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has not passed here for a long time unmarked by a funeral. So in quick succes. sion-even in the country-" Man goeth to his long home, and where is he ?"

while those that honor Him He will honor,
proving to them in life and death that "In
keeping His commandments, there is great


But list! the rain, the blessed rain, patters upon the roof-it descends in living streams. All nature is revived, and to those who have felt its need, it is truly like cold water to the thirsty soul. Should we not be grateful for the gift, verily the stones would cry out.

Onondaga Co., N. Y., July 26th.

66 SHE HATH DONE WHAT SHE COULD." THE following sketch records the death of another beloved friend, who has recently heard the gracious summons—

To-day the obsequies of the soldier-son, the hope of his parents, the promising, youthful Christian, remind us of the thousands like him recently fallen, of the many home circles where one is not. We pass to the cemetery on yonder hill-side, pause at the resting place of loved ones, recall the living forms, and, as fancy paints the resplendent glories of the bright abode—the dwelling place of those who sleep in Jesus-the inquiry comes, "Are they now ministering spirits? Do they too bend over us with the great cloud of witnesses ?" There are portions of this consecrated ground reminding us that those who visit cemeteries in the rural dis "Child, thy Father calls-come home." tricts are often pained by observing how litNone who knew her best, could doubt that tle attention is paid by the living to these it found her with lamp trimmed and burning. sacred enclosures. True, there are excepAs one of our Home helpers, she was intions, creditable to the heart of survivors, deed faithful unto death. Early enlisted in but graves grown over with thistles, headthis work, blessed with means, a companion stones fallen, half-covered with rubbish, fen- with like sympathies, and regarding herself ces dilapidated or as much wanting in taste as "only a steward," after duly counting the as the suburbs of the drunkard's home, are cost, and estimating the responsibility, she numerous. Perhaps within the scope of became a foster-parent, gradually increasing vision, on every hand is seen the home of her beloved flock, till seven orphans called wealth, embellished with appliances making her "mother." These dear children shared the site pleasant and attractive. This is her toils and cares, tears and prayers, and her toils and cares, tears and prayers, and well, but why forget the little niche where tender maternal affection, while she lived, tender maternal affection, while she lived, kindred rest? Why not in all cases make it and such provision for their education and a spot where love may dwell; where chil- maintenance as she would have made for dren and children's children may infer from her own children-was duly secured while its surroundings that, those "gone before" her mind was unclouded. These dear chilwere worthy to be loved in life, and their dren, who survive, though twice orphaned, memory cherished to the latest generation. may well be comforted by the reflection, that Among the topics suggested by passing their Heavenly Father has made them obobjects and events, amid the Sabbath still-jects of His special care, in so long giving ness of the country, is the Sabbath desecra- them such excellent parents, with the lasting tion so fearfully prevalent. heritage of their prayers and benefactions. Following, as they should do, their precious example, in a few short years at longest, they may hope to meet them, "In the Christian's home in glory," no more to part.

In apology for a Sabbath excursion and picnic, by several boat loads of people, whose hilarious mirth and profanity resound. ed, far as the voice could reach, a looker on remarked, "This is the only day they have to enjoy themselves with their families; they are obliged to work all the rest of the week." And what if they are! Six consecutive days of work, then a Sabbath of holy rest and worship, "not finding thine own pleasure," were appointed for man by the Infinite Author of all good. His will in this regard, uttered from Sinai, has been made manifest through all time, and upon those who set at naught his precepts, from any pretext, be they individuals, communities or peoples, His judgments must certainly be expected in the future as in the past,

May this record suggest the inquiry to any
reader who may be living only for self, or to
hoard for heirs they know not who-whether
it would not be the best use of this brief life
so to spend it, that, when ended, the gracious
Saviour may say of each and all, "She hath
done what she could."

DIED in Madison, N. Y., June 9th, Mrs.
Mary Putnam Howard, aged fifty-three years.

Less than eighteen months ago, death
entered that home; and suddenly, with little
warning of his approach, called the husband,
and father, to his reward. Again he has
come. His step more slow, but the tread
none the less sure, and the wife, and mother,

Mrs. Howard

sleeps the sleep of death.
was one of the few who, the more intimately
she was known, the more beautiful did her
character appear. Naturally diffident, and
shrinking from self, she did not seem to the
world all that she really was. To those who
knew her best, there was a firmness of prin
ciple, a depth of piety, and a purity of mo-
tive, which we have seldom seen equaled.
Another striking trait of her character was
benevolence-she forgot self in the desire to
do for others. This it was that prompted
her to take to her heart and home, so many
who were orphans, and homeless. In her,
they found all that a mother could be, and a
home, surrounded by all that wealth and
taste could supply. It may truly be said of
her, "None knew her but to love her, or
named her, but to praise."

