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To manifest the more thy might: his evil 615
Thou usest, and from thence creat'st more good.
Witness this new-made world, another Heav'n
From Heaven-gate not far, founded in view
On the clear hyaline, the glassy sea :
Of amplitude almost immense, with stars 620
Num'rous, and ev'ry star perhaps a world
Of destin'd habitation; but thou know'st
Their seasons: among these the seat of Men,
Earth with her nether ocean circumfus'd,
Their pleasant dwelling-place. Thrice happy Men,
And sons of Men, whom God hath thus advanc'd,
Created in his image, there to dwell
And worship him, and in reward to rule
Over his works, on earth, in sea, or air,
And multiply a race of worshippers
Holy and just! thrice happy if they know
Their happiness, and persevere upright!


So sung they, and the empyrean rung With Halleluiahs. Thus was Sabbath kept. And thy request think now fulfill'd, that ask'd How first this world and face of things began, And what before thy memory was done From the beginning, that posterity

Inform'd by thee might know; if else thou seek'st Aught, not surpassing human measure, say. 640


[blocks in formation]


Adam enquires concerning celestial motions, is doubtfully answered, and exhorted to search rather things more worthy of knowledge: Adam assents; and, still desirous to detain Raphael, relates to him what he remembered since his own creation, bis placing in Paradise, his talk with God concerning solitude and fit society, bis first meeting and nuptials with Eve, bis discourse with the Angel thereupon; who, after admonitions repeated, departs.




HE Angel ended, and in Adam's ear

So charming left his voice, that he a while Thought him still speaking, still stood fix'd to hear;

Then, as new wak'd, thus gratefully reply'd :
What thanks sufficient, or what recompense 5

Equal have I to render thee, divine
Historian, who thus largely hast allay'd
The thirst I had of knowledge, and vouchsaf'd
This friendly condescension to relate
Things else by me unsearchable, now heard 10
With wonder, but delight, and, as is due,
With glory attributed to the High
Creator? Something yet of doubt remains,
Which only thy solution can resolve.
When I behold this goodly frame, this world, 15
Of Heav'n and Earth consisting, and compute
Their magnitudes; this earth, a spot, a grain,

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