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to the proprietors, and it is hoped that no and cold forge tests being in the same progentleman in the same line of business will portion.

seek admittance, except by special invitation In many instances complaints have been or permission. The principal trade of Norwich made by the makers of boiler plates to the is in shoes, and the "Norfolk Herald " gives effect that the Government tests are too us the following statistics of this manufacture: severe to insure good iron, by requiring them -The hand machines now in use are chiefly to supply plates which shall stand a tensile those of Thomas, Howe, or Singer. There strain of twenty-two tons per square inch are about 400 of these in warehouses, and lengthways, and eighteen tons per square inch 200 in private houses, daily at work. There crossways of the plate; also a good hot and are also several large American machines for cold forge test. In this case it has been said sewing soles to uppers; and in three factories that the plates cannot be subjected to a high steam power has been applied to these ma-tensile strain without injury to the plate, with chines, so that soles and uppers may be regard to the forged tests. It is, however, a applied at the rate of a pair minute. well-known fact that iron plates can be made members of the British Association will means of machines a pair of boots can be cut to stand the forged tests required by the commence at Norwich on Wednesday next, out, fitted, sewn together, and finished in an Government; also a tensile strain of twentyunder the presidency of Mr. Joseph Dalton hour and a half. Three operators are re-six tons per square inch lengthways, and Hooker, F.R.S. Everything at present seems quired for each machine-two fitters and one twenty-one tons per square inch crossways of to promise a success equal to that which has machinist. Suppose 500 machines to be daily the plate, by care and attention on the part hitherto attended the annual meetings of the at work, each will produce two dozen pairs of the makers. The course taken by the Association. A programme of the sectional daily, or a total of a thousand dozen pairs of Government with regard to framing a code of arrangements, as far as they have been uppers daily. By the use of an American tests, by which plates of a certain thickness already made known, appear on another page, machine the soles may be attached to the and quality must admit of bending both hot so that we shall confine ourselves here to a uppers at the rate of one pair per minute, or and cold, with and across the grain, to insure few general remarks upon the forthcoming 600 pairs daily. By the use of two American their being received at the dockyards, has meeting. And, first, let us say a few words machines this number may be doubled. been the means of drawing the attention of on the route to Norwich, that grand old When trade is good about 6.000 men, women, the makers to the requirements of the Governecclesiastical city. Those who are journeying and children are employed in their manufac- ment, whereby a better class of iron is now from the metropolis, and who have time to ture either in the warehouses or in their own obtained than otherwise would have been. spare, have choice of another route than that homes. The operatives may be divided into But a very few years since, the only result by the Eastern Counties Railway-a line one-third men, one-third women, and one-the makers sought to obtain was a high tensile which runs through a flat and uninteresting third children. They will produce, by the strain. district. Steamships run three times a week aid of machines, one thousand dozen pairs of The methods of testing iron plates for tenfrom London Bridge to Yarmouth, the latter boots and shoes daily; the number will there- sile strength differ very materially, according place being within an hour's ride of Norwich fore be six thousand dozen weekly, and, to the views of the different persons employed. by rail. On board the passenger boats plying taking the average price at 40s. per dozen, Some hold that pieces cut out in a circular form between London and Yarmouth the accommo- the weekly value would be £12,000. Sup-are the best for the purpose; others that dation is good, and provisions of all kinds are posing the trade to continue brisk for fifty pieces cut with parallel sides are preferable, supplied at moderate rates. The trip from weeks in the year, the annual value would be and while some hold that the length of the London to Yarmouth averages about eleven £600,000. piece taken for testing is a fair sample, others hours in length; the vessels keep in sight of land nearly the whole distance, and Among foreigners of note who intend to be think it unfair, and so on, each trying to here and there some picturesque views are present this year at the British Association secure the advantage of the result of the test. seen, though, as a rule, the coast is flat. are Padre Secchi, of Rome; Professor Vam- From experiments made with circular and After passing through Yarmouth Roads, with bery, M. Lartet, Dr. Broca, Colonel Moulinie, parallel-sided pieces the difference was found its crowded shipping, there are two or three Baron and Baroness Madler, M. Favre, Dr. to be very great. The experiments to which Karl Kock, of Berlin; and Baron Walters- we here refer were carried out as follows:miles of awkward river navigation before Yarmouth is reached, and the passengers land haussen, of Gottingen. Among those mem- A certain number of picces were prepared in bers of the Association who have been re- a circular form, and a corresponding number at a quay in the centre of the town, proceed-moved by death are Mr. John Crawfurd, in a parallel-sided form, both with and across ing thence, as already observed, by rail to F.R.S., President of the Ethnological Society, the grain. The pieces of both shapes so preNorwich. The arrangements for the recep- and Sir David Brewster. pared varied in diameter from lin. to 10in., tion of the Association at Norwich are very and the average of the results in every length complete, the committee having a large choice that was tested was in every case in favour of of public rooms, and having taken plenty of the circular pieces. It will be apparent that time to mature their plans. The mechanical when a parallel-sided piece of iron of any section has more room than it had at Dundee; GOVERNMENT TESTS FOR BOILER length is tested, the chance of its breaking at a point other than the centre, when phical section, being more of an entertaining Bject of boiler plate tests, it may be as required tensile strain), is in proportion to the the full strain is applied (or even under the than of a scientific character, this section is well to say a few words on the final process length of piece tested, in consequence of always well filled, and will be especially so of manufacture, as bearing upon the ulti- the strain being the more likely to fall into a on this occasion, because much relating to mate results of the testing. After the puddling weak part of the plate, and also owing to the the Abyssinian expedition will be brought has been completed, the iron is removed from elongation of the plate. But when the pieces forward. If pressure upon the accommoda- the furnace in an irregular form, taken to the tested are circular in form, the probability of tion provided is felt anywhere, we expect it steam hammer, and there hammered; it is their breaking at any other part than the will be in this and in the physical science next passed through rolls and rolled into smallest is done away with, as the piece must Association this year is a lecture by Professor slabs, from about 12in. to 18in. wide, and break exactly at the smallest place to obtain 14in. thick. Sometimes it is rolled in the the correct breaking strain. It will thus be Huxley to the working men of Norwich, on form of narrow bars 3in., 34in., 4in., and seen that, in testing iron, pieces of a circular chalk, which is all the more interesting sometimes 6in. wide, for the purpose of cross-form have a decided advantage over pieces of because Norwich is in a chalk district, and piling with the wide bars. These slabs and similar length of a parallel-sided form. It is flint has been largely used in the construction bars are then taken to the shears, and cut evident that this must be the case, for pieces of some of its old public buildings. The ex- into the required lengths; the lengths are of circular form have a greater body of iron cursions, all of which are fixed for Thursday, now taken to the rolling mills and there behind the smallest part of the circle, which August 27, will be to Cromer, Lynn, Hun- piled according to the size of plate required. supports the piece while under heavy strain; stanton, Walsingham, Holkham, and Yar- The narrow bars are cross-piled with the and, further, pieces of circular form have a mouth. Mr. R. J. H. Harvey, M.P., and wide bars, with the view to obtain a better greater area of iron to support the weights Lady Henrietta Harvey, have invited all the result upon testing. But great objections when applied, and therefore are not so liable members of the British Association to a exist to this practice, for, while the pile is to elongation as parallel-sided pieces. Some being rolled down, the joints of the narrow manufacturers are of opinion that lin. in bars appear to open, and by so doing the width, whatever the thickness of the plate, strength of the plate is injured rather than was sufficient to test the quality of the iron; benefited by the process. From a very great on the other hand, others have preferred a number of experiments which have been much wider piece, each being anxious to made by cross-piling narrow bars with wide obtain a better result in the tests. The folones loosely placed together, and also with lowing table shows the result of a number of piles made solid (which had previously been experiments which have been made in order cross-piled), it is demonstrated that the ad- to ascertain what, if any, advantage would vantages gained by the latter process amount result from testing iron in broad pieces, over to about 7 per cent. for tensile strain, the hot other pieces of a much narrower width. The

