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the Houfe of Commons previously entered upon other bufinefs, fuch as the "further confideration of a bill to enable Meffrs. Adams to difpofe of their effects by lottery:"

To defeat the purpose intended by this bill, a petition was prefented to the Houfe by Mr. Mackworth, figned by a number of builders in and about Mary le Bone, praying leave to difpofe of their effects alfo by lottery. The petition, after being read was ordered to lie upon the table, and a debate enfued about the commitment of the bill framed in behalf of Meffrs. Adams. This occafioned a division, when the numbers stood as follow: For a comitment 34; against it 14. Whereupon the bill was committed for next Wednefday.

This affair being thus happily for Meffrs. Adams adjusted in their favour, about half past four the House entered upon the further confideration of "the bill for regulating the affairs of the Eaft India Company."

Lord North opened the business in a well calculated fpeech: he concluded by declaring, that he had revolved in his mind every expedient he thought practicable to serve, and to restore the company to its once flourishing condition; and that he, from the dictates of his confcience, propofed the bill then before the houfe, as the most likely method of obtaining every end the company could expect from stability of council, and rectitude of measures. He ftated the objections which had been made to the bill, both within and without doors, and attempted a refutation of each.

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Mr Dempfter propofed a claufe, that in cale of a voidance by death or o therwife, the Company fhould have the power in the mean time, of filling fuch vacancies as may happen, referving only a negative on fuch appointment, to the crown, which was agreed to.

By the bill as it originally ftood,the Governor General, Council, and Judges, were exempted from any perfecution or punishment in India, for offences committed there. Governor Joha fton moved therefore, for an amendment of that claufe, which Lord North very readily affented to, and propofed himself to infert after the words "no crime," "except treason and felony."

The Chairman now proceeded to the next enacting clause, that for efta blishing courts of judicature and judges feveral of the gentlemen in oppofition moved to adjourn, on account of the thinness of the Houfe, and the impor tance of the fubject; but that motion being over-ruled by a great majority Mr Vane arofe, and faid, that the par of the bill now going to be read a connected with the manner with which one of the vacancies he understood wa to be filled up, made the blood run coll in his veins; nor could he be eafy, til he knew if the afperfer of a Ruffe and a Sidney, a man who had take up the ashes of the two moft illuftriou characters this or any other nation ha to boast of, in order to vilify them, t


whom fo many fucceeding generations were taught to look up as the great patterns of public virtue, was now to be rewarded, as a return to the meritorious fervices he had thus rendered his country. Lord North jocularly replied, that he could not inform the honourable gentleman, nor did he know that any perfon whatever was yet thought of; and, if he had, he should be much better pleased to have afforded him an opportunity of giving a full fcope to his talents, and of explaining his fentiments on a fubject which feemed fo very forcibly to affect him.

The claufe for vefting the appointment of the judges immediately in the crown being now read, it produced a warm debate. Mr T. Townshend was for vefting it in parliament. Mr W. Burke contended, that every measure which tended in any degree to shift the refponfibility from adminiftration, fhould of all things be most carefully avoided. Mr Dowdefwell was for leaving the Company the power of nominating, and the chief judges in Weftminster-hall that of approving. He was followed by Mr Dempfter, Mr Pulteney, and fome others. The Miniftry were totally filent, but the propofed amendment was nevertheless rejected, on a divifion of 118 to 18.

Before the fpeaker left the chair, a petition was prefented, brought up, and referred to the committee, against a claufe in the bill affecting certain perfons, who had figned the petition, who had money in the Eaft Indies, in which claufe is contained a restriction to prevent perfons from fending home their money by any foreign conveyance, except through the channel of the Eaft India company.

Several other amendments were propofed, in the future progrefs through this claufe, and the three following, befides fome others of lefs note, were agreed to: that the Judges to be fo appointed fhould be barriiters of at least five years ftanding; that the appointments of the feveral inferior officers

in the courts of judicature, fhould be in the Governor-general and Council; and that the jurifdiction of the courts to be thus eftablished fhould extend over all perfons, as well Portuguese, Dutch, Armenians, &c. as British fubjects, refiding in Bengal, Bahar, and Orixa, inftead of "British fubjects in India."

Bank, ftock 141 1-4th.-India, ditto 142 1 half.-Old annuities, 84 1half.-3 per cent. reduced, 86 1-4th Ditto confol. 87 1-4th.-4 per cent. con. 90 1-4th.


Extract of a letter from Lanark, dated
May 30.

"About three weeks ago as fome fervants of Mr Gray of Hawkfland in the parifh of Lefmahagow, were removing a cairn of ftones, to build fome dykes, they discovered a ftratum of fine fand, about fix feet long and four broad, in which were deposited fix Roman Urns. Through the avidity of the workmen, who imagined they contained money, they were all broke except one, which is now in the poffeikon of the Sheriff depute of Lanark: they were full of afhes, are made of a brownish clay, carv'd round the top in imitation of Lanre!; in one of them was found mixed with the ashes, a fmall piece of the upper part of the thigh bone, and a horie s tooth."

