The meeting points the facred hair diffever Then flash'd the livid lightnings from her eyes, Let wreaths of triumph now my temples twine, Or the small pillow grace a lady's bed; And monuments, like men, fubmit to fate! Steel Steel could the works of mortal pride confound, What wonder then, fair nymph! thy hairs fhould feel The conqu'ring force of unrefifted feel? THE RAPE of the LOCK B CANTO IV. UT anxious cares the penfive nymph oppreft, And fecret paffions labour'd in her breast. Not youthful Kings in battel feiz'd alive, Not fcornful virgins who their charms furvive, Nor tyrants fierce that unrepenting die, Not Cynthia when her manteau's pinn'd awry, As thou, fad virgin! for thy ravish'd hair. For, that fad moment, when the Sylphs withdrew, And Ariel weeping from Belinda flew, Umbriel, a dufky, melancholy fprite As ever fully'd the fair face of light, Down Down to the central earth, his proper fcene, Swift on his footy pinions flits the Gnome, Pain at her fide, and Megrim at her head. Two handmaids wait the throne: alike in place, But diff'ring far in figure and in face. Here food Ill-nature like an ancient maid, Her wrinkled form in black and white array'd; There Affectation, with a fickly mien, Shows in her cheek the rofes of eighteen, A conftant vapour o'er the palace flies; Now glaring fiends, and snakes on rolling spires, Unnumber'd throngs on every fide are feen, Of bodies chang'd to various forms by fpleen. Here living teapots ftand, one arm held out, One bent; the handle this, and that the spout: A pipkin there like * Homer's Tripod walks, Here fighs a jar, and there a goofe-pye talks; Men prove with child, as pow'rful fancy works, And maids turn'd bottles, call aloud for corks. Safe paft the Gnome thro' this fantastic band, branch of healing fpleenwort in his hand. Then thus address'd the pow'r Who rule the sex to fifty from fifteen: Hail wayward [Queen! Parent of vapours and of female wit, Who give th' hysteric, or poetic fit, *See Hom, Iliad 18. of Vulcan's walking Tripeds. |