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a thick mucous or sanguineous fluid. Besides these there are larger swellings lying deeper in the subcutaneous tissue, which at first are extremely hard and painful, and to which the term farcy "buds" or "buttons" is applied. These ultimately open and become extensive sloughing ulcers. The mucous membranes participate in the same lesions are present in the skin, and this is particularly the case with the interior of the nose, where indeed, in many instances, the disease first of all shows itself. This organ becomes greatly swollen and inflamed, while from one or both nostrils there exudes a copious discharge of highly offensive purulent or sanguineous matter. The lining membrane of the nostrils is covered with papules similar in character to those on the skin, which form ulcers, and may lead to the destruction of the cartilaginous and bony

textures of the nose. The diseased action extends into the throat, mouth, and eyes, while the whole face becomes swollen and erysipelatous, and the lymphatic glands under the jaws inflame and suppurate. Not unfrequently the bronchial tubes become affected, and cough attended with expectoration of matter similar to that discharged from the nose is the consequence. The general constitutional symptoms are exceedingly severe, and advance with great rapidity, the patient passing into a state of extreme prostration. In the acute form of the disease recovery rarely if ever occurs, and the case generally terminates fatally in a period varying from two or three days to as many weeks. A chronic form of glanders and farcy is occasionally met with, in which the symptoms, although essentially the same as those above described, advance much more slowly, and are attended with relatively less urgent constitutional disturbance. Cases of recovery from this form are on record; but in general the disease ultimately proves fatal by exhaustion of the patient, or by a sudden supervention, which is apt to occur, of the acute form. On the other hand, acute glanders is never observed to become chronic.

In the treatment of this malady the main reliance is to be placed on the maintenance of the patient's strength by strong nourishment and tonic remedies. If the point of inoculation of the virus can be early made out, its active cauterization, as in the case of any poisoned wound, should be resorted to. The opening of abscesses antiseptically, as well as the use of antiseptic lotions for the affected mucous membranes, is recommended. In all cases of the outbreak of glanders it is of the utmost consequence to prevent the spread of the disease by the destruction of affected animals, and the cleansing and disinfection of infected localities.

GLANVIL, GLANVILL, or GLANVILLE, RANULPH DE (died 1190), the oldest writer on English jurisprudence and chief justiciary of England in the reign of Henry II., was born at Stratford in Suffolk, but in what year is unknown. There is also almost no information regarding his early life. Butterley Abbey was founded by him in 1171. In 1174, In 1174, along with other barons of Yorkshire, he raised a body of knights to oppose William the Lion, king of Scotland, who had invaded the north of England, and it was he who took the king prisoner at Alnwick. In 1175 he was appointed sheriff of Yorkshire, in 1176 justice of the king's court and a justice itinerant in the northern circuit, and in 1180 chief justiciary of all England. It was under his direction that Henry II. completed his judicial reforms, but the principal of them had been carried out before he came into office. After the death of Henry in 1189 Glanvil was removed from his office by Richard I., and imprisoned till he had paid a ransom, according to one authority, of £15,000. Shortly after obtaining his freedom he joined the order of the cross, and he died at the siege of Acre in 1190. At the instance, it is supposed, of Henry II., Glanvil wrote or superintended the writing of the Tractatus le legibus et consuetudinibus regni Angliæ, which is divided

into 14 books, and is chiefly a practical treatise on the forms of procedure in the curia regis or king's court, the principles of law involved in these forms being only incidentally referred to. As the source of our knowledge regarding the earliest form of the curia regis, and for the informa tion it affords regarding ancient customs and laws, it is of great value to the student of English history. It is now generally agreed that the work of Glanvil is of earlier date than the Regiam Majestatem, a work which bears a close resemblance to his. To him is also ascribed the recension of English laws made in the reign of Henry II.

The treatise of Glanvil was first printed in 1554. An English translation, with notes and introduction by John Beames, was pub lished at London in 1812. A MS. copy of a Norman French trausla tion, made apparently in the reign of King Jolin, is contained in the library of the duke of Northumberland at Alnwick Castle.

