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If enough has not been by this time shown to recommend this delightful poem to the reader, his patience would be but sorely taxed to pursue the subject further, and to those who feel for the hapless lovers in the tale, more need not be said to incite them to read the sequel in the book itself. Merely intimating therefore, that three cantos yet remain still more beautiful than those from which the extracts have been made, and that Calliroe is restored to life and happiness, we close this very hasty account of a work which is particularly worthy of the attention of the youthful poets of this country, because it affords a striking proof that border-wars, or fairy legends, or scenes of Indian massacre, are not at all necessary as the ground work of popular and interesting poetry. The history of ancient Greece abounds in subjects admirably fitted to be interwoven with the sweetest dreams of romance, and to sustain the most delightful embellishment of sentiment and fancy; and such themes possess this peculiar advantage, that it is impossible to pursue them or to employ the mind about them-such is the charm of classical antiquity-without refining the taste and enriching the imagination.

ART. VIII.-Agricultural Societies.


A MONG the associations for the very laudable purpose of promoting agricultural knowledge, no one is more conspicuous for zealous activity, and practical usefulness, than the Agricultural society of Jefferson County, New York. The excellent plan adopted by this institution, of stimulating rural industry by premiums publicly bestowed is known to have the happiest effects, and the manner in which it is managed, gives dignity and interest to those rustic occupations, that are too often deemed unworthy the attention of the wealthy and refined inhabitants of our cities.

The 'proceedings of the second cattle show and fair, &c. held September 1819' are now before us, and we make the following extracts to show the manner in which those affairs are conducted. 'The second cattle show and fair of the Jefferson County Agricultural Society, was holden at the village of Watertown, on the 28th and 29th days of September last.

'The exhibition of stock and domestic manufactures far exceeded that of the last year.

'The stock was principally young, but of a superior quality, and evinced an attention to this important branch of agriculture, surpassing the most sanguine expectation. It afforded strong evidence that our farmers are not unmindful of their true interest, and was a sure presage of their future prosperity.


The specime specimens of domestic manufactures were of a superior kind, a few of which have been particularly noticed, by the committee on that subject, in their report, and they observe, generally, that too much praise cannot be bestowed on the improvements made in this most useful of all employments.

'At 12 o'clock, on the 28th, the committees of the society entered on the various duties assigned them. The president, with the officers of the society, attended during the day, and superintended the proceedings.

Our farmers improved this day in receiving and conveying information, on the various subjects which occupy their attention during the year, and thus profiting by each others experience, which is among the most important objects of the society.

'The proceedings on the 29th, commenced by a plowing match with horses, and one with oxen.

'Here was a laudable contest between farmers, as to the best and most expeditious plowing of a quarter of an acre of land. The spot selected was favourable, and the number that entered the list was large. The sound of the drum was the signal for startingand here commenced a trial of skill and diligence seldom wit


'After the plowing match, a procession was formed, and marched to the court house, accompanied by the excellent band belonging to the 2d U. S. Infantry, whose services as heretofore were politely offered by Col. Brady.

The exercises at the court house, commenced by prayer, by the Rev. Mr. Banks, of Watertown. The first Vice President, maj. gen. Brown, of the U. S. army, then addressed the society as follows:' &c.

The speech of Vice President Brown, is a plain practical address, containing the result of much actual survey and experience, within the limits of Jefferson County: the facts mentioned in the two following extracts are very interesting to farmers in all parts of the country.

'As the lands, which I have had under cultivation, have always been adapted peculiarly to wheat, what I know of the produce or value of leguminous crops is by way of experiment. I have derived but little profit from any of the family, except from peas and potatoes, but as fertilizers of the soil. I am, however, convinced, that carrots may be cultivated to great account, and particularly upon the deep and moist loams, of which I have been speaking. I have found this nutritious vegetable the most certain of the root crops to give a rich return for the labor bestowed in cultivating it. A supply of it on every farm, to aid in fattening such of our animals as are to be disposed of in the fall and in passing the remainder through the winter, would add much to the wealth of the county. Every farmer can prepare a sufficient amount of soil for carrots, for, it will be found, if the ground, in which the seed is placed, is in a proper state, that it will not require many acres to supply the most extensive farm in the county.

'My rule has been to prepare perfectly in the fall a rich soil, one foot in depth. As early in the spring as I found the ground settled and in a state to be moved, I gave it another dressing, and put in my seed about three times as thick as I desired the plants to stand, in rows nine inches apart. When the plants came to a proper state for hoeing, a small hoe was passed between the rows to loosen up the soil and clear out such weeds as appeared; and at this hoeing, a part of the superfluous plants were pulled up to open the ground by the sides of the remainder. At the next hoeing, say from two to four weeks according to the season, the remaining plants, which could be spared, were drawn out, being careful to leave the strong ones standing. The crop required but little attention after this. If heavy rains fell, the ground between the rows was stirred as deep and as near to them as could be done, with safety to the roots. Under such cultivation, I should not deem it presumptuous to expect from three to five hundred bushels per acre, as an average crop. The produce of my experiment last year gave at the rate of nine hundred and sixty bushels the


'Upon grass husbandry or the cultivation of artificial grasses, as a principal means of raising and fattening animals, and giving profit from a dairy, I shall not detain you long. I am aware how deeply this branch of the subject enters into whatever concerns the interest of rural economy; but, being very little skilled in it, I shall detain you with but few remarks. I have under my eye gentlemen so deeply versed in this business, that it would be unnecessary to name them to make them better known to this assembly. At our next annual meeting the interests of this society and of agriculture may be much promoted by listening to the instruction, which some one of these sound practical men can give upon grass husbandry, and the best method of feeding and raising domestic animals. This is a subject very interesting to a county like ours, which encompasses so much grass land. I have it from unquestionable authority, that the* town of Steuben received the last season, for its surplus butter alone, more than twenty thousand dollars; and that Vernon received for cheese, sent from that town, upwards of twenty-two thousand.'