in fact, more than twice as much as it requires. The papers read before the geogra

sections. About the best feature of the

dejeuner at Crown Point, on Saturday next, and will send two steamers to convey them from Norwich. As this is an invitation to about 2,000 guests, we believe it is a stretch of hospitality exceeding any that has ever before been offered to the British Associa


Many of the manufacturers of Norwich will throw open their works, but it is to be understood that only such parts of the manufactories will be shown as inay be convenient


EFORE proceeding to the immediate sub


No. of Sample.

Size of
Strain per
square inch.


No. of Sample.

Size of

Strain per

square inch,


With the


In the

test pieces varied in width from one to eight first energetic impulse to this manufacture, | increasingly used by our refiners. inches. by offering a prize of one million francs for next place, says Mr. Baruchson, the rapid the successful production of sugar from roots decrease of slavery in the countries where of home growth. Germany, as well as France, the sugar cane is cultivated, is calculated to entered the lists, and all that science could increase the cost and diminish the production effect was done to bring the question to a there; while the manufacturers in the tropics successful issue. More energy, however, are at a disadvantage with the improvements was shown in France than in Germany, so in machinery introduced by modern science that the factories, in course of time, became in Europe. Third, the tendency of British Across the grain. firmly established in the former country, agriculture is towards a preference of pasturIn. Tons. In. whilst in the latter, they, for the most part, age and root crops over grain. Fourth, 11 by 5 19-0 21., 5 18-25 7-16 died out. the soil and climate of England and Ireland So the manufacture struggled on through are specially suitable for the successful growth its infancy, and after twenty years of work- of beet. 5 17:333 1 Next, Ireland needs new industries; 5 17-666 5-16 ing in France-during which time the process land and labour there are comparatively 518-375 3-16 had attained a tolerable perfection-it cheap, and capital can be procured to support returned again towards the north. It then judicious enterprise; and, lastly, we are told rapidly spread, not only over Belgium and that there is on an average a saving of about the German States, but over Poland and into £4 per ton in freight and charges from the the heart of Russia, and at the present time cane-producing countries, and of £1 10s. to the Continent of Europe produces about £3 per ton on beet from the Continent. 7.33 per cent. of all the sugar consumed in These reasons touch upon points of a comthe world. This is the more remark-mercial character, which it does not lie within




1 by 5 21.0

Tons. In. Deg.
15-16 80

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2 1 519-5 11-16 32 520-75

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42 5 21.0

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5 18-5

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11 6

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12 6


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5 16.0 13-16

5 16-928 3-16

5 16-562 3-16
5, 17-406 1

These experiments prove that there is a very great difference in the result with regard to the width of the pieces tested. The course adopted by the Government in testing iron for tensile strain is to take a plate indiscriminately, and cut it by planing at any part where it is thought most desirable, other than the edge; for instance, about a foot from the edge. The pieces are planed out so as not to contain less than one square inch in section; they are parallel-sided, and are held between the nippers, not less than 6in. in length. In some works, the testing of the shearings from the plates is considered a sufficient guarantee of the quality of the iron. As a matter of course, it is the cheapest, but it is very far from being a satisfactory test. There can be no safer method adopted than cutting a piece from the plate, about one foot from the edges thereof, the same being prepared with parallel sides, and this will ensure both to makers and consumers a good quality of iron. When iron is put upon its merits for tensile strain, the pieces to be operated upon should in no case be prepared by punching them from the plates, but by planing. From what we have above stated, it will be seen that the practice of testing iron in H.M. dockyards is based upon principles which will ensure the best materials being used in the service.



