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AN Author can covet no richer compensation for his labors than the endorsement of his Peers. It would, therefore, be affectation in me to attempt to conceal the pleasure I experience in being thus early called upon for a Preface to the Second Edition of the "Principles and Practice of Obstetrics." But a little over four months has elapsed since the book was first issued from the Press. In view of the unhappy and disturbed condition of the country, and the consequent derangement of commercial as well as of scientific pursuits, I have, indeed, good cause for self-congratulation; and I avail myself of this occasion o return my cordial thanks to the Profession for the countenance, which they have so promptly extended to my efforts. The eulogistic notices of the Medical Press-both home and foreign--have imposed upon me an obligation not soon to be forgotten-an obligation I can cancel in no other way than by the pledge, that it shall be my earnest care to endeavor to render myself still more worthy of its good opinion.

The present edition has undergone a thorough revision; numerous verbal and typographical errors, more or less incident to a first issue, have been corrected. I again submit the work to the Profession, not without hope that it may continue to have awarded to it the seal of their approbation.

March, 1862.



AGAIN has the grateful duty devolved on me of returning thanks to the Profession for the continued-and I hope I may say without egotism-unexampled patronage extended to the "Principles and Practice of Obstetrics." It is now but thirteen months since the book was first presented to the world, and my Publishers admonish me that a Third Edition is called for. To say that its reception is beyond my most sanguine hopes, and that I am deeply impressed with a sense of the obligation imposed by this prompt recognition of my labors, would be but the reiteration of a self-evident truth; and I may add, that both the pleasure and obligation are greatly enhanced by the fact that, in the short period which has clapsed since the work was issued from the Press, it has already been recommended as a Text-Book in nine of our medical colleges. What greater honor can an Author claim at the hands of his Peers-what higher incentive to future effort! These influences, if my life be spared, shall not be lost upon me. Again, also, I have most cordially to thank the Medical Press, here and abroad, for their continued commendatory and flattering notices.

This Edition has been carefully revised and enlarged; besides additions to the Text throughout the volume, it will be seen that a lecture on Phlegmasia Dolens has been incorporated.

NEW YORK, 86 Fifth Avenue, Dec. 1862.


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