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De-nounce, to proclaim

Ef-face, to destroy

Ef-fect, to perform

E-ject, to cast out

E-late, to puff up

De-part, to go from
De-pend, to rely upon
De-plore, to bewail
De-plume, to unfeather
De-port, to behave one's self
De-pose, to give evidence
De-prave, to corrupt
De-press, to weigh down
De-pute, to impower to act
Des-cry, to discern afar off
De-sign, to intend or propose
De-sist, to leave off
De-spoil, to strip or rob one
De-spond, to despair

De-tach, to dismiss or send away
De-ter, to affright, or discharge
De-tect, to discover
De-test, to abhor
De-tract, to take from
De-vote, to dedicate, vow
Dic-tate, to tell to one another
Dif-fuse, to spread abroad
Di-gest, to dissolve, set in order
Di-grefs, to go from
Di-late, to widen
Di-lute, to make thin
Dis-arm, to unweapon

Dis-band, to turn out of service
Dis-burse, to lay out
Dis-card, to discharge
Dis-cern, to perceive
Dis-claim, to disown
Dis-close, to discover
Dis-pend, to spend, to consume
Dis-pel, to drive away
Dis-pense, to excufe, to deal out
Dis-play, to unfold

E-lect, to choose or appoint
E-lude, to shift or shun danger
Em-balm, to preserve a corpse
Em-bark, to go on shipboard
E-merge, to rise again, to issue
E-mit, to send forth
E-mulge, to strike out
En-act, to decree
En-chant, to bewitch
En-close, to include
En-dear, to make beloved
En-dure, to undergo, continue
En-force, to constrain
En-gage, to persuade
En-gross, to get all to one's self
En-hance, to raise the value
En-rol, to put down in writing
En-tail, to make over
En-tice, to tempt
E-quip, to furnish
E-rase, to blot out
E-rect, to build

Es-say, to attempt or undertake
E-vade, to shun or put off
E-vince, to prove

Ex-alt, to lift up

Ex-cite, to stir up
Ex-ert, to put forth

Ex-hale, to send out a steam
Ex-haust, to consume or empty
Ex-ist, to have a being
Ex-pend, to stretch out or open
Ex-pel, to drive out
Ex-pand to stretch out

Ex-pire, to die
Ex-plode, to burst
Ex-port, to send over sea
Ex-punge, to blot out
Ex-tol, to cry up
Ex-tort, to gain by force
Ex-trude, to thrust out
Ex-ult, to leap for joy,
Fa-mish, to starve
Fer-ment, to puff up
Flat-ter, to praise over much
Flou-rish, to prosper
Fo-ment, to bathe, encourage
Forfeit, to lose by neglect
Frus-trate, to disappoint
Fur-bish, to brighten
Gar-nish, to adorn
Glit-ter, to shine or sparkle
Hal-low, to make holy
Hal-loo, to call or set on
Har-row, to break clods
Ha-zard, to venture

Ho-ver, to futter

Jan-gle, to differ

Il-lude, to mock or deceive
Im-bibe, to suck in, to receive
Im-brue, to wet with blood
Im-merse, or Im-merge, to dip
Im-part, to disclose

Im-pede, to hinder or stop
Im-peach, to accuse
Im-pel, to force forward
Im-pend, to hang over head
Im-plore, to beseech
Im-ply, to contain, to signify
Im-print, to fix in the Mind
Im-pute, to ascribe
In-cite, to stir up
In-clude, to comprehend
In-cur, to fall under

In dent, to cut on the edges
In-dict, to accuf

In-dite, to dictate

Jn-dorse, to write on the back
In-fect, to corrupt or taint
In-ject, to cast in

In-sert, to put in
In-spect, to look into

In-apire, to breathe inte
In-stil, to infuse
In-sure, to engage før
In-trude, to encroach

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In-veigh, to rail against
In-vert, to turn upside down
In-vest, to put in possession
In-volve, to wrap or fold in
In-ure, to be used to any thing
La-bour, to take pains
Lan-guish, to pine away
Main-tain, to uphold

Ma-lign, to envy, bear ill-will
Ma-nage, to husband or do well
Man-gle, to rend or cut
Ma-nure to till the ground
Mar-vel, to wonder
Mo-lest, to disturb

Mur-der, or Murther, to kill
Muz-zle, to tie up the Mouth
Neg-lect, to disregard

Non-plus, to put to the stand Nou-rish, to maintain

Num-ber, to count or reckon O-bey, to submit

Ob-trude, to thrust in, impose
Oc-cur, to meet

O-mit, to leave out, not to do
Op-pose, to withstand
Op-press, to overburthen
Op-pugn, to resist
Or-dain, to appoint
Par-boil, to boil in part
Par-ley, to talk with
Par-take, to take part with
Pe-rish, to die

Per-jure, to forswear
Per-mit, to allow
Per-plex, to disquiet
Per-sist, to hold in

Per-suade, to make believe
Per-tain, to belong to

Per-vert, to seduce

Pe-ruse, to read over

Pic-kle, to preserve
Pil-fer, to steal
Pil-lage, to plunde
Plunder, to rob

Po-lish, to make bright
Pon-der, to consider
Por-tend, to betoken
Pour-tray, to paint truly
Post pone, to put off
Pre-cede, to go before
Pre-dict, to foretell
Pie-fix, to set before

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Se-clude, to shut out Se-duce, to mislead Se-ver, to put asunder Sha-dow, to skreen

