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NOTE.-The repealed portions of these Statutes are printed in italics.

2 & 3 WILL. IV. CAP. 120.

An Act to repeal the Duties under the Management of the Commissioners of Stamps, on Stage Carriages and on Horses let for Hire in Great Britain, and to grant other Duties in lieu thereof; and also to consolidate and amend the Laws relating thereto. [16th August, 1832. By this statute, (sect. 4 and Schedule (A)), the following duties are made payable on passengers conveyed for hire by carriages travelling upon railways; (that is to say),

The proprietor or company of proprietors of every railway in Great Britain along which any passengers shall be conveyed for hire in or upon carriages drawn or impelled by the power of steam, or otherwise, shall pay for and in respect of all such passengers at and after the rate of one halfpenny per mile for every four passengers so conveyed. L. And be it enacted, That the proprietor or company of proprietors of every railway in Great Britain along which any passengers shall, after the 10th day of October one thousand eight hundred and thirtytwo, be conveyed for hire in or upon any carriage drawn or impelled by the power of steam, or otherwise, shall from time to time keep and cause to be entered in a book or books to be kept for that purpose, and which shall at all times be open for the inspection and examination of any authorized officer of stamp duties, a just and true account of the number of passengers which shall be conveyed daily for hire in manner aforesaid along any such railway or any part thereof, and of the number of miles which such passenger shall respectively be so conveyed; and every such proprietor or company shall, within five days next after the first Monday in every calendar month, deliver to the commissioners of stamps, or to such officer as they shall authorize to receive the same, a true copy of the account by this act directed to be kept, so far as the same shall relate to the passengers conveyed as aforesaid, during the preceding four or five weeks, (as the case may be), that is to say, from the first Monday in the preceding month up to and including the first Monday of the month in which such account shall be rendered; and to and with every such account there shall be annexed and delivered an affidavit or affirmation (to be taken before any one of his Majesty's justices of the peace) of the secretary, chief clerk, or accountant of such proprietor or company, stating that the deponent or affirmant has examined and checked such account with the books of the said proprietor or company, and that, to the best of




Proprietors of

railways to keep and render accounts of the passengers conveyed and to pay the duty by this act charged thereon.

along the same,



Proprietors of
railways to give
security to keep
and render such
accounts and pay
† Sic.

Treasury may compound with the proprietors of railways for the duties chargeable

the knowledge, information, and belief of such deponent or affirmant, such account doth contain and is a true and faithful account of the several matters and things required by this act; and such proprietor or company shall at the time of delivering every such account pay or cause to be paid to the receiver-general of stamp duties, or to the officer authorized by the said commissioners to receive the same for the use of his Majesty, the duties chargeable under this act for or in respect of the passengers so conveyed according to such account.

LI. And be it enacted, That the proprietor or company of proprietors of every such railway shall, before any passengers shall be conveyed along the same in the manner aforesaid, after the tenth dayt October one thousand eight hundred and thirty-two, give security by bond to his Majesty, with a condition that such proprietor or company shall from time to time keep and cause to be kept and rendered in the manner directed by this act the accounts by this act required to be kept and rendered by such proprietor and company respectively; and that such proprietor or company shall from time to time, upon every reasonable request of any authorized officer of stamp duties, produce and shew to such officer, and permit him to inspect and examine, all and every the books and book of such proprietor or company in which any such account shall be contained or entered; and that such proprietor or company shall well and truly pay or cause to be paid for the use of his Majesty, at the times and in manner directed by this act, all and every the duties which shall from time to time become chargeable under this act for or in respect of the passengers which shall be so conveyed as aforesaid along such railway; and that such proprietor or company shall well and truly do and perform and cause to be done and performed all such acts, matters, and things as by this act are required or directed to be done or performed by or on the part or behalf of such proprietor or company; and every such bond shall be taken with sufficient sureties to the satisfaction of the commissioners of stamps, and in such sums as the said commissioners may judge to be the probable amount of the duties which may become payable by such proprietor or company under or by virtue of this act during the period of one quarter of a year; and every such security shall be renewed from time to time whenever and so often as such bond shall be forfeited, or as the parties to the same or any of them shall die or become bankrupt or insolvent, or reside in parts beyond the seas, and also whenever and so often as the said commissioners shall in their discretion require the same to be renewed; and if any proprietor or company of proprietors of any such railway as aforesaid shall, after the said tenth day of October, convey or permit or suffer to be conveyed in manner aforesaid, along such railway or any part thereof, any passengers for hire, without having first given such security by bond to his Majesty in manner herein before directed, or if any such proprietor or company shall refuse or neglect to renew such security, whenever and so often as the same is or shall by or in pursuance of this act be required to be renewed, such proprietor or company shall forfeit one hundred pounds for every day during the period for which there shall be any refusal, neglect, or default to give or renew such security as aforesaid.

