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then, without a Divine warrant? are we not contradicting the inherent nature and design of this ordinance when infants are baptized by us?" The only reply to this is found in the old reference to circumcision, and the records of baptized households in the New Testament: for answers to which we would refer Dr. Hanna to any child in our Sunday Schools. That Dr. Hanna himself feels the weakness of his argument is evident from the following remarks with which he concludes:-" Still, with all these considerations to urge in behalf of infant baptism, we would plead for it as a practice which the spirit of the Divine command, and the genius of the Christian Institute, ALLOW US TO OBSERVE, rather than a custom which the letter of the command obliges us to follow. There are those who, as you well know, cannot go with us even thus far, and who do not feel at liberty, without more express sanction than, as it seems, the Word of God contains, to do what seems to them to contravene the very nature and design of the ordinance. Of our difference with such we shall only say that it never should have been magnified into one of such weight and importance, that the Church of Christ should have divided thereupon into separate communions; for, if the Church of the Apostles, acting under immediate guidance from heaven, was taught to tolerate within its bosom diversity both of opinion and practice as to the rite of circumcision, we might well have learned to tolerate diversity of opinion and practice as to the rite of baptism. We cling with fondness, however, to the baptism of infants.


secms to us a beautiful and impressive spectacle that Christianity should be seen thus bending over the cradle, and claiming the new-born babe for Him who died for sinners, and for that blessed and glorious immortality which he hath opened up for us beyond the grave. Her presence there, her voice of love and hope, how comforting to those into whose weak hands the care from birth of a young immortal has


been committed! In presenting his child for baptism, a Christian parent undertakes a weighty responsibility; that responsibility would rest on him the same whether his infant was baptized or not; but a burden, too heavy for his unaided spirit to bear, does it not largely help him to bear, when he is permitted from the very first, and in this sacred rite, to commit his offspring to the covenanted mercy of God in Christ? It is as a privilege rather than a duty that we would have you bring your infants to the baptismal font, grateful to Him who suffers His holy name to be named so early over them, and casting this your greatest care on Him who careth for you and yours." There are multitudes, we believe, who fully concur in the sentiments of this paragraph; to whom infant baptism is purely a matter of feeling. The loving mother invests the rite with come fancied benefitsuperstition and piety are closely allied in feeble human nature. We do not go so far as to think with John Foster that, if our piety were divested of all its superstition very little piety would be left, but we do think our piety, if not deformed, is very much weakened by its companion superstition. At any rate, we are quite willing to leave to our Pædobaptist brother all the soothing influence of superstition, and the mystie occult, spiritual power imparted to him at the baptismal font of his infant, by which he is so largely helped to bear his parental responsibility, a burden, "too heavy for his unaided spirit to bear." For our part we prefer the manly piety which repels superstition, and seeks directly from God without the intervention of any human rite, the strength we need, and which is promised in answer to prayer, for the nurture and training for heaven of our children. The kindly tone of remark, and the charitable feelings of the Author towards those who differ from him on the subject of baptism, we both admire and reciprocate, and shall welcome the time when the separation wall between us shall be for ever demolished. Hoping this


volume will be followed by many more of like ability and spirit we heartily commend it to our readers.

On the Negro's Place in Nature. By JAMES HUNT, Ph. D. London: Trubner and Co. 1863. Sixty pp. 8vo.

The theories of the author met with a hostile reception at the meetings of the British Association for the Advancement of Science in Newcastle. He has, therefore, published them under the form of a paper read to the London Anthropological Society, of which he is the President. He examines the physical, mental, and moral qualities of the negro, and concludes that the native of Africa is a distinct species from the European, just as distinct as the ass is from the zebra. This is our author's own illustration. No wonder that, with Mr. Craft present in the section in which the paper was read, Dr. Hunt's views should have been received with derision. Nothing in this published pamphlet can exclude the negro from a participation in our common humanity. All Mr. Hunt's facts only go to prove that the dwellers on the Congo and Niger are not Europeans; that is all. There is not a physical or mental, or moral quality adduced by Dr. Hunt, as a peculiarity of the negro, which is not also found in some one or other of the numerous races of men. He tells us that "the negro race, in some of its characters, is the lowest of existing races, while, in others, it approaches the highest type

European; and this is the case with other savage races." (p. 3.) Many of the anatomical peculiarities of the negro find corresponding parts in other sections of the human family. (p. 11). In the size of the brain the negro comes after the European, and five other well-defined races; but six other races come after the negro, including the ancient civilized Egyptian and Hindu. (p. 13.) And Dr. Hunt actually talks of civilizing and humanizing the negro, which he certainly could not do if he were not human, and possessed of human capabilities. (p. 56.)

