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Power to Secre

use the Powers

takings by 8 & 9 Vict. c. 18.

VII. For the Purchase or Acquisition of any Messuages, Lands, Tenements, and Hereditaments tary for War to wanted for the Service of the Admiralty or of the War Department or for the Defence of the given to Pro- Realin, it shall be lawful for Her Majesty's Principal Secretary of State for the War Department moters of Under, for the Time being to use all or any of the Powers and Provisions by the Lands Clauses Consolidation Act, 1845, and by the Lands Clauses Consolidation (Scotland) Act, 1845, given to Promoters of the Undertaking, as therein mentioned, and for such Purposes the said Principal Secretary shall be deemed and taken to be the Promoters of an Undertaking within the Meaning of the said Act, and all the Powers and Provisions thereof shall, if used by Her Majesty's Principal Secretary of State for the War Department, be treated as if they were contained in the Fifth and Sixth Victoria, Chapter Ninety-four, for the Purpose of being used and made available by the Principal Officers of Her Majesty's Ordnance and had been transferred to the said Principal Secretary for the Time being by the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Victoria, Chapter One hundred and seventeen, for the Purposes aforesaid: Provided always, that nothing herein contained shall authorize any Purchase otherwise than by Agreement of any Land, except according to the Provisions of the Twenty-third Section of the said Act of the Fifth and Sixth Victoria, or prejudice or affect the Powers and Authorities of the said Principal Secretary for the Time being under the said last-mentioned Statutes, or either of them.

This Act and 8 &

VIII. This Act shall be read and construed as Part of the said Lands Clauses Consolidation Act, 9 Viet. cc. 18. and 1845, or of the Lands Clauses Consolidation (Scotland) Act, 1845, in all Matters in which it relates 19. to be construed together. to the said Acts respectively; and in citing this Act in other Acts of Parliament, and in legal Instruments, it shall be sufficient to use the Expression of "The Lands Clauses Consolidation Acts Amendment Act, 1860."


Duties described

An Act for granting to Her Majesty certain Duties of Stamps, and to amend the Laws relating to the Stamp Duties. [28th August 1860.]

Most Gracious Sovereign,

WE, Your Britain and Ireland in Parliament assembled, towards raising the necessary Supplies

E, Your Majesty's most dutiful and loyal Subjects the Commons of the United Kingdom of for defraying Your Majesty's public Expenses, and making a permanent Addition to the Public Revenue, have freely and voluntarily resolved to grant unto Your Majesty the Duties herein-after mentioned; and do humbly beseech your Majesty that it may be enacted; and be it enacted by the Queen's most Excellent Majesty, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, and by the Authority of the same, as follows:

After passing of I. From and after the Day of the passing of this Act there shall be granted, raised, levied, and this Act the paid in and throughout the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, for the Use of Her in Schedule to be Majesty, Her Heirs and Successors, for and in respect of the several Instruments, Matters, and charged. Things described or mentioned in the said Schedule, or for or in respect of the Vellum, Parchment, or Paper upon which any of them respectively shall be written, the several Stamp Duties or Sums of Money set down in Figures against the same respectively, or otherwise specified and set forth in the said Schedule, which said Schedule, and the several Provisions, Regulations, and Directions therein contained with respect to the said Duties, and the Instruments, Matters, and Things charged therewith, shall be deemed and taken to be Part of this Act, and shall be applied and put in execution accordingly: Provided that nothing herein contained shall in any way alter or affect the Act passed in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Years of the Reign of Her present Majesty, entitled An Act to confer certain Powers on the Railway Passengers Assurance Company, or the Duties thereby imposed.



II. The Stamp Duties now payable for and in respect of the several Instruments, Matters, and now payable on Things mentioned or described in the Schedule to this Act annexed, whereon other Duties are by Instruments, &c. mentioned in this Act granted, shall respectively from and after the Day of the passing of this Act cease and Schedule repealed determine, and the same are hereby repealed: Provided that the Stamp Duties now chargeable on any of the said Instruments, Matters, and Things, and not the said other new Duties, shall be payable in respect of such of them as shall be made, signed, or dated at any Time before or upon the Day of the passing of this Act.



