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however, that which is the mere putting away of the filth of the flesh, but the inquiry into a good conscience towards God,) this baptism now saves us also by the resurrection of Jesus Christ, who is gone into heaven, and is at God's right hand, angels and authorities and powers having been made subject unto him! Since, therefore, Christ hath suffered for us in the flesh, do you also (since He that suffereth in the flesh hath ceased from sin,) arm yourselves with the same temper of mind, that you may no longer live the rest of your time, which is given you in the flesh in conformity to the passions of men, but to the will of God."

The parenthetical clause, ("he that suffereth in the flesh hath ceased from sin,") brought in as a reason for the being armed with the same mind as Christ, has undoubtedly a reference to the emblematical death which was figured and conveyed in baptism: they should have the same mind as Christ, because, like him, they had died;— he upon the cross; -they in the waters of baptism. These images and allusions may seem obscure and far fetched to us, but they were familiar to the early church, and even to the apostles themselves, as is evident from the sixth chapter to the Romans. Every other interpretation, in order to make them square with modern notions, will be found to end by introducing much confusion into the passage; we may lower them to our level, but we shall do it at the peril of rendering the word of God unintelligible. C.



We think that the following brief statement of the American Church will not be unacceptable to many of our readers, as we are led to believe that the manner in which the bishops of that church obtained consecration, and the circumstances in which the Episcopalians were placed when America was separated from England, are not generally known.

Many of

Before the Revolution, the Church there was under the care and management of the Bishop of London. It was many times attempted to introduce an episcopate into America, but without success. those prelates who adorned our Church at that time earnestly endeavoured to promote this object, among whom we may particularly mention the names of Secker and Lowth, who endeavoured to obtain the permission of government for the consecration of bishops, without the addition of any civil rights or jurisdiction. We may here again show what that liberality is of which so many boast, but which, if brought to the test of truth, is shown to be but another name for intolerance and the grossest illiberality. But a few years before the Revolution the subject of introducing an episcopate was again mooted in America, but no sooner were the dissenters of all denominations in England informed of this, than they arrayed themselves against it, uniting to prevent the Episcopalians, who considered that a bishop was necessary for the comfort and management of their church, from obtaining this privilege. It was a subject of apprehension, lest the government of England should refuse to allow the English bishops to consecrate Americans; and in

the midst of these difficulties, some who, labouring under that unhappy ignorance which is so prevalent, and which it is especially binding on the Clergy and well-informed members of the Church to uproot and destroy, proposed that one should be elected from amongst the Clergy of America, and that upon him should be conferred the dignity of a bishop without consecration; but happily for the purity and authority of the American Church this did not take place, and Dr. Seabury arrived in London, and made application to the Archbishop of York (the primacy being then vacant) for consecration; but owing to civil and ecclesiastical difficulties, and also on account of his only being sent by a part of the American Clergy, it did not take place; but after some little time the bishop of the church of Scotland conferred on him consecration. But the greater number of the Episcopalians of America were desirous that the succession should be procured from the English bishops, having been formerly so nearly allied to them, and the permission of the American government having been obtained, a communication was began with the Archbishop of Canterbury (Moore). After some time had been passed on agreeing upon the alterations necessary under present circumstances, the election fell on the following candidates for the episcopal office; Dr. Wm. White, Dr. Provoost, and Dr. Griffith. The two former gentlemen embarked for England on the 2d November, 1786, and reached their place of destination on the 29th November, when they waited on the Archbishop of Canterbury, who received them with the greatest courtesy and attention. They then waited on Bishop Lowth, who had himself, on his part, some time before endeavoured to procure an episcopacy of their own for them. That venerated and beloved prelate was at that time suffering both from mental and bodily affliction; and we here quote the account of the interview from Bishop White.