GLANVILL, or GLANVIL, JOSEPH (1636-1680), was born at Plymouth in 1636, and was educated at Oxford university, where he graduated as M.A. in 1658. In 1666 he obtained the cure of Abbey Church at Bath; in 1678 he became prebendary of the church of Worcester, and acted as chaplain in ordinary to Charles II. He died at Bath, November 16, 1680, in the forty-fourth year of his age. Glanvill's first work, The Vanity of Dogmatizing, or Confidence in Opinions, manifested in a Discourse of the shortness and uncertainty of our Knowledge, and its Causes, with Reflexions on Peripateticism, and an Apology for l'hilosophy, 1661, is interesting as showing one special direction in which the new method of the Cartesian philosophy might be developed. Pascal had already shown how philosophical scepticism might be employed as a bulwark for faith, and Glanvill follows in the same track. The philosophic endeavour to cognize the whole system of things by referring all events to their causes appears to him to be from the outset doomed to failure. For if we inquire into this causal relation we find that though we know isolated facts, we cannot perceive any such connexion between them as that the one should give rise to the other. In the words of Hume, "they seem conjoined but never connected." All causes then are but secondary, are merely the occasions on which the one first cause operates. It is singular enough that Glanvill who had not only shown, but even exaggerated, the infirmity of human reason, himself paid a strange tribute to its weakness; for, after having combated scientific dogmatism, he not only yielded to vulgar superstitions, but actually endeavoured to accredit them both in his Scepsis Scientifica, 1665, and in his Philosophical Considerations concerning the existence of Sorcerers and Sorcery, published in 1666, in 4to. The story of the pretended drum, which was said to have been heard every night in the house of an inhabitant of Wiltshire (Mr Mompesson), a story which made much noise in the year 1663, and which is supposed to have furnished Addison with the idea of his comedy of the Drummer, appears to have given occasion to the latter work. At his death Glanvill left a piece entitled Sadducismus Triumphatus, which was printed in 1681, reprinted with some additions in 1682, and translated into German in 1701. He had there collected twenty-six relations or stories of the same description as that of the drum, in order to establish, by a series of facts, the opinion which he had expressed in his Philosophical Considerations. Glanvill supported a much more honourable cause when he undertook the defence of the Royal Society of London, under the title of Plus Ultra, or the Progress and Advancement of Science since the time of Aristotle, 1658, a work which shows how thoroughly he was imbued with the ideas of the empirical method as in Bacon. The style of Glanvill is clear, easy, and animated; and to the student of philosophy his works are of considerable interest.

Besides the works already noticed, Glanvill wrote-Lux Orientalis, 1662; Philosophia Pia, or Discourse on the Religious Character, and the Tendency of Experimental Philosophy; Essays on Several Important Subjects in Philosophy and Religion, 1676; An Essay Concerning Preaching; and Sermons. After his death in 1681, there were published other sermons, &c., in one volume 4to. See Rémusat, Hist. de la Phil. en Angleterre, bk. iii. ch. xi.