able, inasmuch as the process is far more our province to discuss; they further refer
complicated and troublesome than that to matters of fact, which are capable of proof
adopted for cane sugar. These results natur- or disproof, but only by actual practical
ally led men to speculate upon the possi-working.
As a commercial speculation,
bility of introducing the manufacture in nothing could look more promising than the
our own country, and so we find that of late question as it stands in Mr. Baruchson's
years attempts have been made in Ireland to pamphlet. He has fairly and honestly treated
extract sugar from the beetroot. The his subject, but viewed by the light of conti-
success, however, was only partial; a large nental results and figures, we cannot accept
amount of capital was spent, and valuable its success as established in England. The
machinery was erected, but the investment subject, however, has a most important bear-
proved a blank-the speculation utterly ing upon our national interests, and we say, by
failed. As the best and most modern pro- all means let it undergo another practical
cesses were adopted, and as all the experience trial. Previous failures may only lead—as in
of continental success was brought to bear Germany-to subsequent successes.
upon the question, it may seem strange that therefore, those with whom it rests to promote
it should have so thoroughly failed. We are these matters, take the subject seriously in
not aware-and we speak from some know-hand. They will find much assistance from
ledge of the matter that failure could be Mr. Baruchson's pamphlet, which gives a de-
laid to the charge either of engineer, scription of the rise, progress, and present
manager, directors, or shareholders, who position of the manufacture on the Continent,
were not behind in that great essential of all as well as some practical directions on the
undertakings-pecuniary support. We are, cultivation of the root and the manufacture
therefore, obliged to look for the cause out-of the sugar.
side these circumstances, and we are under
the impression that soil and climate-espe- NEW METHOD OF BOLTING TUBES
cially the latter-have played a prominent,
but unrecognized, part in arresting the
development of beetroot sugar manufacture a retion of a new plan for joining the
N a recent number, we gave a short de-

in Great Britain.


We have thus far given our own views and ends of telegraph wires, tubes, and rods, the ideas upon the subject; at this point, how-principle of which consisted in turning up ever, we turn to some remarks upon the sub- the ends at right angles and screwing them FROMstory, eagar, form or others is a merchant who for the last thirteen years together wit a onto another method has ROM an early period of the world's ject by Mr. Arnold Baruchson.* The author together with a nut.

[blocks in formation]

has been commercially interested in the been lately patented by MM. Schaffer and ancients derived their sweets chiefly from article, and who, having watched in other Budenberg, who have also invented a parhoney, manna, and fruit. Although they lands the development of the manufacture, ticular system of lubrication for steam were acquainted with the juices of the sugar-is desirous to see it introduced into England, machinery. The peculiarity of this method producing plants, it was left for modern the climate and soil being, in his opinion, is represented in the adjoining figures, and civilization to effect their extraction and con-eminently suited to the purpose. Mr. consists in each half of the extremities of the version into sugar. Just as the knowledge Baruchson, it will be seen, differs from us in pipes to be united being cut off at an angle of of fermented liquors and the condiment of our conclusions in this respect, but he does so 45deg. In fig. 3 one of the junction pieces sea water were common to men long before mainly upon the recent representations of the they were acquainted with the method of secretary of the Irish Beetroot Sugar Comseparating alcohol and salt, so were they pany. That gentleman attributes failure to familiar with honey and the sweet juices of want of capital and errors in management. plants before they knew how to separate We are not in a position to refute the secresugar from the cane. The moderns are far tary's statement positively, but this much we richer in vegetable sweets than were the may say-everything was done to secure sucancients; thus to those in use by the latter, cess, and there were those who were satisfied the former have added cane, maple, beet, with the management who were acquainted maize, and palm sugars. It is to the third on with the manufacture on the Continent. this list-beet sugar-we wish to direct Moreover, there were those who would willattention, with the view of seeing how far it ingly have subscribed further and largely may be reasonable to expect it to become a could they only have seen a reasonable prostaple commodity of British manufacture. Spect of a successful yield of sugar. But these The history of beet sugar, although im- are points upon which we need not further portant, may be summed up very briefly. dwell, as we are entirely with Mr. Baruchson Margraaf, a German chemist in Berlin, dis-in wishing to see the manufacture of beet covered in 1747 that the beetroot contained sugar developed in our own country. And in view of the commercial importance of the a large quantity of sugar. After a lapse of fifty years a manufactory of beet sugar was question, we will give Mr. Baruchson's views established, under royal patronage, at Cu- upon the subject. moom, in Silesia, by Achard. The works Six excellent reasons are given by Mr. Ba-is shown ready to receive the ends of two ruchson for directing attention to the subject. only the extremities of the junction are were, however, soon abandoned, as only The first is that beet sugar is largely and tubes, and fig. 2 shows the same arrangement; 2 or 3 per cent. of the crystallized sugar tapped for the purpose of being screwed on could be extracted. Napoleon I. gave the to a water or gas pipe. It will be perceived

[blocks in formation]

that one-half of the junction, A', is furnished the Eastern has to perform he has but one whilst paint covereth a multitude of defects with a groove, in which a ring of india- lathe, and the variety of his productions is and soon loses its bloom. On the other hand, rubber is placed, and then the projection of accordingly very limited. We, on the other good work and careful finish, without any the other half, B, fitted into it. By com- hand, have a great variety of machines, each attempt at effect, is far more satisfactory to pressing this ring, the tightness of the joint adapted to some special object. Thus we have the mechanical eye, costs less, and is the uniis secured. The pieces are actually held dentists' lathes, lapidaries' lathes, osteological versal practice of the best makers. Keeping together by a bolt, D' (see fig. 1), which lathes, gunstock lathes, rocket-stick lathes, these points in view, and purchasing from a passes through both junctions, and is fastened shoe-last lathes, and copying lathes of respectable firm, will always ensure the turner with a nut and washers. Instead of a bolt, many kinds. Besides these, we have lathes every success mechanical means can give. the joint may be made good by means of the for drilling, boring, for turning shafts, rail- For the rest, he must, of course, trust to the arrangement represented in fig. 4. The ap-way axles, tyres and wheels, rolls for rolling skill and aptitude he possesses for his work, plication of this principle of jointing to an iron, as well as lathes for cabinet-maker's and his proficiency will depend upon his taste elbow is shown in fig. 1. For rapidity of work, billiard-ball turning, ornamental and judgment. execution and facility of connecting and dis- work, screw-cutting lathes, &c., &c. Our The second part of Mr. Northcott's work connecting pipes this method possesses some author, without going into the details of is devoted to hand lathes and their uses. After advantages, but although the joint may be every lathe extant, carefully describes such some general remarks upon hand turning, he completely hermetical when first made, there as are types of all the rest, and thus avoids describes the different processes of turning is no certainty of its remaining so. encumbering the volume with matter which in various materials. The manufacture of is only interesting to a limited number of the necessary tools is also described, and the readers. particulars of grinding, glazing, and polishing are given. We next come to self-acting and screw-cutting lathes, which, with their


