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6 O may our more harmonious Tongues,
In Worlds unknown pursue the Songs;
And in those brighter Courts adore,
Where Days and Years revolve no more!

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I LORD of the Worlds above,

How pleafant and how fair

The Dwellings of thy Love, Thy earthly Temples are! To thine Abode my Heart afpires, With warm Defires to fee

my God. 2 O happy Souls that pray Where God appoints to hear!

O happy Men that pay

Their conftant Service there!
They praise thee ftill: And happy they
That love the Way to Sion's Hill.

3 They go from Strength to Strength,
Thro' this dark Vale of Tears,
Till each arrives at length,

Till each in Heav'n appears.

O glorious Seat! Thou God our King
Shalt thither bring our willing Feet.


4 God is our Sun and Shield,
Our Light and our Defence
With Gifts his Hands are fill'd,
We draw our Bleffings thence:
He shall beftow upon our Race
His faving Grace, and Glory too.

5 The Lord his People loves,
His Hand no Good withholds
From thofe his Heart approves,
From holy, humble Souls.

Thrice happy he, O God of Hofts,
Whofe Spirit trufts alone in thee!

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I COME let us join our cheerful Songs
With Angels round the Throne;

Ten thousand thousand are their Tongues,
But all their Joys are one.

2 Worthy the Lamb that dy'd, they cry,
To be exalted thus;

Worthy the Lamb our Lips reply,
For he was flain for us.

3 Jefus is worthy to receive

Honour and Pow'r divine;

And Bleffings more than we can give,
Be, Lord, for ever thine.

4 Let all that dwell above the Sky,
And Air, and Earth, and Seas;
Confpire to lift thy Glories high,
And speak thine endless Praise.


Let all Creation join in one,
To bless the facred Name

Of him that fits upon the Throne,
And to adore the Lamb,


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1 BEFORE Jehovah's awful Throne,
Ye Nations, bow with facred Joy;

Know that the Lord is God alone,
He can create, and he destroy. -

2 His fov'r ign Pow'r, without our Aid,
Made us of Clay, and form'd us Men!
And when like wand'ring Sheep we stray'd,
He brought us to his Fold again.


We'll croud thy Gates with thankful Songs,
High as the Heav'ns our Voices raise;

And Earth with her ten thousand Tongues, Shall fill thy Courts with founding Praife. 4 Wide as the World is thy Command;; Vaft as Eternity thy Love;

Firm as a Rock thy Tru h muft stand,
When rolling Years fhall cease to move.

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I INDULGENT Sov'reign of the Skies,
And wilt thou bow thy gracious Ear?
While feeble Mortals raife their Cries,
Wilt thou the great Jehovah hear?

2 Look down, O God, with pitying Eye,
And view the Defolation round;

See what wide Realms in Darkness lie,
And hurl their Idols to the Ground.


Loud let the Gofpel-Trumpet blow,
And call the Nations from afar;

Let all the Ifles their Saviour know,
And Earth's remoteft Ends draw near.

4 With gentle Beams on Britain fhine,
And blefs her Princes and her Priests;
And by thy Energy divine,

Let facred Love o'erflow their Breafts.
5 Triumphant here let Jesus reign,
And on his Vineyard fweetly fmile;
While all the Virtues of his Train,
Adorn our Church and bleis our lile.
6 On all our Souls let Grace defcend,
Like heav'nly Dew, in copious Show'rs;
That we may call our God our Friend,

That we may

hail Salvation ours.

7 'Then shall each Age and Rank agree,
United Shouts of Joy to raise;
And Zion, made a Praise by thee,
To thee shall render back the Praise.


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HARK! in the Wilderness a Cry!

It shakes the Mountains, rends the Earth; The King appears, behold him nigh, The God by Nature, Man by Birth. 2 Run to and fro, ye Heralds, run; Proclaim aloud, Prepare the Way! Redemption's glorious Work's begun, And who his potent Arm fhall ftay?


3 Make

3 Make strait the Paths before his Feet,
And ev'ry Obstacle remove;
Dropdown,yeHills, yourcumb'rous Weight,
And bow before redeeming Love.

4 Then fhall the lowly Valley rife,
Its budding Honours fpring to View;
Swift the creating Fiat flies,

And all is blitsful, all is new.

5 Know'st thou the Meaning, Nature's Child?
Know'st thou the import of the Cry?
Thy Heart's the Defart wafte and wild;
But lo! the kind Reclaimer's nigh,

6 Mountains of Unbelief and Sin
Betore him crumble into Duft;
Thy humbl'd Heart shall then begin
His all-reftoring Hand to truft.

7 By him exalted, know thy State,
A Garden rich in Fruit and Flow'r;
Thy gracious Master's lov'd Retreat,
The Wonder of redeeming Pow'r.


JESU, our Lord, Thy Name be ador'd ForalltherichBleffingsconvey dthro'thyWord !

2. In Spirit we trace

Thy Wonders of Grace,

And cheerfully join in a Concert of Praife.


The Trumpet of God


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