GLARUS, or GLARIS, a canton of Switzerland, is bounded on the N. and N.E. by St Gall, on the E. and S. by the Grisons, and on the W. by Uri and Schwyz. Its area is 266 or 267 square miles, its greatest length about 33 miles, and its greatest breadth about 16. A thoroughly Alpine district, sloping northwards from the lofty range which comprises the Tödi (11,887 feet), the Biferten Stock (11,237), and the Scheibe (9587), and including within its limits the Glärniseh (9584) and the Mürtschen Stock (8012), Glarus is almost completely cut off from the neighbouring cantons, except towards the south. Of the three passes, the Segnes, the Kisten, and the Panix, which communicate with the Grisons, the first and second are over the snow, and the third has only a bridle path; and the Klausen pass and the Pragel pass, which conduct respectively to Schwyz and Uri, have also mere bridle paths. As far as it is a habitable country it may be said to consist of the valley of the Linth, which extends from the Tödi southward to the Wallenstadt Lake along with the lesser valleys of the Sernf (or Sernft) and the Klön, which branch off to the east and the west. The climate, it need hardly be said, is a severe one, the snow generally remaining, even in the lowlands, till near the beginning of May. The föhn at times blows with terrific violence; and, by a law enforced in the town of Glarus, every fire in the place must be extinguished as soon as it sets in. The chief sources of wealth in the canton are the pastures and the manufacturing industries. Though copper, silver, and iron mines were formerly wrought, the only mineral production now of commercial importance is slate, which is extensively quarried in the Plattenberg. Not more than a fifth of the soil is capable of cultivation by the plough, and the agricultural produce has consequently to be supplemented by foreign supplies. About 9000 or 10,000 head of cattle are pastured in the canton, and according to the census of 1876 there are 2000 sheep, 6900 goats, and 3000 swine. Neither butter nor ordinary cheese is made in sufficient quantities for the local consumption, but the Schabzeiger, Schotter Käse, Kräuterkäse, or green cheese," made of skim milk, whether of goats or cows, mixed with butter-milk and coloured with powdered steinklee (Melilotus cærulea), is still largely manufactured. The curd is brought down from the mountain chalets in sacks, which contain about 200 lb each. After being ground for about 2 hours in a mill along with the klee powder, which is added in the proportion of 3 lb to the 100, the curd is put into shapes, and pressed in the usual way. It grows ripe in about a year and keeps a long time. Large quantities are exported to America. The cotton manufacture is the staple of the canton, and gives support to about a fourth of the population. Formerly distributed through the country as a domestic industry, it is now concentrated in a few factory towns and villages, which in the aggregate keep about 250,000 spindles going. The cotton goods are sent to the East, America, and Africa. It is not only in their own little country that the people of Glarus find a field for their energies; they have contributed to the industries of many parts of Europe, and their poorer emigrants have founded three flourishing settlements in Wisconsin-New Glarus, Vilten, and New Elm. The population, which in 1851 was 30,213, had increased by 1870 to 35,150, and was estimated in 1876 at 36,179. The vast majority are Protestarts, only 6,888 being Catholics according to the census of 1870. The constitution of Glarus is of the simplest kind, and extremely democratic.. According


council in 1851, the government rests in the hands of a to the law, of 1842, revised and sanctioned by the federal Landesgemeinde or assembly of the whole male population above the age of eighteen, which usually meets on the first Sunday in May, and elects the cantonal officials, votes the income and poll-taxes, and passes or rejects any laws that may be presented by the cantonal council or Landesrath. The cantonal council consists of 117 members. A council of 45 members, and a committee of 9 members have control of the executive. The landamman is president of the committee, the executive council, the cantonal council, and the assembly. Justice is administered by five courts completely independent of the, Government. Freedom of the press, freedom of religious worship, and freedom of trade and industry are all guaranteed. Aliens are readily naturalized and admitted to the rights of citizens. The canton is divided into 25 communes, only one of which, that of Glarus, has more than 5000 inhabitants, while 16 have less than 1000, and the smallest has only 231.

GLARUS, the capital of the canton, is a flourishing little town on the left bank of the Linth, about 1495 feet above the sea-level. Its environment is a remarkable one: to the S. the Glärnisch rises 6153 feet; to the N.W. the Wiggis, 6033, and to the E. the Schild, 6010. The fire of 1861 devastated the greater part of the town, destroying its Gothic church of the 10th century, the casino, the Govern ment houses, and all its principal buildings; 2000 of the inhabitants were rendered houseless, and property to the value of 8,000,000 francs was destroyed. Contributions however were sent in from far and near to the amount of 2,754,606 francs, the federal authorities of Switzerland voted a loan of 1,000,000 at two per cent., and the canton furnished a subsidy at 3 per cent.; the town was rapidly rebuilt in a substantial and regular style, and the public edifices restored. The church is used in common by the Protestants and the Roman Catholics. The high school accommodates 700 pupils. Most of the population, which in 1870 numbered 5516, are supported by the cotton manufacture carried on in the town and the vicinity. A certain trace of rustic life is still maintained, as the operatives have each a bit of ground in the "almend." On the opposite side of the river lies the industrial village of Enneda.

