, NICHOLAS. SCHLESWIG-HOLSTEIN, PRINCE FREDERICK OF. SIDGWICK, HENRY. STEPHENS, F. G. TURNER, REV. CHARLES. |