After the death of her husband, the cares and responsibilities of her situation fell upon her with crushing weight. She remarked in the commencement of her sickness, that she had lived long enough, since Mr. Howard's death, to feel that her strength was not sufficient to meet the duties devolv. ing upon her. While she felt that the children needed a mother, she longed for the rest of heaven, and could say, "For me to die, is gain." As the spring opened, and everything in nature looked beautiful; she said, "I have asked only for a little corner in the grave-yard, where I might rest, but now I feel that if it is the will of my Hea

venly Father, I would like a little larger place." She would often repeat hymns and passages of Scripture, expressive of her feelings. The voice of prayer and singing, she especially loved to hear, and at such times we have seen her countenance light up with an expression almost heavenly. She talked much of rest, and often repeated the hymn, commencing,

"In the Christian's home in glory,

There remains a land of rest."

Once when repeating it, she said with a smile, "There is rest for you, rest for me; is it

not beautiful ?"

that little corner in the grave-yard, her spirit

Her body, beautiful even in death, rests in

in the bosom of her God. As was remarked by one of her children, in a letter to her sis ter; "We have our life-work before us, to imitate her example."

Let it be our prayer, that when the last great gathering-day shall come, and all nations go up to judgment, we may meet her, with the loved ones who have gone before, at the right hand of the Lamb.


MEMORY OF WRONG.-A rich landlord once cruelly oppressed a poor widow. Her son, a little boy of eight years, saw it. He afterwards became a painter, and painted a life likeness of the dark scene. Years afterwards he placed it where the man saw it. He turned pale, trembled in every joint, and offered any sum to purchase it that he might put it out of sight. Thus there is an invisible painter drawing on the canvas of the soul a life likeness reflecting correctly all the passions and actions of our spiritual history on earth. Eternity will reveal them to every man. We must meet our earth-life again.

Our Book Table.

The Life of Mrs. Sherwood, written by herself, with Extracts from Mr. Sherwood's Journal, during his Imprisonment in France and Residence in India. Abridged from the London Edition. Boston: Am. Tract Society. New York: J. G. Broughton.

This autobiography of the originator of the Orphan Schools of Calcutta, the friend of Henry Martyn, and the author of "Little Henry and his Bearer," is full of interest. It was completed in her seventy-fourth year, when she says of herself, "I can read the smallest print, write four or five hours a day, sleep with unbroken rest at night, and declare myself, with grateful heart, one of the very happiest old women that ever cumbered this


Human Sorrows. By the COUNTESS AGENOR

DE GASPARIN. Translated from Advance Sheets, by Mary L. Booth. Same publish


This is a singular book, a suggestive book, a book of good influences. "Oppressions," Mistakes," ""] "Dejection," "Destruction," "Despair in the Soul," "Beautiful Sorrows," "Death," and "Wherefore," are the headings of its eight chapters. The author, in the preface, likens herself to one who would reach forth reviving cups of water to the weary, fainting ones, passing over earth's desertplaces.

Progress; or, the Sequel to Jerry and his Friends. By ALICE A. DODGE. Same publishers.

This book, and the excellent one of which it is the sequel, deserve a place in every Sunday-school library.

Our Birds. By Mrs. FANNY I. BURGE SMITH. Same publishers.

The pictures and stories in this pretty book will please children very much, and instruct them, too.

Good Conduct Cards, for Presents and Rewards. 12 Cards. Same publishers. This is a compact little package of beautifully-colored picture-cards.

For the Advocate and Guardian. THANKSGIVING FOR RAIN.


Ay, thank God for the rain which is falling in such cooling and copious showers pattering upon the roofs, plashing into the pools, filling the tiny flower-cups, washing the dusty leaves, watering and refreshing the parched and thirsty earth; bringing life, health

and comfort to man, beast and herb. And how full of music is its silvery voice!

"It seems as if the warbling

Of the birds, in all their bowers,
Had been gathered up in raindrops,

And was coming down in showers. Oh! faint-hearted and faithless one; look up! Rejoice, and praise Him who "sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust.”