founder of the convent of Seckingen on the Rhine, built a church In the end of the 5th century an Irisn monk, Fridolin, the on the site of the present town, and the name of St Hilarius, which he gave it in honour of his patron the bishop of Poitiers, in cours of time became corrupted to Glarus or Glaris. The whole valley governed by a mayor or bailiff whose nomination was vested was reckoned to the estates of the abbey of Seckingen, and it was ultimately in the Hapsburg family. The tyranny of these officers constrained the people of Glarus to join the Helvetic confederation in 1352, and in 1388 they secured their independence by a victory over the Austrians at Näfels, the anniversary of which is still celcbrated on the second Thursday of April. Zwingli the Reformer was curate of Glarus from 1506 to 1516, and by 1530 the new doctrines had been accepted by five-sixths of the population of the canton. The two religious parties, though they were happily prevented from appealing to arms, continued long in a state of mutual alienation and suspicion; the Protestants, for example, would have nothing to do with the Gregorian calendar because it was introduced by the papal party. At length a settlement of a peculiar kind was effected in 1683. Each confession was allowed to have a cantonal assembly, a cantonal council, and officials of its own; while for all matters in which both parties were interested there was a cantonal assembly and a cantonal council for discussion and administration in common. It was in the beginning of the 18th century that the present prosperity of the canton received its original impulse. Cotton. spinning was introduced in 1712 by Heidegger of Zurich, and weaving and calico-printing followed before 1750. The popula tion of the canton increased from 15,000 to 20,000 during the cer.tury. The effects of the great Revolution were beneficially experienced, and the early part of the 19th century was marked by numerous improvements, political and social. Till 1811 the lower course of the Linth was extremely irregular, and its inundation had gradually turned a large stretch of country into a swamp ; but under the patronage and direction mainly of Escher (von der Linth,

as he came afterwards to be called), there was constructed a magni.. ficent system of canals which completely remedied the evils, and the desolate region soon became one of the finest parts of the canton. The whole cost of the works up till 1823 was 974,553 francs. When the new constitution of 1836 was introduced, the Roman Catholic minority, whose influence it greatly diminished, were urged on by Bossi, the bishop of Chur (Coire), to break off from their Protestant countrymen; but the Government expelled the few priests who refused to take the oath, and separated the canton from its connexion with the diocese of Chur. After Bossi's death the decree of separation

was revoked. In the Sonderbund war of 1847 Glarus was true to

the federation; and the same spirit was shown in the voting about

the constitution in 1872-75.

See Valentin Tschudi, Kurze historische Beschreib- oder Erzellung, der in Kriegsand Fridenszeilen verloffenen Sachen und Handlen zu Glarus, a 16th-century chronicle, printed by J. J. Blumer, in Archiv für Schweizerische Geschichte, Zurich, vol. ix., 1853; Johann Helurich Tschudi, Beschreibung des Lobi. Orths und Lands Glarus, Zurich, 1714; Christoph Trumpi, Neuere Glarner-Chronik, Wintherthur, 1774; J. M. Schuler, Die Linththäler, Zurich, 1814: Résultat moral du dessèche des marais de la Linth, Genera, 1825; Melchior Schuler, Geschichte des Landes Glarus, Zurich, 1834; J. J. Bäbler, Geschichte u. Inhalt der alten Verträge zwischen den Reformirten u Katholiken im Kanton Glarus, Glarus, 1836; J. J. Blumer, "Das Thal Glarus unter Seckingen und Oesterreich und seine Befreiung," In Archiv für Schweizerische Geschichte, Bd ill., Zurich, 1844; Dr Oswald Heer and J. J. BlumenHeer, Der Kanton Glarus, historisch-geographisch-statistisch geschildert, St Gall, 1846, forming part of Gemälde der Schweiz Oswald Heer, Escher von der Linth, Ein Lebensbild, Zurich, 1873; Egli, Taschenbuch Schweizer. Geographie, Zurich, 1875.