Although Dr. Hunt is pleased to profess great horror of the slave trade, he nevertheless distinctly enough assures us that the best of all conditions for the black man is that of slavery. The writings of American slave holders are quoted as of the highest authority on this point. The advocates of the Southern Confederacy are quoted approvingly as adepts in the scientific knowledge of the negro's nature; and the microscopical investigations, of a scientific lady prove his blood to be vastly dissimilar" to ours. Therefore, negro emancipation is a "gigantic imposture." It is both "absurd and chimerical" to attempt to place this human "ass" in any other condition than that which Lousianian planters have, in accord with nature, devised for him. Our answer shall be given in the beautiful lines of Montgomery


"From Nubian hills, that hail the dawning day,
To Guinea's coast, where evening fades away;
Here dwells the negro, nature's outcast child,
Scorned by his breth en.

Is he not man, though knowledge never shed
Her quickening beams on his neglected head?
Is he not man, by sin and suffering tried?
Is he not man, for whom the Saviour died?

Modern Civilization in Relation to Christianity. A series of Essays. By WILLIAM MCCOMBIE. Edinburgh, Blackwood and Son. 1864. pp. 128, 8vo.


Whatever Mr. McCombie may write is sure to be worthy of attention. there is any cause for regret with respect to the work before us, it is its fragmentary character. The essays

have appeared from time to time in the Aberdeen paper, which he so ably conducts, and necessarily, therefore, partake of the brevity and abruptness which such a form of publication entails. There is a general connection running throughout; but as each essay is almost always independent of the preceding one, the effect is one of incompleteness. We should have greatly preferred that Mr. McCombie had digested the many admirable remarks and reasonings the essays contain, into a continuous and logical whole.

The earlier essays are devoted to a critical examination of the materialist

theories of the late Mr. Buckle and the utilitarian philosophy of Mr. John Stuart Mill. In contradiction to both, he affirms the true law of civilization to be this:-"That a civilization that shall embrace the whole body of a people, must rest on the due develop ment and exercise of all the faculties and susceptibilities of our nature." He thence shows that the two philosophers above-named, entirely overlook or set aside the higher and moral qualities of our nature, and that practically their systems must result in atheism, both being confessedly devoted to the evolution of laws for man's well-being from natural sources alone. Both the religious and moral elements of man's nature are ignored by these writers, or they labour to show that both may advantageously be dispensed with. A civilization, founded on such a basis, can neither be a true civilization, nor can it have in it any elements of stability. An outlook on the present condition of the nations where such principles prevail, must convince any one that liberty will surely become the prey of despots, or that anarchy will sap the very life-springs of national well-being.

Mr. McCombie further traces the influence which a pure Christianity ought to have on the condition of the female sex, on education, on the criminal population, on popular literature, and on other features of our national life. His longest essay is on the Natural and Supernatural, in which he investigates the modern and ever-growing hostility to the supernatural element in Divine Revelation. He finds the root and the germ of this scepticism in Hume's argument against miracles, "that they are contrary to experience." In reply to this he shows, and we think, with success, that we can recognize in our experience a power strictly analogous, "not differing in kind, but in measure,' to the power of working miracles.