As day after day passed-bright, burning days, and the sun and the moon hung in the heavens like balls of fire, and the earth grew dry and hard, and the herbage withered, and the grass became brown and sere, how positive you were that God had forgotten us, or but remembered us in wrath. You shook your head despondingly, and prophesied drought and famine. To-day, you have your answer from the open windows of heaven.

"If ye walk in my statutes, and keep my commandments, and do them; then I will give you rain in due season, and the land shall yield her increase, and the trees of the field shall yield their fruit." Why should you distrust the kind watchfulness of Him, who, ages ago, declared, "While the earth remaineth, seed-time and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night, shall not cease."

But, if He, whose holiness is as infinite as His wisdom and His love, sees fit to send famine and distress to warn us of our ingratitude and forgetfulness of Himself, can you not, with humble and trustful heart, echo those sublime words of the prophet of old? "Although the fig-tree shall not blossom, neither shall fruit be in the vines, the labor of the olive shall fail, and the fields shall yield no meat, the flock shall be cut off from the fold, and there shall be no herd in the stalls; yet I will rejoice in the Lord, I will joy in the God of my salvation."



On entering the apartment of a poor woman living on the top floor of a tenement-house, she exclaimed, while her eyes filled with tears, "I thought I should never see you again. I was afraid you was dead." Then, in broken language, being often obliged to stop and weep, she tried to tell me how mercifully the Lord had dealt with her; how He had raised up a friend for her in her deep poverty, who had supplied all her wants. O, how thankful I felt! I had spent many anxious hours both day and night on her account, but not having the means to help her, I could only direct her to Him who will never leave nor forsake those who put their trust in Him.

Succeeded in getting J. K. into the Home Industrial school in St. Poor boy! he

is ten years of age, and cannot read, although he has been here in this city where there are so many schools. But, ala, this is soon explained. He has an intemperate mother.

What untold misery is entailed upon the chil dren of such parents, and what an unspeakable blessing to these otherwise neglected and forsaken children are the Home Ind. schools.

Went through a row of tenement-houses, containing more than fifty families, to see if I could induce any to attend our chapel-services. Not more than twelve or fifteen families professed the Protestant faith. A very large proportion of them were German Catholics, and glad to get the German tracts with which I was supplied.

July 7th. Feel as though Mrs. B. must be provided with a sewing-machine, for I cannot see how she is to provide for her five little children otherwise. My only hope of obtaining this object, is to call upon some of the wealthy members connected with the church; and yet every feeling of my nature rebels against such a step. But I will go in the strength of the Lord.

Evening. How much better the Lord has been to me than my fears! I have already received ten dollars, and Mrs. urged me to call again when her husband was at home, as he might do much more. and he gave

8th. Called to see Mr. me twenty-five dollars. I have now just the amount I need to purchase the sewing machine for Mrs. B. I am so thankful.

Visited Mrs. again. Although a professed Roman Catholic, she seems really anxious to have me visit her often. She spoke of the tract I gave her the last time I was there; said it was beautiful, and repeated a portion of it, showing that she had read it attentively. It was the tract "Come to Jesus, or The Way to find Rest." To-day I read to her the third chapter of John. When I finished, she said, "O, how beautiful!" I tried to hold up Christ as the only Saviour. After offering prayer, I left, hoping that the Spirit of God is operating upon her heart. Truly, this is a blessed work.

A few days after this, called on her again, and read and prayed with her. She knelt beside me and repeated aloud every sentence of the prayer. Her sister (also a Romanist) entered, and knelt with us, and there were tears in her eyes when we rose from our knees.

I find peculiar pleasure in visiting on Saturday, because I meet so many children. They seem to regard me as their special friend, and are always ready to leave their play to talk with me. They all call me teacher, and many of them will run half a block to meet me. Although they are clothed in rags, and many of them very dirty, still I do feel a very deep interest in their welfare, and earnestly pray that they may be gathered into the Saviour's fold. One little girl came up to me and enquired when I was going to have another prayer-meeting, and when told we hoped to have one next Wednesday, she said, "That is so long to wait; won't you have one before?" And I find something of this feeling among the parents too, for one woman told me she was

all ready to go to the meeting last Thursday, when she happened to think it would not be time until next week, and she felt so disappointed. She enjoyed the meeting so much, that she thought it long to wait. They are strangers in the city, having come from Toronto, Canada. She said they were brought up in the church of England, and when they first came here they went to the church in St., but were obliged to stand, as no one gave them a seat. They remained at home on Sabbaths for several months after this, when a lady who was looking for Sunday-school scholars found them out, took the children to S. school, and invited the mother to attend our little prayer-meeting. She does attend, and will attend our mission hereafter.