was spent. In 1739 the General Assembly, without any application either from him or from his friends, removed the sentence of deposition which had been passed against him, and restored him to the character and exercise of a minister of the gospel of Christ, though declaring that he was not to be esteemed a minister of the Established Church of Scotland, or eligible for a charge, until he should have renounced the principles embraced and avowed by him that were inconsistent with the constitution of the church. Besides the Testimony Glas wrote a number of papers, expository, polemical, or practical, which were published in a collected edition at Edinburgh in 1761 (4 vols. 8vo), and again at Perth in 1782 (5 vols. 8vo). He died in 1773

The Glassite denomination, which has never been a numerous one, is distinguished by a number of peculiarities alike in doctrine, discipline, and worship, some of which have already been indicated. One of the most characteristic of its tenets is that which owes its elaboration to Robert Sandeman (1718-1771), the son-in-law of Glas, from whom is derived the name of Sandemanians, by which the sect is principally known in England and America. In a series of letters (1757) to Hervey, the author of Theron and Aspasio, he maintained that justifying faith is a simple assent to the divine testimony concerning Jesus Christ, differing in no way in its character from belief in any ordinary human testimony. No distinctive theological system, however, has as yet been elaborated from this point of view. In their practice the Glassite churches aim at a strict conformity with the primitive type of Christianity as that is understood by them. Each congregation has a plurality of elders, pastors, or bishops, who are chosen according to what are believed to be the instructions of Paul, without regard to previous education or present occupation, and who enjoy a perfect equality in office. To have been married a second time disqualifies for ordination, or for continued tenure of the office of bishop: In all the action of the church unanimity is considered to be necessary; and if any member differ in opinion from the rest, he must either surrender his judgment to that of the church or be shut out from its communion. To join in prayer with any one who is not a member of the denomination is regarded as unlawful, and even to eat or drink with one who has been excommunicated is held to be a heinous sin. The Lord's Supper is observed weekly; and between forenoon and afternoon service every Sunday a love feast, at which it is incumbent on every member to be present, is held after the manner of the primitive Christians. Mutual exhortation is practised at all the meetings for divine service, it being lawful for any member who possesses the gift to speak. The practice of washing one another s feet was at one time observed; and it is still customary for each brother and sister to receive new members, on admission, with a holy kiss. Things strangled" and "blood" are rigorously abstained from; the lot is regarded as sacred; the accumulation of wealth is regarded as unscriptural and improper, and each member considers his property as liable to be called for at any time to meet the wants of the poor and the necessities of the church. The number of adherents at present belonging to the


GLAS, JOHN (1695-1773), the founder of the sect generally known as Glassites or Sandemanians, was born at Auchtermuchty, Fife, where his father was parish minister, on the 5th of October 1695. On completion of his education for the ministry at the universities, of St Andrews and Edinburgh, he was licensed as a preacher by the presbytery of Perth, and soon afterwards ordained by that of Dundee as minister of the parish of Tealing (1719). During his ministry there he gradually formed peculiar opinions, which as early as 1725 found expression in the formation of a society "separate from the multitude," numbering nearly a hundred, and drawn from his own and neighbouring parishes. The members of this ecclesiola in ecclesia pledged themselves "to join together in the Christian profession, to follow Christ the Lord as the righteousness of His people, to walk together in brotherly love and in the duties of it in subjection to Mr Glas as their overseer in the Lord, to observe the ordinance of the Lord's Supper once every month, to submit themselves to the Lord's law for removing offences" (Matth. xviii.), and so on. From the scriptural doctrine of the essentially spiritual and heavenly nature of the kingdom of Christ, Glas in his public teaching drew the conclusions, not only that the church, as being identical with that kingdom, ought to consist of none but truly spiritual Christian men, but also that the civil establishment of the church was unlawful and utterly incon-denomination is probably a little under 2000. sistent with the spirit of Christianity. For the promulga tion of these views, which were confessedly at variance with the doctrines of the standards of the national Church of Scotland, he was summoned (1726) before his presbytery, where, in the course of the investigations which followed, he affirmed with still more explicitness than formerly his belief that " every national church established by the laws of earthly kingdoms is antichristian in its constitution and persecuting in its spirit," and further declared opinions upon the subject of church government which amounted to an entire repudiation of Presbyterianism and an acceptance of Independency. For these opinions he was in 1728 suspended from the discharge of ministerial functions, and finally in 1730 deposed; the members of the society already referred to, however, for the most part continued to adhere to him, thus constituting the first "Glassite" or "Glasite" church. The seat of this congregation was shortly afterwards transferred to Dundee, whence Glas subsequently removed to Edinburgh, where he officiated for some time as an "elder." He next laboured in Perth for a few years, but ultimately returned to Dundee, where the remainder of his life


