D.C.L.; R. Winter, Esq.; S. Gale, Esq.; John Parker, Esq.; Samuel March Phillips, Esq.; T. H. Lister, Esq.; and J. Shoveller, LL.D., have been gazetted Commissioners for inquiring into the state of registers of births, deaths, and marriages, not being parochial registers, in England and Wales. NEW CHURCH AT ACCRINGTON.-A Manchester paper states that the extraordinary sum of 80007. has been raised in the thriving village of Accrington, for the endowing and building a new church. NEW CHURCH AT MELKSHAM.-A new church is about to be erected at Shaw, in the parish of Melksham, after a simple and elegant design by Mr. Wyatt. The site adopted by the committee is near the foot of Shaw Hill, with a frontage abutting upon the road leading to Whitley and Corsham, near its junction with the Bath road. THE POOR LAW GUARDIANS.—CHAPLAIN.-The attorney-general has decided, in the case of the Brighton union, that the Poor Law guardians have no power to appoint a chaplain to union or other work houses. LONDON MISSIONARY SOCIETY.—It appears that the London Missionary Society has, in the different regions of the heathen world, no fewer than 272 missionary stations; 111 missionaries; 28 European, and 195 native assistants; 74 Christian churches; 5239 communicants; 448 schools; and 29,600 scholars. Its income last year amounted to 55,8651. 2s. 11d.; and its expenditure to 60,6277. 8s. 5d. MARRIAGE IN THE LUTHERAN CHURCH.-In the Lutheran Church of Germany and Norway, among the secondary checks upon improvident marriages, the most powerful is that which divides the nuptial compact into two distinct parts-the betrothal, and the final ceremony, the one preceding the other generally for one, two, and often for several years. LIBERALITY OF THE DUKE OF BUCCLEUGH.-The Duke of Buccleugh has made the munificent donation of 80007. for the building of a new church at Dalkeith. YORK CHURCH BUILDING SOCIETY.-A meeting of the county of York is about to be convened, to originate an association for the erection of new churches. SIXTEENTH REPORT OF THE CHURCH BUILDING COMMISSIONERS' SOCIETY.-The sixteenth report of the commissioners appointed under the Act of Parliament for promoting the building of additional churches in populous parishes, has just been printed and delivered. It appears from the report that the number of additional churches completed, by order of the commissioners, since their appointment, is 214; that seven are now building; that plans are approved for building 35 other churches or chapels; and that additional accommodation has been thus provided in churches and chapels for 286,327 individuals; including 128,804 free sittings. It also states the number of applications for further church accommodation at 63. The applications proceed from an aggregate population of 1,095,604, of whom there is only church room at present for 167,702. Among the cases mentioned, are a part of Halifax, where there are above 100,000 inhabitants, with accommodation for 18,000; a district at Manchester, with 186,000 people, and church room for 23,000; a portion of Nottingham, 50,000 people, room for 3000; and another part of Manchester, where we find 270,000 souls, and space in the existing churches for only 23,000. THE CHURCH. RATIFICATION OF THE RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE ECCLESIASTICAL Dioceses of Salisbury, and Oxford.-The London Gazette of Friday, October 7th, contains an Order in Council, dated the 5th, approving and ratifying the scheme of the Church Commissioners. as far as relates to the bishoprics of SALISBURY AND OXFORD, recommending that the whole county of Berks, and those parts of the county of Wilts which are insulated therein, forming together the archdeaconry of Berks and part of the diocese of Salisbury, shall be forth with absolutely detached and dissevered from the said diocese, and shall be and become permanently annexed and united to, and included in, and form part of the diocese of Oxford; and that the said archdeaconry, and all parishes and places, churches and chapels, within the limits thereof, and the present and every future archdeacon thereof, and all rural deans, and the whole clergy, and others his Majesty's subjects within the same, shall be forthwith exempted and released from all jurisdiction, authority, and control of the see of Salisbury, and of the present and every future bishop thereof, and shall be under, and subject to the episcopal jurisdiction, authority, and control of the present Bishop of Oxford, and his successors Bishops of Oxford for the time being, as entirely and effectually, to all intents and purposes, as the county and archdeaconry of Oxford and the archdeacon thereof now are. And the right of appointing the archdeacon of the said archdeaconry of Berks shall be vested in the Bishop of Oxford, and his successors Bishops of Oxford, for ever. Dioceses of Salisbury and Exeter.