Attended the funeral of Mr. the family returned from the grave, about six o'clock, I went in to sympathize with them, knowing how desolate their house would appear to them at that hour. The son, about fourteen years of age, who has been a great grief to his parents for the last few months, refusing to go either to S. School or church, taking a seat by my side, said, "I wish I could make up my mind to go to the S. School again, those were happy days when I did go,” and burst into tears. I urged him to break away at once from his wicked associates, and resolve if God spared his life, to go next Sabbath. He sobbed out, "I'm afraid I can't." I told him to look to Jesus who was both able and willing to help him. We then bowed together before the mercy-seat. When I took leave of the family, he said to me, "I will try." Not long after a good place was found for him in a pious family in the country, to which he went very willingly. I feel so thankful to have him away from the associations by which he was surrounded in the city. Found a place also for his little sister, through the Home.



Mrs. seventy-five years old, lives with her son, eighteen years younger, in a little room in a rear building in St. The son was in the army, but after two years his health failed and he had to leave, so they draw six dollars a month relief-money. Three dollars and a half of this goes for rent, and with the remaining two dollars and a half and what they can earn by spooling wool, they manage to live in a humble way. The old lady was quite ill the morning we called, and had sent her son for the dispensary doctor, "For," said she, "if my last days are come, it will save an inquest, and that I don't care for, you know." The doctor soon came, made two or three inquiries, dashed off a prescription, and in a moment was off again. There were many more cases in hand probably, and it wasn't a very pleasant place to linger in; it wasn't very neat, but the sick woman had felt too weak to sweep, I

presume, and Thomas perhaps didn't notice it through the smoke of his pipe.

"See what poverty's done," said she, as she turned back the clothes on the bed a little, "driven me to use my table-cloth as a sheet: but that don't prevent my being clothed in the garments of Christ's righteousness. I haven't much, but more than I deserve, for every sin deserves the wrath and curse of God, and if He took away from me every blessing, it would be no more than just. I don't feel bad all over, don't feel bad at the heart. He don't make us suffer everywhere at once. I was saying so to an old woman, and she replied she didn't see it so, He'd pretty near taken away her sight, and His mercies were about all taken from her. Ah, she wasn't right at the heart, she needed another kind of sight there."

We spoke of her great age, "Oh, yes, most people don't live to be as old as I, almost all the people I used to know are gone. I knew many ministers in Ireland, they're almost all dead. Mr. R. who baptized and first admitted me to the Lord's table, has gone to his reward. You'll pray with me, it will cheer me, and strengthen me."

We felt through the whole interview, like sitting at her feet to learn of her, for we could not fail to see she had long been taught in the school of Christ.

A kind lady, seeing a forlornly-dressed boy wandering along the street, called him into her house and had him exchange his pantaloons, which only reached to his knees, for some of greater length and cleanliness, had him put on a clean shirt and sent him to one of the Industrial School teachers, who thought from his story and manners he was a suitable case for the Home for the Friendless. He was 14 years old, had been an orphan three years, "had been living all around anywhere it happened since then," he said. Had lived with a baker awhile and been bound out once, but the man he lived with, struck him sometimes and he couldn't stand that. He had an uncle in a hospital in the city, so thought he would come down and find him. He was taken to the Home, and the ladies, after consulting together, thought it best to have him go to the Juvenile Asylum for awhile, as he had evidently been left to "come up," and needed to be under greater restraints than those of the Home.

Six months or so ago, our attention was directed to a sick soldier's suffering family. At our first call we found the mother just returned from a visit to her husband, who had been a few days in the hospital, as she was unable longer to care for him, and also earn the necessaries of life for themselves and three little ones, their scanty means having been exhausted by his long illness. Not long after this the husband and father died, leaving the widow with three children and for a time her aged father, to feed, clothe and keep warm during the inclement season approaching. We gave them now and then a pair of shoes or much-needed garment, helped her get a sew

ing-machine, and places were found for two of her children. To-day we called at the little room, where we had always found her before, and she was not there; had moved away some time previous. Fortunately, she happened to be in the neighborhood, and when we sent to obtain her number, came herself. She and her boy were looking so much healthier, so much neater and less careworn than of old, that we could not refrain from congratulating her on their changed appearance.