His argument is most fully exhibited in a treatise entitled The Testimony of the King of Martyrs concerning. His Kingdom (John xviii. 36, 37) Explained and Illustrated (1729).

GLASER, CHRISTOPHER, one of the minor chemists of the 17th century, concerning the details of whose life very little is known. He was a native of Basel, came to Paris, succeeded Lefebvre as demonstrator on chemistry in the Jardin du Roi, and was appointed apothecary to Louis XIV. and to the duke of Orleans. He is best known to us by his Traité de la Chymie (Paris, 1663), which gives a very favourable idea of the chemical science of his time. The little work went through some ten editions in about fiveand-twenty years, and was translated into both German and English. Dumas and other writers indeed have spoken very disparagingly both of the Traité and of the author's merits and character, but this adverse judgment appears to rest on altogether insufficient grounds. One thing very much against Glaser is his alleged connexion with the marchioness de Brinvilliers. 'It does not appear, however, that he had any share in the notorious poisonings beyond making the deadly substances which the marchioness and others employed in secret. He appears to have died some years before 1676. A salt (the normal sulphate of potassium) which he showed how to prepare, and the medicinal properties of which he pointed out, was named Glaseri sal The native sulphate polychrestum, or salt of many uses.

is still known as glaserite.

GLASGOW, the most populous city in Great Britain | next to London, is situated on the banks of the river Clyde, in the Scottish county of Lanarkshire, about 20 miles above Greenock, where the river spreads aut into a noble estuary, with branching lochs running deep into the heart of the Western Highlands. It is within ten hours' railway run (405 miles) of the metropolis, and an hour and a quarter (45 miles) of Edinburgh, the latitude being 55° 51' 32" N., and the longitude 4° 17' 54" W. The extreme breadth of the city is about 34 miles from north to south, and the extreme length 5 miles from east to west. The circumference is about 10 miles; and the area embraced within the municipal boundaries is now (1879) 61111 acres. The population when the last census was taken in 1871 was 477,732, but during the eight years that have elapsed, the increase of inhabitants both in the city proper and in its suburbs has been very great. It is within the mark to say that above 100,000 have been

added to the population of the city; this indeed is the estimate given in official registration returns, which set down the population estimated to the middle of 1879 as 578,156. The smaller burghs which have sprung up round Glasgow within the last twenty or thirty years have kept pace with the mother burgh in development, and now contain a population amongst them of about 170,000. As these burghs are essentially parts of Glasgow, having been formed by the overflow of its population, they ought to be added to the city in any estimate of its size and importance. The population of Glasgow, taking this basis, is therefore close upon three quarters of a million (750,000). The increase of the population during the present century has been greater perhaps than that of any other city or town of the Old World. In 1801 it was only 77,385; in 1821 it was 147,043; in 1841, 255,650; in 1861, 395,503; and in 1871, 477,732. In 1877 the dwelling-houses numbered 105,062, and the rental exceeded £3,250,000.

