OF THE SECOND VOLUME. [The Articles marked thus † were not inserted in Dr. WARBURTON'S JAMES CRAGGS Efq. Secretary of State 309 Mr. JERVAS, with Mr. DRYDEN's Tranf- lation of FRESNOY's Art of Paint- + Lines added by Mr. POPE after the Conclufion of his Address to Mifs MARTHA BLOUNT, on her leaving Town, "As fome fond Virgin," &c. 363 + Lines fung by DURASTANTI, when she took her XIII. On Dr. FRANCIS ATTERBURY, Bishop of -ROCHESTER, who died in exile at Paris, 1735 406 Another, on the fame ibid. ERRATA in VOL. II. Page 70. line 26, in note, for Defert read Defcent 169. 15, for curritor read curritur 17, for promifique read promifitque 332. line 8, for Gray read Gay 401. dele laft fentence of the note. |