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always efteem the Merit of a Man's Understanding far more than the bare Sound of Birth and Fortune.

S. Superiority, foftened with Complacency and good Breeding, makes a Man equally beloved and admired; but being joined to, and mixed with a fevere and morofe Temper, it makes a Man more to be feared than respected

Some People are loft for Want of good Advice, others for Want of giving good Heed to it; and fome there are, that take up a Refolution before-hand never to mend.

T. 'Tis the Duty of Parents, Mafters, and Guardians, to infufe into the untainted Youth, early Notions of Justice and Honour, that so the Advantages of good Parts may not take an evil Turn, or be perverted to base and unworthy Purposes.

There is no Safety nor Security in wicked Company, where the Good are often made bad; and the Bad always made worfe: If your Bufinefs indeed calls you into fuch Company, go you must; but take Care you do not stay long.

U. Ufeful Attainments in your early Days will procure you great Advantage in your Maturity; of which Writing and Arithmetic are not the least.

Ufe the Gifts and Bleffings of Providence with so much Prudence and Caution, as may not fuffer you to forget yourself, nor despise your Inferiors; and confider while you enjoy fo much, how little you deserve.

V. Vicious Men may divert us, and crafty Men betray us for their own Intereft; bat it is only among fober, wife, and just Men, that we can find Friendfhip, and a lafting Entertainment.

W. We often rife above one another in the Efteem of the World, according to the real Want, or Advantage of a liberal Education.

We may as well expect that GOD fhould make us rich without Industry, as to make us good without our conflant Endeavours.

We are in Nothing more unhappy, than in not being truly fenfible of our own Unhappiness, and Inabilities.

X. Xenophon commended the Perfians for the prudent Edu- · tation of their Children, who would not suffer them to effeminate their Minds with idle and amorous Stories; being fully onvinced of the Danger of adding Weight to the Bias of Corrupt Nature.

Y. Youth are apt to have very little Thought. How nany would weep and lament, if they knew they should not Ive one Month to come? And yet fo foolish are we, to go on



in Sin and Wickedness; though we are not certain to live one Hour longer.

You may as well feed a Man without a Mouth, as to give good Advice to one who has no Difpofition to receive it, and whofe Bent and Inclination is only to Wickedness.

Short GRACES, and PRAYERS, for little CHILDREN, &c.

As we have Nothing but what we receive from the kind Hand of Providence, it is highly neceffary, for the well-being of Youth, that they have early Notices of the Duty of Prayer and Thanksgiving; for it is natural for Children to love those that love them, and to fear those that they are told have a Power over them. Let them then be taught to know their conftant Dependence on the fupreme Being: For the Love and Fear of GOD, well-grounded in their little Minds, will in a great Measure keep them in Awe, and check their growing Paffions, and will certainly be one great Means to prevent their committing fuch Things in Time to come, as thofe commonly do, who have not been taught the Fear of GOD, and have it not in the leaft before their Eyes.


Pray God blefs it to me.


Pray God blefs it to me for Jefus Chrift's Sake. Amen.

After ME A T.

'Thank God for what I have received. Amen.

Thank God and my Father and Mother for my Dinner [Breakfaft or Supper.] Amen.

Before MEAT.

Sanctify, O Lord, we beseech thee, these thy Creatures to our Ufe, and Us to thy Service, for Jefus Chrift his Sake. Amen.

After MEAT.

For these, and all other Mercies, God's holy Name be blessed and praised, now and ever.




Thank God for a good Night's Reft. Amen.

I return

I return thee humble and hearty Thanks, O Lord, for pre ferving me this Night from Fire, and from fudden Death.



Pray God fend me a good Night's Reft. Amen. Receive my humble and hearty Thanks, O Lord, for preferving me this Day from all Evil, and fend me a good Night's Reft, for Jefus Chrift his Sake. Amen.

To these the Children may add.

Pray Father Mother, &c.) pray to God to bless me, and make me a true and faithful Servant unto my Life's End. Amen.

Morning Prayer for YOUTH, &c.

O Lord, our heavenly Father, Almighty and Everlasting God, who haft fafely brought me to the Beginning of this Day, defend me in the fame with thy mighty Power, and grant that this Day I fall into no Sin, neither run into any Kind of Danger; but that all my Doings may be ordered by thy Governance, to do always that is righteous in thy Sight, through Jefus Chrift, our Lord. Amen.

Our Father, &c.

Evening PRAYER.

Pardon, O Lord, I beseech thee, thofe Sins I have committed against thy Divine Majefty this Day, and by thy great Mercy defend me from all Perils and Dangers of this Night, for the Love of thy only Son our Saviour Jefus Chrift. Amen. Our Father, &c.

N. B. Though I have made Choice of these two Prayers, I mean not to give Offence to any, nor to dictate to others what they are to teach their Children; I only do it to fet fome Pattern and Example, and hope it will carefully be followed in fome Sort or another. And I think it would be very proper in all public Schools to have fome good and fuitable Prayer (not long by any means) which fhould be read fometimes by the Mafter, and fometimes by a Few of the beft Readers in the School.

If it should be asked what Sort of Form of Prayer I mean, I anfwer, That befides the common Form of acknowledging God's Greatness, confeffing Sins, calling upon him for future Mercies, and returning Thanks for thofe already received, &c. there fhould be alfo Petitions for the King and Nation in general, and a particular Sentence or two, to return GOD Thanks for the ineftimable Bleffing of having Liberty to exercife our Religion, and ferving GOD at all Times in any Place; and alfo begging of him a perpetual Continuance of the Proteftant Suc


ceffion, &c. &c. This I think fo highly neceffary, that I am fenfible that many Children, and grown up Perfons, have been led Cap-tives to Superstition and Idolatry, for want of knowing this to be their real Duty; and I am alfo fully convinced, that it would be of great Ser-vice to the rifing Generation, as it would naturally arm them against the crafty and pernicious Defigns, and Attempts of Popish Emiffaries, and learn them in due Time to make a true Diftinction between religious Liberty, and Popib Slavery. Thus Religion and Learning would go Hand in Hand.



AS there are a great many People that cannot read old English Print, I thought it might be of great Service to infert the Alphabet in great and fmall Letters, and a Leffon or two, by which any Perfon may foon learn to read it very well.


a b c d e ghikim n o p q f #

If you delite to be really happy, learn first of all to he acquainted with thyfelf, for if you are unacquainted with your own corrupt Mature, it is not likely you should be able to comprehend Chings far abové it. Look then into the Glafs of thine own imperfecions, and the true sight and Sense of them will certainly lead you to real Happiness.

Every wile Man will try to be fo ́much Matter of himfelf, as even to contradic his own Will and Inclination to every Thing that tends to Evil; to quench the common Temptations of this prefent Life, and not only endure,, but sven love the Troubles, that he may occasionally meet with in this World, in Hopes of a Reward in the next: Therefore you hould learn in your Youth to contemn the Flatteries of all Leeming Prosperity, and be so inwardly prepared with a Serenity of Mind, as not only to meet, but even to overcome the Fears of all Apverkity.

Of the feven Stages of Life.

First, STAGE.

Miferable Man, in whom as soon as the Image of God appears in the Aa of his Realon, the Devil, and his own wicked Da ture, blur it in the Corruption of his Will: For no fosner are we


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