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Unlike the "grey metropolis of the north," Glasgow shows rather poorly in the history of Scotland. Its own real history-the history of its commerce and industries-can hardly be dated farther back than the beginning of the last century, when the union of England and Scotland roused into extraordinary activity the trading spirit of its inhabit ants. And yet Glasgow is an old city. Its foundations were laid when the half-mythical Kentigern sat down by the banks of the Molendinar, to teach the rough Celts of Strathclyde the truths of Christianity. It was about the middle of the 6th century that this apostle of truth made his appearance in the west of Scotland, and built his little wooden church on the spot upon which some centuries later his successors reared the noble cathedral which still stands in perfect beauty. One can only guess that the inhabitants of this portion of Strathclyde gathered round the abode and

church of St Mungo, and that as the site was pleasant, and the Molendinar and the Clyde supplied ample store of trout and salmon, the village under the fostering care of the monks grew slowly till it became a place of importance. Of that growth, however, nothing is really known till we reach the 12th century. In the year 1115 an investigation was ordered by David, then prince of Cumbria, of the lands and churches belonging to the bishopric of Glasgow, and from the deed which still exists it is evident that at that time a cathedral had been endowed. A few years later David succeeded to the Scottish throne on the death of his brother, Alexander I., and among the many endowments he made for religious purposes, we find that he gave to the see of Glasgow the lands of Partick, besides restoring many possessions of which it had been despoiled. Jocelyn was bishop of Glasgow for a long period, and is memorable for

the efforts he made to rebuild the cathedral which had been destroyed by fire. He collected funds with so much success that in 1197 the new structure was sufficiently advanced to be dedicated. The next bishops of note were Bodington and Wisheart. The former carried on the building work of Jocelyn; the latter was a patriotic Scot who resisted the conquering army of Edward L, and was among the first to join in the revolt of Wallace, and to receive Robert Bruce when he was proscribed by Edward and lay under the ban of the church for the murder of the Red Comyn. Wisheart was a prisoner from the year 1306 to the battle of Bannockburn, and he lived to see Bruce firmly established upon the Scottish throne: Bishop Rae deserves mention for having built a stone bridge over the Clyde (1345). Bishop Turnbull was the greatest benefactor the city had till then found; for he was the founder of Glasgow university (1450). He also received a charter from Jumes II. in 1420, erecting the town and the lands of the bishops into a regality. In 1491 the see was made metropolitan through the influence of James IV., who had been a canon of the cathedral in early life. The last Roman Catholic archbishop of Glasgow was James Bethune, consecrated in 1552. At the Reformation in 1560 the archbishop fled to France, carrying with him all the relics, documents, and valuables belonging to the see. The cathedral, upon which so much care had been bestowed by the successors of Bishop Jocelyn, very nearly suffered the devastation which was inflicted upon so many abbeys and churches by the more bigoted of the Reformers. It was saved by the craftsmen of Glasgow turning out in their strength and chasing away the destroyers of the "rookeries," who had already begun to lay sacrilegious hands upon the venerable building. After the Reformation, and till the Revolution of 1688, which re-established Presbyterianism as the religious form of worship in Scotland, the see of Glasgow was occupied by a number of archbishops, the tenure of whose office in many cases was precarious. The most notable fact after the Reformation in the history of the Glasgow Church was the Assembly of 1638 which was held in the city, when Episcopacy was energetically abjured, the Solemn League and Covenant accepted, and its signature made binding upon all who claimed the ordinances of the Presbyterian Church. The fact that the craftsmen were zealous for the preservation of their fine old cathedral indicates probably that the Reformation doctrines were not received so enthusiastically in Glasgow as in many other places in Scotland; but they took deep root latterly, and in the struggles for religious and civil liberty in the 17th century the inhabitants were among the foremost to assist and endure in the good cause.