The construction of a perfect lathe involves no ordinary amount of care and consideration, Of all the numerous mechanical operations and demands a high class of labour. We uses, are described in the third part of this may be witnessed an engineerare, therefore, glad to echo our author's ad- useful treatise. And here we may mention ing establishment, none perhaps carry with vice to amateurs to purchase their lathes of that Mr. Northcott has introduced several them more interest than that of turning. So a respectable maker, and not to attempt to improvements, his arrangements for adjustinteresting is the process of developing use- make one for themselves. ful articles and beautiful forms from rough considered that when an amateur makes his planned and convenient in use. In the fourth It may always be ment and alteration being exceedingly well unshaped masses of material, that turning own lathe-although he himself may con- part, the author treats of ornamental turning has been more sedulously followed than any sider it a remarkable work of genius-in in the same clear and explicit manner in which other popularized mechanical pursuit. Not reality it will be found to be of little value. he has handled the preceding sections. Here only is its study pursued with a view to This may be an unwelcome truth to many we are made familiar with the complex compractical proficiency as a means of livelihood, mechanical aspirants, but it is not the binations of ornamental apparatus, and the but there are innumerable instances of the less inexorable, as evidenced by the beautiful results which may be obtained from use of the lathe being aqcuired solely for the pleasure the prosecution of such a study in A number of illustrations are many miscarriages which have occurred their use. this direction. imparts. There is a fascination in possessing Mr. Northcott tells given which are printed from blocks turned the power of imparting grace and elegance to slide-rest and a us that he has even heard of a wooden by the author. Further on, we have some an unsightly block of wood or a ragged piece having been introduced in wooden elliptical chuck excellent practical examples of the use and a lathe of power of the geometric chuck. These blocks of metal, and there is a charm in watching home construction. The fact is, that it is were furnished to the author by Mr. Plant, of the gradual perfection of the work as it seems simply absurd to attempt to construct a ma- Alsager, Cheshire, having been cut by one of to grow into shape under our hand. Seeing, chine for such purposes as a lathe is put to Mr. Plant's own chucks. They are really then, the popularity of the pursuit and the im- without skill and experience, as well as a beautiful designs, and cannot fail to be adportant bearing it has upon mechanical good set of tools, and all the necessary ad- mired by all who see them. engineering, it is a matter of surprise that juncts of the factory or shop. For the guidwe have not had before now a modern reliance of those who are about to purchase a able and inexpensive treatise on the subject. lathe, we extract from Mr. Northcott's book The more is this to be wondered at when we the following main points of a good lathe :see so many enquiries for information upon In the first place, it should be constructed turning made through the engineering wholly of metal, for, although some are of papers. These and letters which appear opinion that the introduction of wood is adfrom time to time, point to the necessity for such a work, and we are glad to see that necessity now met in a very efficient manner by Mr. Northcott, in the volume now before us. It is the result of long practical experience, and its production was prompted by the circumstance, that the author found considerable difficulty in acquiring informationotherwise than by practice-concerning the be as strong and massive as possible, without In the next place, the various parts should many operations in which the lathe is capable clumsiness. Of course, the bed should be PREPARATIONS TO of aiding. Mr. Northcott divides his work into four thoroughly unyielding, and stand immovably firm and truly level. The spindle should be

It will thus be seen that Mr. Northcott's work

well supplies the deficiency which has hitherto existed in respect of a sound and useful work upon the special subject of turning. The particulars given are very comprehensive, all branches of turning being noticed, and a large amount of practical information being given vantageous as preventing that injurious jar- upon each. When we add to what we have ring or chattering which frequently annoys already stated that there are two hundred and the operator, and renders it difficult for him thirty-nine illustrations, all of them done in to produce good work, the notion has almost the best style, and some of large size, we shall exploded amongst mechanics, the chattering have given valid reasons for our strong rebeing always caused by the inattention or commendation of this work to all interested unskilfulness of the operator.

in the use of the lathe.



parts. The first of these treats generally on of good size, and its bearings not too close the MECHANICS' MAGAZINE of March 20