III. From and after the Thirty-first Day of December One thousand eight hundred and sixty, Bill and Receipt the Allowances granted respectively by the Eighteenth Section of the Act passed in the Thirteenth Stamps granted and Fourteenth Years of Iler Majesty, Chapter Ninety-seven, in respect of Stamps for Receipts, by Acts 13 & 14 Vict. c 97. and 17 and by the Twenty-fourth Section of the Act passed in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Years of & 18 Vict. c. 83. Her Majesty, Chapter Eighty-three, in respect of Stamps for Drafts, Bills, and Notes, and any Allowance grant- Allowance granted by or payable under any other Act in respect of any of the Stamps herein-after ed in lieu thereof. mentioned, shall cease; and in lieu thereof there shall be granted and allowed to every Person who at one and the same Time shall produce at the Office of the Commissioners of Inland Revenue in London or Dublin Paper to be stamped with Stamps for denoting any Rate of Duty not exceeding One

to cease, and an

One Shilling on Bills of Exchange, Drafts, or Orders, or Promissory Notes, or Stamps for denoting
the Duty of One Penny on any Instrument or Document whatever, (except Postage Stamps and
Customs Stamps,) to the Amount of Two Pounds or upwards in the whole of all or any of such
Stamps as aforesaid, and to every Person who at one and the same Time shall purchase any such
Stamps as aforesaid at the Office of the said Commissioners in London, Edinburgh, or Dublin, to the
Amount aforesaid, or of any Distributor or Sub-Distributor of Stamps at any Place not within the
Distance of Ten Miles from the said Offices respectively, to the Amount of One Pound or upwards,
an Allowance of Tenpence for every Twenty Shillings of the Amount of the Duties denoted by such

IV. All the Powers, Provisions, Clauses, Regulations, Directions, Allowances, and Exemptions, Provisions of forFines, Forfeitures, Pains, and Penalties, contained in or imposed by any Act or Acts, or any oth mer Acts to apply Schedule thereto, relating to any Duties of the same Kind or Description heretofore payable in the United Kingdom and in force at the Time of the passing of this Act, shall respectively be of full Force and Effect with respect to the Duties by this Act granted, and to the Vellum, Parchment, Paper, Instruments, Matters and Things charged and chargeable therewith, and to the Persons liable to the Payment of the said Duties, so far as the same are or shall be applicable in all Cases not hereby expressly provided for; and shall be observed, applied, allowed, enforced, and put in execution for and in the raising, levying, collecting, and securing of the said Duties hereby granted, and otherwise in relation thereto, so far as the same shall not be superseded by and shall be consistent with the express Provisions of this Act, as fully and effectually to all Intents and Purposes as if the same had been herein repeated and specially enacted, mutatis mutandis, with reference to the Duties by this Act granted.

Bory Notes to be

V. The Duties by this Act granted on Promissory Notes made or purporting to be made out of The Duties on the United Kingdom shall be denoted by adhesive Stamps, to be provided by the Commissioners of Foreign Promis Inland Revenue for the Purpose, or by any Stamps of sufficient Amount which shall have been pro- denoted by advided for denoting the Duties on Bills of Exchange made out of the United Kingdom; and the hesive Stamps. proper adhesive Stamp for denoting the Duty on any such Note shall be affixed thereon, and be cancelled at the same Time and Times, and in like Manner as is provided by the Fifth Section of an Act passed in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Years of Her present Majesty, Chapter Eighty-three, and the Twelfth Section of an Act passed in the present Session, Chapter Fifteen, in the Case of Bills of Exchange therein respectively mentioned, and under the like Penalties respectively for any Neglect thereof; and the said respective Sections shall be read as if the same were inserted in this Act expressly in reference to the Promissory Notes aforesaid, and the Duties by this Act granted thereon, as well as to the Bills of Exchange therein respectively mentioned.