Shat-ter, to break to pieces
Show-er, to pour down
Shud-der, to quake or tremble
Shuf-fle, to shift

Slum-ber, to sleep, to doze
Smo-ther, to choke, suffocate
Smug-gle, to convey by stealth
So-lace, to comfort one's self
Stam-mer, to stutter
Spar-kle, to shine
Spat-ter, to sprinkle
Sprin-kle, to wet with drops
Stran-gle, to choke

Stum-ble, to trip in walking
Sub-due, to bring under
Sub-ject, to put under
Sub-join, to add to
Sub-mit, to yield, to refer
Sub-scribe, to write underneath
Sub-serve, to second or help
Sub-side, to sink down
Sub-sist, to exist or continue
Sub-vert, to overthrow
Suc-cede, to come after
Sug-gest, to put in mind

Sum-mon, to call one to appear
Sup-plant, to undermine
Sup-port, to uphold
Sup-pose, to imagine

Sur-charge, to overload
Sur-mise, to conjecture
Sur-mount, to overcome
Sur-pass, to excell
Sur-round, to encompass
Sur-vey, to look over, measure
Sur-vive, to outlive

Sus-pend, to delay, to put off
Swad-die, to put round
Swag-ger, to hector, to boast-
Tar-nish, to sully
Thick-en, to make thick
Threat-en, to denounce evil
Tin-gle, to feel a small pain
Tin-kle, with a bell

Tor-ment, to put in pain
Tor-ture, to torment

Tra-duce, to slander or accuse
Tram-ple, to tread upon
Trans-act, to manage

Tran-scend, to surpass, to erect
Tran-scribe, to copy out
Trans-fer, to remove
Trans-form, to change shape
Trans-fuse, to pore into another
Trans-gress, to trespass
Trans-late, to transfer, interpret
Trans-mute, to change
Trans-pierce, to run through
Trans-plant, to remove
Trans-port, to convey
Trans-pose, to change the order
Tra-vel, to go a journey
Tra verse, to cross, to travel
Trem-ble, to shake with fear
Tre-pan, to ensnare
Tres-pass, to commit a fault
Tru-ant, to loiter or idle
Trun-dle, to roll along
Tum-ble, to fall

Twin-kle, to sparkle
Twit-ter, to make tremble
Va-nish, to disappear
Va-pour, to brag
Va-ry, to alter, change
Ven-ture, to hazard

Vi-brate, to shake to and from
Vi-sit, to go see a person
Vouch-safe, to condescend
Up-braid, to reproach
Up-hold, to keep up, support
Ut-ter, to pronounce or speak
Wad-dle, to go as a duck
Wal-low, to roll up and down
Wan-der, to wander about
War-ble, to sing as birds
Wel-come, to salute
Whi-ten, to make white
Wi-den, to make broader
Wi-ther, to fade
Wor-ry, to tease, to tear
Wrin-kle, to crease or fold


Nouns Subftantive of three Syllables explained.

N. B. The Words which you cannot find here, look for in th two next Tables in Words of three Syllables.

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Abridgment, shortening

Rudiments of Grammar

Accident, chance, misfortune

Accomplice, a Companion

Appendix, a Supplement
Aptitude, Fitness, Disposition

Accidence, a little book of the first Aqueduct, a Conduit, or Pipe

Arcanum, a secret

Architect, a master Builder

Acquittal, a discharge

Adjournment, a putting off

Adjument, help, aid
Adjutant, an Ássistant
Admiral, sea-commander

Adventure, a chance

Advocate, a Pleader
Affiance, Confidence

Affluence, wealthy, or plenty
Aggregate, Total
Aggressor, the Assaulter
Agony, violent Pain
Alderman, a Magistrate
Alembic, a distilling Vessel
Algebra, short arithmetic
Alien, a Foreigner

Aliment, Food, Nourishment
Alliance, a league

Allotment, Appointment
Almanack, a yearly account
Time, Weather,-&c.
Allowance, Maintenance
Almoner, a disposer of Alms
Alphabet, Letters of a language
Altitude, Height
Amendment, Reformation
Amnesty, a general Pardon
Amulet, Charm

Anarchy, want of Government
Anchoret, a Hermit
Animal, any living creature
Annoyance, damage, nuisance
Antichrist, a false Christ
Antidote, a remedy for poison
Antipope, a false Pope
Aperture, an opening
Apostate, a backslider

Apartment, a lodging

Argument, reason or proof
Armada, a great Navy

Artery, a blood vessel
Article, a chief head
Artifice, Cunning

Assailant, one who assaults
Assessor, a settler of Taxes
Atchievement, a great act
Atheism, the denying of God
Attribute, a Property
Auction, a public sale
Audience, a Hearing

Avenue, a fine walk or passage
Augury, a divination by Birds
Axiom, a self-evident principle
Bacchanals, drunken Feasts
Bachelor, an unmarried Man
Baronet, one below a Baron
Barrister, a Lawyer

Basilisk, a venomous Creature
of Benefice, an ecclesiastical Living
Bigotry, Superstition
Bissextile, Leap Year
Blasphemy, cursing of God.
Botanist, one skilled in Plants
Bravery, Courage
Brevity, Shortness

Bullion, uncoined Gold or Silver
Cabinet, a small chest
Calamint, an Herb
Calendar, an Almanack
Calenture, a burning Fever
Calumny, Reproach

Candidate, one who offers himself
Cannibals, Men-eaters

Canopy, a covering over Head
Caravan, a sort of waggon

Cardinal, a Priest of Rome

Carriage, the carrying of Goods

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