-A second Order in Council, of the same date, approves and ratifies the scheme of the Church Commissioners, as relates to the bishoprics of SALISBURY AND EXETER, recommending that, except as hereinafter excepted, the whole county of Dorset, and the parish of Holwell, in the county of Somerset, now forming together the archdeaconry of Dorset and part of the diocese of Bristol, the see whereof is now vacant, and the parish of Thornecomb, in the county of Devon, but insulated in the said county of Dorset, and now in the diocese of Exeter, shall be forthwith absolutely detached and dissevered from the said dioceses of Bristol and Exeter respectively, and shall be and become permanently annexed and united to and included in and form part of the diocese of Salisbury; and that the said parish of Thornecomb shall be included in the said archdeaconry of Dorset, and within the deanery of Bridport and that the said archdeaconry, and all parishes and places, churches and chapels, within the limits thereof, and the present and every future archdeacon thereof, and all rural deans, and the whole clergy, and others your Majesty's subjects within the same, shall be forthwith exempted and released from all jurisdiction, authority, and control of the sees of Bristol, and Exeter, respectively, and shall be under and subject to the episcopal jurisdiction, authority, and control of the said Bishop of Salisbury, and of his successors Bishops of Salisbury for the time being, as entirely and effectually, to all intents and purposes, as the archdeaconry of Salisbury and the archdeacon thereof now are. And with the consent of the said Henry, Bishop of Exeter, the parish of Stockland, in the said county of Dorset, but insulated in the said county of Devon, and now in the diocese of Bristol, shall in like manner be dissevered from the said diocese of Bristol, and form part of the said diocese of Exeter, and be included in the archdeaconry of Exeter, and within the deanery of Honiton, and be subject to the jurisdiction of the Bishop of Exeter. And the right of appointing the archdeacon of the said archdeaconry of Dorset shall be vested in the said Bishop of Salisbury and his successors Bishops of Salisbury for ever. Dioceses of Gloucester and Bristol.-A third Order in Council, of the same date, approves and ratifies the scheme of the Church Commissioners, as relates to the bishoprics of GLOUCESTER AND BRISTOL, annexing to the former diocese the part remaining of the latter diocese, after the preceding order has been carried into effect, and recommending that the sees of Gloucester and Bristol shall be forthwith permanently united, and shall, when so united, be and be called and known by the name of the see of Gloucester and Bristol, and that the said James Henry, now Bishop of Gloucester, shall be the Bishop of the said see of Gloucester and Bristol, and shall become absolutely confirmed in the said bishopric, and, ipso facto, seised and possessed of all the property, revenues, advowsons, and patronage now belonging to the said see of Bristol, and of all the episcopal jurisdiction, power, and authority heretofore possessed and exercised by Bishops of Bristol, excepting so far as relates to the said county and archdeaconry of Dorset, without any other act, deed, form, or proceeding whatsoever, other than such order or orders as it may please his Majesty in Council to make and issue in pursuance of this scheme, and under the authority of the said act. The said bishop, and his successors Bishops of Gloucester and Bristol, shall be one body corporate, by the name of the Bishop of Gloucester and Bristol, and by that name shall have perpetual succession and a common seal, and he and his successors shall and may by that name, sue and be sued, and shall and may take and hold all lands, tithes, advowsons, tenements, and hereditaments, now held by the said James Henry, as Bishop of Gloucester, or so transferred as aforesaid, or which may be given or granted to him or them by his Majesty, his heirs and successors, or by any other person or persons whatsoever, and may give or grant the same, and make leases and enjoy and do all other rights and acts in respect of the same, in as full and perfect a manner as other bishops of England and Wales, but no otherwise. The said James Henry, as Bishop of Gloucester and Bristol, and his successors Bishops of Gloucester anfl Bristol, shall occupy the same seat in the cathedral church of Bristol, and shall possess and exercise the same authority and jurisdiction, ordinary and visitorial, over the Dean and Chapter thereof, as has heretofore been possessed and exercised by Bishops of Bristol. The said James Henry, Bishop of Gloucester and Bristol, shall be exempted from the payment of his first fruits, and of all costs, charges, fees, and expenses whatsoever in respect of his so becoming Bishop of Gloucester and Bristol. Upon the first