"We attended on the day appointed by himself, and were courteously received by this celebrated prelate, who expressed himself, gratified by our waiting on him, and asked our address, as intending to see us again. His appearance was that of health; and he followed us to the head of the stairs without any appearance of debility. But we understood that he had a violent return of his complaint, the stone, next day; and he died soon after our departure from England. In the conversation, of about an hour, which we held with him, he made various inquiries respecting America, and was the most pointed on the subject of slavery. On being informed of the then late act of Pennsylvania, for the gradual abolition of it, he answered with strong emphasis, that is a very good measure?' We probably saw this eminent man on the last day on which our visit could be received." On the 2d of February they, being accompanied by the Archbishop, went to court, and had an interview with the King, whom they thanked for the license to the Archbishop of Canterbury, in order that the episcopal succession might be transmitted to the Church in America. Bishop White adds, "we had contemplated this measure of waiting on the king as of peculiar delicacy. In the character of citizens of the United States of America, we should have thought it inconsistent in us to have made any application to the civil authority of Great Britain. The act of parliament (permitting this consecration, without taking the

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usual oaths of allegiance, &c.) had laid on the archbishop the obtaining of the consent of the king under his sign manual. This consent had been obtained before our going to court, and therefore we saw no impropriety in the visit."

On Sunday, February 4th, they repaired to Lambeth for consecration, in which ceremony the Archbishop of York (Markham) presided, and the Bishop of Bath and Wells (Moss), together with the Bishop of Peterborough (Hinchliffe), joined the archbishop in the imposition of hands. Dr. Drake preached; all his discourse was on the authority of the Church to ordain rites and ceremonies; and Dr. Radolph read prayers. The consecration being finished, they spent the rest of the day at Lambeth, and then took their leave, having expressed their gratitude to the Archbishop for the kindnesses which they had received. The newly-consecrated bishops arrived at New York on Easter-day, 1787. Another bishop, Dr. Maddison, was afterwards consecrated in England; and Dr. Seabury was admitted into the house of bishops.

The American Church is essentially the same with ours, holding, with us, those great doctrines which are alone able to save the soul. Thus we have but briefly shown some of the difficulties under which the American Church laboured. Our earnest prayer is that she may continue to the end of the world as a pattern of primitive Christianity, and that when her Lord comes in the clouds, surrounded by the blessed spirits, he may be enabled to receive her with those words of approbation and glorification," Well done, thou good and faithful servant! enter thou into the joy of thy Lord."


PERSECUTION BY THE TURKS.-The Christian population of Bosnia is at present subject to the most tyrannical oppression. Scarcely a day passes without some vexatious attack on the part of the Mussulmen, or some attempt upon the lives or property of the Christians, to whom every untoward event is attributed. The Sultan, who is known to be favourably disposed to them, and anxious to mitigate their sorrows, is beset with every species of calumny. "These dogs of Christians," say the Turks, "have made even the Sultan himself a Christian." Energetic measures must necessarily be adopted shortly; for the Christians, driven to despair, will, ere long, rise in resistance, and Christian Europe will scarcely remain an indifferent spectator of outraged humanity, in the persons of those who profess the same faith.

SINGULAR PROCLAMATION. In the town of Louppy le petit (so says the Journal de la Meuse) the following proclamation was made by the crier, by permission of the mayor, a few day since:-"Notice is hereby given, that a woman, having relics of St. Hubert, and others, which are effectual against hydrophobia and other complaints, will wait upon the inhabitants to mark their dogs, cats, sheep, &c. at one sous per head. A mass will be celebrated in honour of the saint, to prevail with him to preserve all such animals from the said disease." On the following


morning the woman appeared accordingly, and marked so many animals as to realize a considerable sum; the mayor himself setting the example. It is but justice to state, that the minister refused to take part in the foolery, by performing the mass.

Since it does not appear what animal belonging to the mayor was marked, perhaps he underwent the operation himself, in the similitude of a donkey. The manner in which the narrative is worded does not altogether discountenance the supposition.


Or, the History of Cathedral and Parochial Organs.


THE name of Crang, as an organ builder, is not so extensively known as those of Schmidt, Harris, Byfield, or England; but in point of quality and workmanship, his organs, though comparatively few, are not inferior to those of his contemporaries. The organ at the above-named church is the workmanship of Crang, who subsequently entered into partnership with an artist of the name of Hancock, a celebrated reedstop voicer. Among the old swells in the London organs, those made by The organs at St. Clement Danes, Crang and Hancock are the finest. St. Clement Eastcheap, and St. Paul's Cathedral, are all of their workmanship. The following are the stops in the organ at St. John's :


3 Principal.

4 Fifteenth.

[blocks in formation]

5 Vox humana.


1 Stop Diapason.

2 Open Ditto.

3 Principal.

285 pipes.