Very few black cattle were fold at Kilmichael fair laft week, but at Dumbarton Tryft on Tuesday, many droves were fold and at pretty good prices.

On Thursday the Commiffion of the General Affembly took into confidera. tion reference from the fynod of Perth and Stirling, who refused giving judgment on an appeal brought before them by Mr. James Wright, minifter at Logie, against a sentence of the prefbytery of Dumblane, ferving Mr. Wright with a libel, as being guilty of

the Houfe of Commons previously entered upon other bufinefs, fuch as the "further confideration of a bill to en able Meffrs. Adams to difpofe of their effects by lottery:"

To defeat the purpose intended by this bill, a petition was prefented to the Houfe by Mr. Mackworth, figned by a number of builders in and about Mary le Bone, praying leave to difpofe of their effects alfo by lottery. The petition, after being read was ordered to lie upon the table, and a debate enfued about the commitment of the bill framed in behalf of Meffrs. Adams. This occafioned a division, when the numbers ftood as follow: For a comitment 34; against it 14. Whereupon the bill was committed for next Wednefday.

This affair being thus happily for Meffrs. Adams adjusted in their favour, about half past four the House entered upon the further confideration of "the bill for regulating the affairs of the Eaft India Company."

Lord North opened the bufinefs in a well calculated fpeech: he concluded by declaring, that he had revolved in his mind every expedient he thought practicable to ferve, and to restore the company to its once flourishing condition; and that he, from the dictates of his confcience, propofed the bill then before the house, as the most likely method of obtaining every end the company could expect from stability of council, and rectitude of measures. He ftated the objections which had been made to the bill, both within and without doors, and attempted a refutation of each.

As it seemed the design of his Lord fhip and the inclination of the House to confider the bill, claufe by claufe, the whole debate of the day turned upon that which related to the establishment of the governor and council, and after a feven hours altercation, in which a variety of amendments were alternately propofed and rejected, the que ftion feemed reduced fimply to this,

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Mr Dempfter propofed a claufe, that in cale of a voidance by death or o therwife, the Company thould have the power in the mean time, of filling fuch vacancies as may happen, referving on. ly a negative on fuch appointment, to the crown, which was agreed to.

By the bill as it originally ftood,the Governor General, Council, and Judges, were exempted from any perfecution or punishment in India, for offen ces committed there. Governor John fton moved therefore, for an amendment of that claufe, which Lord North very readily affented to, and propofed himself to infert after the words "no crime," " except treason and felony."

The Chairman now proceeded to the next enacting claufe, that for eftablifhing courts of judicature and judges feveral of the gentlemen in oppofition moved to adjourn, on account of the thinness of the Houfe, and the impor tance of the fubject; but that motion being over-ruled by a great majority, Mr Vane arofe, and faid, that the part of the bill now going to be read as connected with the manner with which one of the vacancies he understood was to be filled up, made the blood run cold in his veins; nor could he be eafy, till. he knew if the afperfer of a Ruffel and a Sidney, a man who had taked up the afhes of the two moft illuftrious characters this or any other nation had to boast of, in order to vilify them, to



whom fo many fucceeding generations were taught to look up as the great patterns of public virtue, was now to be rewarded, as a return to the meritorious fervices he had thus rendered his country. Lord North jocularly replied, that he could not inform the honourable gentleman, nor did he know that any perfon whatever was yet thought of; and, if he had, he should be much better pleased to have afforded him an opportunity of giving a full fcope to his talents, and of explaining his fentiments on a fubject which feemed fo very forcibly to affect him.

The claufe for vefting the appointment of the judges immediately in the crown being now read, it produced a warm debate. Mr T. Townshend was for vefting it in parliament. Mr W. Burke contended, that every measure which tended in any degree to shift the refponfibility from adminiftration, fhould of all things be most carefully avoided. Mr Dowdeswell was for leaving the Company the power of nominating, and the chief judges in Weftminster-hall that of approving. He was followed by Mr Dempfter, Mr Pulteney, and fome others. The Ministry were totally filent, but the propofed amendment was nevertheless rejected, on a divifion of 118 to 18.

Before the fpeaker left the chair, a petition was prefented, brought up, and referred to the committee, against a claufe in the bill affecting certain perfons, who had figned the petition, who had money in the Eaft Indies, in which claufe is contained a restriction to prevent perfons from fending home their money by any foreign conveyance, except through the channel of the Eaft India company.

Several other amendments were propofed, in the future progrefs through this claufe, and the three following, befides fome others of lefs note, were agreed to: that the Judges to be fo appointed fhould be barristers of at leaft five years standing; that the appointments of the feveral inferior officers

in the courts of judicature, fhould be, in the Governor-general and Council; and that the jurifdiction of the courts to be thus established should extend over all perfons, as well Portuguese, Dutch, Armenians, &c. as British fub jects, refiding in Bengal, Bahar, and Orixa, inftead of " British fubjects in India."

