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79 years old.


Blumenbach, born 1752, and is now



Paulus, the theologian, born 1761 and is now 70

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Many volumes have been written on the means of lengthening life, and on the causes of longevity. One of the best views of the subject that have fallen under my notice, is contained in Hufeland's Art of Prolonging Life. Deep thinking philosophers," says he, “have always been distinguished by their great age, especially when their philosophy was occupied in the study of nature and afforded them the divine pleasure of discovering new and important truths." (vol. I. p. 137, London Edition, 1797.)

"The ancient philosophers," says he, "undoubtedly studied as much as the modern literati; and yet they never suffered from the hypochondria, hemorhoids, &c. The sole cause of this was, that they meditated more, lying or walking, and in the open air; because they never drank coffee, or used tobacco; and because, at the same time that they exercised the mind, they never neglected the care and the exercise of the body."- Vol. II. p. 30.

In his first volume, (p. 69,) he says, "No instance can be found of an idler having attained to a remarkably great age."

And since literary men are under peculiar temptations to live a life of celibacy, it may be well to quote the following from volume first, p. 167.

"All those people who have become very old, were married more than once, and generally at a very late period of life. There is not one

instance of a bachelor having attained to a great age."

Professor Chapponier of Paris, in his recent and interesting work, entitled, La Physiologie Des Gens Du Monde. &c. corresponds in his views of the subject of longevity, essentially with Hufeland. chapter on that subject is very valuable.


"A philosophical life," says he, "often prolongs the duration of existence and longevity, and is by no means incompatible with intellectual labors when they are not excessive." (p. 319.) "To live is not to vegetate-to drag out long days in apathy. It is to think-to feel—to act.” (p. 301.)

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"It is well known that the macrobiotic art, or the art of prolonging life, consists in abstaining from every kind of excess-even from excess in good things."- "The only source of all longevity, therefore, can, be nothing but temperance and uniformity in physical and moral efforts :-temperance and mediocrity in nourishment-in labors-in pleasures in repose." (pp. 302, 303.

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