9 Trumpet.

4 Trumpet.

10 Clarion.

11 Cornet.

5 ditto.

5 Hautboy.
6 Cornet.

3 ranks.

886 pipes.

[blocks in formation]


1 Stop Diapason.
2 Flute.

Great organ,

Total number of pipes, 1459

The compass of the great and choir organs is from G G to E in alt, 57 notes; that of the swell from tenor F to E in alt, 36 notes. The quality of tone in the diapasons is rich and powerful. The reed stops also are very good; but the whole instrument is, at this time, in such a dilapidated state, for want of timely repair, that if it is not looked to very soon, it will be past redemption. If pedal pipes were added, together with horizontal bellows, coupling stops, and a cremona and clarabella, in place of the vox humana and cornet, it would rank with We esteem this organ as the chef-d'œuvre the best organs in London. of Crang.





ON appeal by the Rev. Charles Collier, vicar of Hambleton, in the county of Rutland, against a rate for the relief of the poor of the said parish of Hambleton, whereby he was assessed in the sum of 60%. "for a composition or money payment in lieu of tithes," the sessions quashed the rate, subject to the opinion of this court on the following case:

The parish of Hambleton was enclosed under an act of parliament passed in the 4 & 5 W. & M. (c. 31. private acts), entitled, "An Act for settling and confirming the manors and lands in Hameldon, in the county of Rutland," &c., whereby, after reciting that theretofore the late duke of Buckingham was entitled to the iuheritance of a manor, and several messuages, cottages, demesne lands, and other parcels of arable, meadow, and pasture ground in the said parish; and the dean and chapter of Lincoln were then also entitled to the inheritance of another manor, or reputed manor, and of the impropriate rectory, and of the advowson of the vicarage of the church of Hameldon aforesaid, and other lands in the said parish; and Sir Abel Barker, Richard Spell, and Thomas Islip, were then also entitled to other parcels of land within the said parish, and no other person was then entitled to any lands, tenements, or hereditaments within the same, except the vicar thereof for the time being, which vicarage was endowed of all small tithes arising within the parish and titheable places of Hameldon aforesaid: and after reciting also that there was an agreement made for enclosing and setting out severally to each

person concerned therein, certain allotments of ground, to be by them, their heirs and successors, for ever enjoyed in severalty respectively discharged of all right of common, in lieu of their respective lands and estates that lay before dispersed and intermixed within the precincts of Great Hameldon aforesaid; by which said agreement all the lands and grounds so to be allotted and set out for and in lieu of the old estate of the said duke in G. H. aforesaid, were for ever thereafter to stand charged with the annual rent or sum of 100%. yearly, to be paid to the vicar of Hameldon aforesaid for the time being, in lieu and satisfaction of all demands and dues whatsoever which he was to have had and enjoyed in right of his said vicarage within the precints of G. H. aforesaid; and by the said agreement all tithes whatsoever arising or growing from all or any of the said lands and grounds within G. H. aforesaid, other than the tithes arising from the lands allotted to the said dean and chapter (which were to be discharged of all tithes) were to be held and enjoyed by those that should have the said duke's estate there: And reciting further, that in pursuance of such agreement there were allotted and set out several distinct parcels of land to be held in severalty in lieu of the said duke's old estate, and of the said Sir Abel Barker's, Richard Spell's, and Thomas Islip's old estates respectively, which parcels had respectively been enclosed and enjoyed by the several parties, according to the agreement, and that by the said agreement the said dean and chapter were to hold and enjoy

An act of parliament enacted that the tithes of a parish should be held in fee by A., who was owner of part of the lands in the parish, and that all 4.'s lands in the parish should be charged with an annuity payable to the vicar for the time being, who had previously enjoyed the small tithes, and who, by an agreement recited in the act, was to receive such annuity in lieu of all his vicarial dues: Held, that the vicar was not rateable to the poor in respect of such annuity, for that the tithes were not extinguished.

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