VI. The Term "Contract Note," wherever the same is used in this Act, shall mean any Note or Construction of Memorandum mentioned or referred to under the Head Contract Note in the Schedule to this Act; Terms "Contract and the Term "Insurance" shall mean also and shall include the Term "Assurance."

Note" and "Insurance."

VII. The Stamp Duty on Contract Notes may be denoted either by impressed or adhesive Stamps on ConStamps, and the said Commissioners shall provide Stamps of both Descriptions; and in any Case tract Notes may where a Contract Note is made, and the same is not written on an impressed Stamp, there shall be be impressed or affixed thereon a proper adhesive Stamp; and every Person who shall make or sign a Contract Note hesive, to be can adhesive; if adto which an adhesive Stamp shall be affixed shall effectually cancel and obliterate the Stamp by celled. writing upon or across it his Name or the Name of his Firm, or the Initials thereof respectively, and by adding thereto the Date of such cancelling, and so and in such Manner that the said Stamp can not be used upon or for any other Document or Writing; and if any Person shall make or sign any Contract Note by this Act chargeable with Stamp Duty without the same being duly stamped to denote the said Duty; or shall refuse or neglect to cancel and obliterate as aforesaid any adhesive Stamp affixed thereon, he shall forfeit the Sum of Twenty Pounds; and no Charge for Brokerage, Commission, Agency, or otherwise, made or to be made by any Broker, Agent, or other Person, in or about the Sale or Purchase mentioned or referred to in any Contract Note made or signed by him, shall be lawful unless such Contract Note shall be duly stamped, and the Stamp thereon, if adhesive, properly cancelled.

VIII. Where any Insurance in respect of which a Policy or Agreement is chargeable with Stamp On Renewal of Duty under this Act shall be renewed or continued on the Payment of further Premium or Con- Insurance the Receipt to be sideration, whether in pursuance of any Stipulation in the l'olicy or Agreement or otherwise, a chargeable with Receipt for such further Premium or Consideration shall be given by the Person who shall receive the Duty. the same, and such Receipt shall for the Purposes of this Act be and be deemed the Policy or Agreement for such renewed or continued Insurance and be chargeable with the Duty by this Act granted; and if any Person shall receive any Money for Premium or Consideration for any such Insurance, and shall not within a Month make out and, if required, deliver a duly stamped Policy or Agreement in respect thereof; or in the Case of a Renewal or Continuance of such Insurance, shall not thereupon give such Receipt as aforesaid duly stamped; or if any such Person shall deliver or cause to be delivered any Policy or Agreement, or give or cause to be given any Receipt not duly stamped, he shall forfeit the Sum of Twenty Pounds; and where the Insurance shall be made, renewed, or continued by or for any Society or Company, the Person who shall be a managing Director, or the Secretary or other principal Officer thereof, at the Time of the Payment of any such Premium or Consideration, and of any such Default or unlawful Act being done or suffered as aforesaid, shall be held and deemed to be a Person doing or suffering the Default or unlawful Act, and shall, as well as the Society or Company, and the Members thereof who may by Law be chargeable therewith, be subject and liable to the said Penalty in respect thereof.


IX. The


Adhesive or imIX. The Duties hereby granted on Instruments of Insurance may be denoted by any adhesive pressed Stamps, or both, may be Stamps that the Commissioners of Inland Revenue may provide for the Purpose, and in the meanused for Insur- while by any adhesive Stamps provided by them not appropriated by Name to any other Instrument, as well as by impressed Stamps, or by a Combination of both impressed and adhesive Stamps; and in any Case where an adhesive Stamp is issued it shall be cancelled by Writing upon the Stamp the Name of the Person or the Society or Company making the Insurance, or the Initials thereof, and the Date of writing the same, and also any Particulars relating to the Insurance for which the Stamp may be adapted; and in default thereof such Person or Society or Company, and also the managing Director, Secretary, or other principal Officer as aforesaid of any such Society or Company, shall forfeit the Sum of Ten Pounds.

