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7. The supreme contrivance of the salvation of the church, is in

a peculiar manner ascribed unto the person of the Father,

8. The furniture of the Lord Christ, (though he were the Son, and

in his divine person the Lord of all), for the discharge of his

work of mediation, was the peculiar act of the Father,

9. Whatever God designs, appoints and calls any unto, he will pro-

vide for them all that is needful unto the duties of obedience,

whereunto they are so appointed and called,

10. Not only the love and grace of God in sending his Son, are

continually to be admired and glorified, but the acting of this

infinite wisdom, in fitting and preparing his human nature, so as

to render it every way meet unto the work which it was design-

ed for, ought to be the especial object of our holy contemplation, 475

11. The ineffable, but yet distinct operation of the Father, Son and

Spirit, in, about, and towards, the human nature assumed by the

Son, are, as an uncontrollable evidence of their distinct subsis-

tence in the same individual divine essence; so a guidance unto

faith, as unto all their distinct actings towards us in the applica-

tion of the work of redemption unto our souls,

12. It is the will of God, that the church should take especial no-

tice of this sacred truth, that nothing can expiate or take away

sin, but the blood of Christ alone,

13. Whatever may be the use or efficacy of any ordinances of wor-

ship, yet if they are employed or trusted unto for such ends as

God hath not designed them unto, he accepts not of our persons
in them, nor approves of the things themselves,

14. The foundation of the whole glorious work of the salvation of

`the church, was laid in the sovereign will, pleasure and grace of

God, even the Father,


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