avoidance of the said see of Gloucester and Bristol the warrant for the election of a person to be the bishop thereof shall issue to the Dean and Chapter of the cathedral church of Bristol, and that upon all future avoidances of the said see the warrant for the election of the bishop thereof shall issue alternately to the Dean and Chapter of the cathedral church of Gloucester, and to the Dean and Chapter of the cathedral church of Bristol. All such episcopal acts, gifts, grants, and leases performed and made by the said James Henry, Bishop of Gloucester and Bristol, and by his successors Bishops of Gloucester and Bristol, as may require confirmation under the common seal of a Dean and Chapter, shall be presented for confirmation to the Dean and Chapter of the cathedral church either of Gloucester or of Bristol, according as the right of confirmation thereof would have belonged to the one or to the other Dean and Chapter if the union of the two sees had not taken place; and every such act, gift, grant, and lease, being so confirmed by such Dean and Chapter, shall be good and valid. That the deanery of the Forest, in the said diocese of Gloucester, but now within the archdeaconry of Hereford, shall forthwith be severed from the said archdeaconry, and exempted and released from the jurisdiction of the archdeacon thereof, and shall be included in the archdeaconry of Gloucester, and those parts of the existing archdeaconry of Gloucester which now form the deaneries of Bristol, Cirencester, Fairford, and Hawkesbury, shall be forthwith absolutely detached and dissevered from the said archdeaconry of Gloucester; and the same and the rural deans of all the said deaneries respectively shall be exempted and released from all jurisdiction, authority, and control of the present and every future Archdeacon of Gloucester; and all the parishes within the city of Bristol shall be included in, and form part of, the deanery of Bristol; and the said deaneries of Bristol, Cirencester, Fairford, and Hawkesbury, shall be constituted and made one archdeaconry, and shall be called and known by the name of the archdeaconry of Bristol; and the Bishop of Gloucester and Bristol for the time being shall and may appoint some fit and proper person to be archdeacon thereof; and the said archdeaconry and the archdeacon thereof, and all parishes and places, churches and chapels, within the limits thereof, and all rural deans, and the whole clergy, and others his Majesty's subjects within the same, shall be under and subject to the episcopal jurisdiction, authority, and control of the Bishop of Gloucester and Bristol for the time being, as entirely and effectually to all intents and purposes, as the archdeaconry and Archdeacon of Gloucester are now subject to the episcopal jurisdiction, authority, and control of the said Bishop of Gloucester, provided that nothing herein contained shall affect any part of the parish of Bedminster. The right of appointing the Archdeacons of both the said archdeaconries of Gloucester and Bristol respectively shall be vested in the said Bishop of Gloucester and Bristol, and his successors Bishops of Gloucester and Bristol for ever. And whereas it is expedient that the Bishop of Gloucester and Bristol for the time being should reside sometimes at or near to Bristol, as well as at Gloucester; and that for this purpose a second house of residence should be provided for the said bishop, in some convenient situation at or near to the said city of Bristol, the site of the episcopal palace heretofore possessed and occupied by Bishops of Bristol for the time being, but lately so much injured and impaired as to be wholly unfit for habitation, shall be forthwith sold under direction of the Church Commissioners, and shall and may be conveyed by the said Bishop of Gloucester and Bristol to the purchaser thereof; and that the proceeds of such sale, together with such portion of the sum lately recovered as damages in an action for compensation for such injury, and the accumulations thereof, as shall remain, after payment of all proper expenses incident thereto, shall be paid and transferred to them for the purpose of being applied towards the purchase or erection, under their authority and direction, of a fit house of residence, to be situate as aforesaid; provided that such house, or the site whereupon any such house is proposed to be erected, shall be first submitted to and approved of by his Majesty in Council. The New Diocese of Ripon.