The Stamp Duty surance on Lives

X. 'Whereas it is expedient to reduce the Stamp Duty now chargeable on Policies of Insurance on Policies of In-upon Lives for small Sums:' Be it enacted, In lieu of the Stamp Duty of Sixpence now payable for Sums not ex- upon or for or in respect of any Policy of Insurance or other Instrument by whatever Name the ceeding £25 re- same shall be called, whereby any Insurance shall be made upon any Life or Lives, or upon any


No Duty on Insurance of Work

men's Tools not exceeding £20.

The Stamp on an

be adhesive.

Event or Contingency relating to or depending upon a Life or Lives, where the Sum insured shall
not exceed Twenty-five Pounds, there shall be charged and payable the Stamp Duty of Threepence.
XI. No Insurance from Loss or Damage by Fire in any Sum not exceeding Twenty Pounds,
made, renewed, or continued at the instance or for the Benefit of any Working Mechanic, Artificer,
Handicraftsman, or Labourer on the Tools or Implements of work or Labour used by any such
Person in his Work or Employment, shall be chargeable with any Stamp Duty; provided that such
Insurance be effected by a separate Policy, or that a Distinct Sum be assured on such Tools or

XII. The Stamp Duty of Sixpence by the Act of the present Session of Parliament, Chapter Agreement may Fifteen, charged on an Agreement under Hand only may be denoted by an adhesive Stamp in any Case where the same is capable of being used under the Terms and Restrictions herein-after mentioned; and the Commissioners of Inland Revenue shall provide Stamps for the Purpose; and whenever any such adhesive Stamp shall be used, every Party to the Agreement who shall sign the same, shall also at the Time of so signing write upon or across the Stamp his Name and the Date of the Day and Year of writing the same, so that the Stamp may be appropriated to the Instrument, and effectually cancelled and rendered incapable of being used for any other; and in default thereof the Stamp shall be of no avail; and Proof of the said Writing upon or across the Stamp, as hereby required, shall be a necessary Part of the Evidence of the Agreement in any Case where such Agreement is not stamped with an impressed Stamp.


to be deem


Every Delivery XIII. Every Writing or Document entitling or intended to entitle any Person to the Delivery of order to bedeem, any Goods, Wares, or Merchandise lying in any Dock, Port, or Warehouse, or upon any Wharf, as Sale or Transfer in the said Act of the present Session is mentioned, shall be deemed to be made and given upon a unless otherwise Sale or Transfer of the Property in such Goods, Wares, or Merchandise, unless the contrary shall Penalty for false be expressly stated therein by the Person making or giving the same; and if any Person shall untruly state or by any Word or Words signify or cause or permit to be untruly stated or signified in any such Writing or Document that the same is not made or given upon a Sale or Transfer; or if any Person shall himself or by his Servant or other Person procure or require the Delivery of any of the Goods, Wares, or Merchandise therein mentioned, knowing that the same contains any such untrue Statement, every such Person shall forfeit, over and above any other Penalty to which he Order not to be may be liable, the Sum of Twenty Pounds; but any such Writing or Document shall not, by reason of the same not being stamped, be invalid in the Hands of the Person having the Custody of the Goods, Wares, and Merchandise, and delivering out the same, unless such Person shall be party or privy to the Fraud thereby committed.


The Stamp Duty on 8 Delivery

XIV. The Stamp Duty of One Penny payable on any such Writing or Document as in the last Order to be paid preceding Clause is mentioned shall, in the Absence of any special Agreement between the Parties by the Person re- relating to it, be paid by the Person requiring the Writing or Document; and it shall be lawful, in quiring the Order. any such Case, for the Person of whom the Writing or Document is required to refuse to give the same until the Amount of the Stamp Duty thereon be paid to him.

