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Grant me the grace of final perseverance, that I may secure the enjoyment of that glory which was purchased at the price of thy most precious blood. Grant likewise, O Jesus, peace and relief to the souls in purgatory, and daily advance towards perfection thy holy servants in this world, more especially those who are of this confraternity. Our Father, &c.

Sancta Mater, &c.

O Lord Jesus Christ, I adore the sacred wound in thy blessed side. I thank thee for the infinite love manifested towards us at the opening of thy sacred heart. Grant me a pure and perfect charity, that loving all things for thy sake and thee above all things, I may breathe my last in the purest sentiments of divine love. Protect thy holy Catholic Church, direct thy governing Vicar upon earth, all ecclesiastical orders, and all pious persons who are instrumental in the conversion of souls. Preserve in thy holy service all Christian kings and princes. Bring back into the way of salvation all those who have gone astray, whether through malice or ignorance; and subject unto thy sacred yoke all infidels, heretics, and enemies of thy holy name. Father, &c.

Sancta Mater, &c.


O Lord Jesus Christ, God of my heart; by those five wounds which thy love for us inflicted on thee, succour thy servants whom thou hast redeemed with thy precious blood. Amen.

Most merciful Redeemer; by those unspeak able torments, and by the grief which thou wast pleased to suffer for me, especially when thy soul

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was separated from thy body, I humbly beseech thee to secure my soul at the hour of its departure, and to comfort me then, as thou didst comfort the penitent thief, with the blessed assurance that I shall be with thee in Paradise. Amen.

The Stabat Mater, see p. 362.

Let us say thrice the "Our Father" and thrice the "Hail Mary," in memory of the three hours our Redeemer hung upon the cross, for the souls of the faithful departed of this Congregation.

Let us say once the "Our Father" and the "Hail Mary," for those who are in the deplorable state of mortal sin.

Let us likewise say once the "Our Father" and the "Hail Mary," for the person of this Congregation who is next to die, that he may depart happily, strengthened with the holy Sacraments of the Church.

Let us dispose ourselves, by acts of perfect contrition and of pure love of God, to receive profitably the benediction of our Lord and Saviour in the adorable Sacrament of the Altar.

O merciful Redeemer, and God of infinite patience; great is my confusion at appearing in thy divine presence, because I have so frequently preferred contemptible creatures before thee, the Almighty Creator of the universe. I utterly detest my presumption in sinning in thy most pure sight. I acknowledge that I am a criminal, and I plead guilty at the bar of thy dread tribunal. Thou mightest have been glorified in thy justice by striking me suddenly dead, and by condemning me to eternal flames for the base indignities I have offered thee; but thou wast pleased to be glorified in the high prerogative of thy mercy, by recalling me to repentance. I abhor all my crimes of thought, of word word, and of deed, not merely for the fear of punishment, and for the hope of reward, but chiefly for thy sake,

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and because thou dost infinitely detest them. O God of majesty and mercy, look upon the sacred marks in thy hands, feet, and side, which thou dost still retain in thy glorified body, that they may plead in my behalf. By that tender love which induced thee to create, to redeem, and to sanctify me, unite thy infinite merits to my profound misery. Strengthen my weakness, confirm this my resolution of never more offending thee; rather let me lose every thing, even life itself, than lose thy favour by mortal sin. My heart was created for thee, and I love thee better than myself. Every day of my life, and especially that on which I shall expire, I will strive to love and to serve thee for thy own sake, my God and my Creator. O Saviour of perishing mankind, who openest thy hand, and fillest every creature with benediction, give me now such a blessing as thou didst bestow on thy beloved disciples, when ascending in triumph from the mountain of Olives; that I may live and die in these happy dispositions. Amen.




(From St Bernard.)

JESUS, the only thought of thee
With sweetness fills my breast;
But sweeter far it is to see,
And on thy beauty feast.

No sound, no harmony so gay,
Can art or music frame;

No thoughts can reach, no words can say,
The sweets of thy blest name.

Jesus, our hope, when we repent,
Sweet source of all our grace,
Sole comfort in our banishment, -
Oh, what when face to face!

Jesus, that name inspires my mind
With springs of life and light;
More than I ask in thee I find,
And languish with delight.

No art or eloquence of man
Can tell the joys of love;
Only the saints can understand
What they in Jesus prove.

Thee, then, I'll seek, retir'd apart,
From world and business free;

When these shall knock, I'll shut my heart,

And keep it all for thee.

Before the morning light I'll come,

With Magdalene, to find,

In sighs and tears, my Jesu's tomb,

And there refresh my mind.



My tears upon his grave shall flow,
My sighs the garden fill;
Then at his feet myself I'll throw,
And there I'll seek his will.

Jesus, in thy bless'd steps I'll tread,
And walk in all thy ways;
I'll never cease to weep and plead
Till I'm restor'd to grace.

O King of love, thy blessed fire
Does such sweet flames excite,
That first it raises the desire,
Then fills it with delight.

Thy lovely presence shines so clear
Through every sense and way,
That souls which once have seen thee near,
See all things else decay.

Come, then, dear Lord, possess my heart,
Chase thence the shades of night;
Come, pierce it with thy flaming dart,
And ever-shining light.

Then I'll for ever Jesus sing,

And with the saints rejoice;

And both my heart and tongue shall bring

Their tribute to my dearest King

In never-ending joys.

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