"Well, you see," she responded, "my father, who was a great care to me, has gone to live with my sister; my two children, I know, are in good places, where they will be well trained and cared for. I've got a pleasant room, at a low rent, in the upper part of the city, in a house with only one other family. I have an abundance of work, and only my little boy and myself to do for. When I was here, the landlord kept raising my rent, and promising to make repairs, without doing so. There was a drunken family above me and below, and my children were exposed to learn all manner of evil. If I earned a dollar, it would not much more than get a meal for us all, as things were, and I was discouraged and anxious all the time."

Mrs. A. was out, looking for her boy, when we called. She had sent him on an errand, and he had been gone too long. On her return, she said, she had sent him to get her only whole dress, remaining, out of pawn. She had so disposed of it, for two successive days, to get bread for her three young children. A few months ago, her husband came home sick, from the army. She nursed him carefully, drawing relief-money in advance, till be was able to return to a hospital in Philadelphia, where he went, as she was unable to earn enough for all the family. He has not been paid for some months, and she needs money much. She wanted employment, said she had never yet asked for help, nor did she wish to. We advised her to go to the Home to consult with the Committee in regard to her best course.

For the Advocate and Guardian. SELF-DISCIPLINE.

SOMEBODY wrote a book, with the title, "Never too Late to Mend;" the application to the story is not so very marked, but the proverb is a good one for use in daily life. For many people deny it practically; or if you venture to speak to them of a fault or failing, (which is always rather delicate business,) will even say, "Oh, I'm too old to learn," or, "It's too late for me to make much change, my ways are fixed."

"As a man thinketh, so is he."

Now if we are Christians truly, we can never leave out of sight the Christian idea of growth, of progress. "The path of the just is as the shining light, which shineth more and more unto the perfect day." That is, the ris

ing sun in the beginning of its course, comes up to brightness and glory, till it brings the perfect day, not creeping along in mists, and shadows, and clouds, and only brightening just before it is ready to set in darkness. It is too late to let our light shine just as it is going down at the close of life.

The point of growth and self-cultivation of which I have been thinking, is that of Discipline. We have discipline enough in life, most of us; but it is that which our Father sends because it is needful-because we will not grow without it. Doubtless it is well for us, but who can tell whether much of this painful process might not be spared us if we would discipline ourselves; if we would take the rule of right and conform ourselves to it in all things, bringing all into subjection. Call you this hard? Our Saviour says, "My yoke is easy and my burden is light;" it is only when we resist, that we feel the pressure hard and painful.

We call ourselves a self-governing people, and yet our children are running wild with over-indulgence, and if they happen to have a stronger will than their parents, running completely over their heads. Of course we can expect nothing better of them than still more willfulness, when they are older and should have come to years of discretion. Selfishness and self-will are plants of wonderful vitality and strength of growth.

We can do our children no greater kindness than to govern them when they are youngthat is, to teach them self-control; for even when they are punished, they yield to motive, first the fear of the rod or of punishment, later the fear of offending us, then the fear of doing wrong, of displeasing God.

"But," said a mother, "I can't control myself, how can you expect me to control my child?"

"Too late to mend," evidently that mother thought so. No; we can learn self-control, and we must learn it, if we would be just to our children—if we would not be absolutely cruel to them. It will not do to be governed by mere caprice, it is not our will to which the child submits, but the law of right. Mere submission to blind force is not discipline. Here is the principle.

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'But, mother, please let me go.'

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"My dear, I do not think it right, and you know it is not best."

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But I want to go so much."

"I know it, and I want to have you, and it would be easier for me to say yes, and have no more words about it; but I must do what is right, hard as it is, and you surely do not wish to do wrong."

Would any reasonable child urge further, hard as it might be to give up the pleasure. It is not so much firmness of will as firmness of principle, that governs children well. In many cases, the will of the parent is mere obstinacy, and a disciplined child will obey, but it will be grudgingly and of necessity. Cheer


ful obedience to unreasonable commands is hard
and sharp discipline, and requires much grace.
"Fathers, provoke not your children to
anger, lest they be discouraged."

Among other good lessons the war is teach-
ing us—and hard and sharp they are—is that
of submission to authority. Our young men,
ay, and older men, too, are learning to obey.
We had all been sovereigns, till there was
danger of our becoming despots, and quite too
many in number for one country.
Too many
wills clash and interfere; where some rule,
some must obey. So, we will be thankful for
this discipline, also, and hope it may extend
to obedience, to law and order.

"A child left to himself bringeth his mother
to shame;" and men, left to themselves, may
bring their country to shame.