-A fourth Order in Council, of the same date, approves and ratifies the scheme of the Church Commissioners, as relates to the ARCHBISHOPRIC OF YORK AND BISHOPRIC OF CHESTER, recommending that the Collegiate Church of Ripon shall be forthwith constituted, and shall become, and for ever hereafter be, a Cathedral Church and the seat of a bishop, within the province of York; and the present Dean and Prebendaries thereof shall from henceforth be called and styled Dean and Canons; and the said Dean and Canons shall be the Dean and Chapter of the said Church, and shall be subject to all such future orders and regulations as may be hereafter made by competent authority, touching the said Cathedral Church, or the said Dean and Chapter thereof. And the town and borough of Ripon, and all such parts of the deaneries of the Ainsty and of Pontefract, respectively, now forming part of the archdeaconry of York, otherwise called the archdeaconry of the West Riding, in the county and present diocese of York, as adjoin to the western boundaries of the liberty of the Ainsty, and of the wapentakes of Barkston Ash, Osgoldcross, and Staircross, respectively, and all that part of the county of York which now forms part of the archdeaconry of Richmond and diocese of Chester, and the whole of the parish of Aldborough, in the said county of York, shall be forthwith absolutely separated and dissevered from the respective dioceses of York and Chester, and exempted and released from all episcopal jurisdiction, authority, and control of the Archbishop of York and the Bishop of Chester, and of their successors Archbishops of York and Bishops of Chester, respectively, and shall be made and constituted, and shall become, and be for ever after called and known by the name of the Diocese of Ripon ; and all episcopal jurisdiction, authority, and control, within and over the same, and every part thereof, shall belong to and be exercised by the Bishop of Ripon, to be duly constituted as hereinafter provided, and his successors Bishops of Ripon. And such person as shall be duly elected by the said Dean and Chapter, in pursuance of a warrant from his Majesty in that behalf, and shall be duly confirmed and consecrated according to law, shall become Bishop of the see and diocese of Ripon, and the said Bishop, and his successors Bishops of Ripon, shall be invested with all the same and the like rights, privileges, dignities, power, jurisdiction, and authority, as have heretofore been and now are possessed by the respective Bishops of England and Wales, and shall be subject to the metropolitan jurisdiction of the Archbishop of York, for the time being, as entirely and effectually to all intents and purposes as the other Bishops within the province of York now are. The said diocese of Ripon shall be divided into two archdeaconries, to be called the archdeaconry of Richmond and the archdeaconry of Craven; and the archdeaconry of Richmond, in the diocese of Ripon, shall consist of the deaneries of Richmond, Catterick, and Boroughbridge, and so much of the deanery of Kirkby Lonsdale as is in the county of York; and the archdeaconry of Craven shall consist of the deaneries of Pontefract and Craven; and the Archdeacon of York, otherwise called the Archdeacon of the West Riding, in the diocese of York, shall be discharged from all jurisdiction over those parts of his present archdeaconry which will be within the diocese of Ripon; and the said Bishop of Ripon shall forthwith appoint some fit and proper person to be the archdeacon of the said archdeaconry of Craven; and the right of appointing the archdeacons of the said archdeaconries respectively shall be vested in the Bishop of Ripon and his successors for ever; and both the said archdeaconries, and the archdeacons thereof, for the time being, shall be under, and subject to, the episcopal jurisdiction, authority, and control of the Bishop of Ripon for the time being, as entirely and effectually, to all intents and purposes, as the archdeaconries of the East Riding, and of Cleveland, and the archdeacons thereof, are now subject to the episcopal jurisdiction, authority, and control of the Archbishop of York. The said deanery of Pontefract, in the said archdeaconry of Craven, shall consist of all those parishes and places now within the respective deaneries of Pontefract and the Ainsty, which will be within the said diocese of Ripon. Each Order in Council contains a proviso, that nothing therein contained shall prevent the Commissioners from recommending and proposing any further or other measures relating to each of the bishoprics mentioned, and the endowment thereof, in conformity to the provisions of the said act. ORDINATION. The Bishop of Lincoln's next Ordination will be held at Buckden, on Sunday, the 18th of December. Candidates are required to send their papers to his Lordship before the 6th of November. The consecration of the Rev. Dr. Otter, as Bishop of Chichester, took place on Sunday, October 2, in the private chapel of the Archbishop of Canterbury, at Lambeth Palace. The Archbishop was attended by the Bishops of London and Rochester, Dr. Daubeny, Dr. Haggard, and several others connected with the Arches' Court of Canterbury. The Rev. Mr. Rose read prayers, and the sermon was preached by the Rev. Mr. Le Bas. |