Science is possible, because observation proves that the phenomena of nature proceed on system, according to definite and determinate laws. The Positivist assumes that this connection between cause and effect is invariable and immutable. But science cannot apply her scales or measuring rod to all knowledge, and hence cannot affirm that the law of sequence is invariable. Our emotions are beyond the range of science. They are not measurable. No limits can be assigned to their intensity and duration. Yet our emotions and passions are the grand motive forces of individual and social life, and though conditioned by the forces of nature, they are not subject to them, but overrule, suspend, direct them. The will, which implies free choice, is an element which has no place in nature, is not measurable by science, and its movements can never be certainly foreseen. A large portion of the data or elements for forming a scientific knowledge, are utterly beyond our reach. Hence no experience of the past can assure what the will may, in the future, determine to do. From its action unexpected events may, and do arise, which baffle the wisest calculator. The Divine Will is a force of the same kind, though infinitely transcending man's in measure, and no experience of the past can justify our asserting that God cannot do otherwise than he has already done, or otherwise than the laws of nature may have led us to expect.

For the full development of this argument, we must refer our reader to Mr. McCombie's able discussion. Fragmentary, as we have already said the essays are, they will afford to the thoughtful mind, interested in the sceptical movement of the day, many most useful and instructive aspects of the truths by which this modern spirit may be exorcised.

Brief Notices.

The Imperial Bible Dictionary: Historical, Biographical, Geographical, and Doctrinal; including the Natural History, Antiquities, Manners, Customs, and Religious Rites and Ceremonies mentioned in the Scriptures, and an Account of the Several Books of the Old and New Testa ments. Edited by the Rev. PATRICK FAIRBAIRN, D.D. With seven thousand engravings. To be completed in about twenty parts: price 2s. 6d. each. Blackie and Son, Glasgow and London. Part I. to VII.-The great demand for books of this kind is a pleasing feature of the age. It is one of the results of Sunday schools. Teachers have been compelled to study in order to meet the demands of the children, and a higher order of reading has become necessary for the instructors of the teachers. This has been called a superficial age, and, perhaps, to some extent, justly. People, for the most part, may be satisfied with periodical, review, dictionary, and other popular literature; but it must be remembered that the surface of reading has widened, and the number of readers multiplied immensely during the last twenty years; and if the readers of standard books and students of the primary sources of information be few in comparison with readers generally, they are not few in comparison with their number half a century since. It is to us a source of sincere rejoicing that so many books illustrative of the Bible, adapted both to young and old, are continually issuing from the press. This fact is an evidence that such literature is extensively prized: and from this fact we argue the security of the people generally against the attacks that may from time to time be made on the Word of God. We hail, therefore, with great satisfaction, "The Imperial Bible Dictionary." It takes up all the subjects that elucidate the contents of the Bible, and carefully considers the books of which it is composed. In its articles, a devout and catholic spirit prevails; and the Scriptures are everywhere treated as the Word of God. The names of the writers inspire us with confidence, and the engravings and illustrations are well finished. We hope it will meet with the sale it so justly merits.

The Life and Lessons of Our Lord Unfolded and Illustrated. By the Rev. JOHN CUMMING, D.D., F.R.S.E. With a coloured illustration of the Good Shepherd, and four wood engravings. London: John Shaw and Co. Part I., price 6d. The author promises that this work shall consist of a clear, devout, and practical biography of Christ, who is the core and life of Christianity. For such a work, Dr. Cumming is admirably fitted. Let him only keep his promise, and abstain from speculation, and this work will be thoroughly interesting. The first number is excellent. It is well printed, on toned paper, and beautifully illustrated. It deserves an extensive circulation.

Baptism, Scripturally, Critically, and Historically considered in its Nature and Subjects. By JOHN BOWES. Dundee: Bowes Brothers.-This tract is a compilation of evidence on the subject of Baptism, from lexicographers, divines, and others, from the first ages of Christianity, and ought to convince its readers that the Baptists are right.

The Juvenile Missionary Herald. London: H. J. Tresidder. Price One Halfpenny.-It is highly creditable, both to the Baptist Missionary Society, and to the publisher, and we hope will be extensively circulated among the young in our families and schools.

Missionary Scenes. London: published by Elliot Stock, 62, Paternoster Row, E.C.-These scenes are illustrative of the operations of the Baptist Missionary Society, and are accompanied by brief accounts of its formation and several fields of labour. They are beautifully executed, and will be welcomed by the young, for whom they are intended.

