ELECTIONS. CLERICAL APPOINTMENTS. Appointment. Minor Canon of Gloucester Cathedral. English Master of Skipton Grammar School, Yorkshire. Domestic Chaplain to Lord Thurlow. Chaplain to the Workhouse in the Union at Poole, Dorset. Chaplain to the Workhouse in the Bosmere & Claydon Union. Chaplain to the Duke of Beaufort. Minor Canon of Worcester Cathedral. Head Master of Skipton Grammar School, Yorkshire. Chaplain to the Duke of Beaufort. Chaplain to the Duke of Beaufort. Second Mister of Shrewsbury Grammar School. Evening Lecturer of St. Mary, Woolwich. CLERGYMEN DECEASED. Appointment. Curate of Stowmarket, Suffolk. Formerly of St. John's, Oxford. Chaplain of the Devonport Dock Yard. At Brotherton, Yorkshire. Trinity College, Dublin. Curate of Fordham, Norfolk. Professor of Divinity, &c. in St. Mary's College, Aberdeen. Curate of Mullabrack, Ireland. OXFORD. William Cripps, Esq. M. A. of Trinity College, late Vinerian Scholar, has been unanimously elected a Fellow on the foundation of Charles Viner, Esq. in the room of Dr. Bellamy, of St. John's College. VINERIAN SCHOLARSHIP. Three Members of the University have announced themselves as candidates for the Scholarship on Mr. Viner's Foundation, lately vacated by Mr. Cripps, now one of the Vinerian Fellows. They are-Mr. John Thomas, B. A. late a Scholar of Trinity College; Mr. Chas. Barnes, B.A. Scholar of Corpus Christi College; and Mr. Daniel Race Godfrey, B. A. Michell Scholar of Queen's College. The election will take place early in Lent Term. It has been unanimously agreed to grant the sum of 100%. from the University chest, as a second subscription towards the relief of the Irish Clergy. The number of Matriculations during the Michaelmas Term, was 116. DEGREES CONFERRED. BACHELOR IN CIVIL LAW. Rev. William Henry Walter Bigg Wither, Fellow of New Coll. MASTERS OF ARTS. Robert Hepburn Murray, St. Alban's Hall. BACHELORS OF ARTS. Edward Gordon, Oriel Coll. Charles Scriven, Schol. of Worcester Coll. W. Corbet Le Breton, Schol. of Pemb. Coll. CHRIST CHURCH. The following gentlemen have been admitted Actual Students of Christ Church, having been elected from Westminster in May last: Granville Edward Harcourt Vernon, Matthew J. Brickdale, and John ASHMOLEAN SOCIETY. The President in the chair. The following gentlemen were elected Members :-Rev. J. Jackson, B.A. Pembroke College; Rev. J. Guillemard, M.A. St. John's College; Hon. C. Harris, B.A. All Souls' College. Presents were received of copies of papers on thermal springs, and the eruption of Vesuvius, from Dr. Daubeny: and drawings of plans of Roman camps, &c. from the late Mr. Underwood. A notice was communicated by Mr. Kirtland of the worms found adhering to a grasshopper, presented to the Society at the last meeting: and a similar fact mentioned by Mr. Paxton. Mr. Johnson, of Queen's College, read a paper on optical images. Dr. Daubeny exhibited some specimens of sand and clay from caverns near Cork, on which he made some reinarks. Professor Powell gave an account of his researches on the dispersion of light, illus trated by drawings. Dr. Buckland read an additional statement with regard to a luminous appearance on certain plants during a thunder storm, described at the last meeting. He then proceeded to make some remarks on caverns, containing deposits of sand, mud, &c. on which Dr. Daubeny also made some observations. December 4. The President in the chair. The following gentlemen were elected Members: Rev. Dr. Barnes, Canon of Christ Church; R. W. A. Smith, B.A. Jesus College; E. C. S. Kynnersley, B.A. Trinity College. This being the last meeting in the year, the names of the gentlemen proposed by the Committee as office-bearers and members of the Committee for the ensuing year, were submitted from the chair to the approbation of the Society, and adopted, viz.: As President.--H.H. Wilson, Esq. M.A. F.R.S. Professor of Sanscrit. Treasurer. Rev. R. Greswell. Of the old Committee to remain.—The Keeper of the Museum, Dr. Buckland, Mr. Twiss, Mr. Marriott. New Members to succeed those who go out by rotation.-Professor Rigaud; Mr. Hussey, Christ Church; Mr. Johnson, Queen's College; Mr. Browell, Pembroke College: Professor White, Magdalen College; Mr. Horne, Corpus Christi College. The following presents were received :Rapport sur les poissons fossiles, par M. Agassez; from Dr. Buckland. - - On the Virginian Springs; from Mr. H. C. Carey. -An Essay on Wages; from Mr. Nicklin. A communication from a Member of the Society was read, detailing his observations on the appearance of the aurora on the evening of the 18th of November. Dr. Daubeny exhibited his apparatus for collecting gases from volcanoes, and then proceeded to read an account of his excursion in the volcanic district near Naples, and particularly to Mount Vultur; on which some conversation arose. Dr. Buckland made some remarks on the theory of elevation, and Dr. Daubeuy on the extrication of light from plants. ELECTIONS. CAMBRIDGE. William Drake, of St. John's College, has been elected a scholar on Crosse's foundation. The Rev. R. Willis, and the Rev. W. Whewell, of this university, have been elected honorary members of the Institute of British Architects. Craven Scholarship.-There will be, on Monday, the 25th day of January, 1836, an examination of candidates for the scholarship upon this foundation, lately holden by Mr. Capel Lofft, of King's College.Candidates are required to signify their intention of offering themselves on or before Thursday, the 31st of December. The Rev. John Maddy, D.D. of Jesus College, Oxford, was admitted ad eundem of this university. At the same congregation the following Grace passed the Senate :-To appoint the Vice-Chancellor, the Master of Jesus College, the Master of Christ's College, Mr. Peacock, of Trinity College, Mr. Hymers, of St. John's Collge, Mr. Fennell, of Queen's College, and Mr. Hodgson, of St. Peter's College, a Syndicate for making inquiries with regard to any funds at present in the possession of the University, which may be available for accomplishing the important objects contemplated in the purchase of the "Old Court" of King's College, and also with a view to any other pecuniary resources which may be hereafter employed in the prosecution of this undertaking. Professor Airy has notified to the ViceChancellor, that he intends shortly to tender to the Plumian Trustees his resignation of the Plumian Professorship, and also that he shall be unable to be permanently resident at the Observatory, after the end of the present term; but has offered to the Observatory Syndicate to continue the general superintendence of the Observatory, and to visit it occasionally until some further and permanent arrangement is made. In consequence of the above intimation a grace has passed the Senate to the following effect:-"To commit the care of the Observatory to the present Observatory Syndicate during the absence of the Professor, and until such arrangement is made." |