AT THE CLOSE OF THE TWENTY-SIXTH SESSION OF THE LEGISLATURE, 1885, WITH NOTES CONTAINING REFERENCES TO ALL THE DECISIONS OF THE THE CODES, AND TO ADJUDICATIONS OF THE COURTS OF PREFACE It is the plan of this edition of the Codes and Statutes of California to present in a comprehensive form all the statute law of this state now in force, with explanations and illustrations as found in judicial decisions. To this end, enactments upon subjects treated of in the Codes have been introduced in their appropriate places under the respective sections; and legislation upon other matters, or not so susceptible of distribution through the Codes, has been collected in the fourth volume of this work, under the general heading of Statutes in Force. Under this title will be also found, chronologically arranged, references to acts of a local and special nature, classified under the titles of the various counties to which they relate. The only departure from this general arrangement of the statutory matter is in placing the County Government Bill, and Municipal Corporation Acts of 1883 and 1885, and the Insolvency Law of 1880, in appendices, the latter to the Code of Civil Procedure, the first two to the Political Code. The length of these statutes rendered this advisable. The annotations are intended to include references to all the pertinent decisions of this state down to and including 64 California Reports and 4 West Coast Reporter, and to adjudications of the courts of other states having code provisions the same as our own. The comments of the Code Commissioners in their edition of the Codes, and the reasons advanced by the Code Examiners for amendments adopted at their suggestion, have been also retained. Citations have been made to standard and late text-books, and to articles of value found in legal periodicals. An index has been prepared for each volume and a general index for the entire work. iii SUMMARY OF CONTENTS ... 2-20 .. 40-44 50-52 54-60 125-142 |