His time a moment, and a point his space. If to be perfect in a certain sphere, What matter, soon or late, or here or there? The blest to day is as completely so, 75 As who began a thousand years ago. III. Heav'n from all creatures hides the book of Fate, All but the page prescrib'd, their present state: From brutes what men, from men what spirits know: 80 The lamb thy riot dooms to bleed to-day, 85 And now a bubble burst, and now a world. Lo, the poor Indian! whose untutor'd mind But thinks, admitted to that equal sky, He asks no Angel's wing, no Seraph's fire; IV. Go, wiser thou! and, in thy scale of sense, 115 Weigh thy Opinion against Providence; Destroy all Creatures for thy sport or gust, . Men would be Angels, Angels would be Gods. And who but wishes to invert the laws 120 125 Of ORDER, sins against th' Eternal Cause. 130 V. Ask for what end the heav'nly bodies shine, Earth for whose use? Pride answers, "Tis for mine: For me kind Nature wakes her genial Pow'r, Suckles each herb, and spreads out ev'ry flow'r; 135 140 But errs not Nature from this gracious end 2, 66 When earthquakes swallow, or when tempests sweep 145 Th' exceptions few; some change since all began: And what created perfect?"-Why then Man? If the great end be human Happiness, Then Nature deviates; and can Man do less1? As much that end a constant course requires Of show'rs and sun-shine, as of Man's desires; I Warburton compares Ep. 111. v. 27. 2 Bayle was the person who, by stating the difficulties concerning the Origin of Evil, in his Dictionary, 1695, with much acuteness and ability, revived the Manichean controversy that had been long dormant. He was soon answered by Le Clerc in his Parrhasiana, and by many articles in his Bibliothèques. But by no writer was Bayle so powerfully attacked, as by the excellent Archbishop King, in his Treatise De Origine Mali, 1702.... Lord Shaftesbury... in 1709, wrote the famous Dialogue, entitled The Moralists, as a direct confutation of the opinions of Bayle... In 1710, Leibnitz wrote his famous Theodicée... In 1720, Dr John Clarke published his Enquiry into the Cause and Origin of Evil, a work full of sound reasoning; but almost every argument on this most difficult of all subjects had been urged many years before any of the above-named treatises appeared, viz. 1678, by that truly great 150 scholar and divine, Cudworth, in that inestimable treasury of learning and philosophy, his Intellectual System of the Universe, to which so many authors have been indebted, without owning their obligations. Warton. 3 [Such doubts arose in the mind of Goethe, in his sixth year, at the very time when they were being agitated by Voltaire, on the occasion of the great earthquake at Lisbon. See Lewes' Life of Goethe, Bk. 1. chap. 3.] 4 Ver. 150. Then Nature deviates &c.] "While comets move in very eccentric orbs, in all manner of positions, blind fate could never make all the planets move one and the same way in orbs concentric; some inconsiderable irregularities excepted, which may have risen from mutual actions of comets and planets upon one another, and which will be apt to increase, 'till this system wants a reformation." Sir Isaac Newton's Optics, Quest. ult. Warburton. As much eternal springs and cloudless skies, As Men for ever temp'rate, calm, and wise. If plagues or earthquakes break not Heav'n's design, 155 Who knows but he, whose hand the lightning forms, Or turns young Ammon loose to scourge mankind1? 160 165 Better for Us, perhaps, it might appear, 170 The gen'ral ORDER, since the whole began, Is kept in Nature, and is kept in Man. VI. What would this Man? Now upward will he soar, And little less than Angel3, would be more; Now looking downwards, just as griev'd appears 175 To want the strength of bulls, the fur of bears. 180 Here with degrees of swiftness, there of force1; All in exact proportion to the state; 185 Is Heav'n unkind to Man, and Man alone? Shall he alone, whom rational we call, Be pleas'd with nothing, if not bless'd with all? The bliss of Man (could Pride that blessing find) Is not to act or think beyond mankind; 190 No pow'rs of body or of soul to share, But what his nature and his state can bear. Why has not Man a microscopic eye5? [Alexander the Great, who was saluted as of divine origin by the priests of the Libyan Zeus Ammon; cf. Temple of Fame, v. 154.] 2 But all subsists &c.] See this subject extended in Ep. ii. from v. 90 to 112, 155, &c. Warburton. 3 And little less than Angel, &c.] Thou hast made him a little lower than the Angels, and hast crowned him with glory and honour. Psalm viii. 9. Warburton. 195 4 Here with degrees of swiftness, &c.] It is a certain axiom in the anatomy of creatures, that in proportion as they are formed for strength, their swiftness is lessened; or as they are formed for swiftness, their strength is abated. P. 5 That particular expression, microscopic eye, and the whole reasoning of this astonishing piece of poetry, is taken from Locke's Essay on the Human Understanding, Bk. 11. chap. 3. sec. 12. Wakefield. " T'inspect a mite, not comprehend the heav'n? If nature thunder'd in his op'ning ears, 200 And stunn'd him with the music of the spheres1, 205 VII. Far as Creation's ample range extends, ble & FundiFeels at each thread, and lives along the line: 210 215 From pois'nous herbs extracts the healing dew? 220 How Instinct varies in the grov'lling swine, Compar'd, half-reas'ning elephant, with thine! Twixt that, and Reason, what a nice barrier3, cent For ever sep'rate, yet for ever near! Remembrance and Reflection how ally'd; 225 What thin partitions Sense from Thought divide1: VIII. See, thro' this air, this ocean, and this earth, All matter quick, and bursting into birth. 235 Above, how high, progressive life may go! stunn'd him with the music of the spheres,] This instance is poetical and even sublime, but misplaced. He is arguing philosophically in a case that required him to employ the real objects of sense only: And what is worse, he speaks of this as a real object. Warburton. 2 the headlong lioness] The manner of the Lions hunting their prey in the deserts of Africa is this: At their first going out in the night-time they set up a loud roar, and then listen to the noise made by the beasts in their flight, pursuing them by the ear, and not by the nostril. It is Vast chain of Being! which from God began, 2 240 Where, one step broken, the great scale's destroy'd: 245 Let ruling Angels from their spheres be hurl'd, All this dread ORDER break-for whom? for thee? as his seat Vile worm!-Oh Madness! Pride! Impiety! 255 Cable こ IX. What if the foot, ordain'd the dust to tread3, 260 265 270 2 Ver. 238, Ed. I, 2 Warton compares: 3 Almost the words of Marcus Aurelius, 1. v. Let ruling angels &c.] The poet, throughout this poem, with great art uses an advantage, which his employing a Platonic principle for the foundation of his Essay had afforded him; and that is the expressing himself (as here) in Platonic notions; which, luckily for his purpose, are highly poetical, at the same time that they add a grace to the uniformity of his reasoning. Warburton. 5 What if the foot, &c.] This fine illustration in defence of the System of Nature, is taken from St. Paul, who employed it to defend the System of Grace [1 Cor. xii. 15-21]. 6 Just as absurd, &c.] See the Prosecution and application of this in Ep. iv. P. 7 [Warburton has a long and ingenious note on this passage, intended to vindicate Pope from the charge of having given vent to a pantheistical and 'Spinozist' conception, by adducing other passages from the Essay in which a personal God is acknowledged.] |