Instruct the planets in what orbs to run, 25 30 VARIATIONS. VER. 21. Ed. 4th and 5th. Show by what rules the wand'ring planets stray, NOTES. ans, to measure a degree at the equator and the polar circle, in order to determine the true figure of the earth; of great importance to Aftronomy and Navigation. VER. 22. Correct old Time,] This alludes to Sir Ifaac Newton's Grecian Chronology, which he reformed on those two fublime conceptions, the difference between the reigns of kings, and the generations of men; and the position of the colures of the equinoxes and solstices at the time of the Argonautic expedition. Superior beings, when of late they saw Could he, whose rules the rapid Comet bind, 35 Describe or fix one movement of his Mind? Who saw it's fires here rise, and there descend, Explain his own beginning, or his end? Alas what wonder! Man's superior part Uncheck'd may rise, and climb from art to art; 40 VER. 35. Ed. ist. VARIATIONS. Could he, who taught each Planet where to roll, NOTES. VEI. 37. Who saw it's round the Sun, in ellipfes fires here rise, &c.] Sir Ifaac vastly eccentrical, and very Newton, in calculating the nearly approaching to paravelocity of a Comet's moti- bolas. In which he was on, and the course it de- greatly confirmed, in obscribes, when it becomes vi- serving between two Cofible in it's descent to, and mets a coincidence in their ascent from, the Sun, con- perihelions, and a perfect jectured, with the highest agreement in their velociappearance of truth, that ties. Comets revolve perpetually But when his own great work is but begun, NOTES. VER. 45. Vanity, or dress,] These are the first parts of what the Poet, in the preceding line, calls the Scholar's equipage of Pride. By vanity, is meant that luxuriancy of thought and expression in which a writer indulges himself, to shew the fruitfulness of his fancy or invention. By dress, is to be understood a lower degree of that practice, in amplification of thought and ornamented expression, to give force to what the writer would convey: but even this, the Poet, in a fevere search after truth, condemns; and with great judgment. Conciseness of thought and fimplicity of expreffion, being as well the best instruments, as the best vehicles of Truth. Shake 45 spear touches upon this latter advantage with great force and humour. The Flatterer says to Timon in distress, "I cannot cover "the monstrous bulk of "their ingratitude, with any fize of words." The other replies, "Let it go " naked, men may fee't the "better." VER. 46. Or Learning's Luxury, or Idleness;] The Luxury of Learning confifts in dressing up and disguifing old notions in a new way, so as to make them more fashionable and palateable, instead of examining and scrutinizing their truth. As this is often done for pomp and shew, it is called luxury; as it is often done too to save pains and labour, it is called idleness. Or tricks to shew the stretch of human brain, 50 Self-love, to urge, and Reason, to restrain; 55 Reason's comparing balance rules the whole. 60 NOTES. VER. 47. Or tricks to shew the stretch of human brain,] Such as the mathematical demonstrations concerning the small quantity of matter; the endless divifibility of it, &. VER. 48. Mere curious pleasure, or ingenious pain;) That is, when Admiration fets the mind on the rack. VER. 49, 50. Expunge the whole, or lop th' excrefcent parts Of all our Vices have created Arts;] i. e. Those parts of natural Philofophy, Logic, Rhetoric, Poetry, &c. that administer to luxury, deceit, ambition, effeminacy, &c. Fix'd like a plant on his peculiar spot, Most strength the moving principle requires ; Active its task, it prompts, impels, inspires. Form'd but to check, delib'rate, and advise. 70 Self-love still stronger, as its objects nigh; Reason's at distance, and in profpect lie: Reason, the future and the confequence. The action of the stronger to fufpend 79 Reason still use, to Reason still attend. And Grace and Virtue, Sense and Reason split, NOTES. VER. 74. Reason, the fu- the future; and by argumen ture and the consequence.]i.e. tation, the confequence. By experience Reason collects C |