The Mother's Friend. Edited by ANN JANE. Volume IV. New Series. Lon-. don: Jackson, Walford, and Hodder. 27, Paternoster Row, E.C., 1863.-This magazine has been in existence sixteer years, and now twenty thousand copies are printed monthly. This fact speaks for itself, and renders any recommendation of ours superfluous. We will, however, add that we think it quite merits the popularity it has acquired. It is full of sketches from life, which will interest both mother and child.

Prelacy Tried by the Word of God.

By the Rev. JAMES N. MILLER. Edinburgh: Johnstone, Hunter, & Co. 1864. Pp. 78. 24mo.-A brief, but clear and well-executed examination of all the passages of scripture, on which its advocates are wont to hang their arguments. The appendix contains a short reply to the argument from church history.

The Original Baptist Almanack and Congregational Hand Book for the Year 1864. London: Robert Banks, 9, Crane Court. Price Twopence.-In addition to the usual information contained in almanacks, most may here find all they wish to know respecting Baptist societies, publications, and London and suburban ministers and chapels.

A Motto for Life. The Midnight Bells. John Stabb, Red Lion Square, London. -These publications are issued by the Monthly Tract Society, which is doing a good work. The former commends the motto, AMEN, ALLELUIA: or complete acquiescence and rejoicing in heavenly Father's will. The latter is a midnight chime for the close of the year, but simple and impressive.


The Weather Almanack and Meteorological Hand Book for the British Isles. 1864. By ORLANDO THISTLECRAFT. London, J. M. Burton and Co., Crane Court, Fleet Street. Sixpence.-Judging from the first ten days in January, the predictions respecting the weather are not of much worth; but the general notes on the weather, and tables of past storms, and mild and severe winters, contained in this almanack, are valuable.

The Cottager in Town and Country. 1863. London: The Religious Tract Society, 56 Paternoster Row.-Worthy of a place in every cottage in the land.

Christian Union. Six addresses delivered at the first meeting of the Bayswater Ministerial Union. By the Rev. W. CHALMERS, M.A., Rev. HENRY FRY, D.D., Rev. W. G. LEWIS, Rev. A. McMILLAN, Rev. A. C. PRICE, B.A., and Rev. G. G. SCOTT. London: James B. Sumner, 101, Edgware Road: W. Macintosh, 24, Paternoster Row, 1863. -The publication of such a book as this is an interesting fact. It contains six addresses, delivered, two by Presbyterian, one by Congregational, one by Baptist, and two by Church of England ministers, at a public meeting held at Westbourne Hall, Bayswater, to inaugurate a union of all the evangelical ministers of the district, which union still continues. Who can estimate its effect upon themselves, their respective congregations, and the neighbourhood?

The Christian Treasury. A Family Miscellany Rev. H. BONAR, D.D., Editor. London: Groombridge and Sons, Paternoster Row. January 1, 1864. Price Sixpence. There is no periodical we welcome more heartily than the Christian Treasury. It always contains something instructive and calculated to excite one's better feelings. Our young folk also eagerly seize it for the sake of the portion it uniformly contains for them. This year's issue promises to be not a whit behind any of its predecessors.



MINISTERIAL CHANGES. The Rev. J. H. Hinton, M.A., having resigned the pastorate of the church at Devonshire-square Chapel, has menced his labours at Barnsbury Hall, Upper-street, Islington, in connection with the proposed new chapel at Highbury Hill.-The Rev. E. Jones, formerly of Broseley, Salop, has accepted the invitation of the church at Bethesda Chapel, Trowbridge, Wilts.-The Rev. J. B. Lockwood has accepted an invitation to the pastorate of the church at Nantwich, Cheshire.-The Rev. John Douglas, late of the Independent College, Manchester, and not long since baptized by

Mr. Carson, of Tubbermore, has undertaken the pastorate of the church at Portadown. Mr. C. B. Sawday, of the Metropolitan Tabernacle College, has accepted the pastorate of the church meeting in Vernon Chapel, Pentonville, London.-M. J. H. Gordon, formerly lecturer for the Leeds Secularist Society. has, after a course of study in Cavendish College, Manchester, accepted the unanimous call of the Baptist church at Astley Bridge, near Bolton.-Mr. J. W. Nicholas, from Pontypool College, has cepted the unanimous invitation of the church at Newbridge.-The Rev. R. Thomson, for seventeen years pastor of


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