N the subject, the several varieties of lathes in we gave full particulars about the appause being noticed, and their good points being perhaps as good as any. When well made, the optician, to photograph the great eclipse together. Conical bearings hardened are ratus constructed by Mr. Browning, F.R.A.S., given, as well as the various technical ex-with proper care and occasional regrinding, of the sun on the 17th of this month. The pressions. Illustrative of this part we have they will last a long time and give but little instrument consists of a reflecting telescope, some excellent engravings of lathes, from those of the most simple to those of the trouble. If, however, they are not lubricated, with a silvered glass mirror 5ft. 9in. in focus, most complex character, and including ex- if the metal of the headstock yields to the ture of the sun which will be a little more or are screwed up improperly, or too tight, or throwing upon the photographic plate a picamples bearing the well known names of Whitworth, Fairbairn, Muir, &c. It is a pressure of the screw, the necks will bind, get than lin. in diameter. That telescope, which contrast to contemplate these splendid mahot, abrade, and cause great trouble and an- was unfinished when our description was chines, and then to turn to those in use not should be within easy and convenient distance hands of Major F. Tennant, who, with a party noyance. The starting and reversing handle written, has now reached India, and is in the only in the East, but in Spain, Portugal, and of the operator. The slide rest should have of sappers, has been educated in astronomical some other European countries. There the lathe consists of two fixed points between for throwing the tool in and out of cut. For De La Rue, at Cranford. The last news a motion independently of the ordinary screw photography at the observatory of Mr. Warren which the object to be turned is placed, and it is turned first in one direction and then in able. The tool holder should be one of those was undecided whether to fit up the telescope screw cutting this motion is especially valu- we heard from Major Tennant was, that he another, by means of a bow, the string of which allows the tool to be placed at any at Masulipatam or Guntoor, both of which which is passed two or three times round the angle or convenient position on the tool plate. places in Eastern India are on the central line object, to obtain a good hold. In the East, All wearing or working surfaces should be of the eclipse. At Masulipatam, which, at the turner, sitting on the ground, holds the provided with oil holes for lubrication, and all events, will not be far from the point chisel with one hand and actuates the bow those holes which are liable to get filled with where the pictures are taken, the eclipse comwith the other, guiding and steadying the dust or grit should be fitted with stoppers. mences at 14hrs. 54min. 11sec. Greenwich chisel upon the rest with his big toe. Nor All sliding surfaces should be scraped to a does the contrast end here. Whatever work good bearing and without grinding. Orna- time. mean time, or 20hrs. 18min. 51sec. local mean The totality commences at 16hrs. mentation of every kind should be avoided, 9min. 31sec., and ends at 16hrs. 15min. as mouldings and beads harbour dirt, get 19sec. Greenwich mean time. Thus the durabruised, and are always catching the knuckles, tion of the totality will be 5min. 48sec., in

"A Treatise on Lathes and Turning, Simple, Mechani cal, and Ornamental." By W. HENRY NORTHCOTT. London: Longmans, Green and Co. 1868.

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during the eclipse the sun is not very far from apogee, and the moon only six hours from perigee, there is a large difference of diameters very favourable for the observation of the phenomena of the totality.

New York.

we can scarcely credit the statement. Our latest
news is to the effect that Sir Charles Bright and
the "Narva" left Key West on the 8th inst. for
For the present, therefore, the
attempt to recover the cable is abandoned; we are
anxiously awaiting some news as to the immediate
cause of the want of success. We are very glad
indeed to hear that "all are well" on board.

that the company have the chance of obtaining a second route, it would be, so long as the cable is worth repairing, a great want of foresight not to keep it in repair. If our main telegraphic routes depended on one wire or cable only, interruptions would be total, and telegraphy would be much in

terfered with; but as in most, if not all, of our important through routes we possess good alternative lines, it is quite the exception to hear of a total cessation of communication.

The Mediterranean Extension Company report that both of their cables, the Malta and Sicily and the Corfu and Otranto, are working well.

The Electric and International Telegraph Company mention in their engineer's report that "the cable across the Dart has been renewed, the cable to the Isle of Wight has been taken up, repaired, necessary, and relaid." renewed where it was "The thirty-three knots of new cable, ordered by the directors for the purpose of renewing a corresponding length in the English side of the Dunwich Zandvoort cable, has been completed." The shore end of this piece, a length of thirteen miles of massive cable, was laid, on Saturday last, two miles, from the cable house over the sands close to Lowestoft Ness, having been previously laid

We are glad to find that our conjectures of last week, relative to the locality of the break in the The central line of the eclipse enters on the 1866 Atlantic cable, have been verified by the tests west coast of India, in latitude 16deg. 35min., which were made, but which only came to our about three miles north of Viziadroog, and knowledge subsequent to our mentioning the quits India on the eastern coast, near Masuli-break to our readers. Mr. Willoughby Smith was patam, passing near Muktul and Guntoor. sent to Valentia at once, and his tests were verified The shadow will be about 143 miles broad, by Messrs. Clark and Laws, who immediately folbut the further the observer is placed from lowed him. Their results have been communicated the central line, the shorter will be the dura- to the public by Sir R. A. Glass through the press, and the fault is localized at about eighty-eight miles tion of the eclipse. After leaving India, the in 100 fathoms of water, at or about the same spot shadow will cross the Bay of Bengal, the North that the break occurred last year. The steamer Andaman Island, the Mergui Archipelago, "Hawk," belonging to the Telegraph Construction the Malay Peninsula, and the Island of and Maintenance Company, and usually kept by Borneo. The work of Major Tennant and them in the Mediterranean for the repair of the his party will be performed at the expense of Malta and Alexandria cable, has been recalled from the Indian Government, but expeditions have Malta to execute the necessary repairs, which it Numerous trials have been made with Wheatstone's been sent out by many European Govern- is hoped will not take long. Soon after the Atlantic cables were laid the automatic apparatus between London and Newments, besides the English, to take photo-Anglo-American Company appeared to be most castle, and, owing to the great success attending graphic and other observations of the eclipse. anxious to have an engineer stationed at New-upon them, additional instruments on the same The photographs of the total eclipse of foundland with the necessary machinery to under-plan have been brought into use between Lon1860, obtained in Spain, proved that the red take repairs, should such be required, but it came don, Manchester, Glasgow, and Edinburgh. The protuberances seen during the progress of to nothing; they have lately again been discussing present system of the Company embraces 10,085 the phenomena belong to the body of the the subject, but owing to some opposition the miles of line, 50,067 miles of wire, and 7,655 insun. They are of enormous size, but nothing matter has again dropped. It is to be wondered that struments. is known as to their permanency, or whether they persevere in so short-sighted a policy. The The reports of the progress of the Indothey are solid or gaseous. It is hoped that delay in getting a vessel from Malta and the passage European line are most satisfactory; the whole of some of these points will be cleared up by the across must be most serious, but having one cable the materials for the line in Persia-comprising spectroscopic apparatus, which has been still working, they probably do not feel it. Should 11,000 iron posts, 33,400 insulators, and 900 miles taken out by nearly every expedition which a misfortune happen to both at the same time-of No. 4 wire-have been sent out. The material has left Europe. which we sincerely trust will never occur-we for constructing the lines from the Caucasian Next Tuesday will, theresuppose they will bestir themselves. We find it Mountains through the Crimea to Odessa, and on fore be an eventful day in the history of stated that it is in contemplation by the directors to Balta, will be shipped during the winter, and, astronomical photography. to offer a reward of £1,000 for any information owing to the severity of the winter, this part of bearing on the rupture of the cable, last year, or the line will be constructed of extra strong iron on the present occasion." This hardly agrees with posts. The lines from Balta northwards to the the generally-accepted version, that the fault was Prusso-Russian frontier will be constructed with occasioned by an iceberg. wooden poles, that district being very rich in timber. Messrs. Siemens, the contractors, are confident that they will be able to deliver the line in good working order to the Company before the contract time, the end of next year, in a condition ance. worthy of its high commercial and political import


