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A tyrant abbess here, perchance, may reign,
Who, fond of pow'r, affects th' imperial nod,
Looks down disdainful on her female train,
And rules the cloister with an iron rod.

Reflection sickens at the livelong tie,
Back-glancing Mem'ry acts her busy part;
Its charms the World unfolds to fancy's eye,
And sheds allurement on the wishful heart.

Lo! Discord enters at the sacred porch,

Rage in her frown, and terror on her crest'; Ev'n at the hallow'd lamp she lights her torch, And holds it flaming to each virgin breast.

But, since the legends of monastic bliss

By fraud are fabled, and by youth believ'd, Unbought experience learn from my distress, Oh! mark my lot, and be no more deceiv'd!

Three lustres scarce with hasty wings were fled,
When I was torn from ev'ry weeping friend,
A thoughtless victim to the temple led,

And (blush, ye parents!) by a father's hand.

Yet then, what solemn scenes deceiv'd my choice! The pealing organ's animating sound,

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The choral virgins' captivating voice,

The blazing altar, and the priests around:

The train of youths array'd in purest white,
Who scatter'd myrtles as I pass'd along;
The thousand lamps that pour'd a flood of light;
The kiss of peace from all the vestal throng:

The golden censers, toss'd with graceful hand,
Whose fragrant breath Arabian odour shed;
Of meek-ey'd novices the circling band,
With blooming chaplets wove around their head.

My willing soul was caught in rapture's flame,
While sacred ardour glow'd in ev'ry vein ;
Methought applauding angels sung my name,
And Heaven's unsullied glories gilt the fane.

This temporary transport soon expir'd,

My drooping heart confess'd a dreadful void :
E'er since, alas! abandon'd, uninspir'd,
I tread this dome to misery allied :

No wakening joy informs my sullen breast;
Through opening skies no radiant seraph smiles;
No saint descends to sooth my soul to rest;
No dream of bliss the dreary night beguiles :

Here, haggard Discontent still haunts my view; The sombre genius reigns in ev'ry place,

Arrays each virtue in the darkest hue,

Chills ev'ry prayer, and cancels ev'ry grace :

I meet her ever in the cheerless cell,

The gloomy grotto, and unsocial wood;

I hear her ever in the midnight bell,

The hollow gales, and hoarse-resounding flood :

This caus'd a mother's tender tears to flow,

(The sad remembrance Time shall ne'er erase) When, having seal'd th' irrevocable vow,

I hasten'd to receive her last embrace:

Full well she then presag'd my wretched fate, The unhappy moments of each future day; When, lock'd within this terror-shedding grate, My joy-deserted soul would pine away :

Yet ne'er did her maternal voice unfold

This cloister'd scene, in all its horror drest; Nor did she then my trembling steps with-hold, When here I enter'd, a reluctant guest:

Ah! could she view her only child betray'd,
And let submission o'er her love prevail !


Th' unfeeling priest, why did she not upbraid?
Forbid the vow, and rend the hov'ring veil ?

Alas! she might not her relentless lord
Had seal'd her lips, and chid her streaming tear;
So anguish in her breast conceal'd its hoard,
And all the mother sunk in dumb despair:

But thou, who own'st a father's sacred name,
What act impell'd thee to this ruthless deed?
What crime had forfeited my filial claim,
And given (O blasting thought!) thy heart to bleed?

If then thy injur'd child deserve thy care,

Oh haste and bear her from this lonesome gloom! In vain-no words can sooth his rigid ear; And Gallia's laws have riveted my doom.

Ye cloister'd fair-ye censure-breathing saints,
Suppress your taunts, and learn at length to spare;
Tho' 'mid these holy walls I vent my plaints,
And give to sorrow what is due to pray'r!

I fled not to this mansion's deep recess
To veil the blushes of a guilty shame,
The tenor of an ill-spent life redress,
And snatch from infamy a sinking name.

Yet let me to my fate submissive bow;

From fatal symptoms, if I right conceive,

This stream, Ophelia, has not long to flow,
This voice to murmur, and this breast to heave:

Ah! when extended on th' untimely bier,

To yonder vault this form shall be convey'd, Thou'lt not refuse to shed one grateful tear,

And breathe the requiem to my fleeting shade :

With pious footstep join the sable train,

As through the length'ning aisle they take their way; A glimmering taper let thy hand sustain,

Thy soothing voice attune the funeral lay:

Behold the minister who lately gave

The sacred veil, in garb of mournful hue, (More friendly office!) bending o'er my grave, And sprinkling my remains with hallow'd dew:

As o'er the corse he strews the rattling dust,
The sternest heart will raise compassion's sigh;
Ev'n then, no longer to his child unjust,
The tears may trickle from a father's eye.

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