Weight-Notes not to be liable as Dock Warrants.

XV. 'Whereas a Practice prevails in relation to certain Descriptions of Goods, Wares, and 'Merchandise lying in Docks and Warehouses, and upon Wharfs, for the Company or Person in 'whose Custody the same may be to deliver to the Owner thereof, in addition to a Warrant evidencing the Title to the Property, a certain other Document termed a Weight-Note, such 'Document being intended to be delivered by or on behalf of the Owner to the Purchaser of the 'Goods mentioned in the Warrant upon any Sale thereof before the Completion of the Contract for 'Sale, but which other Document as well as the Warrant is chargeable with the Duty of Threepence ' under the Head Dock Warrant in the Schedule to the said Act of the present Session, and it is expedient that the same should be exempted from the said Duty:' Be it therefore enacted, In any Case where a Document designated a Warrant, chargeable with and duly stamped for denoting the Payment of the said Duty of Threepence, and also a Document termed a Weight-Note, or any other Document of the like Character or Description relating only to the same Goods, Wares, or Merchandise as are specified in the Warrant, shall be issued by the Company or Person in whose Custody the said Goods, Wares, or Merchandise shall be, to the Owner thereof or his Broker or Agent, the Weight-Note or other Document aforesaid shall be exempt from the said Duty of Threepence. XVI. The Stamp Duty of One Penny by the said Act of the present Session charged upon a Extracts from certified Copy or Extract of or from any Register of Births, Baptisms, Marriages, Deaths, or Burials be chargeable shall not be deemed to have been or to be payable upon any such Copy or Extract which is or shall with Stamp Duty.

Certain Copies or

Registers not to


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be furnished by any Clergyman, Registrar, or other official Person, pursuant to and for the Purposes of any Act of Parliament, or to any General or Superintending Registrar under any General Regulation, nor in any Case where the Person giving the Copy or Extract is not entitled to any Fee or Reward for the same.

Bankers not to be


XVII. No Draft, or Order, Writing, or Document for the Payment or for entitling any Person Certain Orders on to the Payment by or through any Banker or Person acting as a Banker of any Sum of Money, subject to more such Draft, Order, Writing, or Document being sent or delivered by the Person making or giving than a the same to the Banker or Person acting as a Banker by or through whom the Payment is to be Stamp. made, and not to the Person to whom such Payment is to be made or to any Person on his Behalf, shall be chargeable or be deemed to have been chargeable with any higher Stamp Duty than One Penny, notwithstanding the said Payment shall be or have been thereby directed to be made at any Time after the Date thereof, which Duty of One Penny may be denoted by an adhesive Stamp to be cancelled as in the Case of a Draft or Order on Demand.

or Orders drawn

XVIII. Where any Draft or Order for the Payment of Money by any Banker or Person acting Bankers may affix as a Banker, chargeable with the Stamp Duty of One Penny, shall come to the Hands of such Stamps to Drafts Person unstamped, it shall be lawful for him to affix thereto the necessary adhesive Stamp, and to on them. cancel the same in manner by Law required, and upon so doing to make the Payment thereby directed, and to charge the Duty in account against the Person who ought to have paid the same, or to deduct such Duty from the Sum so directed to be paid; and such Draft or Order shall, so far as relates to the Stamp Duty chargeable thereon, be good and valid; but this shall not relieve any Person from the Liability to the Penalty he may have incurred by issuing the said Draft or Order unstamped.

