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their wickedness, impurity, and cruelty. He pointed out the daty of Chriftians to endeavour to promote their falvation; and he lamented the criminal neglect of this great work. He then fuggefted fome hints calculated to ftimulate and excite the friends of the inftitution to union, zeal, and liberality; and particularly ftated, that this Society wifhed rather to be confidered as coadjutors than competitors with other focieties. He detailed the steps already taken by the committee, who have adopted the object recommended in Mr. Mosely's Memoir, viz. the tranfla, tion of the Scriptures into the Chinese language, and their circulation in that immenfe empire.


We are happy to learn, that the firft Number of a second Volume of the Periodical Accounts, relative to the Baptift Miffionary Society, is published, and is expected here in a few days.By the Baptist Regifter, we are informed, that it contains a preface-journals of the Miffionaries during the voyage-account of the miffion from April, 1799, to September, 1800-extracts of journals-Mr. Grant's letter to his father-accounis of the death of Mr. Grant, and of the removal of the miffion to Serampore-letter from the Miffionaries to Captain Wickes, and to the Society-letters from Meffrs. Carey, Thomas, Brunfdon, Forsyth, Marfhman and Ward-a defcription of the quadrupeds of Bengal-an account of the death of Mr. Fountain, &c.—an appendix, with the state of accounts, by which it appears, that the Society has in hands a balance of £2922 14 34.

The following are fome of the extracts felected by Dr. Rippon. BENGALLEE SCRIPTURES, &C.

"May 18, 1800. This day brother Carey took an impreffion at the prefs, of the first page in Matthew.

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June 16, 1800. This week we have begun to print the first fheet of the New Teftament. We print 2000 copies, of which 1700 are on Patna paper, and 300 on English. We also print 500 of Matthew, to give away immediately.

"Aug. 15. Matthew, Mark, and a great part of Luke, are printed off; and the utmoft diligence is employed in completing the whole New Teftament. By the end of May, 1801, we hope to have it published. To the 500 additional copies of Matthew, for immediate diftribution, are annexed some of the most remarkable prophecies in the Old Teftament refpecting Chrift. These are now diftributing, together with copies of feveral evangelical hymns, and a very earneft and pertinen: addrefs to the natives, refpecting the gospel. It was written by Ram Bothoo, and contains a hundred lines in Bengailee verfe. We hear that thefe

papers are read with much attention; and that apprehenfions are rifing in the minds of the Braminhans, whereunto these things may grow. A fubfcription has been opened for the Bible, at thirty-two rupees, and near fifty copies are fubfcribed for.


"You will inquire, what is become of thofe natives concerning whom fome hopes have been entertained? What is become of the rifing intereft of Dinagepore? and is all preaching given up at Malda? Is the fchool diffolved? and are all the fruits of five years relinquifhed at once? I anfwer; None but myself can tell the conflict, and the exercifes of my mind on this trying event; but neceffity has no law. Our refources are too small to permit us to live feparately, and the work of printing the Bible requires my infpection. I hope well of Sookman and of Hurry Charron. The very last converfations I had with them gave me much encouragement. Our labours at Dinagepore have not been in vain. The Chriftians alfo in the neighbourhood of Malda please me much. We hope to vifit thofe places once or twice in the year. The fchool at Madnabatty is neceffarily relinquifhed, though not till we have the pleasure of knowing that about fifty lads have been taught to read and write, who would otherwise have known nothing. The name and doctrines of Chrift are known by many, fo that a foundation is laid for our future efforts to become effectual.


Mr. Carey. "I have lately obtained, from a very refpectable correfpondent, fome farther information concerning the miffionaries on the coaft of Coromandel. At Vepary are Mr. Gerricke and Mr. Paezold. At Tranquebar are the Rev. Dr. John and Rolter, and Mr. Caemerer. The miffionary at Trichinopoly is Mr. Pohle; and at Tanjore are Meffrs. Rohfhoffe, Jaenicke, and Holtzberg."

Letter from Mr. A. FULLER, Kettering, Secretary to the Baptift Miffionary Society, to a Friend in Edinburgh.

DEAR SIR, Kettering, 7th Aug. 1801. We have just received letters from India, the contents of which are very interefting. They have had two baptifings. The first was Mr. Carey's fon Felix, a youth of fifteen, and who has fince begun to preach the gofpel, together with a Hindoo, who, a few months before, diflocated his arm, which being fet by Mr. Thomas, he took occafion to talk to him about his foul. His name is Creefhno. His whole family appear to have received the word with him, and, I think, have all thrown off the Caft. The fecond baptifm was Mr. Fernandez, of Dinagepore, with

Creefhno's wife's fifter, Ifymoney by name. Three others have given in their profeffion of Chrift's name, with a view to be baptifed, but have rather fhrunk back for fear. The lofs of Caft has raised against them great perfecution from their countrymen, as far as their power extends, and excited an amazing attention both from natives and Europeans. Were not the converts protected by the Danish magiftrates, they would be in danger of being murdered, and, as it is, there is great wrath at work against them. But the horrid chain of the Caft is broken! The Lord hath triumphed gloriously. His right hand, and his holy arm, hath gotten him the victory. Mockers, who ufed to deride our attempts as impracticable, are filenced. The work is going on. A door is opened, great and effectual, and there are many adverfaries. That, at which man would have defpaired, God hath effected with ease, and in a little time.

We mean to print the fubftance of the intelligence as foon as poffible, in a fixpenny number. The Governor General feems well fatisfied, and it is thought they might now preach, if they pleased, in the ftreets of Calcutta. We cannot but rejoice in these things, though it be with trembling.

The Caft, which we have fo much feared, may prove the greatest bleffing. The renouncing of it may be a teft of fincerity, equal to Hindoo treachery. Were it not for this, we should always be in dread of impofition. But though there may be fome • hypocrites after all, as is the cafe every where, yet it may be prefumed, their number will not be great, as no worldly motive can be fuppofed to induce perfons to give up all their worldly profpects, and be treated as outcasts by all their countrymen. It is generally confidered as worse than death.-The New Teftament was finished as to the compofing part, when the letters came away, viz. Feb. 14, 1801.

It was reported among the Europeans, that the Hindoos were hired by a great fum of money to lofe Caft, and be baptifed. A gentleman one day met Creefhno, and asked him what he got by it? Creefhno replied, "Nothing but peace and joy." Ifymoney fays, "She has found a treasure in Chrift, greater than every thing else in the world." Mr. Powell, Mr. Fernandez, and Mr. Thomas, who are all members of the church at Serampore, it is hoped, will labour to spread the gofpel in Dinagepore and its vicinity. With them alfo is a Mr., who, though not a member, yet is a cordial friend of the gofpel. A Scotch gentleman, and an English lady, appear to have found the way of life among our friends at Serampore, within the last year. The lady is dead.





APRIL 9th, 1801.





Printed by T. & J. Swords, for C. Davis.


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