THE cable from Sicily to Algeria has been re


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The prospectus of the French Atlantic Telegraph Company for working the concession of We learn from America that during the Messrs. Erlanger and Reuter is just out.. They recent displays of an aurora borealis, which was have in addition to this concession obtained an object of wonder and admiration, the tele-York, granting them the exclusive privilege for one from the government of the State of New graph operators at Valparaiso and Fort Wayne, twenty years of laying a cable to any point in the Indiana, curious to test its effect in working tele- state. By the French concession they are bound, if graph lines, disconnected the batteries from the required, to lay a second cable should the first be line and put the wires to earth, when they got insufficient to meet the demands of the traffic. magnetism (sic) sufficient to communicate with The cable will start from Brest, and be landed at the island of St. Pierre, in Newfoundland, a distance each other. of 2,300 nautical miles; from there a second cable In speaking of earth currents, Mr. Latimer will be laid to the United States, probably New Clark remarks that on one occasion "visible sparks York, about 700 nautical miles, making a total occurred, and the tension must have been equal distance of 3,000 nautical miles of sea to be crossed. to many hundreds of cells." The occasion referred The conductor is to be larger than the present Atlantic cable, weighing 400lb. per mile as against to was during an "aurora." On the same sub-300lb. of the present, the total weight of the cable ject, Mr. Varley states, in his evidence before the Select Committee, that During the last autumn (1859) I succeeded in measuring some of the currents between London and Ipswich, and had to introduce an opposing battery of 140 cells of Daniell's battery to balance the current, showing, therefore, in the earth at Ipswich, compared with the earth in London, a difference of electric tension amounting to 140 cells of Daniell's battery."

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E read in the "Bulletin de la Société Industrielle," of Mulhouse, of a very simple way of making a fireproof flooring applicable to being 35cwt., and 14cwt. in water. A provisional warehouses and granaries. It consists in first contract for manufacture has already been entered into with the Telegraph Construction Company, and spreading upon the planks a layer of clay about the Great Eastern" is again to be made useful. an inch in thickness, and running upon this a Some well-known names are in the direction in layer of asphalte about half an inch thick. Paris, presided over by M. Drouyn de L'Huys; Numerous experiments, we are told, have proved Mr. Robert Lowe, M.P., presiding over the Board in London. The company have already entered the efficacy of this as a protection against the into arrangements with the Submarine Company spread of fire, and it has been adopted in all the and the French Government for the exclusive use corn stores of the General Omnibus Company of of a wire from London to Brest viâ Dieppe. Paris.

The following is given as the information con- The Anglo-Mediterranean Company have issued tained in a telegram lately received respecting the their report, and we find that the manufacture of The same publication gives us an interesting Cuba cable-The cable Sir Charles Bright was the cable is being rapidly proceeded with, the en-account of an extraordinary "tell-tale" apparatus engaged in laying between Florida and Cuba had gineer's report as to its condition being most been lost, and the attempt to recover the cable satisfactory. The cable, it is believed, will be laid in use at the vast establishment of Dolffus, Mieg, and of last year, which had broken, was also unsuc- by the middle of next month. Negotiations have Co. There are four night watchmen on these cessful, the cause of the loss being that the cable been going on between the Government and the premises, and they have to make ten visits to ran out when some miles short of Cuba; the end Company respecting the existing line between ninety-three stations, in all 930 visits. On comwas buoyed, but during the night was carried away Malta and Alexandria, and an agreement for a lease by the current, and it has not yet been re- has been entered into, the principal points of which mencing his rounds a card is delivered to each covered. The statement also mentions that there are:-The lease to be for fifteen years; the Com-watchman, which he carries about with him. was no pilot. The foregoing has appeared in many pany to pay a minimum rent of £2,000 per annum, At every station he has to visit is a frame of of our daily papers, and it is as well to correct it taking the whole of the receipts; the company not the size of the card, at which, at a given time, in certain points. A rumour was circulated that to be bound to repair the cable in the winter seathe cable of last year was broken, but we are glad son, and to have the option of determining the a stamp presents itself, and impresses a mark on to say that since the rumour telegrams have been agreement at any time, if the cable is broken and the card. The marks are so arranged that when received through the cable from Havana. The they decline to repair. The company-wisely, we the whole are printed they form one complete accounts-purely telegraphic-hitherto received must acknowledge-are anxious to retain the line as design. Any delay or omission on the part of the have been very meagre, giving us the information an alternative route, and to secure the benefit of a that we have already placed before our readers, considerable local traffic. watchman leaves a blank space on the card, which We are daily. seeing the that the cable ran short and the end was lost and advantage of alternative lines as a means of retells the hour at which the man failed in his duty. not recovered. As to there being no pilot on board ducing the chance of a total interruption, and now When going off duty, the men push their cards into

a kind of letter-box, and as this is done the exact time at which they are delivered is printed. All this contrivance is completely beyond the men's control, and there is no possibility of tampering with the mechanism. No description of the apparatus would be intelligible without the drawings which accompany it.