XIX. 'Whereas by the Eighteenth Section of the Act passed in the Fifty-fifth Year of the Reign Sect. 18. of 55 ' of King George the Third, Chapter One hundred and eighty-four, the issuing of Promissory Notes Geo. 3. c. 184. prohibiting the payable to Bearer on Demand with printed Dates therein is prohibited, and such Prohibition is an issuing of Bankunnecessary Restriction:' Be it enacted, That the said Section of the said last-mentioned Act shall ers' Notes with be and is hereby repealed: Provided always, that, notwithstanding anything in any Act of Parlia-printed Dates, repealed. ment contained to the contrary, it shall be lawful for any Person to draw upon his Banker, who Drafts on Bankers shall bonâ fide hold Money to or for his Use, any Draft or Order for the Payment, to the Bearer or for less than 208. to Order on Demand, of any Sum of Money less than Twenty Shillings.

to be lawful.

granted in Eng

XX. 'Whereas by an Act passed in the Fiftieth Year of the Reign of King George the Third, Licences to HawChapter Forty-one, every Hawker, Pedlar, and Petty Chapman, and other trading Person going kers and Pedlars from Town to Town or to other Men's Houses, in England, Wales, or Berwick-upon-Tweed, is land or Scotland ' required to take out a Licence as therein mentioned, and by an Act passed in the Fifty-fifth Year to be good for any ' of the Reign of the said King, Chapter Seventy-one, such trading Persons in Scotland are also Britain. ' required to take out a Licence:' Be it enacted, That a Licence taken out under either of the said Acts shall be sufficient to authorize the trading, according to the Tenor of it, in any Part of Great Britain, and shall be read as a Licence granted under both of the said Acts.

Part of Great

Inland Revenue

may remit Penal

XXI. If any Person be convicted of an Offence under either of the said Two last-mentioned Acts, Commissioners of it shall be lawful for the Commissioners of Inland Revenue, and they are hereby authorized, in case they shall see fit so to do, to remit the whole or any Part of the Penalty imposed by Law for such ties under the said Offence, notwithstanding the same or some Portion thereof may be payable to some Party other than the Crown.



XXII. It shall be lawful for any Person in the Service or Employment of the Post Office, Persons in the without any Licence or any Authority other than this Act, to carry about for Sale and to sell at Service of the any Place or Places within the United Kingdom, Postage Stamps and printed Forms of any Kind Post Office may issued from or used at the General Post Office, and any other Matters and Things relating to the Stamps, &c. withPostage Business of the Post Office which are or may be authorized or permitted to be sold at any Post out Licence. Office; and such Person shall not be subject or liable to any Penalty or Forfeiture for so doing, anything in any Act or Acts to the contrary notwithstanding.

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XXIII. 'Whereas by the Act passed in the Twentieth and Twenty-first Years of Her Majesty's 20 & 21 Vict. c. 77. 'Reign, Chapter Seventy-seven, for amending the Law relating to Probates and Letters of Probates and Ad'Administration in England, it is enacted that none of the Fees payable to the Officers of the Court England. ' of Probate, or of any County Court, in respect of Business under the Act, except the Fees of 'District Registrars, (which were to be taken as their Remuneration, and for their own Use,) 'should be received in Money, but that every such Fee should be collected and received by a Stamp 'denoting the Amount of the Fee which otherwise would be payable, and Provisions were therein 'made for the proper Collection of such Fees; and it was also enacted, that it should be lawful for 'the Commissioners of Her Majesty's Treasury at any Time to order that the District Registrars or any of them should be paid by Salaries instead of Fees, and that thereupon all Fees payable to 'them should be accounted for and paid into the Exchequer as the said last-mentioned Commissioners should direct; and by an Act passed in the same Year, Chapter Seventy-nine, for amending the 20 & 21 Vict. c. 'Law relating to Probates and Letters of Administration in Ireland, similar Enactments are con- 79. Ireland. 'tained; and it may be conidered expedient in Cases where the said last-mentioned Commissioners 'shall have directed or shall at any Time direct the District Registrars in England or Ireland to be paid by Salaries instead of Fees, that such Fees should also be collected and received by means of Stamps: Be it therefore enacted as follows, In any Case where the Commissioners of Her Majesty's District If Treasury direct Regis Treasury have ordered or shall at any Time hereafter order that any District Registrar, under either trars to be paid of the said Acts, shall be paid by Salary, it shall be lawful for them at any Time to order also that by Salary, they may also direct the Fees or any of the Fees authorized to be taken by such District Registrar shall be collected and the Fees to be received by means of Stamps; and thereupon, from and after the Time to be fixed for that Purpose collected, a by means of Stamp& by