LII. Provided always, and be it enacted, That it shall be lawful for the lords commissioners of his Majesty's Treasury, or any three or more of them, from time to time, where and whenever they shall deem it expedient, to compound and agree with the proprietor or company of proprietors of any such railway as aforesaid for any sum

or sums of money less than the amount of the duties which may be or become chargeable under this act, to be paid by such proprietor or company in lieu of the said duties for or in respect of the passengers conveyed or to be conveyed along such railway, during any period of time not exceeding the term of seven years, and from time to time to renew any such composition for any further period, not exceeding the term aforesaid, upon such terms and conditions as may be agreed upon by and between the said lords commissioners and such proprietor or company.

1 VICT. CAP. 83.

An Act to compel Clerks of the Peace for Counties, and other Persons, to take the Custody of such Documents as shall be directed to be deposited with them under the Standing Orders of either House of Parliament. [17th July, 1837.

Whereas the Houses of Parliament are in the habit of requiring that, previous to the introduction of any bill into Parliament for making certain bridges, turnpike-roads, cuts, canals, reservoirs, aqueducts, waterworks, navigations, tunnels, archways, railways, piers, ports, harbours, ferries, docks and other works, to be made under the authority of Parliament, certain maps or plans and sections, and books and writings, or extracts or copies of or from certain maps, plans, or sections, books and writings, shall be deposited in the office of the clerk of the peace for every county, riding, or division in England or Ireland, or in the office of the sheriff clerk of every county in Scotland, in which such work is proposed to be made, and also with the parish clerk in every parish in England, the schoolmaster of every parish of Scotland, or in royal burghs with the town clerk, and the postmaster of the post-town in or nearest to every parish in Ireland, in which such work is intended to be made, and with other persons; and whereas it is expedient that such maps, plans, sections, books, writings, and copies or extracts of and from the same, should be received by the said clerks of the peace, sheriff clerks, parish clerks, schoolmasters, town clerks, postmasters, and other persons, and should remain in their custody for the purposes hereinafter mentioned; be it therefore enacted, by the Queen's most excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Lords spiritual and temporal, and Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same, That whenever either of the houses of Parliament shall by its standing orders already made or hereafter to be made, require that any such maps, plans, sections, books, or writings, or extracts or copies of the same, or any of them, shall be deposited as aforesaid, such maps, plans, sections, books, writings, copies, and extracts shall be received by and shall remain with the clerks of the peace, sheriff clerks, parish clerks, schoolmasters, town clerks, postmasters, and other persons with whom the same shall be directed by such standing orders to be deposited, and they are hereby respectively directed to receive and to retain the custody of all such documents and writings so directed to be deposited with them respectively, in the manner and for the purposes and under the rules and regulations concerning the same respectively directed by such standing orders, and shall make such memorials and endorsements on, and give such acknowledgments and receipts in respect of the same respectively as shall be thereby directed.

[blocks in formation]

II. And be it further enacted, That all persons interested shall have Clerks of the

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