Simple tar water, we are told, may be employed for dyeing silk and wool what is called a gris cendre or ash grey colour. The stuff is first mordanted with weak perchloride of iron, by soaking in the solution for some hours. It is then drained and passed through the bath of tar water. The oxyphenate of iron, which is thus precipitated on the fabric, gives a very solid colour.

Krebs has continued an investigation, begun some years ago by Dufour, on some of the phenomena of retarded ebullition. The experiments have an interest for mechanics and engineers, inasmuch as they may throw light on the causes of some boiler explosions which have appeared inexplicable. The experiments were made in a retort connected with an air-pump, the water having previously been boiled several times to get rid of air in solution. After connection with

on the archaeology of early Buddhist monuments. be dark, limited in accommodation, and present
On the Monday evening a discourse will be delivered features opposed to the British sailor's notion of a
in the drill-hall by Mr. W. Odling, on reverse sea-faring life. It is on these points that our tower-
chemical actions; and on the Tuesday evening ing broadsides have the advantage, and this fact and
renders them popular with a very
there will be another soirée in St. Andrew's Hall. this alone
The concluding general meeting will be held in the overlook the fact; it must be dealt with firmly, and
It is a blunder to
large number of naval officers.
drill-hall on Wednesday, August 26.
not ignored. The moment it comes to be calmly
handled and examined it loses half its force. There
is no good reason why we should not have both
broadsides and monitors, each intended to discharge
a specific duty. We hold those who insist that we
should have nothing but a monitor fleet as short-
sighted as the Admiralty, who insist that we shall
have nothing but broadsides.

On Monday last a town meeting was held at
Brighton for the purpose of inviting the British
Association to hold its 1869 meeting at that place.
The invitation is a joint one from the county of
Sussex and borough of Brighton. The county
invitation was decided upon at a meeting held on
Saturday, convened and presided over by the Earl
of Chichester, lord-lieutenant of the county. The
town meeting was presided over by the mayor, and until it is composed of three distinct types of war
was influentially attended. Both members for the vessel. First, we must have true monitors to defend
our coasts and the shores of our colonies. These
borough were present, and spoke in favour of in- ships would never be called upon to move far from
viting the Association. A resolution to that effect home, nor would it be expedient to send them on
was passed, and a deputation, committee, and sec-long cruises. Secondly, we must have ships which,
retaries were clected.


But in point of fact, our navy will never be perfect

Their sides

being essentially monitors in action, must still possess the power of making long voyages at high speed, and of berthing large crews with some comfort. How this is to be accomplished we indicated not long since in an article on Convertible MoniRETURN just issued shows the receipt and tors ;" and, lastly, we need broadside ships of conthe pump, the water is again brought to the boiling A expenditure of naval prize and other moneys siderable tonnage, to protect our commerce from point, and then the heat is withdrawn and the between April 1, 1867, and March 31, 1868. Re-rovers of the "Alabama" type. These vessels must be pump set to work. When a vacuum of 11in. was ceipts: Unclaimed share account, £4,705 16s. 1d.; excessively fast, and carry the heaviest guns made; obtained, and the temperature of the water had Government percentage, £2,529 Ós. 3d.; prize for-armour they must not carry. Double skins and fallen to 167deg. Fah., it was found necessary to feitures, £737 16s. 4d.; slave and tonnage bounty, numerous water-tight compartments will give them pump with caution, as at that point the ebullition is £30,193 18s. 7d.; salvage services, £4,531 2s. 5d.; a certain degree of immunity from the effect of shot likely to be violently reproduced. But that stage balance of bounty money, £5,185 13s. 11d.; booty striking at or below the water-line. being passed, it was found possible to get a perfect captured, £2,202 9s. 6d. ; grant for special service, must be thin that shells may not be exploded on vacuum, and allow the temperature of the water £5,990 5s. 9d. ; proceeds of junks, £1,581 1s. 11d.; should sail excellently, and carry coal enough to be them; tough that splinters may not fly. They to sink to 86deg. or 104deg. Fah. without any Indian prize money, £877 1s. 4d.; grant for stores able to keep the sea for a long time. But, above all ebullition. At this low temperature and pressure, captured, £7,566 10s. 3d.; advance account, things, they must be fast-fast to chase and fast to run however, violent ebullition can be set up by several £543 11s. 6d.; total, £66,644 7s. 10d. Expendi- away. Such vessels would form no contemptible means. Among these, Krebs mentions two which ture: Unclaimed share account, £241 19s.; Govern- foes for the stoutest ironclads we have afloat. True, he thinks may afford explanations of some explo- ment percentage account, £151 2s. 9d.; prize shot would pierce them at a long range-if they could sions. One is a sudden application of heat, the forfeiture account, £91 18s. 2d. ; slave and tonnage be hit. But it is also true that they could pierce the other is a shaking of the liquid. The latter seems bounty, £11,946 11s. 7d.; salvage services, sides of any of our war ships-except, perhaps, the unlikely to be realized in a large boiler, but the £821 4s. 11d.; bounty for destruction of pirates, "Hercules"-and that, too, at long range. There former, we think, may happen when, for example, £214 17s.; distributed out of booty captured in after a fire has been banked for some time, and the Pogu and China, £46 18s. 3d.; grant for special temperature and pressure allowed to fall, a violent service, £64 12s. 4d.; India prize money account, stir has been given to the fuel, and a torrent of £30 Os. 5d.; grant for stores captured, £99 14s. 9d.; flame sent through the flues; and we rather think advance account, £543 11s. 6d.; balance, £50,458 explosions have really occurred under such circum- 16s. 10d. Total, £66,644 7s. 10d. stances.

Our readers interested in the matter will know that an Act amending the Petroleum Act of 1862 has been passed, and will come into force next year.



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are not wanting naval officers of large experience
manding such ships to any ironclad afloat.
who tell us that they would infinitely prefer com-
A fleet
of fast unarmoured vessels will be essential to the
safety of our commercial marine in war. The Ad-
miralty appear to have only just awakened to the
fact. We are, however, pleased to find that steps
are being taken to supply us with a few ships of this
most valuable type.