Glasgow owed its erection into a burgh to its ecclesiastic lords. One of these obtained a royal charter from William the Lion in the last quarter of the 12th century (between the years 1175 and 1178), which made the town a burgh, and gave it a market with freedom and customs. Another charter, it is supposed, was granted in 1190, and according to a deed dated 1268 the town was governed by a provost and bailies, and had courts of justice for settling disputes among the inhabitants. There are no records, however, till almost quite recent times. A few incidents of national history with which Glasgow was connected may be noted, to fill up the blank from the period when it was an ecclesiastical town to the date at which it started its great career as the capital of Scottish industry and commerce. Wallace fought one of his successful battles for Scottish liberty in the High Street of Glasgow in the year 1300. In 1350 the plague raged in the city, and returned thirty years afterwards, though not in so severe a form. About 1542 the bishop's castle, which was garrisoned by the earl of Lennox, was besieged by the earl of Angus, then regent, and after its surrender on terms which were dishonoured, a skirmish

took place between the parties at the Butts to the east of the town. The regent's troops were successful, and to punish the inhabitants for their devotion to the Lennox family the town was pillaged. The unfortunate Queen Mary visited her husband Darnley when he lay ill at his father's house Limmerfield, near Glasgow-a visit which afterwards was made of fatal significance to her when her case was heard before Queen Elizabeth in council. The inhabitants of Glasgow had no liking for the fair queen, for many of them fought against her at the battle of Langside, where she lost her crown and kingdom. Glasgow seems to have been fairly prosperous after the accession of James VI. and the union of the crowns of England and Scotland. It was recovering from the loss which it sustained by the Reformation through the dispersion of the wealth of its ecclesiastical lords. A little trade was springing up with foreign parts, chiefly with the Low Countries. But the city suffered somewhat severely in the reign of Charles I. Its inhabitants had become fiercely anti-prelatical, and were obnoxious to the ruling powers. When Montrose in his victorious course marched into the city after the battle of Kilsyth he levied a heavy contribution, although the city was suffering at the time from one of the periodical visits of the plague. In 1648 the provost and his bailies were deposed for contumacy to Charles I., and were imprisoned for a few days, while four regiments of foot and horse were quartered on the magistrates, council, and session. Plague and famine prevailed during the following year; in 1652 there was a great fire which destroyed about a third of the town and £100,000 worth of property. After the restoration of Charles II., and during the persecutions of his and his brother's reign, Glasgow suffered severely. It was a centre of disaffection against the Government, the headquarters of the Whigs of the west of Scotland. Glasgow prison was filled to overflowing with the rebels, as they were called, and it is a proof of the sympathy with which they were regarded by the citizens that on the occasion of another great fire in 1678 the doors of the prison were thrown open, and the prisoners set at liberty. The Government retaliated by sending an army of wild Highlanders to the city, who savagely oppressed the inhabitants and roused up the spirit of resistance which vented itself at Loudon Hill and Bothwell Bridge. With the Revolution peace and prosperity came to Glasgow, only to be partially interrupted by the risings in 1715 and 1745. A regiment of 500 men was raised in Glasgow to support William and Mary and Presbyterian rights and privileges; and in return the city was declared free by a charter, the citizens having the right of electing their own municipal rulers.

Glasgow was not aware of the vast benefits that were conferred upon her by the union of England and Scotland in 1707. The measure was stoutly resisted by the inhabitants, and its proclamation nearly led to a riot; but the merchants very soon saw that by the water highway which flowed through the town they could have access to the profitable trade that had been opened up in North America. Glasgow's situation for the western foreign traffic was the best in Scotland, and inferior to none of the great towns of England. The Treaty of Union put every Scottish port, so far as trade was concerned, on an equal footing with the English ports; and there was no reason why Glasgow should not share in the wealth which in ever-increasing amount was yearly coming across the Atlantic. As has been already stated, after the troublous times of the Reformation the trade prosperity of Glasgow was considerable. In the middle of the 16th century there were ten towns in Scotland above it in population and importance, but by the close of the 17th century it had risen to the second rank, with a population of about 10,000 or 11,000. This

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