The committe appointed to award premiums on Tillage, state in their report,


Their tour through various parts of the county was above 250 miles; they visited 14 towns; viewed 75 farms: and examined more than 200 different articles which were presented for premiums.

'From what your committee have seen they cannot be deceived, when they say, that the effects already produced by this society are very apparent. Whilst they were surprised, they were highly gratified, with discovering a laudable ambition to excel and a spirit of honourable rivalship awakened in many parts of the county, which are the surest evidences of the advancement of our agricultural interest and presages of the approach of that day, in which this county will take that high standing among the counties of this state, to which, from her local situation, her climate, her soil and her mineral and fossil productions she is capable of being

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* Township. 9



The list of premiums on tillage comprises one, of silver spoons, valued at six dollars, for the best farm in each of the thirteen townships, or towns, in the county; for the best managed farm in the county, a silver pitcher, valued at forty dollars, for the best nursery in the county, a silver cup valued at 10 dollars, for the best orchard, a similar premium, and for the best corn on one acre, And sixteen others for various excellencies.

The premiums on stock were twenty-five. Those on domestic manufactures were

1. Job Babcock, Jr. Adams-best 12 yards of woollen cloth not less than 3-4 yard wide, manufactured in the family of the person exhibiting the same, Spoons, $ 12 2. Daniel Kinney, Rodman-Do. Do. second best, Do. 8 3. Harriet Richardson, Watertown-best 15 yards flannel of

domestic manufacture, not less than 1 yard wide, Do. 8 4. Frederick Tyler, Rutland-Do. Do. second best, Do. 6 5. C. B. Fish, Rutland-best 15 yards of pressed cloth wo

[blocks in formation]

men ware, Do.

6. Harriet Richardson, Watertown-best ten run of woollen

yarn, Do.


7. Anson Moody, Rodman-best carpeting not less than 25 yards, Do.

8. Nancy Fletcher, Watertown-best specimen of straw hats

and bonnets, silver cup,

[blocks in formation]

9. Lucius Gould, Lorrain-best cheese not less than twenty

weight, silver sugar-tongs,

[blocks in formation]

10. George White, Rutland-best one hundred weight of

maple sugar, Spoons,


11. David Canfield, Champion-greatest quantity of Do.

1,050 lbs. Do.


12. Ann Brown, Brownville-best currant wine, not less than

ten gallons, sugar-tongs,

[blocks in formation]

13. Daniel W. Eames, Rutland-Most useful invention in

agriculture or manufactures. Spoons,


14. John Mc Mullen, Brownville-best plough, sugar-tongs, 5 15. Miss Ann Choats, Brownville-2d best bonnet, silver



• The premiums being distributed, the procession was again formed and marched to the large building, lately erected for a paper mill, by Mr. Caswell, for the better accommodation of so numerous an assembly, (the successful candidates being formed by themselves,) where a dinner in true farmer style was prepared.

'At the head of the table was placed the bust of Washington and the Declaration of independence, with a fac simile of the hand writing of those brave men who adopted it. The room was decorated with some of the finest vegetables of different descriptions, the produce of the past season.

'The greatest order prevailed and the society adjourned at an early hour.'

ART. IX. An Appeal from the Judgments of Great Britain, respecting the United States of America. By Robert Walsh, Junr.


a recent number of the London 'Antijacobin Review' the Editors of that journal take occasion to remark upon the internal embarrassments suffered by the 'American Republic', 'from which,' they add 'we hope she will not soon recover.'

This uncharitable sentiment is, we confidently trust, not reciprocated. It is the wish at least, if circumstances forbid the hope, of most of the citizens of our republic, that Britain may be able to avert the dreadful evils which her 'internal embarrassments' now threaten to produce. And if we thought Mr. Walsh's book calculated to kindle or to keep alive a spirit of animosity between the two countries we should not take so much pleasure in applauding it. But we cannot but hope that it will lay the foundation of a better mutual understanding, and tend materially to abate that acrimonious feeling which has been fostered by the continued sneers and reproaches of our transatlantic friends. This effect will be produced, we trust, by the twofold influence of the lesson of caution and forbearance which they will derive from having the conviction brought home to them of the extreme vulnerability of their own institutions-a circumstance to the existence of which they seem to have hitherto remained wilfully blind-and the greater self respect with which it will inspire us as to certain particulars on which we have been accustomed to consider ourselves obnoxious to some degree of censure.

It is not to be expected that the arrogance of their national pride will be abated, but surely our assailants must see the absurdity of their charges against us when they find that similar and higher evidence can easily be found to substantiate accusations infinitely more grievous against themselves. The dilemma is presented to them from which as logicians they cannot escape; either your country is much more guilty than ours, and therefore it is not for you to utter reproaches, or else the evidence is unsound and fallacious, and consequently your invectives against us are totally unsupported

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