thee the remiffion of all thy fins, may he, I fay, anoint thee with the Chrifm of falvation, in the fame Jefus Christ our Lord, unto life everlasting. R. Amen. Pr. Peace be with Pr. Pax tibi, R. Et thee. R. And with thy cum fpiritu tuo. fpirit. When he puts the white garment on the child. Pr. Receive this white garment, which may'st thou carry fpotlefs before the tribunal of our Lord Jefus Chrift, that thou may'ft have eternal life. R. Amen. When he puts the burning taper in the child's band. Pr. Receive this burning taper; and keep thy baptifm without reproof: obferve the commandments of God; that when the Lord fhall come to his nuptials, thou may'st meet him, together with all his faints in his heavenly court, and may'st have eternal life, and may'ft live for ever and ever. R. Amen. Laftly he fays: Pr. N. Go in peace, and may the Lord be with thee. R. Amen. The Priest then puts the Godfather and Godmother in mind of the fpiritual affinity contracted by baptifm between them and the child baptized, as likewife the parents of the child, which makes marriage between them not only unlawful, but null and void. He also admonishes them to acquaint the parents not to let the child lie in the fame bed with them or the nurse, till it be a year old, left it should be overlaid; but to take care of it, and bring it early to be in fructed in the Christian doctrine. The ADMINISTRATION Of the SACRAMENT of CONFIRMATION. The Bishop turning towards those that are to be confirmed, fays: Bp. M AY the Holy Ghost defcend upon you, and may the power of the Moft High preferve you from fin. R. Amen. V. Our help is in the name of the Lord. R. Who made both heaven and earth. V. O Lord, hear my prayer. R. And let my cry come unto thee. V. May the Lord be with you. R. And with thy spirit. Let us pray. V. Adjutorium nostrum in nomine Domini. R. Qui fecit cœlum & terram. V. Domine, exaudi orationem meam. R. Et clamor meus ad te veniat. V. Dominus vobif- cum. ritu tuo. Omnipotens. Almighty and eternal God, who haft been pleafed to bring forth thefe thy fervants to a new birth through water and the Holy Ghoft; and haft granted them the pardon of all their fins; fend down upon them thy fevenfold Holy Spirit the Comforter from heaven. R. Amen. The fpirit of wisdom and understanding. R. Amen. The fpirit of counfel and ftrength. R. Amen. The fpirit of knowledge and piety. R. Amen. Mercifully fill them with the fpirit of thy fear, and mark them with the fign of the cross of Chrift to everlafting life. unity of the fame. R. Amen. When he applies the Holy Chrism, he fays to each one: Bp. N. I SIGN THEE WITH THE SIGN OF THE CROSS AND I CONFIRM Then the Bishop lightly frikes on the cheek the perfon confirmed, faying : Bp. Peace be with thee. Anth. Ratify, O God, what thou haft perform ed by our miniftry, from thy holy temple which is in Jerufalem. V. Glory. R. As it was. Anth. Ratify, O God. V. Shew to us, O Lord, thy mercy. R. And grant us thy falvation. V. O Lord, hear my prayer. R. And let my ery come unto thee. V. May the Lord be with you. R. And with thy fpirit. Let us pray. Ant. Confirma hoc, Deus, quod operatus es in nobis, à templo fancto tuo, quod eft in feruJalem. V. Gloria. R. Sicut. Ant. Confirma hoc, Deus. V. Oftende nobis, Domine, mifericordiam tuam. R. Et falutare tuum da nobis. V. Domine, exaudi orationem meam. R. Et clamor meus ad te veniat. V. Dominus vobifcum. R. Et cum fpiritu tuo. Deus qui. a God, who didft give thy holy fpirit Apostles, and by them, and their fucceffors, wouldft have it given to the rest of the faithful: mercifully look down on the miniftry of us thy humble fervants, and grant that thofe, whose foreheads we have anointed with the sacred Chrism, anď marked with the fign of the crofs; the fame holy fpirit coming down upon them, may mercifully make their hearts a temple for his glory by abiding therein. Who with the Father and the fame Holy a During this prayer, and what follows, fuch as have been cons firmed, kneel dawn. Ghost liveft and reigneft God world without end. R. Amen. Then he says: Bp. Thus fhall every man be bleffed that feareth the Lord. The BLESSING. Bp.AY the Lord bless you from out of Sion, •MA that you may see the profperity of Je rufalem all the days of your life, and live for ever. R. Amen. The ADMINISTRATION Of the SACRAMENT of PENNANCE. The Penitent having carefully examined his confcience, and excited in his foul a true forrow for his fins, with a firm purpose of avoiding them, and whatever occafion may lead to them for the future, kneeling down by the fide of the Prieft, fays: RAY to God for me, Father, for I am a finner. PR Then the Priest fays the following prayer by way of a bleffing: The BLESSING. MAY the Lord be in thy heart and on thy lips, that thou mayft make an humble and entire confeffion of all thy fins in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghoft. R. Amen. The Penitent then having faid the Confiteor, as p. xii. acquaints his Confeffor with his state of life, (if he be unknown to him) mentions when he was last at Confeffion, and if he has performed the pennance enjoined him:He then, with great humility and forrow, accufes himself of all the mortal fins at least, which he can call to mind, ufing no difguise, nor omit ting any circumftance that may either alter the nature, or confiderably aggravate the circumftance of any fin. Having mentioned what he can call to mind, he concludes thus: For thefe, and whatever other fins I have committed in my whole life, or cannot at prefent call to mind, I am heartily forry for the love of God above all things, I purpofe amendment, and beg pardon of almighty God, and pennance of you my ghoftly Father. Then the Prief having given proper admonitions, and enjoined a falutary pennance, if the Penitent be duly difpofed for abfolution, he fays: May almighty God have mercy on thee, forgive thee thy fins, and bring thee to life everlasting. R. Amen. Then, fretching forth his right hand towards the Penitent, he fays: May the Lord, who is almighty and merciful, grant thee pardon, abfolution, and remiffion of all thy fins. R. Amen. May our Lord Jefus Chrift himself abfolve thee, as I, by his authority, now abfolve thee from every bond of excommunication, and interdict, as far as I am empowered, or thou ftandeft in need. Moreover I abfolve thee from all thy fins in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghoft. R. Amen. May the Paffion of our Lord Jefus Chrift, the merits of the blefied Virgin Mary, and of all the Saints; whatever good thou mayft do, or whatever evil thou mayft fuffer, avail to the remiffion of thy fins, an increase of grace, and the rewards of eternal life. R. Amen. |