PRIVATE ACTS, PRINTED BY THE QUEEN'S PRINTER, · AND WHEREOF THE PRINTED COPIES MAY BE GIVEN IN EVIDENCE. N.B.-To each of these Acts is annexed a Clause in the terms following: "This Act shall not be a public Act, but shall be printed by "the several printers to the Queen's most Excellent Majesty duly authorized to print the Statutes of the United Kingdom, " and a copy thereof so printed by any of them shall be ad"mitted as evidence thereof by all judges, justices, and others." Chap. 1. An Act to authorize the exchange of parts of the entailed estate of Novar, in the counties of Ross and Elgin, for parts of the entailed estates of Contullich and Culcairn and the fee-simple lands of Inchcoulter, in the county of Ross. [24th June 1869.] Chap. 2. An Act for making better provision respecting the disposition of the estate of the late Joseph Crossley of Halifax, deceased; and for other purposes. Chap. 3. [12th July 1869.] An Act for authorizing the raising of Money on the security of part of the Settled Estates of the Marquis Camden for the purpose of the erection of a Mansion House thereon; and for other purposes. [12th July 1869.] Chap. 4. An Act for confirming certain Building Leases granted by the Right Honorable Frederick Lord Calthorpe, Baron Calthorpe of Calthorpe in the county of Norfolk, deceased, of various parts of an estate situate in the parish of Edgbaston in the county of Warwick, and for altering the present powers of leasing over the same and other estates comprised in a re-settlement of the same dated the eighteenth day of July one thousand eight hundred and sixty-four; and for other purposes. [12th July 1869.] Chap. 5. An Act for authorizing the leasing, selling, exchanging, and partitioning of Estates in the parish of Manchester in the county of Lancaster. [12th July 1869.] Chap. 6. An Act to incorporate the Trustees of the deceased John Ferguson, of Cairnbrock, under the name of "The Ferguson Bequest Fund," and to enlarge the powers of said Trustees, the better to enable them to carry out the designs of the deceased. [26th July 1869.] Chap. 7. An Act for enabling the Right Honorable Charles John Earl of Shrewsbury, and other the persons for the time being entitled to the estates annexed to the earldom of Shrewsbury, to make arrangements with the persons claiming to be entitled to or interested in lands at Oxton, in the county of Chester, under certain leases granted by Charles fifteenth Earl of Shrewsbury, John sixteenth Earl of Shrewsbury, and Bertram Arthur seventeenth Earl of Shrewsbury, respecting the premises comprised in such leases, and for annexing lands at Oxton to the earldom of Shrewsbury; and for other purposes. [9th August 1869.] Chap. 8. An Act to authorize the Wardens and Commonalty of the Mystery of Grocers of the City of London, as Trustees under the will of Dame Margaret Slaney, deceased, to consent to the union of the Benefices of Allhallows Staining and Saint Olave Hart Street in the City of London, and for enabling the Trustees to carry into more complete effect the trusts of the will, and for facilitating such union. Chap. 9. [9th August 1869.] An Act for authorizing mortgages of certain Real Estates in Manchester and Salford, in the county of Lancaster, subject to the will of the late Harriott Williams, deceased, and for other purposes, and of which the short title is " Williams's Estate Act, 1869." [9th August 1869.] Chap. 10. An Act for authorizing the Trustees of the settlement dated the 5th day of June 1830, executed in accordance with the directions contained in the will of William Wilshere, Esquire, deceased, to pull down part of the family mansion called the Frythe, and to rebuild the same, and to make alterations in the remaining part of the mansion, and to build cottages on the settled estates, and for authorizing the granting of building leases and sales of parts of the settled estates, and for obtaining the enfranchisement of copyholds; and for other purposes. [9th August 1869.] INDEX TO THE PUBLIC GENERAL ACTS, 32 & 33 VICT. (1868-9.) These are, NOTE.-Several Acts hitherto included in the collection of Public General A. Abandonment of Railways. See Railways. Admiralty Jurisdiction. See County Courts Adulteration of Seeds. To prevent the Adulteration of Seeds. Chap. 112. Title of Act and interpretation of terms; Sects. 1, 2. Offences in relation to seeds; 3. Summary proceedings for offences, penalties, &c.; 4. Page 486 Adultery Bankruptcy. Intent to defraud particular person need not be alleged; 5. Appeal from summary conviction; 6. Limiting time for proceedings under this Act; 7. Court may order prosecutor to pay costs of unreasonable prosecution; 8. Commencement of Act; 10. Adultery, Suits for. See Evidence further African Slave Trade. See Slave Trade. Animals, Diseases among. See Contagious Appropriation of Supplies. To apply a sum out of the Consolidated Fund and the Sur- Page 402 Archbishops Resignation. For the relief of Archbishops and Bishops when incapaci Page 481 Army. See Mutiny. Pensions Commutation. Assessed Rates. See Poor Relief-Poor Rates. Assessed Taxes. See Inland Revenue. Assize, Clerks of. See Clerks of Assize. B. Bails (Special). See Special Bails. Bank Dividends. See Dividends on Public Stock. Bankruptcy, &c.: 1.-Amendment of the Law. To consolidate and amend the Law of Bankruptcy. Page 277 Preliminary provisions; Sects. 1-5, |