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by any such last-mentioned Order, every such Fee shall be collected and received by a Stamp denoting the Amount of the Fee which otherwise would be payable, in the same Manner and under and subject to the same Provisions, Clauses, Regulations, and Directions in that Behalf as are contained in the said Acts respectively, in relation to the Fees thereby directed to be collected and received by means of Stamps; and to the Documents which ought to be stamped to denote such Fees, as if such Fees had not been excepted as aforesaid, but had been expressly directed by the said respective Acts to be collected and received by means of Stamps, as other Fees are thereby respectively directed to be collected and received.

SCHEDULE referred to, containing the Duties by this Act imposed.

AWARD in England or Ireland, and Award or Decreet Arbitral in Scotland:

Where the Amount or Value of the Matter in dispute shall not exceed £50.
And where it shall exceed £50. and not exceed £100.
And where it shall exceed £100. and not exceed £200.
And where it shall exceed £200. and not exceed £500.
And where it shall exceed £500. and not exceed £750.
And where it shall exceed £750. and not exceed £1000.-
And where it shall exceed £1000., and also in all other Cases not above
provided for
CONTRACT NOTE. Any Note, Memorandum, or Writing, commonly called a
Contract Note, or by whatever Name the same may be designated, for
or relating to the Sale or Purchase of any Government or other Public
Stocks, Funds, or Securities, or any Stocks, Funds, or Securities, or
Share or Shares of or in any Joint Stock or other public Company, to
the Amount or Value of £5. or upwards

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LEASE. Any Assignment or Surrender of a Lease or Tack for a Term of Years exceeding Thirty-five, upon any other Occasion than a Sale orMortgage

POLICY OF ASSURANCE or Insurance, by whatever Name the same shall be
called, whereby any Sum of Money shall be assured, or agreed to be
paid only upon the Death of any Person, from or by reason of any
Cause incident to or consequent upon travelling, whether by Land or
Water, or any Accident or external Violence, or any Cause whatever
other than a natural Cause; or whereby any Compensation shall be
assured or agreed to be made or paid for personal Injury received from
any Cause whatever; or whereby both a Sum of Money upon Death
and a Compensation for personal Injury as aforesaid shall be assured and
agreed to be paid, or whereby any Assurance or Insurance shall be made
upon Glass from Loss or Damage of any kind except by Fire,

Where the Premium or Consideration for such Assurance, Insurance,
or Agreement shall not exceed Two Shillings and Sixpence
And where the same shall exceed Two Shillings and Sixpence and
shall not exceed Five Shillings

£ s. D.

026 050

0 10 0 0 15 0 1 0 0 150

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1 15 0

£ s. D.

0 0 1

A Duty equal to the ad valorem Dutywith which

a similar Lease or Tack would be chargeable, but no higher Duty than £1. 158. shall be charged.


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And where the same shall exceed Five Shillings, then for every Five
Shillings and also for every fractional Part of Five Shillings

PROMISSORY NOTE made in the United Kingdom for the Payment of any Sum
of Money exceeding £4000.,

For every £1000. or Part of £1000. of the Money thereby made

Foreign PROMISSORY NOTE made or purporting to be made out of the United Kingdom for the Payment within the United Kingdom of any Sum. of Money

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0 10 0

(The same Duty as on an Inland Bill of Exchange for the Payment otherwise than on Demand of Money of the same Amount.

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