THEY are sowing their seed in the daylight fair,
They are sowing their seed in the noonday's glare;
They are sowing their seed in the soft twilight;
They are sowing their seed in the solemn night.
What shall their harvest be?

They are sowing their seed of pleasant thought,
In the Spring's clear light they have blithely

They have brought their fancies from wood and dell,
Where the mosses creep, and the flower-buds swell.
Rare shall the harvest be.

They are sowing the seed of word and deed,
Which the cold know not, nor the careless heed;
Of the gentle word and the kindest deed,
That have blest the heart in its sorest need.
Sweet shall the harvest be.

And some are sowing the seeds of pain;
Of hate, remorse, and a maddened brain ;
And the stars shall fall, and the sun shall wane
Ere they root the weeds from the soil again.
Dark will the harvest be.

And some are standing with idle hand;
Yet they scatter seed on their native land.
And some are sowing the seeds of care,
Which their soil hath borne, and still must bear.
Sad will the harvest be.

They are sowing the seed of noble deed,
With a sleepless watch and an earnest heed;
With a ceaseless hand o'er the earth they sow,
And the fields are whitening where'er they go
Rich will the harvest be.

Sown in darkness, or sown in light,
Sown in weakness, or sown in might,
Sown in meekness, or sown in wrath;
In the broad work-field, of the shadowy path,
Sure will the harvest be.

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POWER OF A WORD.-A mother on the green hills of Vermont stood at her garden gate, holding by her right hand a son of sixteen years old, mad with love of the sea. Edward," said she, "they tell me that the greatest temptation of the seaman's life is to drink. Promise me, before you quit your mother's hand, that you never will drink." Said he, for he told me the story, "I gave her the promise. I went the broad globe over; Calcutta, the Mediterranean, San Francisco, the Cape of Good Hope, and during forty years, whenever I saw a glass filled with the sparkling liquor, my mother's form by the garden gate, on the hill-side of Vermont, rose up before me; and to-day, at sixty, my lips are innocent of the taste of liquor."

For the Advocate and Guardian,


“I HAVE a poor person for you to visit," said my mother, as I sat plodding over my work.

There had been no rest for me that day, and as I thought upon the weary cares and duties that were pressing upon my mind, and feet, and hands, and eyes, it seemed to me that rest would never come. No wonder, then, at my reply, or that it comes so often from those in like circumstances. "I can do nothing."False words, wherever uttered!

A poor woman, without friends, without a husband, and with five young children; these were the objects that I so hastily discarded. But my good angel prompted me to look again; and in a low, dark corner, on an old bag of straw, lay a poor little sufferer, worn by disease, and pining with hunger. His bones were scarce covered by his skin, and every look was of agony. A feeble wail and -"Drink, drink," was all that I could hear, and a cup of cold coffee, without sugar or milk was all the mother had to offer.


O, who could not do something! could not provide the small allowance of food for that dying one, and who would not blush at his own hasty decision in regard to his own abilities? Who could look upon that wretched abode, with its utter destitution of everything tending to comfort and cleanliness, without finding some spring in his own heart which might flow for the healing or cleansing of that sad place?

My energies were aroused. The scales fell from my eyes. I could see, I could feel. I could send food to the hungry; I could exert an influence with friends, and procure a bed for the aching limbs, clothes for the naked, a shelter for the poor outcasts, and a coffin for the dead; and above all, I could apply the lesson so forcibly thrust upon me, that in the midst of hurry, toil and care, I can do something.


GIVE HIM A TRADE.-If education is the great buckler and shield of human liberty, well-developed industry is equally the buckler aud shield of individual independence. As an unfailing resource through life, give your son, equal with a good education, a good honest trade. Better any trade than none; there is ample field for the adoption of every inclination in this respect. Learned professions and speculative employment may fail a man, but an honest hand-craft trade seldom or never-if its possessor choose to exercise it. Let him feel, too, that honest labor crafts are honorable and noble. The men of trades-the real creators of whatever is most essential to the necessities and welfare of mankind-cannot be dispensed with; they, above all others, in whatever repute they may be held by their fastidious fellows, must work at the oars of human progress, or all is lost. But few brown-handed trade workers think of this, or appreciate the real position or power they compass. Give your son a trade, no matter what fortune he may have or may seem likely to inherit. Give him a trade and an education-at any rate a trade. With this he can always battle with temporal want, can always be independent.

THIS is the Christian's comfort, that though he have a faithless and unruly heart, yet he hath a faithful God, who hath the ruling of it.