The great error committed by the Admiralty lies

in confining themselves to the construction of but one type of war ship modified to meet different conditions, but essentially unchanged. Our naval wants are numerous, and cannot possibly be met by such a policy. In this respect we differ from most other nations, because England represents a very small portion of the Queen's dominions, and every portion alike must be cared for. The full importance of this fact has not yet been acknowledged; let us hope that before long it will be fully recognized. - The Engineer."

A schedule of this act describes an apparatus of THE parliamentary session which has just closed definite construction which is to be employed in made on the policy pursued by the Admiralty in has been remarkable for the powerful attack applying the "flashing test to samples of oil. supplying the nation with ships of war. The onSince the public testers will in general be men not slaught has been so vigorous, so persistent, and so possessed of skill in such manipulations, minute unprejudiced, that it can hardly fail to do good. The directions are also given as to the mode in which Lords of the Admiralty waver in their faith, and the test is to be made. It is of great importance nothing has enabled them to keep together and to the trade that the conditions laid down should present a bold face to their foes but the vigour of be rigorously observed, and we may therefore their virtual commanders, Mr. Reed and Admiral mention that an apparatus made after the directions The voice of every individual who knows what our Even this cannot much longer avail. of the Act has been produced by How, of 2, Foster-ships of war are and what they should be, is opposed lane, and has already received the approval of to the retention of the broadside system to the ex- MANUFACTURE OF SODA AND POTASSA. many of the most experienced testers. We shall clusion of every other kind of vessel. The pressdescribe this apparatus in our next. and notably the "Times"-has done excellent ser- WHEN soda is made by what is commonly known vice in exposing defects in Admiralty administration as Leblanc's process coal is used to reduce which have cost, and will unfortunately cost, the the sulphate of soda. The impurities in the coal, nation millions of money. It is simply impossible which consist principally of pyrites, aluminous shale, OF THE BRITISH that no change will be made, and another session of and other materials containing silica and alumina in ASSOCIATION. Parliament will infallibly see turret ships being built large proportions, act injuriously in the manufacture. HE arrangements of the British Association by the present Chief Constructor, or another Chief Pyrites, by communicating oxide of iron and by for the Advancement of Science in connection Constructor in office. In reviewing the arguments assisting in the formation of sulphide of sodium, with its Norwich meeting have now made great Parliament alike, we find with some surprise that the many purposes, and aluminous shale and the other used by our contemporaries and by members of damages the soda produced and renders it unfit for progress. The first general meeting will be held most powerful reason which can be adduced in favour materials containing silica and alumina cause great in a building known as the "drill hall," erected of broadside men-of-war has been passed by in loss of soda by assisting to form insoluble compounds for the local volunteers, on Wednesday, the 19th silence. No journal but this has referred to it. We of soda. The object of an invention recently inst., when the Duke of Buccleuch will resign the alone have been content to meet the Admiralty on patented by Mr. James Hargreaves, of Appletonchair, and Dr. Hooker, the president of the year, their own ground, and to calmly consider the force within-Widnes, is to produce soda and potassa of will assume the presidency and deliver an address. of the only argument which tells in favour of broad-uniformly good and of better qualities than have The sectional meetings will be held on Thursday, side ships. The reticence of our contemporaries been obtainable hitherto. This he accomplishes by August 20; Friday, August 21; Saturday, renders it the more necessary that we should once using coal free from the impurities above mentioned. August 22; Monday, August 24; and Tuesday, more refer to this point, and show that however To effect the separation of the impurities the coal August 25. The various sections will hold their does not go far enough to render it prudent to dis- small coal) in a liquid bath, the liquid being of such sound the argument may be as far as it goes, it is washed as it comes from the mine (preferably meetings as follows:-Mathematical and physical science, Lady-lane lecture-room (president, Pro-pense with a fleet of ships very unlike the iron specific gravity that the coal will float whilst the fessor Tyndall); chemical science, Chapel-in-the-supremacy. walls on which England at present bases her naval impurities, being of higher specific gravity, will sink to the bottom. The coal is "tipped" into the liquid, Field School (president, Professor Frankland); The only good reason which can be urged for con- is agitated by a rake, and is then skimmed off in the geology, Mr. Noverre's room (president, Mr. fining ourselves to iron-plated broadside ships, is pure state. The liquid bath is a solution of sulphate R. A. C. Godwin Austen); biology, the Friends' simply that monitors cannot be rendered comfortable of soda or of sulphide of sodium, when the pure coal Meeting (president, the Rev. J. M. Berkeley); according to English ideas of comfort. It is not so is to be used in the manufacture of soda. The pure geography and ethnology, St. Peter's Hall (presi-easy to obtain men now, and it would be excessively coal is mixed with sulphate of soda and limestone, dent, Captain Richards); economic science and diflicult to man such ships as the "Miautonomoh" either in a wet or dry state to make "black ash.' statistics, in the Museum (Mr. S. Brown, president of the Americans far better than they can or the Dictator." Monitors answer the purposes When the pure coal is to be used in the manufacture of the Society of Actuaries); and mechanical cver of potassa, Mr. Hargreaves uses a liquid bath of a science, Free Library (president, Mr. G. P. Bid-colonies. If we built monitors and kept them almost sium; in other respects he proceeds in the same answer ours, because America possesses few or no solution of sulphate of potassa or sulphide of potasder, C.E.) On Thursday evening, August 20, a altogether at home they would be free from objec-manner as in making soda. These improvements soirée will be held in St. Andrew's Hall, and on tion, but for long cruises, or voyages to distant parts are, of course, applicable to the coal used in the rethe following evening a discourse will be delivered of the world, they will never answer. Healthy they duction of sulphate of soda when used in the manuin the drill-hall by the Rev. J. Ferguson, F.R.S., may possibly be, but at the best of times they must facture of glass.

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