Bank, ftock 141 1-4th.-India, ditto 142 1 half.-Old' annuities, 84 1half.-3 per cent. reduced, 86 1-4th Ditto confol. 87 1-4th.-4 per cent. con. 90 11-4th.


Extract of a letter from Lanark, dated
May 30.

"About three weeks ago as fome fervants of Mr Gray of Hawkfland in the parish of Lefmahagow, were removing a cairn of ftones, to build fome dykes, they discovered a ftratum of fine fand, about fix feet long and four broad, in which were depofited fix Roman Urns. Through the avidity of the workmen, who imagined they contained money, they were all broke except one, which is now in the poffeffon of the Sheriff depute of Lanark: they were full of afhes, are made of a brownish clay, carv'd round the top in imitation of Lanrel; in one of them was found mixed with the ashes, a 'fmall piece of the upper part of the thigh bone, and a horie s tooth."

Very few black cattle were fold at Kilmichael fair laft week, but at Dumbarton Tryft on Tuesday, many droves were fold and at pretty good prices.

On Thursday the Commiffion of the General Affembly took into confideration a reference from the fynod of Perth and Stirling, who refufed giving judgment on an appeal brought before them by Mr. James Wright, minifter at Logic, against a sentence of the prefbytery of Dumblane, ferving Mr. Wright with a libel, as being guilty of

fimony, in offering 50l. to the Countefs of Elgin, provided the would grant a prefentation to Mr. Gladstones his brother-in law to the church of Dairfy, and finding the fame relevant to infer a fentence of depofition against Mr. Wright. The Commiffion unanimoufly difmiffed the libel as informal, and appointed the prefbytery to give Mr Wright a libel de novo: The Commiffion then heard counsel in an appeal at the inftance of the elders of the parith of Fettercairn, and a great number of heads of families in that parish, against the fentences of the prefbytery of Fordun and fynod of Angus and Mearns, fuftaining a prefentation and call in favour of Mr Foote minifter of Efkdale-muir, to be minifter of Fettercairn.

The Commiffion affirmed the above fentences, and ordered Mr. Foote to be fettled with all convenient fpeed; against which fentence the counfel for the appellants protefted for leave to complain to the next General Affembly. The commiffion then adjourned till the 2d Wednesday of Auguft next. John Brown, and James Wilfon, prifoners in the tolbooth here, are ferved with indictments to ftand trial before the High Court of Jufticiary upon the 28th curt. for being guilty of the murder of Adam Thomfon at Blacklaw, in the parish of Carnwath, in June 1771.

Premium on bills upon London at fight 1-8th per cent.; at fixty days

date, par.

Extract of a letter from Zetland,

"On the 9th April, the wind blowing hard at fouth, a Dutch Iceland fifher miftaking the head of Noress,

for the unfortunate people, who were fent home to Holland in a fhip belonging to him."

The Providence, Bunett, which arrived at Aberdeen on Thursday fe'ennight, from Dantzick, not having à bill of health is ordered to perform quarantine.


On the 3d inft. the Grammar School of this place was examined in prefence of the magiftrates, feveral of the minifters of the prefbytery, and other learned gentlemen, who, from the various fpecimens given by the boys in their feveral claffes, declared themfelves well fatisfied with the diligence and good method of teaching obferved in this fchool, and that both Mr. Watson, who has had the Rectoral care of the fchool for fome time, and alfo Mr. Baird the other master, are highly deferving of encouragement.

On Saturday laft, a young man in the Carfe of Gowry, fervant to Alexander Elder, in Pitcogue, endeavouring to put a ftoned horfe in the yoke, received a fevere kick from him, of which he died on Monday morning.

Tuefday laft, the 22d regiment was reviewed in the North Inch, by Gene. ral Oughton: they made a very fine appearance before a numerous affembly of ladies and gentlemen. An unlucky accident happened, while a foldier was raming down his fhot, it took fire, carried the ram-rod into the air, which fell down on a girl's head about fix years old, and killed her on the fpot. The foldier loft his thumb by

the shot.

Oat meal,
Bear and Peafe,

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12 d. 8


d. per peck.

3d. to 4d.

for Braffay-head, ran into the Bay of Price of Provifions at Perth, June 11. Sandwich in Dunrofnefs, having ftruck on a fhelving fand, the mafter, with five of the crew, attempted to get on fhore in the long boat, which overfet, and they were all drowned. The reft of the crew who ftaid on board the hip got fafe on fhore. By the attention and diligence of the proprietor of the land, every thing poffible was faved



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per lb.

There was unloaded at the fhore, laft week, 800 bolls of good Oat meal.

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