God suffers a Christian to be wronged, that he may exer. cise his patience, and commands Christian to forgive the wrong, that he may exercise his charity; so that a wrong done him, may do him a double courtesy. Thus evil works for good.

FAMILY DEVOTIONS.-Singing adds to the pleasure and profit of family prayers, and when two or three members can sing, it should constitute a part of the morning or evening devotions at the family altar. This idea we have long held, and usually practiced, and it has been refreshed by recently joining in morning devotions in a family where both parents and four of the children united in the singing; and they really seemed to sing with the spirit and the understanding also. This added new interest to the family devotions. Praise and prayer should go up together, when we pay our night and morning vows.

Family prayer is not unfrequently irksome to the young. But singing added, the Bible read together, the singing and reading being participated in by all, as far as can be, and the prayers short and spiritual, family prayer thus comes to be a pleasing, welcome, and profitable half hour of morning or evening domestic privileges.

The altars of prayer in Christian families are grateful incense to heaven, from myriads of domestic circles in Christendom. Let praises be joined to reading and prayer, whenever it is practicable; and the impressions and influences from family devotions, upon the children, shall last for many coming years, and never be lost.

God hath set mankind in families, no less for religion, than domestic purposes. It is unquestionably true that parents cannot meet rightly all the obligations they are under to their children without piety; nor can pious parents fulfill all their duty as Christians, without sustaining the altar of family prayer; and whatever shall add to the interest of family devotions, should be included. Singing, whenever this is practicable, will 'increase the pleasure of the hour of prayer.-Morning Star.

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N. Y.-Mr and Mrs Frost, Gaines, to part const. Mrs Nancy J. Frost a L. M. Bequest of Mrs P. Sheldon, late of Rupert, Vt., to constitute Mrs Frances E. Hatch of Hartford, N. Y. a L. M., per Henry Sheldon, Troy. Mrs M. J. Loomis, Cazenovia, to comp. L. M. of her daughter, Jerusha B. Loomis........

N. Y. City.-A Friend, to apply on a L. M............... Ohio.-Mrs Alfred Branch, Mallet Creek to const. herself and Mrs Elizabeth B. Gardener L. M.'s to be applied on Widows' Fund... Ill, Mrs Heman Downing, Princeton, to comp. L. M.

To comp. L. M. of Mrs M. J. Lucky of Vacaville, Cal., per Mrs Lotty Scarritt, Godfrey.. Bequest of Mr Linsley, late of Marengo, to apply as first payt. of L. M.'s for Mrs E. C. Linsley, Pine Run, Mich.. Mrs L. G. Bramble, Prattsburgh, N. Y. and Mrs L. L. Bush. Belvidere, Ill., per F. Linsley, Executor.. Iowa.-Mrs T. L. Hurd, to comp, L. M. of her daughter, Mrs B. W. Holmes $10, and $10 from Miss T. O. Holmes first payt, on L, M.................

10 00

20 00 10 00 5.00

40 00

10 00 10 00

30 00

20 00

CLOTHING, PROVISIONS, &c., received from
July 10th to July 25th, 1864.

Conn. Middletown, a box containing two nice shawls,
hosiery, gloves and fancy articles from J. M. Colgate.
N. Y.-Lawrenceville, a package of clothing from Mrs

Newark Valley, a collar from Celia Bement.

Bedford, box containing quilt, dried fruit and stockings knit by a little girl ten years old. Mich.-Battle Creek, box containing quilt, clothing, dried fruit, &c. from the Guardian Society, with 100 garments for children from the "Busy Bees," per Mrs Silas Cox.

Important Legacies have been lost to the Home through informality. It is therefore earnestly requested of those who design to benefit the Institution by giving it a place in their last Will and Testament, that they would use the following: FORM OF A BEQUEST.

I give and bequeath to the American Female Guardian Society, incorporated by the Legislature of New York, in the year 1849, the sum of $ to be applied for the Benefit of the Home for the Friendless, or to other charitable uses of said Society.

The Will should be attested by three witnesses, who should write against their names, their place of residence, and state that they signed the instrument at the request of the testator, and in the presence of the testator and each other, and that the testator declared to them that it was his or her last Will and Testament.

