5 For God, who is our Sun and Shield, I PSALM LXXXIV. O. V. is thy Dwelling-Place, HOW pleasant ist O Lord of Hosts, to me? The Tabernacles of thy Grace, how pleasant, Lord, they be! 2 My Soul doth long full fore to go into thy Courts abroad; My heart and Flesh cry out also for thee the living God. 3 O they be blessed that may dwell within thy House always: For they all Times thy Facts do tell, and ever give thee Praise. 4 Yea, happy fure likewise are they, whose Stay and Strength thou art : Who to thy House do mind the Way, and seek it in their Heart. 5 From Strength to Strength they go full fast, no Faintness there shall be: I And so the God of God's at last in Sion they do fee. PSALM XCI. SO teach us, Lord, th' uncertain Sum 2 O to thy Servants, Lord, return, and speedily relent! As we of our Mitdeeds, do thou 5 To all thy Servants, Lord, let this PSALM XCII. 1 HOW good and pleasant must it be 2 With ev'ry Morning's early Dawn, 3 To ten-string'd Instruments we'll fing, And And to the Harp, with folemn Sounds, for sacred Use design'd. 4 For thro' thy wond'rous Works, O Lord, thou mak'st my Heart rejoice; The Thoughts of them shall make me glad, and shout with cheerful Voice. PSALM XCIII. I WITH Glory clad, with Strength array'd, the Lord, that o'er all Nature reigns, The World's Foundation strongly laid, and the vast Fabric still fustains. 2 How sure establish'd is thy Throne, which shall no Change or Period see! For thou, O Lord, and thou alone, art God from all Eternity. 3 The Floods, O Lord, lift up their Voice, and toss the troubled Waves on high; But God above can still their Noise, and make the angry Sea comply. 4 Thy Promife, Lord, is ever fure; and they that in thy House would dwell, That happy Station to secure, must still in Holiness excel. I PSALM XCV. O Come, loud Anthems let us fing, Loud Thanks to our almighty King, For we our Voices high should raise, 2 Into his Presence let us hafte, Whom, by his Title, God we call. 4 The Depths of Earth are in his Hand, Her fecret Wealth at his Command; The Strength of Hills, that reach the Skies, Subjected to his Empire lies. 5 The rolling Ocean's vast Abyss By the same sov'reign Right is his; 'Tis mov'd by his almighty Hand, That form'd and fix'd the solid Land. 6 O let us to his Courts repair, And bow with Adoration there; Down on our Knees devoutly all Before the Lord our Maker fall. PSALM XCVI. ISING to the Lord a new-made Song, Let Earth, in one assembled Throng, Her common Patron's Praise resound. Sing to the Lord, and bless his Name, From Day to Day his Praise proclaim, Who us has with Salvation crown'd: To Heathen Lands his Fame rehearse, His Wonders to the Universe. 2 Proclaim 2 Proclaim aloud, Jehovah reigns, PSALM XCVI. O. V. I SING ye with Praife unto the Lord, new Songs with Joy and Mirth: Sing unto him with one Accord, all People on the Earth. 2 Yea, sing unto the Lord alway, praise ye his holy Name: Declare and shew from Day to Day Salvation by the fame. 3 Among the People all declare his Honour round about: To shew his Wonders do not spare in all the World throughout. 4 For why? the Lord is great in Might, and worthy of all Praife: And |