Aims of the Am. Female Guardian Society. 1st. The Society aims to rescue from degradation, physical and moral, the children of want, homelessness and sorrow, wherever found, who may be committed to the Society in accordance with its Charter, and after a suitable probation in their institution, to learn to what they are best adapted, &c., to secure for them permanent country homes in Christian families,

2d. To reach as many as possible of this same exposed class of children, who, though prevented by surrounding circumstances, from becoming Home beneficiaries as inmates, may, nevertheless, be withdrawn from the education of the city street, taught habits of industry and propriety of conduct, the knowledge of the Bible, &c., and surrounded by influences that may be protective and saving.

(Several hundred of this class receive food, raiment, instruction and watch-care through the agency of the Society.) 3d. To afford a place and means of protection for destitute respectable young women, without employment, friends or home, and within the age and circumstances of temptation. 4th. To aid and encourage destitute American widows with small children, to avoid a separation as long as practicable, by furnishing apparel, bedding, etc., at discretion; securing remunerative employment as far as it may be obtained, and also to adinonish the unwary of the moral pitfalls that often abound in the pathway of the lowly. 5th. To use the Press to enlist the Public mind in behalf of the several classes and objects above named.

The "Home," since it was established in 1847, has sheltered, fed and clothed, temporarily, many thousand children and ain'ts. It is sustained by charitaole contribu tions, and is onstantly needing donations of money, clothing. provisions, &c.



12 13

Me.-Horatio, Eugene and Eliza Smith, Richmond Center.....

4 05

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Packages, not letters, should be marked: HOME FOR THE FRIENDLESS, 29 E. 29TH ST.,


A. Chapman, [Healey's Express,] Pier 16, N. R.

A list of articles, with donors' names and post-office address, should be enclosed in the package, and another similar list sent by mail, stating when and how the package was forwarded.

The only safe way of transmitting funds, is by draft, pay able to Mrs. Sarah A. Stone, Treasurer.


THE carrier of this paper, Mr. JOHN E. LINE, is authorized to receive subscriptions to the ADVOCATE AND GUAR DIAN and also donations to the A. F. G. Soc. and Home for the Friendless.

Will our friends, in sending on renewals of Clubs, always state in whose name they were taken, during 1863 The omission to do so, causes much confusion on our books

WONDERFUL CRADLE! BROWN'S PATENT BABY-TENDER, a vertical, noiseless and delightful SPRING-CRADLE. easily converted into a Baby-Jumper, Baby-horse, Baby-walker, High-chair, Spring chair, Nursery-chair, Hobby-horse or Ottoman; the whole designed to obviate the evils of the rocking motion and


Ornamental, compact, strong and durable. The wonder and admiration of parents and the delight of children. MR. ANGELL, Supt. Home for the Friendless, after using it in his family for more than two years, says, "If mothers generally knew the great value of the Baby-tender in the care of children they would deny themselves one meal a day (if necessary) to procure it."

Agents wanted in all parts of the North and West. An excellent opportunity for profitable and useful employment. Send for illustrated circular,

[blocks in formation]


By the new law, the postage on single copies of the 4. & G. is now six cents a quarter, payable in advance, in all parts of the United States.

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In order to receive the paper at the lowest rate of postage, it is necessary to take them, not singly, but at least 4 copies; and so of clubs, they should be made up, if possible, of 8, 12, 16, 20 and so on.

As an inducement to those who now receive it singly, to make up a small club of four or eight, the Ex. Com. propose to put the subscription price for four copies, to one address, at 75 cents a year, and for eight copies, in the same way at 60 cents a year.

Twelve copies, and over, will be at the rate of 50c. a year. At offices where there are several single subscribers receiving it to their separate addresses, by their uniting together and having it in one package, to one address, it will materially reduce the postage on each.

The postage must be paid in advance, either quarterly or yearly, at the office where received. A POSTMASTERS and others, desiring papers to be discontinued, will please send the name of the P. O. as well as of the subscriber.

The names cannot be put on papers taken in clubs, without subjecting each paper to full postage of 24c a year, and entailing a large additional expense on the publishers


There have been prepared, in order to give our distant friends a more perfect idea of the institution in its details, a series of twelve beautiful pictures, taken with life-like accuracy, by the well-known photographer, E. ANTHONY, embracing the following:






6. HOME CHAPEL, 29 E. 29th St.





12. ADVOCATE & GUARDIAN PRINTING OFFICE Price, plain, 25c: each, the whole set, $2.50; colored. 350 each, 83.50 the set, sent by mail free of postage. STEREO. SCOPES (in which to view them,) from $1 to $5. Profits entirely devoted to the "Home." Address: Advocate and Guardian, Care Mrs. Sarah A. Stone Boz 4740 New York.

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